Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C97 Imparting

C97 Imparting

0Qinghai City Dragon Spring District, a luxurious bedroom.    


Lee Ying did not transfer her father to the hospital's intensive care unit, but instead directly stayed in their villa in Qinghai City.    


In the room, other than Lee Ying herself, there were about a dozen people, men and women, all standing. Their clothes were exquisite, and some of them exuded an aura that could only be cultivated after generations of wealth and honor.    


It was obvious that Lee Ying's family was not an ordinary family. One could tell by the way they dressed.    


However, they all had gloomy expressions as they looked at Zhang Yang. He did not try to conceal the doubt and distrust in his eyes.    


There was no helping it, Zhang Yang was too young and the immaturity on his face hadn't completely faded. No one would believe it, as it had nothing to do with the Godly Doctor in their impression of him.    


Zhang Yang ignored this. This kind of gaze did not harm him at all, and he had already gotten used to it. Even if people didn't believe it, after the fame spread and didn't see the actual result, similar looks would still appear.    


Thankfully, although they were skeptical and disbelieving, their tone was still polite. They did not have any sort of bullshit plan, so after saying a few polite words, they made way for him.    


Zhang Yang's gaze fell on an old man on the bed.    


The old man was about fifty years old, his eyes were closed, and his face was ashen. He wore a breathing apparatus, and his heart was beating very slowly. It was obvious that his life was in danger.    


As he walked closer, Zhang Yang prepared to give the number of his pulse.    


Beep! Beep! Beep!    


However, at this moment, his phone suddenly rang.    


Zhang Yang frowned slightly and took out his phone. When he saw the number on it, he immediately picked it up with a smile.    


"Sir, it's Hu Qing. Just now, I went to your clinic. They told me that you went out for a diagnosis. Cough, cough, that..." Can I... "Learn to observe …"    


The room was very quiet. The effect of Zhang Yang's apple 5 was not bad. Almost everyone present could hear it.    


"Come here."    


Zhang Yang did not hesitate and immediately told them the address. Originally, his initial thought was to bring Hu Qing along, but seeing Lee Ying's anxious expression, he gave up on that idea and did not want Hu Qing to take the initiative to contact him.    


A long time ago, Zhang Yang had an idea: he wanted to cultivate Hu Qing. After all, once the medical treatment was done, he couldn't do it himself.    


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang said to Lee Ying, "Wait a moment, I have one …" Disciple is here, please take it. "    


"Alright, no problem."    


Lee Ying spoke quickly, and everyone in the room had a strange look on their faces, but no one objected.    


After saying that, Zhang Yang started to check his pulse. He checked the lines on his face, checked his eyes, face, and the color of his tongue … After a series of actions, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.    


Of course, this was all an act. In fact, he had already seen the situation in the old man's brain through the Spiritual Consciousness just now when he cut open his meridians.    


"Doctor Zhang, how is my dad?"    


Lee Ying asked nervously. Everyone in the room went silent in fear of Zhang Yang shaking his head like the other doctors.    


"It is indeed very difficult for the blood in the brain to coagulate and oppress the nerves. If this goes on, it is very possible that I will become a vegetable."    


When she said this, the surrounding people were disappointed, while Lee Ying's eyes turned red. Just as she was about to speak, Zhang Yang's voice sounded.    


"However, it can still be cured."    


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.    


The first one to react wasn't Lee Ying, but a woman in her forties. She was normally well-maintained and looked charming, but her face was aged. It was obvious that she had worked hard recently.    


"Doctor Zhang, is what you said true? can wake Old Li up? "    


As she spoke, she couldn't help but shed tears, "It's my fault, it's my fault. If I had come home a day earlier, I wouldn't have delayed the treatment and something like that wouldn't have happened."    


"Mom, now is not the time to talk about this. Listen to what Doctor Zhang has to say." Lee Ying was also very excited, but she quickly stopped her mother's self-reproach.    


I can treat the patient and will need about ten acupuncture sessions. There are some words that need to be made clear in advance, my consultation fee, is not a total of one million, but a visit, one million, the medical fees and other expenses. You guys can pay for it yourselves, but if you don't need it, it's not too late to regret it now.    


"Please do your best, Doctor Zhang. As long as it can cure Old Li, we will pay even more, let alone 10 million." The woman spoke without any hesitation.    


The expressions of the other people in the room slightly changed. One of them, a young man in his twenties, mumbled unhappily, "Every time, it costs 1 million, which is faster than robbing a bank. It's so dark."    


His voice wasn't loud, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.    


"Li Zhi, shut up!" Lee Ying immediately glared at him. "Don't tell me you don't want your uncle to wake up?"    


When these words came out, almost everyone's expressions changed. The young man who had been muttering earlier immediately shook his head in panic. "I, I didn't mean it that way. I …"    


"Why are you still here!" A middle-aged man next to him glared at him fiercely. He immediately turned around and looked at Zhang Yang amiably, "Doctor Zhang, my son doesn't know anything. Please excuse me."    


Zhang Yang shook his head and ignored him.    


Immediately, he stretched out his hand and gently held the old man's pulse before closing his eyes.    


With the introduction of the Spiritual Consciousness, the situation in the old man's brain seemed to have fully surfaced in his mind.    


Zhang Yang's target was directly aimed at the right side of his brain. To him, cells, muscles, fibrous tissue, neurons, etc., could all become the 'field of vision' of Spiritual Consciousness.    


On the right side of the old man's brain, there were three clots of blood that seemed to be congealing and pressing down on his nerves. This was the main reason why he was in such a deep coma.    


These blood clots were not tumors, and there were no cancer cells present. However, if it was compressed for a long period of time, it would definitely form a tumor. When that happened, it would cause brain death, and even he would find it difficult to treat it.    


For western medicine, this kind of blood clot could be removed by opening the skull, but it was definitely a big risk. It was almost impossible to complete the operation because the blood clot had completely fused with the neurons, and there was a possibility of brain death at any time.    


But Zhang Yang didn't need it, he only needed to soften and purify the three blood clots through the Star Power s.    


While he was thinking about the treatment method, the room door was gently pushed open. Lee Ying led Hu Qing in with a weird expression on her face.    


Seeing him, the others were also stunned. Almost subconsciously, they looked at Zhang Yang, who had his eyes closed. Just like Lee Ying, they were all baffled.    



This person was his disciple?    


Why did it feel like it was against the rules.    


During this period of time, he had been studying Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and became more and more addicted to them. Especially the texture acupuncture technique that Zhang Yang explained to him, the more he studied it, the more he felt it was unfathomably profound.    


"He's coming."    


The moment he entered, Zhang Yang opened his eyes. In fact, he was originally waiting for Hu Qing.    


Hu Qing nodded. His expression was very respectful, and it was from the bottom of his heart, "Sir, he is... Intracerebral hemorrhage? "    




Zhang Yang answered, stood up and said to Lee Ying, "Take out all the cases and brains of the previous patients."    


"Alright." Lee Ying immediately answered from the side.    


He quickly took out a stack of photos and cases. Zhang Yang passed them to Hu Qing and said, "Take a look and make sure you know what you're doing."    




Hu Qing nodded his head heavily. How could he not understand Zhang Yang's intention? In addition to being moved, he also respected Zhang Yang.    


Only after more than 10 minutes did Hu Qing put down the brain photo in his hand. During this period, Zhang Yang had been quietly looking at it while the others were worried but did not urge him to do so.    


Next, the two of them started to discuss. Actually, it was Hu Qing who passed the case analysis while Zhang Yang was listening. Occasionally, he would interject a sentence or two during which Hu Qing quickly understood the root of the illness.    


As a brain specialist of western medicine, Hu Qing's medical skills were definitely not just for show. Under Zhang Yang's intentional guidance, he understood that Zhang Yang was trying to change directions to explain to him a medical skill that he had never seen before.    


"Alright, I'll start the injection now and take a closer look."    


With that, he faced the crowd and said, "Take off the patient's clothes, and turn her back up."    


The two young men volunteered themselves and took off the old man's clothes, leaving only his underwear behind. Then, they asked Zhang Yang with their eyes.    


"It's done."    


Zhang Yang took out the needle box and started the injection from the old man's head, extending all the way to the tail of the beam.    


During this period, Zhang Yang would explain to Hu Qing the route and function of the acupoints formed by the patterns on the needle.    


Hu Qing held a book and read it carefully and listened carefully. Moreover, he would record every word Zhang Yang said in detail, just like a studious primary school student.    


The others in the room had been watching quietly the entire time, especially when they saw the way the two of them acted, treating the old man as if he were a clinical experiment. They felt both weird and aggrieved at the same time.    


"Are you sure you can do it or not? You're using my uncle as a guinea pig." It was that guy called Li Zhi again.    


"Get out!" Zhang Yang suddenly raised his head and stared. What he hated the most was people blabbering about his treatment.    


"You …" The other party wanted to retort, but when he saw Zhang Yang's sharp eyes, he was unable to say anything.    


"Li Zhi, are you a pig brain?" The middle-aged man that seemed to be Li Zhi's elder earlier slapped his head. "Scram!"    




Li Zhi had a wronged expression on his face. He glared angrily at Zhang Yang out of embarrassment. He pushed the door open and walked into the living room unwillingly.    


It was just a small interlude. After that, Zhang Yang was still the same as before. He gave out the acupuncture needles very slowly and explained in detail. It was only after the three rows of silver needles were completed did he let out a long sigh of relief.    


He put his hand on the patient's pulse and nodded slowly.    


He did not infuse the Star Power for purification, but acupuncture had its own effects. If he wanted the patient to wake up immediately, he would need a long term acupuncture, and he was completely imparting it to Hu Qing.    


Under Zhang Yang's instructions, Hu Qing also came forward and began to check the pulse number. He even took out his stethoscope and began to listen. After a long while, a look of surprise and joy appeared on his face.    


"Sir, it's amazing! It's amazing! The pulse of the patient is stronger and more stable than before! This acupuncture technique is simply a miracle!"    


Hu Qing did not hide his shock at all.    


He had a feeling that he would once again witness a miracle!    


"Doctor Zhang, how is Old Li's situation?" Lee Ying's mother finally could not hold it in anymore and asked.    


"A little better."    


Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed. Although they were a little excited, there were even more people who expressed doubt.    


After all, they weren't doctors, and they didn't understand acupuncture. Zhang Yang said that they couldn't see the improvement, but they couldn't see the changes. It was hard to believe.    


Zhang Yang naturally understood the reasoning behind this. When he used the needle just now, it was completely to teach Hu Qing. And now, it was the beginning of his true treatment.    


Moreover, it had to be done immediately.    


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