Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C143 Bet

C143 Bet

0"Zhang Yang, tomorrow is the college entrance exam. Why aren't you nervous at all?"    


On the way back from school, Zhou Qian asked casually. Su Su and Ye Junyan, who were standing beside her, also looked over in confusion.    


"What's there to be nervous about?" Zhang Yang's expression was rather casual as he said, "A famous university is like a treasure trove to me."    


"Yes!" Zhou Qian continued, "Last time, you were the first in your grade, but that was only our school's mock exam. Zhang Yang, I think you're being too arrogant."    


Zhang Yang smiled and did not explain. To him, this kind of standard exam was not stressful at all, and there was absolutely no problem with the three science courses. Maybe the liberal arts courses were a little lacking, but didn't I have Spiritual Consciousness s?    


"What is it? You seem very confident! "    


Su Su interjected from the side and said, "If you have the ability, then take the first in the entire province. That is the Champion of College Entrance Examination, an absolute honor."    


Hearing this, both Zhou Qian and Ye Junyan's faces were filled with excitement as emotions flashed across their faces.    


"Champion of College Entrance Examination, just thinking about it makes me excited. There are so many universities and countless top students in the whole province … If only it were me. " Zhou Qian had an expression of fantasy on her face.    


Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows. He felt that the three girls seemed to be implying something when they spoke, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he rolled his eyes and said with an arrogant expression.    


"What's wrong with saving Champion of College Entrance Examination? This time, I'm going to make a national Champion of College Entrance Examination to play."    




The three great beauties were all stunned. In the end, Zhou Qian stretched out her white fingers and touched Zhang Yang's forehead, "I say, you're not having a fever, are you from the Champion of College Entrance Examination?"    


Su Su and Zhou Qian were both looking down on him. Although Zhang Yang's second model result was not bad, it was only good. Moreover, it was only in this school. If he had worked hard during his first year of high school, he might have gotten a good result.    


However, the expressions on their faces quickly became the same. They saw that Zhang Yang only smiled without saying a word, but his whole body was exuding a strong sense of confidence.    


"I say, you … You aren't really here, are you? To charge into the top scholar in the entire country? "    


"You don't believe me?" Zhang Yang's gaze sized the three of them up. A crafty craftiness appeared in the depths of his eyes and quickly disappeared.    


"It'd be weird if I believed you!" The three of them responded in unison.    


Hearing that, Zhang Yang said with a provocative tone and a look in his eyes, "Then alright, let's make a bet on whether I can win this year's national top scholar or not."    


The three of them were slightly stunned. All of them vaguely sensed that something was wrong. However, if they were to carefully examine the situation, they were unable to find any flaws in it.    


"So what if we bet? I'm afraid of you!"    


Zhou Qianniang threw herself at him and gave him a provocative look, "I don't believe that you can win the top scholar for the country. Say it, what are you betting on!"    


Zhang Yang did not answer and instead looked at Su Su and Ye Junyan, "Where are the two beauties? "It doesn't matter if you bet or not, I know you guys are afraid of losing …"    


This was an obvious provocation, something even a fool could see. Not to mention Su Su and Ye Junyan, two beautiful and intelligent people with two flowers in their hands.    


The two of them looked at each other, and the strange feeling in their hearts became more and more obvious. However, facing Zhang Yang's repeated provocations, it was impossible for them to not respond.    


Moreover, after thinking about it, they did not think that Zhang Yang had any chance of winning. Even though Su Su knew that he had photographic memory, the college entrance examination did not see this.    


"Fine, so what if we bet? So what if we win? So what if we lose?"    


"Very simple."    


Zhang Yang clapped his hands and said proudly, "If I win, the three of you will be my women. If you lose, I will suffer a bit. I will be your three men …"    








Before she could finish, the three beauties went berserk and started punching and kicking Zhang Yang. Zhou Qian was even fiercer as she bit Zhang Yang on the shoulder with her mouth wide open.    




An exaggerated blood-curdling screech rang out, attracting the gazes of the passing students. They then looked down in disdain. Of course, most of them were envious, jealous, and resentful.    


This damned fellow, he had already felt that something was amiss. So this was the origin of this place. This fellow could even be crowned as the supreme shameless King of all mankind.    


"Zhang Yang, I've seen shameless. I've never seen such a shameless person like you."    


The three beauties were all embarrassed and angry. Each of them had their eyes wide open, eyebrows slanted, and surrounded Zhang Yang like three tigers. Although they couldn't really use strength, they were still angry.    


"Forget it, forget it."    


Zhang Yang rubbed his bitten shoulder, bared his teeth and said, "Just pretend I didn't say anything. I know you guys are afraid of losing …"    


As he said this, he shook his head. That kind of provocative, contemptuous, contemptuous and confident expression was perfectly rubbed onto their faces. The three people who were looking at him gnashed their teeth in anger, wanting to pounce on him and rip off a few pieces of his flesh.    


F * ck, he was actually looked down upon by this guy with this sort of excuse.    


"Who's afraid of losing, let's bet …"    


As a woman, Zhou Qian was the most direct. She knew she was going to fall for the trap, but halfway through her sentence, Su Su immediately covered her mouth.    


"Silly girl, are you trying to lure a wolf into the house? No, it's a naked little white sheep that was sent into the mouth of a wolf." Su Su said in disappointment.    


"And it's a super shameless big pervert." Ye Junyan added immediately.    


Although they said that, they were also holding back their anger. It was Zhang Yang's expression just now that caused the two of them to be unable to take it anymore.    


"How about this, we'll bet with you, but the rules have to be changed." Su Su finally spoke.    


"Change what?" Zhang Yang twitched his mouth and immediately said, "You can change the outcome, but if I win, it will be as I said before, otherwise, what's the point of me betting anymore."    


"Su Su, let's have a bet with this guy. If we win, let him be a housewife and cook good food for us every day."    


Su Su and Ye Junyan instantly blushed. This girl … There was really no saving him.    



"If you lose, promise us three things. No matter what we ask of you, you must fulfill all of our requests!"    


After Su Su finished speaking, she also looked over in a provocative manner. In her opinion, if it was the top scholar in the entire province, with Zhang Yang's photographic memory, if he was lucky, he might really be able to fool Su Su.    


However, in the entire Champion of College Entrance Examination, she wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death.    


"You're not asking me to pick the stars or the moon, are you?" Zhang Yang seemed to have seen through Su Su and saw through her.    


"Am I that boring?" Su Su's face turned red. She had indeed thought of this just now.    


"Good, great."    


Zhang Yang praised. He looked at Ye Junyan and said, "Little Girl Ye, cough cough, no. Beauty Ye, what about you, did you agree?"    


"This?" Ye Junyan hesitated for a moment. She looked at Zhang Yang and felt something was wrong.    


"Aiya, Yanyan, why are you still hesitating, he definitely won't win, three requirements, each of us will get one, hahahaha, I already have a plan on how to deal with this guy."    


Zhou Qianniang had revealed her true nature. In the end, Ye Junyan didn't say anything, admitting it.    


"In that case."    


Zhang Yang said as he walked over. He spread his arms and made a gesture of hugging left and right, "Wives, let's go to the bridal room …"    




The tragedy happened again. Zhang Yang ran away screaming. His voice wasn't loud, but it clearly reached the three people's ears, "Hmm, I'll go buy a big bed first, the third one is that something..."    


Hearing this, the three beauties were both embarrassed and angry, but they also had a strange feeling in their hearts.    




Zhang Yang, who was walking in front, shook his head with a smile. His thoughts weren't on the same channel as the people on Earth at all.    


Shameless? Zhang Yang never felt shameless about it, nor did he feel any pressure at all. In Devil Pattern Continent, even ordinary people would be polygamous, not to mention those powerful cultivators who had lived their lives for so long.    


He wasn't sure what kind of relationship he had with the three beauties, but he didn't deny that he had a good impression of them. Therefore, he couldn't just sit by and watch them throw themselves into the arms of others.    


Of course, he did not expect himself to immediately enjoy the blessings of being one's partner after winning. He wanted to eat his meal in one gulp and walk on the road step by step.    


He wasn't in a hurry, not at all.    


This time, the exam room was not in No. 1 Middle School, but the Qinghai Experimental High School. Of course, the Experimental High School was already on vacation, and when Zhang Yang arrived at the entrance of the Experimental High School, he was immediately filled with people.    


Students and their parents were everywhere, and many of them were standing by their children's side, encouraging and comforting them. There were also quite a few students who entered the examination hall early and were familiar with it.    


Without any hesitation, Zhang Yang walked straight into the school gate. Since no one could see him off, and he and Su Su's examination room wasn't in the same building, they must have arrived long ago.    


Following the ticket address, Zhang Yang entered a school building and went all the way to the third floor. When he arrived at the entrance of his examination room, Zhang Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in confusion.    


There were quite a few people surrounding the entrance of the examination hall. There were both parents and students, surrounding the entrance so tightly that not even a drop of water could trickle through.    


"Let go of me. Luo Tian, what are you trying to do?" Very soon, a girl's angry voice was heard from inside.    


With a slight frown, Zhang Yang felt that the voice sounded familiar. He squeezed into the crowd and entered the classroom. Once again, his expression turned strange.    


He saw a beautiful girl in plain clothes being held by the arm of a young master who obviously belonged to the second generation. He forcefully hugged her and dragged her out.    


"Lee Xiaorou, what do you think I'm doing? I've been chasing you for a whole year and you're not even agreeing to be my girlfriend. Do you think I'll let you participate in the college entrance exam in peace?"    


The more the girl struggled, the more pleased Luo Tian seemed. He smiled obscenely, "I'm telling you, with me here, don't even think about getting into any university."    


Lee Xiaorou's face was full of humiliation and despair. She struggled in shame and anger, but she knew that it was impossible for her to escape Luo Tian's clutches today.    


At this moment, all the students and parents in and out of the classroom were silently watching this scene. Some were angry, some were numb, but no one stuck their heads out.    


Luo Tian sneered as he pushed Lee Xiaorou towards the door.    


However, he quickly stopped and a young student blocked his way.    


It was Zhang Yang!    


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