Martial God Conqueror



0"Eh, someone wants to challenge the position of Captain guard. He is really brave."    


Hearing the words, the onlookers who were about to leave immediately stopped and looked at the lively scene again.    


A dozen of the Du family?s younger children also turned around and stayed around the arena. Each of them stared at each other with a smile on their eyes. Since someone wanted to seek abuse, they would not be polite.    


Du Qi was also quite surprised. He looked up slightly and his eyes fell on Hei Zi. He had noticed this person's performance on the area just now. This person should have officially cultivated the Martial Arts, but his Martial Arts were not high and his cultivation was only at the level two of the Acquired Stage. However, among these twenty people, he was definitely one of the top ones.    


"Did you really want to challenge the position of the captain? It is good to be competitive, but the position of the captain is not a good one to challenge."    


Du Qi seems to have aroused some interested in Hei Zi. The weakest cultivation of the younger generation in the front courtyard was now at the level four of Acquired Stage, which was close to level five. Although this person was considered to be the top one of the group, he could only rely on miracle if he want to defeat the younger generation.    


Hei Zi seemed to be trembling under the invisible momentum of Du Qi. He did not dare look directly at him, but he thought about the benefits that would come after becoming the captain of Du Family?s guard. He realized that he also had distant relative in the Du Family, so he was not afraid of offending this vice commander. He gritted his teeth slightly, and said to Du Qi once again, "Don't tell me that the words spoken by Du Family do not count. At least let me try."    


"Challenging the captain of the guards."    


"The Du Family can?t go against it."    


Some busybodies in the crowd started to inappropriately jeer and boo, and the crowd of spectators were buzzing alive, for spectators, it couldn?t be better that they had bustling scene to see.    


After sweeping his eyes from the noisy crowd around the challenge arena, Du Qi looked at Hei Zi who was being a little disrespectful and said, "Since that's the case, which young master or young miss do you want to challenge in the Du Family?"    


Hei Zi swallowed his saliva and looked slowly at the dozen youths and young girls who had been staring at him covetously. But finally, he suddenly turned around and looked directly to a purple-robed youth among the crowd. He said: "he should also be the Young Master of Du family, right?"    


"Du Shaofu."    


Following Hei Zi's sight, everyone's gaze finally passed through the crowd and fell on the purple robed boy. Afterwards, the expressions of the people from Du Family were the first to change. If that guy was not Du Shaofu, then who else would it be? It was unknown when the fool came, usually in such a busy scene his figure cannot be seen.    


The crowd of onlookers around the stage immediately turned to Du Shaofu, and everyone realised that the elusive Young Master Fool was beside them. All this time, no one had actually noticed him.    


Du Qi looked at Du Shaofu, who had appeared out of nowhere, and his face secretly twitched. After that, he frowned slightly and said to Hei Zi, "That's right. That is Young Master Du Shaofu. Naturally, that is my Du Family's Young Master."    


"That's right, I want to challenge this young master of Du Family today. If I win, I should be able to become the captain of the guards."    


Heizi smiled, but his eyes fell on Du Shaofu with a bigger smile. He knew about the situation in the Du Family very well, and coincidentally he saw that the renowned Young Master Du Shaofu was also present. This was like God?s help, and it was naturally impossible to let go of.    


Although his method of challenging a fool was a bit shameless, the most important thing is to think of the benefits of becoming the guard captain. Even if he would be scolded for being shameless, Hei Zi would not care. The most important thing was to become the captain first.    




"It's shameless to challenge Du Shaofu, that fool of this family."    


The eyes of all the Du family present were all immediately fascinated. Everyone knew Du Shaofu was a person who could not cultivate, and he was a fool. At this moment, looking at his dull appearance, this Du Shaofu really is genuinely foolish.    


"Hei Zi is really shameless to challenge Du Shaofu, but this time, Du Family really cannot defend themselves."    


"The people of Du family don?t have any courage. Let Hei Zi become the captain of the guards."    


"Hei Zi, good job, fuck the Master of the Du family, haha!"    


In the crowd of onlookers, all eyes became strange. There were only a few people in the Stone City who did not know about the infamous Young Master Fool.    


The busybodies of the crowd hidden in the corners started to trigger the crowd again. In case they were found out to have triggered the crowd jeering and booing, they did not dare offend the Du family.     


"That fool, he came out on this occasion today, which would bring disaster upon our entire Du Family."    


"What should we do now?"    


The Du family members were scolding in their heart. No matter what, Du Shaofu was still the Young Master of the Du Family. If he were to be smashed to the ground by a guard in a single move, then it would be a great loss of dignity for the Du Family.    


If Du Shaofu lost, the salary of a captain is not the one that should be worried about, the reputation of the Du Family can never be lost.    


Du Qi's face twitches. Who would have thought that this man would shamelessly pick Du Shaofu. He was the one in charge of recruiting the guards today, and if his reputation in Du Family was affected in any way, it was likely that he would be in trouble as a Vice Commander.    


"Who called me? Is anyone looking for me?"    


Du Shaofu in the crowd watched the hustle and bustle on the stage and was about to leave. He suddenly felt his own name resonating around him, and everyone's gaze fell on him. Finally, he followed the gaze around him and fell onto the arena.    


Among the noisy and strange gazes around him, Hei Zi's eyes secretly swept across the Du Family crowd in front of the stage. He saw that his distant relatives were also among them. He did not show much expression, his courage was growing.    


"Young Master of Du Family, please come up to the arena and give your guidance."    


Hei Zi looked at Du Shaofu under the stage and said politely with fists in his hands. However, his eyes did not have the same reverence as the other people from the Du Family. Instead, there was a sarcastic smile on his face.    


"You want to challenge me?"    


Du Shaofu was stunned. This time he understood. He then raised his head a little, the clear eyes fluctuated slightly. He looked at Hei Zi who was on stage, then he smiled and said: "This is not good, you can challenge the weakest one of my cousins, and see if you have a chance."    


"Eh, this fool actually spoke up today. Is he really a fool or is he just pretending to be a fool?"    


"Those words doesn?t seem to come from a fool."    


"This fool unexpectedly spoke today."    


Hearing Du Shaofu's words, some of the Du Family looked at him with surprise.    


Hei Zi looked at Du Shaofu in front of the stage, and listened to the noise all around. He became more and more courageous. In any case, he had heard from his distant relative in Du?s Family that this foolish young master could not cultivate Martial Arts and had no position in the family, and he was even unafraid of offending this young master. He looked at Du Shaofu and laughed loudly, "Are you too scared to fight me? If so, I can be the captain of the guard directly. "    


"Young Master Du, you don't dare to enter the stage."    


"This is not the case for the Du family."    


A lot of noisy voices around became more and more unbridled, and some riots started appearing in the crowd.    


"This Young master of the Du?s Family, do you really not dare to fight? Then, Du Family can directly ask me to become the captain of the guards, ha ha." Hei Zi laughed and became more and more proud with himself. He could make a young master of the Du Family suffer such humiliation in front of him, he should be the number one person in the Stone City. He has never made such a big show.    


"Since you insist, let's do as you wish."    


A faint voice came out of Du Shaofu's mouth. Among the many strange and complex eyes, Du Shaofu's feet landed on the ground, and two blue air streams around his heels suddenly burst out. Du Shaofu took advantage of the momentum and jumped in front of Hei Zi on the arena under the countless astonished boos around the arena.    


"Impossible, how could this be?"    



Looking at Du Shaofu who suddenly appeared in front of him, Hei Zi's expression immediately became shocked and dull. Just now, was the young master in front of him really as useless and stupid as the rumors said?    


As Du Shaofu appeared in front of Hei Zi, his expression did not change much, standing with his hands on his back and with a slight movement of his purple robe. With clear eyes, he said lightly to the dull Hei Zi: "Are you still not going to make your move?"    


"It's impossible. My eyes must be blurry."    


When Hei Zi heard the words, he came back to his senses. Just now it must have been his eyesight blurring. Could it be that he was afraid of a foolish young master? Gritting his teeth, his body became still and he slightly bowed. With his five fingers clenched into a fist, his fists moved forward like a tiger. Three hazy shadows of a fist appeared before his fist and surged towards Du Shaofu.    


In a split-second, Hei Zi's three hazy fist shadows appeared in front of Du Shaofu?s body. The three hazy fist shadows condensed into a single point and sent a punch hitting Du Shaofu's chest.    




Suddenly, when the fist connected with Du Shaofu's chest, a big shout came out from Du Shaofu's mouth. It was like a dragon chanting for nine days, like a long shout of idols. In his clear eyes it was as if there was a flash of lightning, and his purple robe fluttered. The whole arena trembled again. With Du Shaofu's feet as the center, cracks began to spread across the stage.    




All eyes were shocked by the sudden sound, including Hei Zi himself. Along with a low muffled sound that seemed to be accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, everyone was stunned. Then they saw a burly figure flying backwards like a broken kite, flying directly out of the stage and falling heavily under the arena.    


On the arena, Du Shaofu's figure was still standing upright with his hands behind his back. His purple robe was slightly moved by the strong wind, and there was an unexplained domineering shock.    




Hei Zi struggled to stand up after being sent flying back to the stage. He covered his chest and spewed out a mouthful of blood. From the looks of it, there were definitely a few broken ribs. He looked at the thin and straight purple robed youth on the stage, his eyes full of shock.    


No one saw it clearly, but everyone saw the rumored young master fool of the Du Family didn't make a move at all. With that loud shout, Hei Zi was sent flying with amazing skill. It was hard to believe what they had just seen with their own eyes.    


The noise around the arena suddenly stopped, watching the scene in front of them with their jaws hanging open in amazement. For those who had just started mocking Du Shaofu, this was undoubtedly a slap to their faces. Was this really a young master that could not cultivate?    


The entire Du family who were being rude before, the expression on their faces were unnatural, and hot feelings started to fill their cheeks.    


"You guys continue, I'll go back first."    


On the arena, Du Shaofu did look at Hei Zi under the stage any more. He looked at Du Qi, who was not far away from him at the moment, said something, shook his hands and purple robe sleeves, and then walked away lightly.    




Following Du Shaofu's departure, the entire stage trembled. From the place where Du Shaofu had just stood, the stage began to crack and shatter. In the end, a big hole collapsed in the center of the whole challenge arena, and the people around retreated one after another.    


"Gu Gu"    


Everyone around the arena looked at each other in amazement, and many people swallowed.    


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