Martial God Conqueror



0"We bumped into each other along the way. I thought that you?ll leave the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range first, so we headed towards the exit. I didn't expect to meet you here." Shen Yan finished talking to Guo Ming, and then approached Du Shaofu, and said: "Brother Guo Ming, who is this?"    


"I forgot to introduce him to you." Guo Ming smiled and immediately said to Shen Yan, "This is Brother Du Shaofu. If he didn?t save us on the way, I'm afraid that Senior Sister Zhu Xue and I would have been in trouble."    


Then, Guo Ming told everyone about the matter of Lv Kun from Celestial Snake Sect and White Leopard Hunting Alliance. This caused several Profound Talisman Sects to gnash their teeth vigorously, and they threatened that they would deal with the Celestial Snake Sect and White Leopard Hunting Alliance.    


When Shen Yan heard that Du Shaofu had killed a Cultivator at Innate Stage Mystery, he couldn't help but to glance at Du Shaofu.    


"Brother Shaofu, we are safer now. Let's leave the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range together first." Guo Ming said happily to Du Shaofu. To be able to meet his separated fellow sect members, it would be even safer.    


"Junior Brother Guo Ming, I suggest you and Junior Sister Zhu Xue not to bother Brother Du anymore. I'm afraid that he has something else to do, so let's not disturb him anymore."    


As soon as Guo Ming finished speaking, Shen Yan smiled and he looked towards Du Shaofu while saying: "Brother Du, many thanks to taking care of Junior Brother Guo Ming and Junior Sister Zhu Xue. If I have the chance in the future, I will thank you personally. But we have to go now and we will no longer bother you."    


After hearing this, Zhu Xue and Guo Ming?countenance greatly changed.    




Du Shaofu knew that it was just Shen Yan did not want him to follow them. Obviously Shen Yan did not want a burden. Looking at Shen Yan, he smiled and said: "Since you have met with each other, then let's part ways here."    


"Brother Shaofu, you shouldn?t be alone. You?d better follow us."    


Zhu Xue said to Du Shaofu. She was familiar with the dangers of the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range, and that it was indeed risky to be alone. Also, she and Guo Ming clearly knew that Du Shaofu had offended someone from the White Leopard Hunting Alliance, and if he met those people, it would cause even more trouble.    


"Youngest brother, how about we go together? I won't be able to rest at ease even if you go alone." Guo Ming also requested Du Shaofu to stay with them.    


As the two people kindly persuaded Du shaofu to go with them, a trace of happiness appeared from his's heart. He smiled and said: "It's fine. You guys go and be careful.?    


After that, Du Shaofu turned around and left. There were people who didn't want him to stay, and Du Shaofu that had never been one to force others, Du Shaofu didn't like to be in the crowd.    


"Junior Sister Zhu Xue, Junior Brother Guo Ming, I'm afraid that Brother Du still has something to do, let's not force him to stay with us."    


As Du Shaofu was leaving, Shen Yan's eyes revealed a feeling of uncertainty. He previously thought that it would take great efforts to get rid of Du Shaofu, but he never expected that this person would actually be so tactful.    


"Senior brother, if Brother Shaofu didn?t save us, we probably wouldn't have survived at all." Zhu Xue looked up at Shen Yan with her clear eyes, and her gaze was exposing her displeasure. She knew that Shen Yan intentionally wanted to set Du Shaofu aside, and the meaning behind his words, was also something she could clearly understand.    


Seeing Zhu Xue's gaze, Shen Yan's gaze darkened a little, and he said: "Junior sister, if there's a chance in the future, we can just give him some compensation. But he's an outsider after all, it's not safe for us to let him follow us."    




"Junior sister, people are dangerous. You should be more careful. With me here, I'll take a good care of you."    


Zhu Xue wanted to say something else, but Shen Yan interrupted her and said: "Junior sister, there is a reason why I let that Du Shaofu leave. We have found a place in front of us. It is recently filled with spirit energy, and there would even be a glow during night. Also, it is likely that we will find some high-grade herbal medicine. At the time being, it is not good for outsiders to stay. I hope you can understand me. I do this also for the sake of all the brothers.?    


Zhu Xue and Guo Ming's expressions changed slightly, and they couldn't find words to refute Shen Yan. In the end, they could only remain silent.    


In the evening, the sunset casted a fiery red glow across half of the sky.    


The sun was setting in the west, and the view inside the dense forest was gradually getting dimmer and dimmer.    


After Du Shaofu left Zhu Xue and Guo Ming, he planned to find a place to rest during the night, and then continue to go back to the Stone City tomorrow morning. It was estimated that after so long, the beauty in the plain-clothed was probably not in the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range anymore, and the alcoholic father at home must also be worried about him.    


As for the Du Family, Du Shaofu sighed to himself that if he hadn?t appeared for half a year, let alone for just a month, someone would not noticed him.    


As night fell, clear and cold moonlight slowly scattered down from the horizon, covering the entire mountain range with a light soft veil.    


In one of the gorges, there was a low and dull sound. A young man was just wearing tight shorts, revealing his thin but sturdy chest, and a straight shoulder. His entire body suffused with a light golden glow, and there was a Talisman Secret Mark flowing on his skin. Then, he continuously rammed into the stone wall as if he went crazy.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


The youth continuously rammed his arms, elbows, back, chest, knees, shoulders, and other muscles into the stone wall. Each time he hit, the stone wall would vibrate and crack, causing many stones to fall.    


After such a long time, the youth had finally stopped after his entire body was bruised. After the hand print was collected, the light golden glow around him converged. The faintly discernible Talisman Secret Mark emerged gradually into his skin.    


"This Golden Winged Roc's cultivation method is simply masochistic."    


It was one of the Body Training Methods of the Golden Winged Roc. When the Golden Winged Roc was young, it would take herbal medicine to strengthen its body, and then, it would bash its entire body in a masochistic manner to achieve the purpose of soothing the meridians, allowing the body to absorb the best.    


In the cultivation of human warriors, taking the herbal medicine is a way to absorb the herbal medicine's power into Profound Qi and enter the Shen Que for a breakthrough. Many Demon Beasts take the herbal medicine, and treasure of heaven and earth to also absorb the spirit medicine's power and make a breakthrough in Profound Qi. However, the Golden Winged Roc absorbed the herbal medicine's energy into its body, which strengthened the body to a terrifying level.    


The Body Training Method of the Golden Winged Roc was divided into three levels. The first level was to refine golden feathers, the second level was to cut the bones and cleanse the marrow, and the third level was to train a Tempering Divine Body. If it can be cultivated into the third level of a Tempering Divine Body, then that Golden Winged Roc would be one of the most terrifying top tier Demon Beast in the world.    


Du Shaofu was not a Demon Beast, but because he had cultivated the method of Golden Winged Roc, he was able know that he could definitely cultivate this Body Training Method. He did not have golden feathers of the Roc, but he had skin and flesh, which could completely make his original body defense stronger. As for the second level of cutting the bones and cleansing the marrow, and the third level of Tempering Divine Body, they would be easier to understand.    


In the previous experiments, Du Shaofu had also proven that he could completely cultivate the methods of the Golden Winged Roc. The herbal medicine he consumed came from the man at Innate Stage who was born to cultivate himself. After taking the herbal medicine, he began to practice the Body Training Method. Although his whole body was aching, as if his bones were about to be crushed to pieces, Du Shaofu could clearly feel that the medicinal effects from the herbal medicine was spreading out in his body. The medicinal effects was not transformed into Profound Qi and then absorbed into Shen Que by himself, instead they were distributed all over the body. The masochistic bash just now was able to make his body assimilate the medicinal effects evenly and efficiently.    


If there was someone whose original body could be as strong and fierce as the top Demon Beast -- Golden Winged Roc, then thinking about it, Du Shaofu was also looking forward to it. Just one cultivation can make Du Shaofu feel like his body was getting stronger again, a little stronger than before.    


"It seems that I have to find more herbal medicines to consume in the future." Du Shaofu thought.    


Du Shaofu then put on his clothes and tidied himself up. He left the canyon like a ghost under the moonlight.    


It was early autumn, and the leaves on the trees had started to turn yellow. Occasionally, there would be fallen leaves floating around in the air. Under the sunlight shining through the cascading leaves, the leaves were even more beautiful and golden.    


"Kacha, kach......"    


Five men walked through the dense forest, their feet were making cracking noises as they stepped on the dead branches.    


"I didn?t expect that the Third Captain would actually be killed. That fellow who dared to kill my White Leopard Hunting Alliance must be tired of living."    


"Some said that the one who killed the Third Captain was a young man. That's impossible."    


"That youth probably has some background. In short, all we need to do is to find that suicidal fellow and notify the Second and Third Leader to come and take care of them."    


Du Shaofu's body shrunk into the shrubbery, his brows was slightly wrinkled. It seemed after he killed the so-called Third Captain of White Leopard Hunting Alliance, the member of White Leopard Hunting Alliance didn?t intend to let him go. In the surrounding mountain ranges, there were members of White Leopard Hunting Alliance looking for him.    


"If that's the case, then it's better to strike first. I wonder if these guys have herbal medicines on them."    


Inside the shrubs, Du Shaofu's pupils contracted. He looked through the shrubs the five big men who walked past by, and then his face immediately darkened.    


"This time, it's said that someone from the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range has gotten treasure. It would be great if it?s me."    



"In the past, many corpses of the Demon Beasts were also obtained by others. Fortunately, our White Leopard Hunting Alliance came in early, so we didn't suffer any loss. After selling the materials of Demon Beasts, we could become rich."    


The five big men walked slowly forward, but they subconsciously formed a defensive circle to guard against any sudden dangerous attacks. This proved that the five were all experienced Demon Hunters within the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range.    


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