Martial God Conqueror





The King Scale Demon Tiger howled, then it cast covetous eyes on Du Shaofu with fear, unwillingly looking at the Blood Baby Ganoderma. In the end it spread its wings and quickly fled.    


"Such a strong aura! How can it be so strong!"    


Everyone witnessing from a distance gasped in surprise. The King Scale Demon Tiger was actually intimidated by that young man's loud shout and left. How powerful and frightening was this? It was simply unimaginable. Just where did this young man come from? Who was he?    


Du Shaofu turned around and pulled up the Blood Baby Ganoderma that was glowing with a blood-red light from the boulder. Immediately, the blood-red light dissipated and the Blood Baby Ganoderma landed in Du Shaofu's hands. He jumped off the boulder and entered the depths of the canyon without looking back, as if he didn?t plan to leave the canyon.    


Everyone was dumbstruck, watching the back of Du Shaofu?s figure as he entered the valley and the mist gradually enveloped him. The Blood Baby Ganoderma that everyone was fighting for had been easily taken away by the youth.    


Shen Yan, Lin Boguang, Wang Yuan, Lv Kun and the rest all looked angry. They had never expected Oriole in the post. Especially Shen Yan, who was afraid that the unknown Du Shaofu would take advantage of herbal medicine, had never thought that the Blood Baby Ganoderma would actually fall into Du Shaofu's hands.    


"That bastard cannot get the Blood Baby Ganoderma. Chase him!"    


Finally, people who couldn?t stand watching the treasures being taken away started to chase after Du Shaofu. Initially, when faced with Du Shaofu's tyrannical and powerful aura, not many people dared chase after him. However, there was strength in numbers and when they saw people were chasing after him, more people in the valley joined the chase.    






The ferocious beasts moved again, as though they were also dissatisfied with the fact that the Blood Baby Ganoderma had been taken away. They vented their spites upon the people in the canyon and started their slaughter once again. Many people who wanted to chase after Du Shaofu had their chests being slit open by those beasts, and fresh blood flowed onto the ground. Even the stronger ones suffered unimaginable injuries, and they were dragged to the back by their companions.    


In the depths of the canyon, the thick clouds gradually dissipated under the morning sunlight.    




Du Shaofu's figure quickly escaped into the depths of the canyon. Although he was not afraid of ordinary Demon Beasts, it didn?t mean that he wasn?t afraid of the many hunters outside the canyon who were casting covetous eyes on treasures. If he were to leave the canyon with the Blood Baby Ganoderma, it was likely that everyone would ambush him and it would be impossible for him to leave safely.    


The beast howls behind him grew further and further away, but Du Shaofu didn't dare to relax in the slightest. The further away he was, the safer he would be.    




A whistle resounded from behind him, and a giant red hawk appeared in the air. Its sharp eyes were filled with a fierce light, and it flapped its wings in the air. The blazing aura spread, and the fanning Space Flow roared away like a storm.    


"Flame Demon Falcon."    


Du Shaofu raised his head, and he immediately stood on guard. The gigantic red hawk was a Flame Demon Falcon, of whose aura was obviously extremely strong, and it was almost as strong as the King Scale Demon Tiger he met not long ago. What surprised Du Shaofu was the Flame Demon Falcon's back, where several figures were standing, and they were definitely not weak.    




The Flame Demon Falcon circled at a low altitude and an orange-red figure jumped down from its back. A girl dressed in an orange tight-fitting clothing appeared in front of Du Shaofu.    


"Blood Baby Ganoderma is not something that you can have with your current strength. Hand over the Blood Baby Ganoderma and you can leave safely."    


The young lady looked at Du Shaofu with her bright eyes, the orange-red tight-fitting clothing set off her slender legs and slim waist, making her look taller and slender. Her elegant demeanor had a tinge of coldness. Hearing her words, it seemed as though Du Shaofu could not reject her request at all.    


Du Shaofu looked at the girl in front of him, feeling a faint sense of danger. It looked like all of them were in the canyon from the beginning, and their target was also the Blood Baby Ganoderma. The Profound Qi in his body rippled, then Du Shaofu raised his eyes and turned to the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing and said, "I hate being robbed the most. Even beautiful women are not allowed to do so. It?s impossible for you to rob the Blood Baby Ganoderma from me!"    


"Do you think I'm pretty?"    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing smiled. When the pretty face bloomed, it was captivating.    


"Not bad. Among all the women I've seen, you are quite beautiful."    


Du Shaofu nodded his head. There was no doubt that this woman was extremely beautiful with an outstanding temperament. Her slender figure was as tall as a proud snow lotus and it seemed like she was out of the ordinary. In his mind right now, however, Du Shaofu couldn't help but think of that fairy-like woman he met before.    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing opened her bright eyes wide and looked at Du Shaofu in surprise. She wasn?t sure how to describe her feelings about this young man in front of her. In the dark, she had clearly seen the tyrannical and powerful scene inside the Earth Spirit Gorge, and she was amazed. The young man seemed calm when facing her now, but he is deeply introverted by nature, which made her more moved than that sharp spirit.    


"It seems that you have some skill. However, since you're not willing to hand it over on your own, I will be taking it myself."    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing slowly walked towards Du Shaofu, her beautiful long legs teasing him. Her voice was calm but as she approached, the profound qi on her body began to radiate out, and it moved faster and faster. When the profound qi?s wave had reached a certain point, her body blurred into an orange-red afterimage, and she quickly jumped towards Du Shaofu.    


"If you want to take the Blood Baby Ganoderma away, then I'll take you back to be a maid."    


Looking at the beautiful figure that was leaping over, Du Shaofu shouted. Instead of retreating, he advanced. The improved Tremendous Waves palm immediately materialized. The light talisman around him flickered, and the energy around him snapped, sweeping towards the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing.    


"It's only the Innate Stage. How can he possibly use his Martial Bloodlines?"    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing was surprised, the aura of the youth in front of her was stunning. The tip of her foot lightly tapped the ground, and her delicate body turned. As a palm flew out from her delicate hand, accompanied by the flickering of the rune, it collided with Du Shaofu's palm in the blink of an eye.    




A thud rang out, and Du Shaofu was instantly pushed back, taking more than ten steps back before his feet stabilized. That light and floating palm contained a terrifying amount of strength.    


"The cultivation at the Pulsating Stage."    


Du Shaofu was surprised. The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing in front of him was definitely not just at the Innate Stage realm, otherwise he would not have lost.    


"He actually has this kind of strength when he's only at the beginning of the Innate Stage. He really does have some skill."    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing also had a surprised look in her eyes. In an instant, she leaped forward again. Using the momentum of the charge from her movement technique, her delicate hands changed. One after another, palm imprints like flowers scattered by fairies enveloped Du Shaofu.    


Du Shaofu's gaze darkened. Many divine hand seals congealed, and runes glowed with a faint gold light were surging around his body. A powerful and fearsome aura exploded, and he extended out his right arm like a roc spreading its wings, directly striking the many palm prints.    




Golden rays of light swept out like a storm, pulverizing the palm imprints along the way.    




The eyes of the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing were full of surprises again. Her graceful and slender body slipped past and she appeared in front of Du Shaofu. Her delicate hands suddenly swung out like a fairy dancing. Shockwave ripples spread out, and a palm print was stuck on Du Shaofu's chest.    


Du Shaofu saw the palm print descend and quickly retreated, managing to actually dodge it.    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing frowned, as if she did not expect him to have such an agile reaction. Her palm accelerated, drawing an arc in the air as if it had penetrated through air, and then the palm was stuck on Du Shaofu's chest again.    


At this moment, Du Shaofu was unable to dodge, and a huge force slammed into him.    





Du Shaofu was forced to retreat. His face immediately became much paler, and a sweet sensation welled up in his throat.    


"It looks like you won?t be able to take me back as your maid."    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing landed lightly on the ground. Looking at Du Shaofu, she smiled. She did not have any intention of chasing after him, as though she was already confident he would not be able to escape from her control.    


Du Shaofu looked behind and found that his continuously retreating had unknowingly made him reach the edge of a cliff in the canyon. Below, the clouds were thick, and it was impossible to see the bottom. There was nowhere for him to run to, since the girl had already blocked the way in front of him.    




The Flame Demon Falcon continued to circle low. When it looked at Du Shaofu, it seemed to cower in fear. Just now, the golden light shrouding Du Shaofu's body made it tremble.    


Du Shaofu raised his head and looked at the several figures on the back of the Flame Demon Falcon. He turned to the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing and said:" That's right. I won't be able to take you back as my maid today. You are stronger than me."    


"You are strong enough since you are at the beginning of the Innate Stage. I'm afraid I won't be able to fight with you if I?m at the same stage as you. I'll give you another chance. Hand over the Blood Baby Ganoderma, and I will let you go." The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing said to Du Shaofu.    


"I've said it before. I hate people to rob from me the most. Even if you're pretty, you can't do it."    


Du Shaofu laughed, and a smile appeared on his pale face. When he finished speaking, he took out the Blood Baby Ganoderma from his bosom, and stuffed it into his mouth. Before the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing could even react, he swallowed and devoured it like a wolf. After a while, he actually managed to forcefully swallow the Blood Baby Ganoderma into his stomach.    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing was appalled. How could he swallow the Blood Baby Ganoderma directly? That was the main ingredient used to refine the Spirit Grade pill, and he swallowed it whole when he was merely a cultivator at the Innate Stage. The power of the herbal medicine was enough to explode his body. He was risking his life!    


The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing wanted the Blood Baby Ganoderma, and she thought that she had it under control. Who would have thought this damnable youth would do such a crazy thing and swallow the Blood Baby Ganoderma?    


"What are you doing? Stop it!"    


When the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing reacted, she immediately shouted, and her graceful body jumped on Du Shaofu like lightning. How could she lose an opportunity close at hand for the Blood Baby Ganoderma?    


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