I Am Overlord

C52 I'il Break Your Dog Leg First

C52 I'il Break Your Dog Leg First

0"Damn, two dead glass!" Xiang Shaoyun cursed in disdain.    


At this moment, all the outer court disciples couldn't help but burst out in laughter.    


No matter who saw the two men playing with their families twice, they wouldn't be able to take it!    


"Get out of my way!" Wu Mingliang only felt an unprecedented sense of shame as he flew Gou Zai away in dissatisfaction, his entire body exploding!    


"Seventh Brother, calm down!" A deep voice came from a corner.    


When Wu Mingliang heard this voice, the anger in his heart was instantly suppressed.    


At this time, a few people walked over from afar, and the leader looked somewhat similar to Wu Mingliang, it was Wu Mingliang, sixth brother Wu Mingguang.    


Wu Mingguang was two years older than Wu Mingliang, his strength was far above Wu Mingliang, and had already broken through to the third stage of Stellar Strength Stage. Amongst all the inner sect disciples, his ranking had already reached within the top fifty!    


Sixth brother, help me take him down, this Young Bastard is going too far! Wu Mingliang asked for Wu Mingguang's help.    


"Don't worry, Sixth Brother will uphold justice for you!" Wu Mingguang said with certainty, then he looked towards the Martial Officer and said: "This Martial Officer, just now you watched coldly, then I hope that you can continue acting as though you did not see anything!"    


The military official said in a deep voice, "How dare you, are you ordering me?"    


"You can think of it that way!" Wu Mingguang said coldly.    


"Even if you are a direct disciple, you do not have such qualifications!" The military official said with dissatisfaction.    


"Is that so? Then see if I have the qualifications! " Wu Mingguang replied as an order badge appeared in his hand.    


This was impressively an order for clan elders, as though seeing an elder meant that in this Hall of Martial Arts, ordinary attendants would not dare to defy it!    


The officer's gaze contracted, his expression ashened: "You better take care of yourself, Xiang Shaoyun is already receiving much attention from our Hall of Martial Arts!"    


As if he hadn't heard the officer's words, Wu Mingguang shouted at Xiang Shaoyun, "Immediately kneel down and admit your wrongs to my brother until he forgives you. Otherwise, I will make you beg for death!"    


Wu Mingguang looked like he was about to eat someone, his body had a faint evil blood Qi, making people not dare to look straight at him!    


From that, it could be seen that Wu Mingguang was the type of ruthless person who had truly seen blood.    


With his voice, many outer court disciples moved far away, afraid that they would be mistaken for Xiang Shaoyun's connection!    


No matter what, inner court disciples were not something they could offend!    


Xiang Shaoyun scratched his ears and laughed: "Your farts are so smelly, look at everyone else who got dispersed by Xun Er!"    


"Boss, what fart is it!" That's a pile of shit! " Xia Liuhui said from the side.    


"Haha, not bad, you clever boy. I will reward you handsomely when we get back!" Xiang Shaoyun laughed.    


"What big guts!" Wu Mingguang shouted with an ashen face, and was about to attack Xiang Shaoyun and Xia Liuhui.    


At this time, someone beside him said, "Sixth Young Master, why are you so angry? Please teach me this kind of small fry and let me break his limbs for you!"    


This youth spoke with a dark and sturdy appearance and held two heavy hammers in his hands. One could tell at a glance that he was a strength type martial artist!    


This young man was called Tie Gang, with the strength of a late stage second stage Stellar Strength Stage, he was one of the fierce generals under Wu Mingguang's command!    


"Alright, go ahead and do it. I'll take responsibility if anything happens!" Wu Mingguang replied.    


Tie steel nodded, raised his hammer and called out to Xiang Shaoyun.    


As the hammer swung down, it seemed as if there was a 2000 jin giant mountain pressing down on them. It was simply impossible for an ordinary person to block it!    


Xiang Shaoyun was not stupid enough to fight with him head on, but instead, dodged to the side.    




The hammer landed heavily on the ground, directly turning the ground into a half meter deep pit!    


Just as the hammer fell, the other hammer had already struck towards Xiang Shaoyun.    


When dual hammers were used, one could continuously attack, avoiding being defeated with one's speed and forcing the opponent into a state of panic!    


Of course, this could be done against other opponents, but it was not enough against Xiang Shaoyun!    


Xiang Shaoyun's fighting strength was already comparable to a third stage Stellar Strength Stage, it could be considered that he was much stronger than iron and steel, there was no need to mention his reaction speed!    


Overlord Nine Nether Step!    


Xiang Shaoyun's figure flashed like a ghost, once again dodging Tie Zheng's hammer. He then took the opportunity to arrive behind Tie Zheng, and mercilessly slapped the back of Tie Zheng's head.    




Tie Zheng fell forward like a pile of dog shit after being hit by Xiang Shaoyun's palm!    


"Break all four of my legs? Then I'll break your dog legs first! " Xiang Shaoyun wiped the light off his body, then immediately jumped over, his knees plummeted down, striking directly at Tie Gang's legs.    


"Stop!" Wu Mingguang screamed in shock.    


At the same time, he quickly rushed over and thrusted his spear towards Xiang Shaoyun. A golden light flashed and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Xiang Shaoyun!    


If Xiang Shaoyun wanted to use his knees to smash against Steel's legs, then he would also have to endure the might of this spear!    


At this time, Xiang Shaoyun had already felt the threat and immediately controlled his body to change and land on the ground, barely dodging the spear attack!    


The instant Xiang Shaoyun landed, he stomped his foot on the ground, and like a lion pouncing towards a rabbit, he once again rushed towards Iron Steel and grabbed his arm, twisting it forcefully.    


Ka-cha! *    




First, it was a clear sound of alarm, and then a scream that sounded like a pig being butchered pierced through the air!    



Just like that, the iron steel arm was torn off by Xiang Shaoyun!    


Many of the outer court disciples felt shocked when they saw this scene!    


An inner disciple had been defeated just like that, and in such a miserable manner at that. It was simply too inconceivable!    


Most importantly, they were shocked by Xiang Shaoyun's power!    


He remembered that one and a half months ago, Xiang Shaoyun had only displayed the strength of a third stage Nascent Realm warrior on the Test Stone!    


How long had it been since Xiang Shaoyun had become a Stellar Strength Stage expert? Moreover, the situation was not as simple as that of a newly entered Stellar Strength Stage expert!    


"This, this Xiang Shaoyun has levelled up so quickly! You truly are worthy of being called a monster that can endure limitlessly in your Limit Room! " The military official praised in his heart.    


"Bullying others? This young master has never been afraid of anyone before! " Xiang Shaoyun stomped down using steel and steel and shouted towards Wu Mingguang.    


At this moment, Xiang Shaoyun was extremely domineering, it was already the demeanor of someone who had just become an Overlord!    


"Good, you are very good. Today, I will make you pay!" Wu Mingguang gritted his teeth.    


"Those who speak to me like that have already learnt their lesson. I don't mind if you become the next one. Come at me!" Xiang Shaoyun replied with a domineering attitude.    


Just as Wu Mingguang and Xiang Shaoyun were about to begin their battle, a group of people hurried over.    


"Big brother, this is the bastard that bullied me. You must uphold justice for me!" Lee Hong'er who was among them pointed straight at Xiang Shaoyun and shouted.    


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