Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1934 Overthrow

C1934 Overthrow

0"Who the hell are you?"    


After fleeing for a long time, Daofan finally realized that his struggles were futile. He had no choice but to turn around at this moment, and looked at the eight people who had suddenly broke into the Heavenly Prison Space, breaking out of his ordinary life.    


There were four who were similar to him, and were almost at the same level as Daofan, while the other two were even more recent than Daofan in becoming a Divine King. It was practically only after Daofan completely controlled his Yu Yu Pavilion did he become a Divine King.    


It was almost all promoted by the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, and could be counted as half a disciple within the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam. However, these six Divine King s and Dao Fan were the same, and both belonged to the younger generation of Cold Realm Ancestral Court, and even compared to Dao Fan, their strength was far inferior.    


Every single Divine King had been defeated by Dao Fan before, and could be said to be Dao Fan's defeated opponents.    


Although Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and Daofan were evenly matched, that was only with the addition of his entire Cold Realm. If not for the addition of his entire Cold Realm, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's strength would actually still be a level lower than Dao Fan.    


Therefore, Dao Fan was very clear that the person who used Spatial Plate s to teleport him to Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the six Divine King, other than the young man whose face could not be seen clearly, was none other than himself.    


Then, Daofan looked at the young man whose face could not be seen clearly, the Dvine Emperor of Creation Emperor — Ye Qinghan!    


"You don't know me?"    


Ye Qinghan was stunned for a moment. Only then did he suddenly remember that he was worried about the True Body in the Dark Wood World, so he did not delay his arrival at the Cold Realm. His punishment of Dao Fan was also very quick, and did not give Dao Fan the slightest opportunity to retaliate.    


Now that he thought about it, Ye Qinghan knew that not only did he not give Dao Fan the chance to retaliate, he did not even give Dao Fan the chance to react. That was why he was able to suppress Dao Fan within the Heavenly Prison Space, and also why he did not know that he was the entire Dvine Emperor of Creation of the Cold Realm.    


Thinking up to here, Ye Qinghan started to laugh towards Dao Fan with narrowed eyes, "Didn't you always want to subvert my Cold Realm? "As you wish, now I am coming!"    


"You are the Dvine Emperor of Creation?"    


Even though Daofan had always wanted to subvert the entire Cold Realm, Daofan's goal had always been to overthrow the rule of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam. Towards Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation that only existed in legends, he had never once thought of going against his.    


Dao Fan didn't really believe it. After all, the Cold World was the entire universe. It had six paths of reincarnation, a material plane, a medium plane, a high plane, and even a divine plane. The highest level was the cold world's Ancestral Court.    


In Dao Fan's opinion, the Cold Realm Ancestral Court was already the center of the world, so according to the legends, the Dvine Emperor of Creation, Ye Qinghan, was still in a higher realm. Dao Fan didn't really believe it, but if not for the fact that there were many of Ye Qinghan's old subordinates in the Cold Realm Ancestral Court swearing that this matter was completely true, Dao Fan would definitely not have believed it.    


However, from the moment Daofan started to overturn Cold Realm Ancestral Court, the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan had never appeared. There were only two possibilities for him to know what was going on.    


The first possibility was that the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan had already fallen in a higher realm that was outside of the Cold Realm Universe.    


The second possibility was that the Dvine Emperor of Creation, Ye Qinghan, treated all living beings in the Cold Realm Universe equally. Thus, whether it was Daofan who wanted to drive the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam out of the throne of heaven and earth or the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam who wanted to seal off the Yu Yu Pavilion of the Daofan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan would not interfere.    


No matter what kind of reason it was that the Dvine Emperor of Creation, Ye Qinghan, did not appear when Daofan overturned the heavens and the earth with his Cold Realm Ancestral Court, and Daofan treated Ye Qinghan, this legendary Dvine Emperor of Creation, as a mere legendary Dvine Emperor of Creation.    


Since Ye Qinghan only existed in the legends as a Dvine Emperor of Creation, then the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan would never appear in the Cold Realm, so Daofan never thought of going against the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan either.    


Dao Fan thought that since the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan was truly living a carefree life in an even higher realm, then no matter whether it was him who pulled the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam down, or the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam who allowed him to die, the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan would never meddle in the grudge between the two of them.    


It was just that Ye Qinghan had suddenly appeared within the Heavenly Prison Space, and even used a supreme method to directly use the Spatial Plate to move Daofan to the front of himself, the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, and the six Divine King. Daofan had actually already guessed that this young man in front of him, who could not see his face, was possibly the legendary Dvine Emperor of Creation.    


It was just that at this moment, when he heard Ye Qinghan personally admitting it, Dao Fan could not help but exclaim in shock. He did not expect that the legendary Dvine Emperor of Creation, who only existed in legends, would actually appear in front of him right now!    


At this time, Ye Qinghan did not care about the shock on Dao Fan's face. Instead, he said to the six Divine King s behind him: "You six brats did not think that you could kill Dao Fan as quickly as possible. Now that Dao Fan is right in front of you six brats, you all can make a move! "Haha …"    


After he finished speaking, Ye Qinghan couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at the six Divine King s to see how they would react.    


Whether it was the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, or the six Divine King s and Dao Fan, the two Five Elements Divine King s, the reason why they could not see Ye Qinghan's face was partly because at this moment, the one who had entered the Cold Realm was only a part of Ye Qinghan's consciousness, and not Ye Qinghan's True Body.    


On the other hand, because Ye Qinghan had now reached the Chasing Moon Magic Realm of Star Moon and became the Profound Meaning Sage, his life force could be said to be greatly different from ordinary life forms. Even the projection of the life forms under the Chasing Moon Magic Realm had to automatically dodge Ye Qinghan's appearance.    


Let alone ordinary life forms like the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, six Divine King s, and Daofan, it was naturally impossible to see the appearance of this Profound Meaning Sage Ye Qinghan clearly.    


If one was not paying attention in the slightest and spoke words of disrespect towards the Profound Meaning Sage Ye Qinghan, then the Five Elements Divine King, the six Divine King s, and the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, even if they were hiding within the Cold Realm, the law of reverence would scatter the souls of Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, the six Divine King s, and Dao Fan, these great characters who were considered extraordinary within the Cold Realm, and die.    


Unless it was Ye Qinghan, the owner of the Cold Realm, who was willing to take the initiative to protect the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, the six Divine King s, and the Dao Fan, only then would the law of reverence give up on the punishment of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, the six Divine King s, and Dao Fan, these life forms that violated Profound Meaning Stage.    


The moment Ye Qinghan said that, Dao Fan looked at the six Divine King s fiercely.    


After Daofan was originally caught by Ye Qinghan, he was still baffled. He did not know why he was caught within the Heavenly Prison Space, and did not know whether he was caught by the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan or not.    


However, for Dao Fan to be able to become a Five Elements Divine King and cultivate all five types of cultivation techniques to the Divine King realm, even surpassing the level of a Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, he was naturally not an easy opponent.    


Thus, after being imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison Space for nearly five hundred years, Daofan had already quickly adjusted his state of mind, especially after realizing that even though he was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison Space and was not killed, Daofan had already made up his mind. Sooner or later, he would one day escape from the Heavenly Prison Space and trample that Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam beneath his feet!    


They even found and defeated the mysterious space that Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation, was not known for!    


After being locked in the Heavenly Prison Space, Dao Fan had started to guess that the method he used to enter the Heavenly Prison Space was very likely the last method that Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation, had left to the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam.    


And this final method was to protect the Cold Realm Ancestral Court, and even the entire Cold Realm, in a peaceful and stable manner.    


As a result, after Daofan was imprisoned into the Heavenly Prison Space, no one came to deal with Daofan, and no one came to kill Daofan either, Daofan's heart was ignited with hope once more. He believed that this was the last resort the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam had left for him, Ye Qinghan, to be imprisoned into the Heavenly Prison Space, then there would be nothing he could do.    


After all, with Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's cultivation and strength, even if he had the power of the entire Cold Realm, it would be impossible for the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam to kill him!    


This was what Dao Fan believed!    


Now, from the mouth of the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan, he heard how these six Divine King s, whom he had once defeated, actually wanted to kill him. Furthermore, they were slandering him in front of the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan, saying something about wanting to kill him as soon as possible.    


If not for the fact that he could not see through Ye Qinghan, this Dvine Emperor of Creation, and the fact that Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, this Lord Of The Cold Realm who was not below Dao Fan, was watching him closely from the side, Dao Fan would have already rushed forward and killed all six of the Divine King s.    


"You want to kill me? With just the six of you? Have you grown up? "    


After hearing Ye Qinghan's words, it seemed like he was teasing the six Divine King s. Daofan guessed that the possibility of Ye Qinghan helping the six Divine King s was extremely low, so he immediately said this to the six Divine King s with a sinister tone.    


After Ye Qinghan and Dao Fan spoke out, it was the six Divine King's turn to feel awkward.    


Ye Qinghan was naturally not someone that the six Divine King s could afford to offend, so even though they knew that Ye Qinghan, this Dvine Emperor of Creation, was teasing them, the six Divine King s did not dare to complain at all. They did not even dare to reveal dissatisfied expressions in front of Ye Qinghan.    


Although the words of Dao Fan were unpleasant to listen to and his tone was extremely hard to accept, the six Divine King s were indeed defeated by Dao Fan. Even though the words of Dao Fan were awful to listen to and his tone was extremely hard to accept, the six Divine King s were indeed defeated by Dao Fan.    


After these five hundred years had passed, the six Divine King s had only managed to recover from their injuries as usual.    


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