Beast Piercing The Heavens

C353 You owe me a favor

C353 You owe me a favor



Ye Qinghan shook his nose, understanding a lot of things. God City's bald head did not seem to be very reliable anymore. His only hope was to rely on Flame Dragon Continent's King — — Lord Devouring!    


"Ye Ruoshui and Ye Qinghan seek an audience with Lord Devouring!"    


Ye Ruoshui did not waste time speaking, and directly knelt on one knee at the Dark Castle entrance. Ye Qinghan also quickly knelt on one knee, after all, he was here to ask someone for help.    




The gate of the castle slowly opened, revealing a smiling face of a fox. Master Nine bowed slightly, a furry hand, and said indifferently: "Xiao Hanzi, Master wants you to go up. Brother Ruo Shui, why don't you come with me to have a cup of tea? "    


"My pleasure!" Ye Ruoshui laughed bitterly and followed Master Nine inside.    


With apprehensive heart, Ye Qinghan parted ways with them, turned a corner, and directly walked up the red-carpeted stairs, going all the way up, and opened the door before walking out of the Sky Platform.    


It was still a beautiful flower bush with a shelf full of grapes. It was still a lady in a red robe holding a book, lazily lying on her side.    


"Ye Qinghan pays his respect to Lord Devouring!"    


Ye Qinghan immediately bowed and knelt down, bowing respectfully.    


"Yes, you're here?" Lord Devouring did not move, he only responded with a bland voice, then extended his beautiful hand out and continued to read the book.    


Ye Qinghan wiped his nose awkwardly, feeling very uncomfortable. He wanted to speak up several times, but he didn't know how to do so. Thinking about Ye Ruoshui's anxious expression and the evil declaration that came before the arrival of the Heterotopic Powerhouse, he gritted his teeth and finally opened his mouth:    


"Ye Qinghan has a presumptuous request, I hope that Master can help me!"    


Ye Qinghan's awkward request did not elicit a single response from the Lord Devouring. After a long while, Ye Qinghan finally saw her move, but did not expect her to extend his hand, picked a grape from the table, and started to eat it with relish.    


"Cough …"    


Ye Qinghan looked at Lord Devouring's back figure and could not help but cough lightly. He wanted to continue but Lord Devouring waved his hand and put down the book in his hand, stood up and said: "Did you make a mistake? I don't owe you anything. Three top-notch Divine Crystal, is it not enough to repay you for taking care of Blacky? "    


"Cough …" Master, that's not what I meant! " Hearing that, Ye Qinghan panicked, but he did not know how to reply.    


Indeed, the Lord Devouring did not owe him anything. Since someone else had gifted him with three top-notch Divine Crystal, how could he have the face to ask for her help? She wasn't someone from this world to begin with. No, that's not right! It's not a human, but a Divine Beast. You want to manage a large battle between ants by yourself?    


"The Heterotopic Powerhouse that has come this time is Gold Horn God Clan, the subordinate of the Divine King's Golden Blood. Of course, Divine King was nothing … But he had a blood brother who was a Divine Monarch … Even in the eyes of the Blood King, I don't think that Jin Can is a tyrant with his Misty Continent, but I don't want to provoke the Crippled Emperor … If it were you, would you go and provoke a strong opponent without any benefits? " Lord Devouring walked under the grape arbor, extended his hand, plucked a bunch of grapes and gently placed them on the table, then coldly looked at Ye Qinghan and said.    


"This, this, Lord, if you don't act, your Flame Dragon Continent will definitely be destroyed once more. I, all of us will die!" Ye Qinghan's heart went cold as ice. These Gold Horn God Clan actually had such a huge background? Even the Lord Devouring was not willing to provoke him? He started to plead desperately.    


"What does the destruction of the Flame Dragon Continent have to do with me? You're dead? What does it have to do with me? I am not a person of this realm, even if the continent were to be destroyed … At worst, I can just take Blacky and change planes … " Not only did Ye Qinghan's request not attract the slightest bit of sympathy from the Lord Devouring, it instead caused his expression to become even colder.    


"Ugh …" Then what should we do? "    


Ye Qinghan was completely helpless, he almost jumped out of anxiety. After pondering for a moment, he helplessly knelt down as he continuously kowtowed to Lord Devouring: "I plead for Master to lead me in a clear path! Ye Qinghan is extremely grateful! "    




Looking at Ye Qinghan who was kowtowing, a smile flashed past Lord Devouring's eyes, but it disappeared in a flash. She lightly waved his hand and said: "There are two paths. One, if you give the divine sword to them, they will likely retreat. You owe me one. If I help you once, of course I won't help you kill them all! You can choose! "    


Hand over the divine sword? He owes me a favor?    


Ye Qinghan stopped his kowtowing, blinked his eyes, and started thinking.    


He did not feel that it was a pity to hand over the divine sword, but what if they did not retreat after handing over the divine sword and continued to kill? He owes me a favor? What's the point of giving me a favor now?    


Ye Qinghan did not ponder over it for too long, and immediately made a decision. He bowed once more, and respectfully said: "I beg Lord Devouring to help, I am willing to owe you a favor, but … What do you need me to do? "    


"Hur hur, you'll know about that in the future!"    


This was the first time Lord Devouring revealed a slight smile in front of Ye Qinghan … It was incomparably enchanting. She lightly waved his sleeves and sat back down. He picked up the book and read through it before giving the order to expel the guests, "You can leave now!"    


Ye Qinghan scratched his nose in embarrassment and did not speak anymore. He cupped his hands and walked down. They met up with Ye Ruoshui and flew towards the Blue City.    




When the Gold Horn God Clan descended, they split up and moved. Originally, the group of people heading to Snowfall City was the closest, but they paid attention to the hundreds of Saint Level's subordinates behind them. They didn't teleport, and continued to fly. The first to arrive at the scene were the two Divine General s, Jin Qi and Jin Kun.    


"Young master, this is where the lord of this plane is!"    


The two of them stood in the air in front of the God City. Jin Kun pointed to the God City beneath them and politely spoke to Jin Qi.    


"Hehe, they actually paid such a huge price to build this Seven Star Absolute Killing Divine Formation?" This Lord has quite a bit of money. "Come on, Jinquan, shout and make him surrender!" Jin Qi stroked his hair, he had a Qilin tattoo on his face, when he said those words, it was as if the Qilin was alive, it was extremely strange.    


"Yes, Young Master!"    


Jin Kun saluted respectfully. Then, he operated his God Power and started to shout. The voice seemed to have a penetrating power, as it directly passed through the enormous blue colored barrier above the God City and resounded in every corner.    


"Listen up, everyone below, immediately close your shields. If not, I will destroy your shields and kill everyone inside!"    


A cold voice resounded throughout the entire God City, shocking everyone present. Everyone looked at the two figures in the sky who had boundless auras. They looked like devils. It was like a bucket of cold water had been poured on their heads in winter. In an instant, they turned cold from head to toe. The group turned their gazes towards the center of the God City.    


"Tu, we pay our respects to the two sirs!"    


As expected, the God Master did not disappoint everyone and decisively revealed himself, teleporting above his Divine Pavilion as he cupped his hands and bowed. But... His words, however, made all of the God City's citizens very disappointed.    


"This lowly one is the master of Flame Dragon Plane. If you two sirs have any orders, if Tu can do it, you must help the two sirs accomplish it at all costs!"    


"Shut up!"    


Jin Kun didn't care about Tu Yidao's compromise. Instead, he shouted angrily with a cold expression, "Either open the shield and surrender, or... "Die!"    


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