Beast Piercing The Heavens

C662 Practice room 1

C662 Practice room 1

0"9527, go along the left passageway!"    


The moment Ye Qinghan walked out of the small hall, he received a sound transmission from Black Armor Commander Wu Shan, making him feel slightly at ease. Although this Lan Fei wanted to play with him, he didn't play with him in this aspect. When he thought about the excited expressions on the faces of the crowd, he started to become slightly curious. What was so special about the Practice Room 1?    


Walking along the straight path, Ye Qinghan secretly asked himself about the situation around him. The passage was very long, and there were countless stone doors. It was obvious that these stone doors were independent small rooms, belonging to the second floor Martial Cultivator.    


In front of him, a stone door opened and two martial artists, a man and a woman, walked out. Ye Qinghan pretended to casually glance at the door and saw that it was completely dark. "After walking for a few thousand meters, Ye Qinghan reached the end of the path. There was also a stone door, but it was much larger than the one he came from.    


Just as Ye Qinghan was about to knock on the door hesitantly, the stone door opened and revealed a pitch black cave entrance. At the same time, he received another sound transmission from Wu Shan, telling him to come in immediately.    


After entering the cave, the scenery in front of his eyes suddenly changed. Ye Qinghan raised his head and looked around. At this moment, there were hundreds of Martial Cultivator s in the training room. Martial Cultivator s who went up to the second floor with Ye Qinghan were impressively present, and all of the Martial Cultivator s were sitting down with a strange action. They stared blankly at the wall on the left, not moving at all. It was as if there was some kind of invisible magic within the white wall, causing them to be captivated by it.    


"You also have a day to cultivate here. This training room has ten special things about it. Go find out for yourself!"    


At this time, Wu Shan was also seated in the middle of the crowd, and he sent a sound transmission to Ye Qinghan without turning his head back. Ye Qinghan was startled. The wall could be considered a part of the ten strangest things, Ye Qinghan didn't even need to look at it to guess that this wall was the same as the wall in the Carefree Pavilion training room. There must be a practice map left behind by a strong warrior. He scanned his surroundings, but didn't find anything special about him.    


Hm? That's not right!    


The Spiritual Qi in this place were much denser than the ones outside. Ye Qinghan muttered to himself for a moment and did not continue probing, and imitated everyone else sitting cross-legged on the wall. Of course he did not look at his wall, but Blacky was summoned out and he started cultivating his divine power. Since the Spiritual Qi here were so dense, and also had time to meditate and cultivate, then they must have cultivated their divine power to its peak. At the same time, they should store as much energy as possible, eat until they are full, and then slowly digest it.    


It was just that not long ago, they had swallowed half of the Holy Fruit and the divine power and energy within their bodies were almost still saturated. Ye Qinghan and Blacky did not cultivate for long before the divine power in their bodies reached their peak condition, fully saturated with their energy.    


He started to scan his surroundings, but didn't find anything strange. In the end, he poured his divine power into his eyes, and started to observe the wall in front of him with rapt attention.    


As expected, the wall in front of him started to change colors, and the scene before his eyes slowly changed as well. In the end, Ye Qinghan saw a blue colored figure, whose figure was very blurry, and even his face couldn't be seen clearly at all. The woman stood within a palace. The palace was very big and beautiful, but one could not see the feeling clearly. In the woman's hand was a sword, a treasure sword that emitted blue light. The sword danced and the person danced.    


Although he couldn't see her clearly, Ye Qinghan had a strange feeling in his heart. The sword danced very beautifully, she was even more beautiful, the palace was surrounded by a light blue muslin, following the dance of the woman, the muslin fluttered, adding to the faint white mist in the palace, it was as though he could see a fairy dancing alone in the palace, the scenery was captivating, and the scene was captivating.    


"This woman is so lonely, so lonely!"    


For some reason, Ye Qinghan did not pay attention to the girl's profound sword dance, nor did he look at the woman's floating footwork, nor did he look at the muslin dress that seemed to have a particular rhythm to it. He just stared at the light blue figure in a daze and felt a kind of sorrow and desolation in his heart.    


He was well aware that he had started to get muddled again. Such a precious opportunity, instead of comprehending the profound mysteries of the Laws and secret techniques contained within the painting, he was instead experiencing some lonely and lonely state. However, he still couldn't help but fall into silence because he was also a lonely person. In other words, he was the loneliest person in this world. Because he didn't belong to this world.    


He thought of many things, some sweet, some sad, some painful, some happy, some... He began to completely silence himself, in this deep and lonely place.    


The moonlight was dim. Who was the one that was messing around with Han Yi? Looking at the horizon, he thought of his hometown. Even though the night was full of snow, Bei Feng was still extremely anxious. He had traveled thousands of miles to travel a long distance, but he was still connected to the snow …    


Missing is not a dumpling, but an illness!" He began to have an attack again. It was as if he was looking at a scene from his dream … Silver Moon described in detail how enchanting it was, how it was a song with an alluring painting of a zither, how it danced under the night sky, and how it whispered in the cold wind …    


Unknowingly, his vision began to blur. The light blue woman in his eyes continued to dance about. However, there were a few more women and a few figures in his dream.    


Without realizing it, he closed his eyes and allowed the tears to flow down his face. There was a hint of salt on the corner of his mouth, but there was also a trace of sweetness.    


Imperceptibly, the top of his head … The wind started to blow, and dense Spiritual Qi began to gather above his head. Without realizing it, he once again entered the Spiritual Quietness state.    




The cultivating Black Armor Commander suddenly opened his eyes and quickly scanned over. He was a little surprised, or perhaps it was more accurate to say that he was shocked. He looked deeply into Ye Qinghan's eyes, and without saying anything more, he turned around and closed his eyes.    




In the small hall outside, Lan Fei also opened his narrow and long eyes, looking to his left in shock, as though he could see the scene inside the training room through the thick walls. After that, her sexy lips began to pursed into an alluring smile.    


Half a day later, over a hundred Martial Cultivator s opened their eyes at the same time and stood up. However, when they felt the gentle breeze blowing behind them and the changing of the Essence Qi in the training room, they all turned around at the same time. All of them stared enviously at Ye Qinghan's figure who was meditating silently.    


The Spiritual Quietness state, to these strong practitioners, was not something that was very special. There were even two of them who had comprehended this state. But... They had never entered this training room before, nor had they ever heard of anyone entering this room. And when they felt that Ye Qinghan was only at the first stage of Divine General, the envy in their eyes turned into shock.    


Not only them, but half a day later, after Ye Qinghan was jolted awake by a sound transmission from Wu Shan, he opened his eyes in a daze.    


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