Beast Piercing The Heavens

C650 Holy fruit

C650 Holy fruit

0Holy Fruit?    


Ye Qinghan looked at the name on the fruit in his hand. It looked exceptionally beautiful, and the surroundings looked desolate, or perhaps dead, and his heart was filled with sorrow!    


As a dignified God-level Fighters, his lifespan had already reached several millions of years, which was equivalent to an expert with an immortal body. But now, he had fallen to the point that he would starve to death if he did not eat the Holy Fruit. It seemed like what the captain said was correct, this place was indeed cursed, and it was filled with Forgotten Land.    


The fruit was like an immortal peach from his previous life, emitting an alluring fragrance and a misty divine light, causing one to feel an intense appetite when looking at it. Ye Qinghan was deep in thought for a moment, without any hesitation, he used the force in his hands and split the fruit in half, causing a sweet smell to spread out in all directions. He threw half of it into the opening and started chewing, while the other half was given to Blacky who came out from her sleeves. Blacky did not stand on ceremony and directly took the fruit, and swallowed it in a few bites.    


Holy Fruit s were indeed Holy Fruit s, once they entered his mouth, they had a fragrant smell. Once he ate it, his body would start to heat up, and a strong warm feeling began to flow through his body. Even his divine power had reached its peak state, and seemed to have grown a bit. Even Ye Qinghan felt that the Soul Sea had expanded a little.    


"Boss!" This fruit is so delicious, I feel like my soul and divine power are growing after eating it! " Blacky sent over a sound transmission to him, confirming the situation. Ye Qinghan smiled and patted Blacky's head, and sent a sound transmission to him: "If you like to eat, Boss will think of a way to eat more fruits in the future, and I'll just give you more fruits to eat!"    


After asking Blacky to return to her sleeves, Ye Qinghan raised her head and saw that all of the Martial Cultivator s were looking at him. Other than the three new Martial Cultivator s, all the other gray armored people had the same expression as they sent the same message, and that was … Idiot.    


"Little Brother Ye, why did you give half of the fruit to your Spiritual Pet? "This fruit is so important, and it seems like it will be very difficult to obtain. Aren't you …"    


"It's little brother Ye. In this place, you should still be the first one to deal with this Spiritual Pet … Drop it, and he'll drag you down! "    


After half a month of interaction, although the four of them did not have a heart to heart relationship, because they had all fallen into the same trap at the same time, they all felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if they had both fallen to the ends of the earth. Therefore, Ye Qinghan did not hide his real name, and the three of them did not hide their concerns. In their eyes, they were just beggars that he could not even fill his stomach, it was a problem even if he ate, but Ye Qinghan still had to bring a dog with him.    


"Thank you for your concern, big brothers. I know what I'm doing! Let's go, the adults are on their way! "    


Ye Qinghan laughed, and did not explain too much. He found it difficult to express his feelings for Blacky with words. Just like when her Deifying Valley was being absorbed, Blacky did not hesitate to fly over. Just like a moment ago, he gave half of the life-saving fruit to Blacky without even thinking about it, and Blacky just took it as a matter of fact. The two's feelings had already fused into their blood, becoming closer than family. This was because family was related by blood, and yet, their souls were also connected together.    


After eating the Holy Fruit, everyone no longer felt hungry, but they understood one thing. In this place, everyone had to conserve energy from their bodies at all times. And so … The four of them became the same as the little group of Martial Cultivator s in front of them. They stopped talking, stopped doing useless actions, and did not circulate their divine power.    


A few days later, the scenery in front of them finally changed. A huge mountain appeared in front of them. The mountain was like a standard cone. At the very top, there was actually a palace. Although this palace was completely made up of black soil, it was still very majestic.    


The ground beneath the palace was like a terraced field. Layers upon layers of dark and gloomy caves grew fewer and larger the higher one went. At the foot of the mountain was a densely packed black cave entrance. All the caves added together numbered close to a hundred thousand. Under this dark sky, it was as eye-catching as a pair of green eyes of a wolf in the dark night.    


Although they could see this huge mountain from afar, they still walked for a good half an hour before reaching the foot of the mountain. The grey armored captain waved his hand and the several grey armored Martial Cultivator s behind him scattered in silence. Only then did he speak to the few people behind him.    


"This is Rain Emperor Tribe, this mountain is called Yu Di Mountain. 9527, 9528, 9529, 9530. Your residence is on the lowest floor. There are numbers on the entrance! Remember, without any orders, you can only move about on the first level. If you dare to enter the second level, you will die without a doubt. There are a few stone monuments over there, and there are detailed introductions of Forgotten Land s as well as the iron laws of Rain Emperor Tribe. You can take a closer look! "    


After saying this, this captain did not waste any more words. He walked towards a Sky Stairway that led straight up the mountain. Finally, he walked to the second level and his figure suddenly disappeared.    


The Yu Di Mountain was very high and it was very steep. The four of them could clearly see that the mountain was divided into five floors at the beginning, but now, standing at the foot of the mountain, they could only see the second floor, the third, fourth, fifth floor, and the palace on the mountain peak. Furthermore, his spiritual sense seemed to be restricted and was completely unable to sense the situation on the second floor. From the looks of it, there should be some kind of restriction on the second floor.    


Eh? That's not right!    


Just now, the four people had subconsciously sent out their spiritual sense, only to discover that they were unable to detect the second layer at all. However, they unexpectedly discovered something! This Yu Di Mountain … There was a Spiritual Qi! Even though it was very thin, thin to the point that it could be disregarded, at least this was the only place where Spiritual Qi s were found in the long history of their Forgotten Land.    


The four of them spread out their divine intents on the first floor. They could clearly feel that there were tens of thousands of small caves on the first floor, and at least half of them were occupied by people. However, when they arrived, they couldn't help but attract no one's attention. Not even one of them released their divine sense. There were probably tens of thousands of Martial Cultivator s living in this place, but from Ye Qinghan's point of view, there seemed to be tens of thousands of living dead people …    


The four of them could not suppress the bewilderment in their hearts. They quickly walked towards the mountain, heading straight for the few large stone monuments at the entrance. No, they should be walking towards the Mud Monument.    


There were three tablets. The first one introduced the Forgotten Land in detail, the second introduced the iron laws of the Rain Emperor Tribe, and the third introduced some things regarding the Forgotten Land.    


The four of them carefully read the words on the three stone tablets a few times. However, their expressions became darker and darker, darker and darker than the black mud that could be seen everywhere!    


"Malay Gobi!" Ye Qinghan let out a long sigh, and said these four words after a long while.    


The Divine King Expert and the other two also let out a heavy sigh, and spoke out in unison: "Malgobo!"    


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