Unparalleled Talisman God



0Yu Sihai left, while the old man Jiang Lan remained in his original position, pondering over something. After a long while, he stood up and walked in another direction.    


This garden looked completely empty, with only Jiang Lan the only person remaining as the old man. The entire lakewater was calm without any ripples, and there was no one by his side.    


However, Jiang Lan walked to the lakeside, and bowed towards the empty lakeside as he said: "That youth has already left, I wonder if Sir saw anything?"    


In the empty lakeside, a figure slowly materialized and turned into a woman with a calm face.    


This woman looked very young, no more than twenty years old. She had unparalleled beauty and wore black clothing, making her look somewhat cold. Her face was expressionless, like a calm lake.    


This woman had been sitting at the edge of the lake with her eyes closed, as if she was cultivating.    


One must know that his spiritual will was far stronger than ordinary people's. His divine instinct was sharp, and his perception was astonishing. However, he actually did not sense the presence of another person in the garden after staying here for such a long time.    


Moreover, this woman who looked so calm and tranquil, could actually make Jiang Lan, this old man who everyone feared in the Heaven Mansion, what kind of status did she have?    


"Even though that youth's cultivation is average, his understanding of Talisman s is obviously not in line with his current realm. I suspect that Qi-transforming Stage Transformation is not his true realm, and it is possible that his true realm is even higher than mine!"    


The woman in black also did not open her eyes. She was still sitting upright, and her words were so calm that they made one's hair stand on end. She was like a piece of wood as she spoke, without any superfluous emotions.    


"Is that youth's true realm above yours? How is that possible? " Jiang Lan was stunned by the girl's words.    


No matter how deep Xiao Yu's understanding of Talisman Dao s were, it could still be understood that he had astonishing innate talent and was acceptable, but to say that the youth's true realm was above this woman's, Jiang Lan truly did not dare believe it.    


This woman had already been in his garden for many years. Strictly speaking, this garden was set up by this woman, and she had been cultivating here for a long time.    


In fact, Jiang Lan had not been able to break through to the King Stage and had already passed away a thousand years ago. It was this woman who gave him a method to prolong his life and allowed him to live until today, with the hope of breaking through to the King Stage.    


However, even though he had known this woman for a thousand years, Jiang Lan still did not know her true realm, and did not even know her name.    


But what was certain was that since this woman could set up such a garden and extend his life by a thousand years with her Heaven Sect Stage, her realm would definitely be no lower than a king's!    


In fact, summoning Xiao Yu this time wasn't only Jiang Lan's own will, it was also the woman in black's intention.    


Even the woman was deeply shocked by Xiao Yu's methods. She suspected that Xiao Yu was not like the people with Qi-transforming Stage on the surface, but was instead a Talisman Dao with a high level of King Level, or even cultivation.    


It was also because of this woman in black's suspicions that Jiang Lan had tested Xiao Yu in the garden, wanting to see if he could tell what was so special about this place.    


That young man is not normal, other than the Talisman's astonishing strength, he was training here just now. It seems like he has a very powerful skill within his body, and when he cultivates, even I am affected. His skill is not stable, and I feel like I am being suppressed by his skill.    


The black-clothed woman's next sentence once again caused Jiang Lan to be shocked.    


What was the black-clothed woman's strength? The cultivation method she cultivated, was actually influenced by the cultivation method of another person, and that person only had the Qi-transforming Stage cultivation method, then what kind of terrifying cultivation method did she cultivate in the end?    


"No matter what, that youth is extremely abnormal. You should pay more attention. When the time is right, you can give him a certain amount of help. Perhaps ? In the future, he will be able to help me! " The girl in black was silent for a long time before she spoke again.    


"Yes sir!" Jiang Lan trembled. To be able to receive this woman's evaluation, he was deeply convinced that the youth called Mo Wang was definitely not as simple as he looked on the surface.    


"Go." The girl in black spoke these last three words indifferently. Then, she closed her eyes and her figure slowly faded away. She disappeared from the lake, as if she had never existed there.    


Jiang Lan had also left, but the woman in black's words were still lingering in his mind for a long time. Just what kind of realm and strength did that youth named Mo Wang possess? He actually got such attention from this profound and mysterious girl from his clan!    


Returning to the tiny Talisman Shop, Xiao Yu instructed He Qingshan to not see any visitors, and went to the backyard, where he took out the Triple Yuan Fruit and refined it.    


Refining and absorbing it would have a miraculous effect on humans. If it was combined with other spirit herbs and refined into a pill, then even if a person with Heaven Sect Stage consumed it, he would be able to break through a stage in an instant. It could be considered precious.    


However, when Xiao Yu obtained the fruit, he actually wanted to use it to increase his cultivation, and to repair the damage to his body instead.    


He took out the fruit and began to refine it. At the same time, the power of Yin and Yang in his body revolved, revealing a powerful Life Power.    


Yin Yang Energy, was also a living Death Power.    


With the help of the Yin-yang Power, Xiao Yu was able to maximize the effects of the Three Elements Fruit. Although it could not completely restore his physical body, it was still able to achieve a clear and obvious improvement.    


"Second Qi Transformation?"    


In the blink of an eye, the Three Triple Yuan Fruit was completely refined by Xiao Yu, causing his damaged body to recover by a little, but Xiao Yu still felt helpless.    


His cultivation had long since reached the fifth transition of the Qi-transforming Stage, but he could only unleash the strength of a first transition when his body was damaged. Now, even after refining the third fruit, he could only recover a little, allowing him to unleash the strength of a second transition.    


"Looks like if I want to make a full recovery, I'll have to make a trip to the Medicine Dao Alliance."    


The spirit medicine that he needed was extremely rare. In this kind of situation, probably only the Medicine Dao Alliance would have the spirit medicine that he needed, and it was still necessary to go there.    


Walking out of the outer courtyard, as Xiao Yu expected, the posters he received on this day were several times more than before. Regardless of whether it was the large or small clans, or even those second-rate powers, they all posted their posts in this Talisman Shop, and quite a few people directly brought over many gifts. There were so many piles of them piled up in this Talisman Shop, that even those considerate Space Talisman s had all delivered them!    


"Wow, we got rich! Boss Mo, did you really go to the Jiang Family yesterday?" Why is it that so many people have come to deliver gifts when you've only gone once? What the hell did you do? "    


He Qingshan looked at all these things, every single one of them could even be considered a treasure. His eyes stared straight ahead, wishing he could kneel down and hug Xiao Yu's feet and kiss them.    


"Who sent them?" Xiao Yu had already anticipated this. If he revealed that move yesterday, then it would be weird if all the other powers in Heaven Mansion could remain calm. No matter how many things he sent over, it wouldn't be abnormal at all.    


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