Invincible God King

C581 small temple

C581 small temple

0"Do you know who those figures from before are?!" After a moment of silence, Shen Xiaoyao asked.    


Huangfu Xin laughed coldly: "The few black figures earlier were not humans, but instead..." She gazed into the darkness at the shadows that were ready to make their move and said in a deep voice, "Demonic Beast!"    


Demonic beasts were the weirdest creatures in this world.    


His main body was that of a beast, and after countless years of absorbing the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, it had developed a consciousness that could understand the human nature.    


The more powerful the person, the more likely it was to shed its beast form and transform into a human.    


A demon beast of this level was no longer within the scope of a beast, and was directly turned into a demon!    


Hearing that, Shen Xiaoyao nodded his head: "You have good eyesight, it seems that I have underestimated you!"    


Huangfu Xin said in a low voice: "Are you purposely testing me?!"    


Shen Xiaoyao shook his head, looked deep into the peach forest and said: "I have just arrived here, and secretly explored. I know that there should be a temple at the end of the peach forest. If these demon beasts were domesticated by humans, their master should be in this temple. "    


"I want to see who exactly is the mastermind behind capturing my Clear Sky Sect's disciple!?" Huangfu Xin did not reply, and turned to walk back into the peach forest.    


Shen Xiaoyao also brushed the peach blossoms that were on his clothes, and followed behind Huangfu Xin.    


The two of them were different from the disciples that the Monstrous Beasts killed in the depths of the peach forest. They were the strongest within the young generation.    


Their bodies emitted a murderous aura.    


Although this evil aura was invisible and formless, with the demonic beast's sensitive senses, it could naturally sense it.    


Therefore, while the two of them were travelling, there were no other demonic beasts that sneakily attacked them.    


As Huangfu Xin advanced, the situation of the peach forest seemed to have changed.    


In the originally airtight peach forest, there was actually a small, winding path that stretched out in front of them.    


And just a moment ago, there was no road at all.    


Under the moonlight, the path appeared pure white, making it seem even stranger and more dangerous.    


There seemed to be something ominous waiting for them at the end of the path.    


Huangfu Xin and Shen Xiaoyao also felt this strange atmosphere, but neither of them stopped. Instead, they followed the directions of the small road and walked down one step at a time.    


He didn't know how long he had been walking in the forest, but it seemed like he had reached the end of the path. A thick black fog hung down from the sky, covering everything in front of him.    


Just as Huangfu Xin and Shen Xiaoyao were about to stop, they heard a faint sound coming from behind them.    


The two turned around in surprise, but they realized that the path they had come from had already disappeared. The only thing left behind was an endless sea of peach trees and leaves, rustling in the moonlight.    


The two of them took a deep breath and turned their heads. They saw that the black fog in front of them was slowly dissipating. Under the moonlight, a desolate little temple gradually appeared.    


It was impossible to tell how many years the temple had been in. It looked dilapidated and on the verge of collapse.    


The red tiles on the roof of the temple had already turned dark, filled with bird tracks and weeds.    


A thin wooden board hung on the door of the temple. It had been slanted to the side, and three words were written on it in golden lacquer: "Mountain temple!"    


However, what was even more surprising was that someone had typed out a huge red cross on the three characters, covering up his original appearance and adding the words "Celestial Fox Temple" on the side.    


This scene looked a little funny, but Huangfu Xin couldn't laugh at all.    


She frowned as she looked at the plaque in front of the temple.    


The red ink had not dried yet, and it revealed a dark red color, as if it had just been inscribed not long ago.    


Huangfu Xin's eyes flickered, subconsciously, he felt that the color of the ink was wrong.    


Sure enough, in the next moment, Shen Xiaoyao arrived in front of the temple's door, extended his hand out and caught a drop of the red ink, placing it in front of his nose and took a light sniff, then said with a gloomy face:    


"It's blood!"    


The surroundings of the mountain temple were filled with wilderness.    


Other than the peach forest, there was nothing else.    


Then, he didn't ask where this fresh blood came from.    


It was naturally the disciples of the Clear Sky Sect who had gone missing in the peach forest!    


Unable to hold back the anger in his heart any longer, Huangfu Xin kicked open the broken door of the temple!    


"Boom!" A loud sound rang out.    


The two small doors of the mountain temple were instantly smashed into pieces by Huangfu Xin.    


Dust filled the sky as it poured out of the broken temple.    




At the same time, Shen Xiaoyao also blasted out a palm.    


A strong gust of wind blew past, and the dust vanished.    


The scene of a few seconds later entered the eyes of the two.    


The small temple was not that big to begin with.    


Under the bright moonlight, the two of them could see everything clearly with a single glance.    


There was no one in the temple.    


The altar was also empty.    



On top of the scarlet shrine sat a statue that was about the size of a real person. Under the hazy moonlight, one could not see its face, and it was only a dazzling white robe.    


Huangfu Xin retracted his gaze and looked at the temple's most eye-catching box.    


This box was made from thousand year iron and wood, and could last for thousands of years.    


However, the box in front of him was already in ruins.    


From this, it could be seen that it had been here for many years.    


There was a lock on the box.    


The lock was about the size of a palm, but it was extremely exquisite. On it was a statue of the Nine Sons of the Dragon, Pu Prison. It looked simple and unadorned, but it was also more than half damaged.    


With a light smash, the lock fell to the ground.    


At the same time, like a domino bone, the chest made from thousand years of metal and wood also collapsed with a loud bang.    


A cloud of dust flew up, but it was unable to block the light within the box.    


Shen Xiaoyao and Huangfu Xin immediately cast their gaze at the bottom of the chest.    


He saw a golden bell that was as bright as a brand-new bell!    


The golden bell emitted a faint golden light.    


The baby's shadow seemed to form a protective barrier that prevented external objects from coming in contact with the golden bell.    


It was for this reason that the golden bell, which was the size of a fist, was left intact.    


"What is this?!"    


Huangfu Xin curiously walked in front of the golden bell and knocked on it a few times.    




"Dong ~"    


"Boom ~ ~ ~ ~"    


The golden bell made light sounds of varying length.    


However, when Huangfu Xin tried to pick it up, he realized that this seemingly small golden bell was as heavy as a mountain, and unmoving.    


Seeing that, Shen Xiaoyao said softly: "Let me do it."    


However, it seemed that Huangfu Xin did not want Shen Xiaoyao to help him.    


She shook her head and looked around. Finally, she decided to try it out from under the golden bell.    


"Zheng ~"    


A clear sound rang out.    


Unknowingly, a dagger had appeared in Huangfu Xin's hand.    


This dagger was about half a foot long, and it emitted a faint, cold light. One could tell at a glance that it was not ordinary.    


Huangfu Xin stabbed his dagger into the ground beside Jin Zhong, attempting to raise Jin Zhong up from the ground.    


But before she could use any strength, the golden bell emitted a muffled hum and instantly flew up!    




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