Invincible Smart-Guy System

C365 She Rushed to Seattle

C365 She Rushed to Seattle

0Aircraft manufacturing is not a profitable industry, and the cost of development is very high, and the research and production cycle is very slow. This year, he invested one billion US dollars to start a new research and development project. Perhaps three years later... After spending one billion US dollars and discovering that there were changes in the civil aviation market, they immediately called for a halt or changed to other projects. One hundred million US dollars this year to book a plane, perhaps it will only be produced and sold to others three years later. If the US dollars in the middle depreciated, then this order might lose money after it was delivered. This industry seemed to be very high-end and full of vigor. But in terms of earning money, even ten passengers couldn't compare to a single Google. Twenty aircrafts added together could barely match the annual profit of the company called Facebook. It could be compared to at least thirty passengers.    


It was fine if they didn't make money from selling smartphones and computers. It was even worse than earning money from a website. One could imagine how miserable this industry was. Even though the companies that made world-class fighter jets and bombers were awesome, they weren't that brilliant. Although it was a research and development investment by the government, this was because the products could not be exported or casually sold. That was why the research and development costs were paid by the government. When it came to production, when it came to production, companies were basically self-sustaining.    


If the US government gave Lockheed Martin 10 billion US dollars, they could develop a F40 fighter. After Lockheed Martin developed it, assuming that a F40 was sold for 1 billion US dollars, the United States government said, Alright, I'll give you 100 billion US dollars. Order 100 fighter aircraft first. Lockheed Martin would definitely wave his hand and say: Come on you, even if it's 1 billion dollars each, that's right. 100 billion dollars is 100 units, but it will take a long time to make 100 units. If the value of the US Dollar in the Myriad No.1 Middle School depreciated, then not only would the 100 billion USD purchase order not earn a single cent, but it would also take a long time to manufacture one hundred units. He would also have to pay for it.    


In this situation, he had to get the floating contract from the US government. In other words, although the price was one billion USD per unit, it was true. However, the delivery had to be based on the currency situation at that time. When the contract was signed, the purchasing power of one billion US dollars was reevaluated. If the currency depreciated... It would increase the purchase price, and only then would the profit be guaranteed.    


This kind of bitter business, even if Zhang Yunfeng monopolized all the Civil aviation aircraft in the world, however, Zhang Yunfeng still placed them in an extremely important position. If he did not want to earn money, he would take it as a revenge. Even if he lost money... Zhang Yunfeng had to start his own aircraft manufacturing project.    


It was precisely because of this mentality that Zhang Yunfeng deliberately dug a huge pit in front of the passengers. He also dug a big pit behind Boeing. He could foresee that... Once the passengers collapsed, the European people would absolutely not have the strength to maintain the debt and loss operation of the passengers. They were already in an environment of economic depression, and their automotive industry had already suffered a huge impact. The economic situation became more severe. If the airbus collapsed... And if he made a move at the right time, even if the European sold the passenger at the price of vegetables... He would definitely not let it rot in his hands.    


With this thought in mind, Zhang Yunfeng boarded his BBJ2 business plane and took off from Zhonghai, flying straight to the United States' Seattle, which was also where the Boeing headquarters and most of the production lines were located.    


Zhang Yunfeng's plan to go to America this time was made public to the public. The American media had long carried out an earth-shattering report on this. Because to the Americans, they thought that Dong Chen was a company that had a very good relationship with the United States. When the Dongchen Automobile went on a rampage, Dong Chen was the first to use the gentle military policy in the United States. He did not attack the local car Manufacturing Enterprise, but cooperated with the local companies. This made the Americans have a better impression of Dong Chen. Soon after, the Americans had a better impression of him. ... The Dongchen Aerospace Engineering had signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Boeing, which further increased the Americans' impression of Dong Chen. Now, in the eyes of the American people, Dong Chen could be said to be the one with the best reputation and also the most favorable impression of an overseas company. And this time, Dong Chen would be the first to open the export business of the Dongchen Engine to the American airlines. This point made the Americans even happier.    


Some American media even said that Dong Chen had already become half a local company in the United States. There had never been any domestic or overseas company that could receive such high recognition and praise in the United States. To the Americans, it was like an Apple Group from China. It had a strong sense of familiarity.    


Zhang Yunfeng did not care about intimacy. In fact, what he wanted to earn the most was foreign currencies. Working closely with American companies would be very beneficial to his money-making plan. He was the world's largest economy after all.    


When Zhang Yunfeng's plane was about to land on the Seattle, the American media had already set up a long and short cannon beside the airport runway. There were even reporters reporting on the tower. When the captain of Zhang Yunfeng's private plane requested to land on the tower, the CNN reporter said excitedly to the camera, "Due to the super economic nature of Dong Chen's aircraft engine, it's not just the Boeing now. All the airlines and airports in the United States are waiting for the arrival of the person in charge of Dong Chen. Seattle Airport is usually very busy, but the airlines give the highest treatment to Dongchen's private plane. And... They allowed him to land first on runway one, and every American Airlines company was eager to become the first overseas customer of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. The entire United States' aviation system thought that Dong Chen was going to the United States this time. The United States Airlines will start a new era."    


There were even more reporters around the runway, their cameras facing the sky. They captured every plane that appeared in their field of vision. When Dong Chen's plane that was painted with Dong Chen logo appeared in the sky, all the cameras were aimed at the plane that was about to land. The scene was noisy.    


Ten minutes later, the plane landed smoothly on the runway. When Zhang Yunfeng got off the plane, the Boeing CEO, Raymond, and the mayor of Seattle City were the first to welcome him. Zhang Yunfeng and Raymond shook hands warmly. It gave people the feeling that they were comrades who had gone through life and death together. When the two of them shook hands and smiled at each other, photos of them appeared in all the newspapers and media in the United States. The American media all said that this day was a milestone in changing American Civil Aviation. However, not long after, they dug up the picture again. It was called the milestone in changing global Civil Aviation...    


The government officials of the United States rarely participated in corporate activities, especially when foreign companies came to China. Very few government officials personally went to the airport to welcome them. It was also the first time that the mayor of Seattle City, Guillermo, had done so. In the past, he had only welcomed high-ranking officials and foreign politicians at the airport, but the person in charge of foreign companies. This was the first time, but he did not feel awkward at all. He did not feel that his share of the profits had dropped. After all, the Dongchen Group was currently the top company in the world, whether it was in terms of market value or profitability.    


After experiencing a grand welcoming ceremony at the airport, Zhang Yunfeng didn't accept any interviews from reporters. He only gave a simple speech at the airport, and the content was also very simple. It was nothing more than his main purpose for coming to America this time. He also said some good wishes such as wishing that he could work more closely with American companies.    


After the ceremony, Zhang Yunfeng followed Boeing's motorcade to the headquarters of Boeing in Seattle. Raymond first accompanied Zhang Yunfeng to tour the production line of Boeing in Seattle. Boeing was worthy of being called the world's largest spacecraft Manufacturing Enterprise. The grandeur of the aircraft production line was indeed something that other industrial manufacturing could not compare with. Even Zhang Yunfeng did not have the ability to get all kinds of advanced equipment.    


Raymond accompanied Zhang Yunfeng to tour the Boeing 7478 production line and said, "The plane that Dong Chen ordered will be delivered next month. I wonder when Dong Chen's thrust engine will go offline?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled faintly and said, "The DC2 series engine can go offline next month. At that time, it can meet the requirements of the Boeing 7478, 767, 787, and 787 large passenger planes. The economics of fuel fuel was not inferior to the DC11, and it was completely up to 180 minutes Etopos standard. It will even be several times stronger than it. It will definitely be the best choice for international overseas flights. "    


Raymond was delighted and said, "Zhang, since Boeing and Dong Chen signed the strategic cooperation agreement, all of our 737 orders have been changed to Dongchen Engine configuration, and the output of Airbus A320 has fallen by half. However, we have received even more 737 orders. If Dong Chen's large thrust engine has successfully gone offline and obtained a flight permit, then the passengers are really going to die."    


Zhang Yunfeng laughed and said, "This is the effect of strategic cooperation. But I hope that Boeing will strictly follow the additional agreement in our contract. We absolutely cannot sell planes with Dongchen Engine to the airlines of the two countries. "    


Raymond said with a determined face, "Boeing will never do anything that violates the contract, not to mention that we are strategic partners!"    


Zhang Yunfeng said again, "Oh right, remember to include Australia as well."    


Raymond looked surprised and asked curiously, "Why do you include Australia as well?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "You don't need to ask. Just add him in."    


Raymond had also heard that recently, Dong Chen Unel had stopped selling Australia. The whole world was guessing where Australia had offended Dong Chen. Although he did not know the reason, he knew Dong Chen's attitude and style. He nodded and agreed.    


Zhang Yunfeng asked, "How many orders does Australia Airlines have in Boeing?"    


"Just Australia Airlines alone have more than 20." Raymond said, "Their fleet is about 200 ships, 75% of which are passenger and cargo planes of various Boeing models. The batch of 737 that we are about to deliver should have five of them, and there are also 787 of them. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "I think you should inform them too. These planes will not be able to be equipped with Dongchen Engine."    


Raymond nodded readily and smiled. "Australia has never been our main client. Their digestive ability is far worse than Dongwo Airlines. We even gave up on Dongwo Airlines, so we don't care about them."    


Zhang Yunfeng looked at Raymond and smiled. "Mr. Raymond, don't say it like you cut off a piece of meat for Dong Chen. Dongwo has always been close to America. 80% of the planes in their airlines were manufactured by Boeing. I just don't want you to sell them planes that belong to the Dongchen Engine. They are still ordering the various models and engine configurations from you. The same goes for Cold Country. Therefore, in the two markets in Japan and Korea... There is no loss."    


Raymond laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang really saw it very clearly. Haha, even if the plane is not sold to Japan, Korea, and Australia with Dongchen Engine, our other planes are still competitive with them in the past. This is indeed true. " Then, he quickly changed the topic and said with a look of longing, "When Dong Chen's engine arrives, the Boeing has already gone offline, but the 80 planes that have yet to be delivered can be directly delivered to the user. At the same time, we have decided to increase our production capacity to 130% of the design production capacity. Also, we will build two new production lines in Seattle, one for the production of the 737 series. The other will be used to produce the 787 series. We will use it to catch the order that comes out of the hands of the passengers. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "In a while, I will announce to the world that Dong Chen will start in three days. Every day, ten Dongchen engines will be provided for Boeing. If the double jet and the four jets are combined in a ratio of 3: 1, then Boeing will be able to complete the production of three double jet and one four-jet per day."    


Raymond was immediately overjoyed and said with a smile, "Our highest annual output is only about 700 or so planes. The number of engines you provide has even exceeded our actual needs. However, in the early stages, this amount is still not enough to meet the demand. After all, we have quite a number of planes that have yet to be delivered. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "It is because of the fact that there are still a large number of planes that have yet to be delivered that I gave such a high quota to the Boeing. When all the orders that you have accumulated have been submitted, I will lower the quota of the engine to meet the actual requirements of the Boeing. Then, transfer the lowered quota to the aviation company. "    


Raymond was extremely happy and said gratefully, "Zhang, you are really the Boeing's most important partner. I think our cooperation will definitely change the development of the entire world's civil aviation system!"    


Zhang Yunfeng laughed and said, "Mr. Raymond, the decline of aircrafts is irreversible. Boeing must speed up the production process at this time to quickly absorb all the users of aircrafts. At that time, there will really only be Boeing in the field of civil aircraft manufacturing."    


Raymond naturally could not imagine that Dong Chen was also preparing for the aircraft manufacturing plan. Therefore, he had always regarded Dong Chen as the most important business partner. He had never thought that this business partner would have the potential threat of becoming a competitor. After all, aircraft engine was completely different from manufacturing an entire plane. There was almost no common technology between them, and the probability of changing was almost zero. Boeing had long planned to increase production and build a new production line, but this was exactly what Zhang Yunfeng wanted. Boeing now had a monopoly on the future, which would allow them to expand at a speed far beyond normal standards. The bigger the expansion, the bigger the mess that would be left behind in the future.    


After visiting the Boeing production line, Zhang Yunfeng and Raymond held a Press conferences together at the Boeing headquarters. The core content of this Press conferences was the cooperation between Dong Chen and Boeing, so they did not invite the person in charge of the aviation company. There were a lot of media present, and once Zhang Yunfeng appeared at the venue, he immediately became the center of attention.    


Nearly two months ago, this young Eastern man stood alone on the stage. He held a Universalu 4 which shocked the whole world. It also opened up a new era of smartphones and computers merging. Now, he came to Boeing and was going to join hands with Boeing to start a new era in the civil aviation field. The innovation brought by this person had already surpassed the time when the limelight was at its peak, Jobs.    


At the beginning, Press conferences did not accept media interviews. As the owner of the Press conferences, Boeing... First, he explained his current development situation and his cooperation with Dong Chen. It would bring about innovation and change, and when Zhang Yunfeng spoke, it made the American media present cheer.    


"I came to America this time and brought 40% of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering's production capacity. And my main purpose is to give half of the production capacity to Boeing. The other half of the production capacity will be given to the United States Airlines, and the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering will be the first to be exported in the United States. Furthermore, it will be the first to open the order window in the United States. At that time, 20 engines will be shipped to the United States every day. Ten will be delivered to Boeing, and the other ten will be delivered to the American airlines. "    


After changing into Dongchen's engine, the China Airlines had a huge increase in seating capacity compared to before. However, the cost had dropped by 40%, even though the price of the tickets had dropped by 20%. The airlines still retained 20% of the profits, and... The increase in the number of seats allowed the profits of the Aviation Company to increase by 20%. It was like adding wings to a tiger. The United States was the most developed country in Civil Aviation. Airlines was the most common transportation method in the United States, so this kind of innovation... Whether it was for American airlines or allergic reactions, it was extremely important. When Zhang Yunfeng said this, it was understandable that the American media was abnormally excited.    


On the contrary, the European and Korean media were very depressed. The European people loved their passenger cars, but Dong Chen intended to cooperate with Boeing. After crushing the passenger, the Japanese and Korean people hoped that their domestic aviation could also accept this opportunity for innovation. However, Dong Chen had no intention of selling any products to the Japanese and Korean countries. He saw that the United States was about to receive a large quota from Dong Chen. These people felt very uncomfortable in their hearts.    


After the cheers of the American reporters below the stage gradually subsided, Zhang Yunfeng said again, "Today, I will represent Dong Chen to sign a contract with Mr. Raymond of Boeing Group. In the next 100 days, Dong Chen will provide Boeing with 10 aircraft engine a day. Every 10 days is the delivery period, and every time is 100 ___. Three days later, the 100 engines would be transported to the Seattle by air. I think the various countries in the world have already placed orders to the airlines in Boeing. Soon, we will be able to get the Boeing passenger plane with the Dongchen Engine. "    


Raymond and Zhang Yunfeng signed the contract template that Zhang Yunfeng had brought over on the spot. The content of the contract was very biased towards Dong Chen. There were no restrictions on Dong Chen's terms. Instead, they restricted the Boeing to complete the full payment within 24 hours after the delivery. Legally speaking, Dong Chen could stop supplying engines to the Boeing at any time. He did not need to pay any legal responsibility.    


Boeing did not have any objections to this. They had already experienced Dong Chen's special method. He was extremely tough. In any cooperation or transaction, he needed to have the absolute initiative. To them, it was already a great thing to be able to obtain the exclusive engine provided by Dong Chen. Who would dare to set all kinds of rules and regulations for Dong Chen to restrict him?    


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