Invincible Smart-Guy System

C206 The Real Terminator

C206 The Real Terminator

0The first thing Zhang Yunfeng did when he came to the company was to find the head of the technical department, Chen Tian. The entire technical team that Chen Tian was in charge of was almost all job-changing from the previous company. Chen Tian had always been the leader of this team, so this team had just started working at Zhang Yunfeng's Dongchen Technology Development Company. He immediately showed great ability to work.    


Chen Tian had been waiting for Zhang Yunfeng for a long time. This week, he led the team to develop in isolation day and night. However, he had been doing the external perfections of the software, but he had never come into contact with the core code. Until now, he was already impatient with this unknown software. He was eager to see its true colors. When he saw Zhang Yunfeng coming to the company, chen Tian immediately went up to him and said, "Director Zhang, the technical work on our side has been completed. The external development and interface design of the program has been completed. Everyone is waiting for your core code. They are all waiting for you. "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "I have brought the core code here." He looked at his watch and said, "In a few minutes, the future operations director of the company will be here. After version 1.0 of this software is completed, I want to hear his evaluation. "    


Chen Tian nodded slightly. Zhang Yunfeng said again, "Lend me your computer for a bit. I will complete the last core nesting."    


"Okay!" Chen Tian immediately brought Zhang Yunfeng to his computer. Zhang Yunfeng sat in his office chair. The first thing he did was to insert the USB into the computer. Then, he asked Chen Tian to turn on the development software. The external program of the photographic terminator had already been completed. He could only wait for Zhang Yunfeng to insert the core code.    


Zhang Yunfeng personally did it, inserting the core code in the USB into the software's external program. He then regenerated the entire software, and very quickly... A photographic terminator appeared on the table. It was an IPA program.    


The IPA was the software format of the Apple System. When the icons were generated on the table, the software that would be created in the next five years would finally be created.    


However, IPA files could not be directly opened on the computer. It had to be installed in the Apple System Terminal before it could be used. It was an application that had not been approved by the Apple Shop. It could not be installed on most of the Apple Phone. Zhang Yunfeng was currently making this photographic terminator. It could only be used on the Apple Phone after the prison break.    


Immediately, Zhang Yunfeng connected the Apple Phone he had brought from the prison break into the computer and prepared to install the IPA directly into the phone through the phone's assistant software.    


At this time, Huang Yong arrived as promised.    


Zhang Yunfeng had just pressed the installation button when he saw Huang Yong. He smiled and said, "Huang Yong, you came at the right time. Since you haven't made up your mind to work for Dong Chen, after you use it, I will make you the first user of this software. Then tell me if this software has a market or not. "    


Huang Yong nodded slightly. He had been waiting for Zhang Yunfeng's call. He had been waiting for Zhang Yunfeng to see the magical and powerful camera software. And now... The mystery was about to be revealed. Was this software as good as Zhang Yunfeng had said? He would naturally know if he used it.    


The total size of the photographic terminator's file was 88 MBs. In the software for photography and image processing, it could be considered a medium-sized software, slightly larger than Metu-Xiuxiu and other software. However, it was much smaller than the bloated software like the iPhone Two.    


The software had been installed during the conversation between Zhang Yunfeng and Huang Yong. Zhang Yunfeng then pulled out the data cable and handed the decrypted iPhone 5th generation to Huang Yong. He said, "You can try it."    


Huang Yong nodded with some inexplicable excitement. He took the phone and the first thing he did was to open the software called photographic terminator.    


As soon as he entered the software, the first thing he did was to enter the filming page. The filming page was very simple, but there were a few functions at the bottom of the page.    


The first was the filming special effect.    


Usually, there were only a dozen or so special effects, but when Huang Yong opened the special effects section of the photographic terminator, when he found out that there were more than forty different effects of filming, Huang Yong felt a little disdain in his heart. In his opinion, the special effects of the ___ should not be too much, because most of the special effects were just for sensationalism. There was no practical and high-quality processing effect at all. Now, he could use his phone to film special effects. At most, there were only a few of them that were commonly used, such as lomo, vintage, axis filming, black and white, and reverse films.    


Huang Yong casually turned on the special effect of a reversed film and aimed the phone camera at a few potted plants in the corner of the company.    


He only randomly chose one, but the image on the phone screen suddenly changed. Just by looking at the effect on the phone screen, Huang Yong was shocked!    


The change in the image was too shocking. Previously, it was the default camera that captured the initial scene, but after clicking on the reverse film effect, the pixel, color, and level of the image on the screen were immediately highlighted.    


This contrast was like an ordinary person singing a song that could barely be heard in a KTV, but in an instant, the voice was switched to the original song. The taste and quality of the song instantly became prominent!    


"How could it be..." Huang Yong exclaimed. This sound attracted the attention of many employees. A large group of people ran behind Huang Yong and checked the effect of the phone screen. A wave of exclamations sounded.    


Then, Huang Yong changed the special effect of the lomo.    


"Oh my god!" Huang Yong could not help but sigh. "The scene is too perfect! It has not been filmed yet, but the image displayed on the phone screen is already perfect! "    


Then, Huang Yong tried the special effects one by one. This made him more and more shocked. It was hard to imagine! Even though Zhang Yunfeng had told him this before, the excellent effect of this software still made him incoherent.    


"Awesome! Awesome!" Huang Yong said excitedly, "With so many special effects, each of them has an extraordinary visual effect. None of them are redundant. They are all classic and unique. Oh my god, there are more than 50 powerful special effects. Once this software is on the market... It will definitely explode!"    


Zhang Yunfeng said lightly, "You only saw the special effects, but you didn't see the next function."    


"The next function?" Huang Yong couldn't help but exit the special effect page and look at the next option. He was surprised to find that this option was actually a filter!    


Huang Yong, who loved photography, knew that a filter used a special optical lens to deal with different lights. This sort of processing was basically based on pure optical principles. Could it be that it could be simulated using digital codes?    


Huang Yong hurriedly opened the filter option and found that there were many types of filtering mirrors inside. They were a divertor mirror, a gray mirror, a gradually changing mirror, a soft mirror, a starlight mirror, a multi-faceted mirror, and so on.    


Even Huang Yong, who was a veteran photography enthusiast, had never used so many types of filtering mirrors. After testing them one by one, he found that it was really similar to the effect of a single reflection on the screen! At the very least, it looked almost the same with the naked eye!    


Huang Yong was dumbfounded. After being stunned for a long time, he quickly opened the third option.    


The third option was Image Processing!    


If the special effect from the filming just now was the special effect from the beginning, then Image Processing was the special effect of the late stage. He needed to take a picture of the original, then do the second processing in the later stage. Huang Yong hurriedly took a close photo of the potted plant, then entered the image processing option. There were hundreds of filters and processing special effects inside!    


The deepest view of the SLR camera was achieved through constant changes in the focal length. It was as simple as the background being blurred, which was extremely difficult for a phone to achieve. Because a phone camera simply did not have the function of optical coagulation. However... Items such as the Light Magic Hand, the art, and so on all had the later stage of the Deep Scene Processing function. But the Deep Scene Processing function was too fake. The only thing it could do was... The only thing that could be done was to make the image outside of the main point fuzzy, giving people the illusion that it was a background illusion. But this effect could not be carefully analyzed, but this software... It could use a purely processing method to make the background illusion vivid and lifelike!    


Huang Yong was overjoyed and said excitedly, "Director Zhang, once this software is released, it will definitely mark the era! This is great! It is simply a perfect piece of work!"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled. "You haven't seen any other functions yet."    


Zhang Yunfeng said and introduced," If we follow this procedure, the first step for the user is to choose the special effect. The second step is to choose the filter used for filming, the third part. It also needs to be processed in the later stages of the filming process. This process is too troublesome and confusing. It was very difficult for an ordinary person to have such patience. So... You click that "Quick" button to take a look.    


Huang Yong hurriedly pressed the single Quick button beside him and found that there were a few full sets of programs inside. For example, there were human images, scenery, sports and night modes. It was as if there were many digital cameras that had these modes for users to choose from.    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "This software is very smart, not the single-set modes in the digital camera. If you choose a human image, it will first provide a facial recognition function. It's not surprising to identify the face of the person being filmed. But after that, it will also have an environmental recognition function. Determining a scene other than a human figure as a "photography environment," and then using the specific environment to deal with the photo independently. It could automatically calculate the distance between the person and the main background, and automatically give a deep view effect. You can try it out "    


Huang Yong activated the human portrait function and tried it. In order to see the effect, he stood in one position without moving and let a female staff act as his model. The background was a bunch of greenery in the corner of the wall. He didn't move, and the background didn't move either. So... He made the female employee who was being filmed change her position continuously.    


At first, the female employee stood in front of the green plant a little bit, and the green plant almost stuck to her back. The software automatically calculated Jing Shen. With such a character and background that could almost be ignored, the software knew that the cameraman wanted to film a complete and clear background. So, there was no illusion about the background.    


As the female employee continued to move forward, the distance between her and the background kept increasing. With every step she took, the software would quickly calculate the distance between her and the background in a very short period of time, and then immediately make the corresponding adjustments.    


When the female employee was in the middle of Huang Yong's background, the effect of the illusion of the background was already very obvious! Furthermore, this software could recognize that the entire human body was standing on the same vertical plane, unlike other advanced software. It could only make a single point of the visual protrusion and the background blurring, and it could completely recognize the entire human body. Therefore, this way, the effect would be very natural!    


"This is too magical!" Huang Yong exclaimed and said, "This software only uses a mobile camera with 8 million pixels. It can produce such an outstanding effect. It must be in the mobile photography industry. The real terminator! I feel that it can be used as an operating system for a SLR camera. If SLR has the assistance of this recording system... I believe that everyone can become professional photographers!"    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "If the core of this smart camera is infiltrated, then... With the SLR camera coupled with the CPU and GPU, you can naturally change the SLR camera into a visual workstation at the later stages of the episode. However, I won't do that, because what I have to do is... It's the phone market."    


Huang Yong immediately said," Director Zhang, I'm willing to join Dong Chen! I hope you can give me this chance! I will do my best to push this great product to the world! "    


Zhang Yunfeng agreed with a smile and said," In that case, you will officially take office next Monday. The first thing you do when you take office is... Bring this software to Apple. Make sure it comes online in a short period of time. You tell the Apple people that I only have one condition. The contract must state that this software does not have a fixed expiration date for the partnership with the Apple. We have the power to cancel the partnership at any time, and say that we have developed the versions of Android and Apple at the same time. As for the rest, let them decide for themselves."    


Huang Yong nodded and said, "I will first contact the distribution channels this weekend. I have a personal relationship with the people in charge of several famous Weibo platforms. When the time comes, I'll promote our application on Weibo as soon as possible. Once the photographic terminator is put on display in the Apple store, immediately carry out an overwhelming propaganda. "    


Zhang Yunfeng asked, "What is the main method of your promotional campaign?"    



" Soft advertising. " Huang Yong smiled and said, "In the beginning, we only need to try our best to release the effect of this software on Weibo and other platforms to attract consumers' attention. As long as they download this software and use it once, I think they will love it! As for the rest, word of mouth is enough."    


Zhang Yunfeng said," Don't think that just because your product is authentic, you will ignore the promotion and promotion. I will give you ten million in the promotion funds in the beginning. You can run the entire promotion process by yourself. I don't care what you do. I only care about your results. "    


"Alright!" Huang Yong immediately nodded and said, "I will make a detailed promotion plan this weekend! Next Monday, I will immediately go to Apple to discuss the problem of this app being put up for sale."    


Not only Huang Yong, but everyone in the company was very shocked and happy about the actual effect of this software. Even if they did not have the professional vision of Huang Yong, they could see the significance of this software from the actual effect. The design team and technical team, who had worked hard for a week, were even more excited, even though they did not participate in the development of the core content. As a part of this product developer, they were still very proud and proud. They were also very optimistic and optimistic about the future of this software.    


Huang Yong took more than a hundred photos in a row and used the 27-inch Apple IMC of the company's design department to take a look. Under the huge Imac screen and extremely high resolution, these pictures were still very interesting. Furthermore, the effects seen on this computer... It was much better than what was shown on the phone screen!    


Huang Yong could not help but sigh and said, "These pictures, if sent to any late stage expert, they would probably have a common view. It's just that these pictures don't need to be processed later, even though there is a difference in the hardware effects compared to the specialized single-target inversion. But for most ordinary consumers, this kind of effect is enough to make them give up the cumbersome and cumbersome single-unit inversion. "    


The technical director, Chen Tian, had been working on smartphone software and app for several years. He evaluated it with his own eyes. He said, "This software is definitely the benchmark for this year's smartphone software market. Even if you exclude personal factors and evaluate it objectively, this software is definitely the benchmark for this year's smartphone software market. I also think that this software is the best smartphone software this year! "    


As he spoke, Chen Tian could not help but praise him. "Director Zhang, where did your core development team invite from? This kind of team is simply the absolute pinnacle of smartphone software!"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "The core team needs to be kept secret, so they can't reveal it to anyone. But I can promise you one thing."    


"What?" Everyone couldn't help but ask curiously.    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "photographic terminator is just the beginning. In the future, there will be more better software that will be developed gradually."    


Regarding this, most of the people in the company did not doubt it. After all, a team that could design and develop this type of software would not have any difficulty designing other good software.    


Huang Yong asked, "By the way, Director Zhang, how do you think the price of this software will be suitable once it is online in the Apple store?"    


"No charge." Zhang Yunfeng said firmly.    


Huang Yong nodded and said, "It is indeed very suitable to quickly expand users at the beginning."    


"It is not free at the end of the day." Zhang Yunfeng said lightly, "It is permanently free."    


"Why?" ___ asked. Huang Yong widened his eyes and blurted out, "Such a powerful software, I believe that the price is about 10 RMB. 80% of users are willing to accept it. After all, it is too worth it."    


Zhang Yunfeng replied with a question, "10 yuan once. How much is 100 million times?"    


"One billion yuan!" Huang Yong clenched his fists and said excitedly, "Just the sales alone can reach one billion yuan. If we have one hundred million users, the advertising fees will be too much."    


Zhang Yunfeng shook his head and smiled. "It's just one billion yuan. Apple will split 30% of it with you. You still have 700 million left, and there are all kinds of tax fees. In the end, you won't even have one hundred million. This amount of money... It's not worth mentioning."    


"Why..." Huang Yong was even more confused. A hundred million USD was a shocking number, but Zhang Yunfeng actually said it was not worth mentioning?    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and asked back, "How much did Instagram sell for?"    


In an instant, Huang Yong came to a realization!    


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