Tyrant Son-in-law

C27 No Money to Pay the Bill

C27 No Money to Pay the Bill

0Then Qian Xue pointed to Hu Yiming. He was just Live-in Son-in-law before, and the family that married him was not some rich family! "    


"You'll have to interrogate him about the source of the money he gave you!" Save yourself the trouble later! "    


The owner of the bar spread his hands and smiled indifferently.    


"Miss Qian, are you joking now?" In this age, it's God whether I laugh or cry, as long as he has money to give me, I don't care how he gets the money, whether he steals it or steals it. "    


"You, on the other hand, have already paid the bill, but Miss Qian has promised to pay two hundred thousand dollars for the room, and you haven't paid it yet." "    


As he said this, the owner of the bar slapped the butt of a beautiful woman at the front desk. "Little Ting, go and pay for Miss Qian." "    


"Good boss." "    


The receptionist, Xiao Ting, smiled and wriggled over to Qian Xue's credit card machine. "Miss Qian, would you …" "AHH!"    


Qian Xue "Pa!" "What the hell are you!" You dare treat me like this? Hmph, I, a dignified young miss of the Qian Family, would still owe you money? "    


Xiao Ting glared at Qian Xue, but she was still a little afraid of the other party's identity. She covered her face with her hands and lowered her head, not daring to flare up.    


Seeing this, the bar owner's face sank again. Immediately after, a staff member ran over with a loud shout.    


"B, boss!" The boss was in big trouble! "    


"What are you panicking for!" "    


He slapped the head of the boy who was running over. "Speak!" What is it? "    


The kid quickly took out his cell phone and handed it to the bar owner. Money … something had happened to the Qian Family! It was already sealed and it was even on the search charts! "    


"I'm guessing the Qian Family is bankrupt as well. The guest we're hosting tonight is the Qian Family's daughter?" "    


"F * ck!" "    


The owner's face instantly turned pale. If he had some doubts about Hu Yiming and the news he had revealed earlier, then now, it was completely certain!    


With large strides, he walked over to Qian Xue and handed her a credit card. "Miss Qian, please settle the bill now." "    


"You!" "    


"Cut the crap, pay the bill!" F * ck, your Qian Family is broke, yet you still dare to come here to eat and drink? And he still f * cking booked the place? Who gave you that face? "    


"The bill!" "    


Qian Xue was shocked by the sudden change in expression of her boss. She took out a card and swiped it.    


Sorry, this card has been frozen.    


"What?" "    


Qian Xue panicked. She hastily took out another red credit card, but after swiping it, the notification sound was exactly the same.    


Sorry, this card has been frozen.    


Qian Xue was already panicking when she pulled out the last piece. The same prompt at the end had completely destroyed the last sliver of hope in her heart!    


It's over, I've lost a lot of face!    


Seeing Qian Xue in such a state, the other members of the society also began to stir, as if they were afraid that the two hundred thousand dollars would be distributed to them.    


"Um, Snowy, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do tonight, so I'll be leaving first." "    


"Aiyo!" No way, I drank too much, I passed out … [I … I will leave first. I can't drink. I can't drink …] "    


"Damn!" My target has already booked a room and is waiting for me! This matter cannot be avoided. Farewell, farewell. "    


"..." "    


"Hmph!" If they didn't settle the bill, no one would be able to leave today! "    


The boss roared and flew into a rage. Then, a group of security guards rushed into the bar and surrounded Qian Xue and the others.    


As for the bodyguards of the Qian family, after seeing the news of the Qian family's bankruptcy and the hot search that sealed their name, they had already left without a trace.    


If they couldn't even f * cking pay him, who would still go all out?    


Seeing this scene, Qian Xue was completely stunned. At that moment, she felt as if she had lost the whole world. "Wah!" He burst into tears and quickly gave Qian Chao a call.    


However, when Qian Fei heard that Qian Xue was in the bar and had spent two hundred thousand yuan in one night, he was instantly enraged. Not only did he not care, he even scolded her!    


"You prodigal thing!" He had to think of a way to go himself! I can't believe I didn't think that you would directly sell yourself to pay me back! "    


"Woo woo!" "    


After hanging up, Qian Xue cried even harder. However, the owner of the bar was clearly not a good person, so he kicked her down as if he didn't hear her.    


"You bitch!" "    


"You came to the chartered area without money, did you think I was stupid?" Why don't you look a little f * cking pretty, okay! Stay here with me as a bar girl for half a year. "    


"And you!" Stay and work for a month, damn it, no one can leave if they don't perform well! "    


Bar girl? Half a year!    


Qian Xue was instantly struck dumb. Her small face was pale with fright. She was very clear on what kind of woman worked at a bar! To put it bluntly, it was for the guests to play around with. It had no human rights!    


If he had been doing it for half a year, he would already be a piece of f * cking trash.    


Qian Xue didn't dare to think any further. Her eyes lit up after she glanced at Hu Yiming. She quickly kneeled down and started begging.    


"Please, can you pay the two hundred thousand as well?" "    



"Ah." "    


Hu Yiming was about to laugh at this woman's brain, he kicked her away and said, "I'm sorry, young miss Qian. I, a useless trash, don't have that much money." "    


"Boss, I don't have the obligation to help her pay her bill, do I?" "    


The boss nodded and smiled. "Of course not." "    


He couldn't wait for Hu Yiming to leave. The money he made Qian Xue earn from working here as a girl for half a year was more than the two hundred thousand.    


"So, can I take my sister-in-law now?" "    


The owner made a gesture of invitation. "Of course, please." "    


"Little brother, I apologize for what happened today. From today onwards, you will receive a fifty percent discount if you come to Fisherman's Pub!" Think of it as making a friend! "    


"Yes, thank you." "    


Although Hu Yiming said that, he was cursing in his heart. It was even f * cking a fifty percent discount. Even if the liquor here was sold at a thirty percent discount, the boss would still be able to make a profit.    


As expected of a businessman, he was truly unscrupulous!    


As for Qian Xue, she had been dragged behind by her boss to teach her how to be a good person. After all, from a young lady to a girl in a bar, it was going to take some time to change the course of events.    


On the way back.    


Yue Lin looked at Hu Yiming several times and hesitated to speak. In the end, she didn't say anything.    


The two hundred and fifty thousand dollars must have come from the proceeds of his sale. He had to find a job in the future and try his best to make some money in return for it. He didn't want to owe him that favor. Yue Lin made up her mind.    


Back home.    


Yue Yihan was still waiting in the living room. When she saw Hu Yiming and Yue Lin return with them, and Yue Lin was still reeking of alcohol, she immediately hit Hu Yiming on the head without saying a word!    


"Are you crazy?" He actually brought my sister to drink! Go fool around with your cronies! "    


"Eh …" "    


Hu Yiming was instantly speechless. This punch was too unfair!    


Why didn't this silly wife of hers think about it? If she really brought Yue Lin to drink, how could she not smell the alcohol?    


Yue Lin grinned and looked apologetically at Hu Yiming. Hu Yiming was pointing at her to say a few words for him, but unexpectedly, this girl didn't say anything and headed straight back to her room.    


Before closing the door, he even threw a pleading look at Hu Yiming!    


Since you're already used to receiving my sister's wrath, then you might as well resist the injury alone and treat it as doing good deeds.    


Therefore, that night, Hu Yiming did not even have the qualifications to go back to his room to sleep.    


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