Son-in-law's Romantic Life

C358 If It's You Perhaps You Can Accept It

C358 If It's You Perhaps You Can Accept It

0Sister Xiaolin said quietly. She was clearly talking about a very tragic matter but her expression was exceptionally calm. Only that pair of eyes would occasionally flash with a trace of pain.    


My fist was already tightly clenched together. The nails of my fingers were about to pierce through the skin and flesh of my palm.    


Because of the intense anger, my body was even trembling slightly.    


I never thought that Sister Xiaolin would actually experience such a thing. Usually, Sister Xiaolin looked carefree and bright, even showing a little coquettish. I never thought that in Sister Xiaolin's heart, there would actually be such a suppressed pain.    


That damned bastard.    


Playing with Sister Xiaolin was already shameless and shameless enough.    


He did not expect that that damn trash could actually do it to an even more excessive extent.    


Perhaps it was because he had taken too many drugs, or perhaps it was because those rich young masters and brothers did not take Sister Xiaolin, a little girl in the security school, seriously at all.    


In short, Sister Xiaolin's ex-boyfriend said those words.    


This woman, playing with her is not bad. Do you want to try?    


He could not imagine how shameless a person could be to say such words.    


Sister Xiaolin was stunned. She could only watch helplessly as those men surrounded her with ferocious smiles on their faces. Sister Xiaolin was extremely afraid and wanted to run.    


But it was useless. Two women had already blocked the door and Sister Xiaolin could not escape at all.    


F * ck...    


She kept cursing in her mouth.    


I want to stab those damn bastards to death.    


Looking at my appearance, the corner of my mouth curled into a smile. He extended his hand and gently caressed my face. "What are you thinking about?"    


"You want to kill someone..." I said in a hoarse voice.    


"That's why I said, if it was you, perhaps this wouldn't have happened." Sister Xiaolin smiled and said.    


"Sister Xiaolin was..." I looked at Sister Xiaolin worriedly.    


I didn't want this girl to get hurt even more, even if it was already something that happened before.    


Sister Xiaolin shook her head slightly, "I am considered to be rather lucky."    


"Those few people rushed towards me. I was struggling with all my might, but I could not block the strength of a few big men. The clothes on my body were torn apart. Those few women were blocking the door, so I could not escape either."    


"At that time, I was really in despair. I thought I was finished."    


"Even if I died, I didn't want to be humiliated by these scum... I struggled with all my might, and finally got up from the ground. Then, I jumped down from the window. That was the fifth floor..."    


Sister Xiaolin's calm voice made my heart tighten.    


"My body hit the roof of a car below. I don't know how many bones were broken on my body."    


"It hurts so much. I feel like my mouth is spitting blood."    


"Maybe God also feels that my life is a little too miserable. Finally, it has added a bit of brilliance to my dark and gloomy life."    


"The car I threw up was Brother Biao's..."    


"Those few scumbags also rushed down from upstairs. They are not willing to let me go, but Brother Biao does not care about those people at all. He punches them one by one and all of them fell to the ground."    


"Then I was sent to the hospital by Brother Biao. After I was discharged from the hospital, I was brought here by Brother Biao..."    


"At that time, this place wasn't under Brother Biao's name. It was under Master Zuo's name. At that time, it wasn't a bar, but a casino."    


"Brother Biao did not say anything. He just asked me to be a waitress here."    


"I did not go to school. Since then, this place has become my home."    


I finally understood. Why did Sister Xiaolin treat this branch of the Dragon Palace? To Sister Xiaolin, this place had a completely different meaning. That was the turning point of Sister Xiaolin's life.    


I also understood what kind of feelings Sister Xiaolin had for Brother Biao. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that she had saved his life.    


"You also know what kind of place this is, whether it was before or now. It is a place where dragons and fish mix. There are all kinds of people. For a long time, when I saw the male guests, I feel afraid in my heart."    


"Some of my brothers have pursued me before, but every time that happens, I will be so scared that my body will tremble"    


"So, Brother Biao fabricated a lie. Every new brother who joined the Dragon Palace will go and warn them. No matter who they are chasing, they must not chase me..." Xiaolin smiled bitterly.    


Brother Biao, although he looked like a rough man on the surface, in fact, he was very careful.    


"This situation lasted for a long time until one day, Brother Biao took me to a place, a construction site..."    


"I was wondering why Brother Biao brought me to this place. Brother Biao only asked me to wait. After a while, I saw a few cars driving over. They were Brother Biao's brothers."    


"Five men and five women. Ten people were dragged out of the cars."    


"It was those ten people... They treated me like a toy and forced me to jump down from the fifth floor." Sister Xiaolin smoked a cigarette and said quietly.    


Those ten people obviously did not expect that they would end up in such a situation. They screamed and begged.    


"That scumbag also saw me. He probably knows what happened. He rushed over from the ground and hugged my leg. Tell me he's wrong, he loves me. He begged me to spare his life. In the future, he will marry me... "    


"His face is full of tears and snot."    


"Looking at that person's face that is twisted due to fear, I feel very unfamiliar. I even suspect that this person is really the person I knew before?"    


"I don't even know what happened to me before. I actually fell in love with this kind of man and even stupidly gave my most precious thing to him."    


"Brother Biao put a knife in my hand and said that I can deal with these ten people however I want. I can do whatever I want with them. Even if I let them leave, I can..."    



"People are multifaceted, just like how I didn't know you had a lover. You also don't know the other side of me."    


"After those people found out that their lives were in my hands, they all kneeled in front of me and kept kowtowing, hoping that I could spare them."    


"My hand that was holding the knife was constantly trembling."    


"Looking at those people's faces, I felt extreme hatred in my heart. Finally, I raise my hand and the knife cut across the face of a woman who blocked the door. When the blood sprayed onto my face, when the screaming sound... When it entered my ears... "    


"I suddenly felt an extreme excitement in my heart."    


"I felt that there was a kind of emotion in my heart. I couldn't control it at all. The knife in my hand was trembling. Then I am like a madman, screaming... The knife in my hand is raised again and again, falling down... "    


That feeling was as if something had awakened.    


The screams of death, the pungent smell of blood, the bright red liquid that sprayed on her body, all made Sister Xiaolin feel extremely excited and crazy.    


The pressure and fear that she had previously endured had all turned into an extremely strong desire to destroy.    


Under the influence of this desire to destroy, Sister Xiaolin behaved like a madman.    


In the end, it was Brother Biao who grabbed Sister Xiaolin's shoulder. At that time, there were ten incomplete bodies on the ground.    


All of them were still alive and not dead. Even though they were covered in blood and blood, they still had weak breathing.    


The one with the most injuries on his body had a total of seventy-one cuts. The knife and knife avoided the vital parts. Although it looked very tragic, it would not die. He was indeed worthy of being a nurse.    


However, for these people, it was still a blessing to die. At least they did not have to suffer that kind of pain anymore.    


Living, watching the knife fall time and time again, feeling the pain of flesh being separated from his body, that kind of feeling was truly despairing. He savored the taste of death bit by bit.    


If this continued, Sister Xiaolin would really go crazy.    


Brother Biao stopped Sister Xiaolin. Of course, those people wouldn't have a good ending either. No one knew that there were a few people's corpses in the cement board of the construction site.    


"Since then, if I see a man again, I won't feel scared at all. On the contrary, I feel that the brothers in the Dragon Palace are a little scared when they look at me."    


I felt a little embarrassed. This is very normal. It's just that from what Sister Xiaolin said, I felt that the scene was absolutely terrifying.    


"Brothers in the Dragon Palace, they are starting to believe what Brother Biao said is true... As for me, I also liked that feeling. The feeling of blood spraying on my body."    


"After that, Master Zuo accepted me as his last disciple. After learning from Master Zuo for more than a year, I often followed Brother Biao and the others. Every time I fought, I would always be there."    


"But, I also said that I am a woman after all."    


"When fighting and chopping people, that feeling was really exciting, but after it ended, I felt extremely empty in my heart."    


"And the Dragon Palace is this kind of place. Being influenced by it, there will be some desire in my heart and body."    


I feel a little awkward.    


However, Sister Xiaolin appeared very calm, as if it was not a big deal.    


"I tried to date a boyfriend, but I couldn't. Every time I developed to that stage, I would think of that nightmarish past in my heart. Then, I would scream and push him away, and then break up with him..."    


"Although I am no longer afraid, and even said that I have quite a few good brothers, in that aspect, I am completely unable to accept it. No matter who it is, no man seems to be able to accept it."    


As she said that, Sister Xiaolin suddenly turned around and looked at me. Her eyes looked exceptionally charming. "However, I realized that if it was Little Chen, I wouldn't have that kind of resistance in my heart."    


"If it was Little Chen, perhaps I could accept it!"    


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