Son-in-law's Romantic Life

C135 A Warm Embrace

C135 A Warm Embrace

0What is he doing?    


I wasn't able to react at all when I was suddenly hugged by this policewoman. Although the soft touch on my head made me feel very comfortable, this appearance doesn't seem right.    


My hands are still handcuffed. If other people saw this scene, who knows what kind of rumors would appear, saying that I molested a policewoman?    


If that was really the case, it would be terrible.    


This female police officer is very beautiful. She should be considered a police flower here. If other male police officers see this scene, it would be strange if they don't eat me alive.    


His body twisted slightly, wanting to break free from the female police officer's embrace.    


Most importantly, this action makes me feel very embarrassed. I am already an adult, just 18 years old. This appearance makes me feel like I have become a child. I don't like this.    


"That, can you let go of me? If others see us like this, there might be some bad rumors." I whispered.    


However, that female police officer didn't let go of me.    


I could feel the tears on this female police officer's face dripping onto my head. It was wet and warm.    


"You, are you scared?" The policewoman sobbed softly.    




Ha, what are you talking about?    


Why would I be afraid?    


I smiled, but that smile was exceptionally dry.    


I'm not afraid. I've never been afraid. Even when my grandfather was unable to breathe and had completely closed his eyes in front of me, leaving me alone, I was never afraid.    


Even if it was that mad dog that was even bigger than me, when it pounced at me, I was never afraid.    


Even if I helped people fight, when I fought against a few senior students, I was never afraid.    


Even if I knew that those loan sharks might find me and skin me, pull out my tendons, and cut my kidneys, I was never afraid.    


Even in the KTV, when facing eight people by myself, I have never been afraid.    


Never, I would never be afraid.    


Un, that's right, that's right.    


It's good to be alone. Didn't you also get through it? So many things have been taken care of, what's there to be afraid of?    


I chuckled. What are you talking about? Don't speak nonsense. Everyone says that I'm famous for being foolish and bold. How can I be afraid...    


As I spoke, my body couldn't help but tremble. It was as if my heart had been occupied by something blank. It was so empty that it made me tremble.    


"If you want to cry, then cry. At least here, you don't have to be afraid of anything." The female police officer said quietly.    


Looking at the strange man in her arms, the policewoman couldn't understand why she would do that.    


Perhaps, this person could not be considered a man at all. He could only be considered a big boy, just like a younger brother.    


Unfamiliar, unacquainted, but that emptiness, loneliness and indescribable fear and sorrow made the policewoman do something that did not match her status at all.    


She did not know why. Perhaps, she just wanted to use her chest to warm up that extremely cold heart that was riddled with holes.    


"Cry... Ha, what are you talking about? Why would I cry... I've never cried before in my life..." I proudly said...    


As I spoke, my lips couldn't help but tremble.    


It was as if something warm had slid down my face and entered my mouth. It was salty, the taste of tears.    


Yay... What is that? Tears?    


Why, why were there tears?    


Is it impossible? I have never cried before. Why would I shed tears?    


It must be an illusion.    


My nose is extremely sore. Did something crawl into my nose?    


I want to raise my hand and wipe away those wet things on my face. How can it be like this? This is really too embarrassing. I don't want to be like this. I definitely don't want to be like this.    


But I can't move. The female police officer's embrace is very strong. She tightly hugged my body as if she wanted to pass that warmth onto my body.    


But I'm not cold. There's no need to be like this. Why do I feel a little weird in my heart?    


"It's here. It doesn't matter even if you cry..." The policewoman continued to speak quietly.    


What's wrong with you, woman? Didn't I tell you that I don't know how to cry? I've never been f * cking afraid. Why are you still so long-winded? Do you not understand human language?    


I couldn't help but have the urge to scold someone in my heart.    


However, the thing in my eye sockets suddenly accelerated under this sentence. Two glittering marks continuously slid down my face.    


My teeth clenches on my lips.    


I couldn't control my tears.    


But even so, I don't want to cry.    


This woman used her own warmth to completely peel off the armor on my body, revealing the bloody flesh inside. It was as if salt had been sprinkled on it, bringing with it an unprecedented heart-piercing pain.    


Her lips were trembling, the muscles on her face were trembling, and her throat was emitting a suppressed sound.    


This woman had completely revealed the truth that I had been trying my best to hide.    



I can't cry, because if I cry, I'll lose my breath. If I lose my breath, I won't be able to hold on anymore.    


I can't be afraid. If I am afraid, I won't be able to live without my grandfather.    


I can't be afraid. If I'm afraid, I won't be able to snatch food from the mouth of a mad dog.    


I can't be afraid. If I'm afraid, I won't be able to win if I fight with those senior students. I won't be able to get money to eat.    


I can't be afraid. If I'm afraid, I won't be able to save Su Yiyi from that karaoke.    


It's not that I'm not afraid. I can't be afraid. I don't dare to be afraid. I'm afraid...    


So, I have been creating this silly and bold image of a fool. This way, it seems that it can really make me more daring. It will make me not afraid. It will allow me to survive after my grandfather passed away.    


Survive with all my might!    


Just because my grandfather told me to live well before my death, I can't die. No matter how painful or difficult it is, I must live on.    


However, this kind of strength that I pretended to be strong was just a disguise after all.    


When the pressure in my heart is increasing more and more, who knows how long I can last?    


I don't know. Maybe one day, the pressure that I have accumulated in my heart will completely break me down. At that time, I might really die.    


The pressure and fear in my heart is like sharp knives poking my heart like a hornet's nest.    


But now, this warm embrace seemed to have a special kind of warmth that filled up the holes in my heart bit by bit, making up for those cracks.    


The pressure that had accumulated in my body over the years had all found an exit in an instant.    


Ahhhh... A hoarse voice finally came from his throat!    


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