Son-in-law's Romantic Life

C190 The Identity of Rain Numinous

C190 The Identity of Rain Numinous

0I kind of didn't expect this cop to come a little too fast.    


However, when I took a closer look, I realized that those cars didn't seem to be police cars. At least, they didn't have the signature sound of sirens. Instead, they looked more like social cars. A row of black sports cars. They looked quite arrogant.    


Three cars stopped in front of the school gate.    


This scene attracted a lot of people.    


Even the bald old man's hands stopped moving for a moment.    


Immediately, the doors of the three cars opened, and a group of people walked out in a grandiose manner. The person in the lead seemed to be a man in his thirties. He was barehanded. He wore a pair of large and exaggerated sunglasses, and a shiny golden chain the size of a finger was tied around his neck.    


There was a cigarette in his mouth.    


There was also a husky tattoo on his chest... No, it should be a wolf. In short, it was about the same thing. It was a little difficult to distinguish between the two. It staggered towards the school entrance.    


As for the other underlings, although they were not as exaggerated as the leader, they were obviously not good people.    


These people were definitely people from society.    


And they definitely weren't some kind of hooligan type, most likely a real underworld gang.    


I can feel a similar aura from these people. They have the same aura as Brother Biao.    


Just as those people walked over, the expression of the old man beside me suddenly changed.    


The husky in the lead, no, Brother Wolf, swept his gaze across the crowd. His gaze quickly locked onto the old man beside me, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face. He spat out the cigarette in his mouth and pointed at the old man with one hand. He snapped, "F * ck, it's this fellow. He's the fattest. Damn it! Go on..."    


Following Brother Wolf's command, the subordinates behind him swarmed over and directly caught this old man outside the school gate.    


"Bring him to the woods nearby and beat him up." Brother Wolf shouted.    


This old man screamed and shouted for help. He hoped the school's security guards could save him.    


However, the school's security was protecting the students, not outsiders. In addition, Yang Xinyi was already unhappy with this person, so she had no intention of helping him.    


Immediately following that, there was a crackling sound of punches and kicks.    


Then, it was that Brother Wolf cursing angrily.    


"F * ck you, you even owe a woman flesh and blood money, are you still a f * cking man?"    


"If you don't have money, then don't f * cking go out to have sex... Go back and f * ck yourself, why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?"    


"What do you think the women in our shop are? It's all for nothing..."    


Hearing the voice coming from the other side, the expression on my face is very strange.    


Damn, I didn't think that this person would actually have such a glorious feat. This is truly unexpected.    


Perhaps feeling that it wouldn't be good for the students to hear these words, Yang Xinyi hurriedly spoke and told the students at the school entrance to hurry back and prepare for class.    


Originally, this old man came to find trouble with me, but it was actually quite difficult. In the end, because of the sudden appearance of these gangs, this matter was settled just like that.    


I even felt that it was somewhat inconceivable.    


Just as I reached the front of the school building and was about to go upstairs, I discovered that behind a pillar, there was a person waving at me continuously. Upon closer inspection, if it wasn't Yuling, who else could it be?    


Frowning, I walked towards Yuling.    


I wanted to tell Yuling that she had mistaken me for someone else. I shouldn't be the person in her heart.    


However, before I could say anything, Yuling was the first to speak with a smile, "Big brother, you helped me once before. This time, I also helped you once. We are even now."    


Help me once?    


What did you help me with?    


Just as I was about to ask, a thought suddenly flashed through my mind. When I thought of what happened at the school entrance, the expression on my face instantly changed. "Those people outside the school, it's you..."    


"Hehe, I'm going to class. Big brother, bye bye..." Waving at me, Yuling skipped away.    


She left me standing there alone, frowning.    


Because I was too shocked in my heart, I forgot what I wanted to say.    


Yesterday, I suspected Yuling's identity, but what happened today made me completely confirm this. Those people outside were definitely gangsters. Those people were all called over by Yuling?    


I also wondered why those people appeared in such a timely manner.    


The expression on his face was very strange. What kind of identity does Yuling have? Could she be the young mistress of some gang?    


I really can't hold it in anymore. After the second period, I ran over to the third year and found Zhang Heecheng's class. This fellow was bragging with a few of his lackeys when one of his lackeys discovered me. Zhang Heecheng gave Zhang Heecheng a look and turned around to take a look. He immediately stood up and walked towards me.    


"Little Chen, why are you looking for me?" Zhang Heecheng asked.    


"I want to ask you something." I said.    


"Tell me, what is it? I can tell you anything I know." Zhang Heecheng was quite generous. He dragged me to the sink outside the bathroom and casually threw me a cigarette.    


Although there were a lot of people coming and going here, no one expressed any opinions. They all pretended not to see it.    


"How much do you know about Yuling?" I asked.    


Zhang Heecheng looked at me strangely. "Shouldn't you know about that girl? Everyone calls you big brother..."    


I rolled my eyes. "What do I know? I don't know anything. She might have mistaken me for someone else."    


Zhang Heecheng did not pursue the matter. He thought for a moment and said," Actually, Liu Loong should know the most. I only heard about it. "    


"Our third grade is really unlucky this year. Every year, the third grade hooligans are the most powerful. But this year, there was a Zhang Xiaofeng, and there was also a freak like you. Then, there's even a fierce person in the first grade, and it's even a girl. It's that Yuling. "    



"That girl is very pretty. Her figure is also not bad. You should know that some people can't help but gossip about her. In the end, this girl was extremely fierce. She directly slapped her and left behind a word. Get lost."    


I smiled bitterly. This really has Yuling's style.    


"They are all hooligans and don't care about face. Who can bear to lose face in front of a woman? Thus, those two brats hit this woman. The next day, however, a group of gangsters blocked the entrance of the school and blocked the two of them. They dragged her into the woods and gave her a good beating. She was almost beaten to death. They also warned the two of them not to provoke their young lady for no reason in the future. Otherwise, we'll take them to the cement pillar and put them together. If they die, they won't even know where their bodies are. "    


This was also a common method used by the gangs. The cement pillar sank into the river, and no one would be able to see their corpses even if they died.    


" Later on, I heard that Yuling's family is a gangster and they are very powerful. Ordinary people can't afford to offend them. " Zhang Heecheng said.    


The gangsters outside and the gangsters inside were two completely different concepts.    


He had thought of it long ago, but when he heard Zhang Heecheng say it, they still felt shocked in their hearts. No wonder Yuling's performance was so horrifying. When she was fierce, her expression made me feel a little afraid.    


But Yuling had mistaken him for someone else. If she had really mistaken him for someone else, would Yuling become angry from embarrassment and teach him a lesson?    


Her mind was in a mess as she walked towards the second grade's teaching building.    


I climbed up layer by layer. Just as I passed the corner of the second floor, I suddenly saw a figure in the corridor in the distance.    


The moment I saw that figure, I felt my body tremble vigorously.    


One of my faces became exceptionally distorted.    


"Zhang Xiaofeng..." A hoarse roar came out of my mouth.    


The one who bullied Allie, the last bastard, finally appeared...    


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