Son-in-law's Romantic Life

C259 Just Kiss Me

C259 Just Kiss Me

0"Don't be like this..." Yang Xinyi's small hands pushed my face, not letting my lips touch it.    


"Makeup is very troublesome. I don't want to make up." Yang Xinyi said in a low voice.    


"Please, my wife is so beautiful. She doesn't need makeup. Her bare face is better than anything else." I launched an offensive of sweet-talking.    


There were no girls who didn't like being praised for being beautiful. Even Yang Xinyi couldn't avoid it. Her slightly red face looked a little happy.    


"Alright, let's talk about serious matters." Yang Xinyi muttered.    


"Alright." I shrugged my shoulders. However, even when we were talking about serious matters, my hands were not idle. I placed them on Yang Xinyi's beautiful stockings legs and enjoyed the silky smooth touch.    


"Zhang Guodong's side has already been settled. If nothing unexpected happens, this fellow will withdraw from the election by himself at the next board meeting. Even if you don't withdraw, you still have his picture in your hands. Don't worry about him turning the sky upside down." I said.    


"Thank you. If I went to look for that person, I really wouldn't know how to negotiate with him." Yang Xinyi said.    


Using something like a photo to threaten others, which was obviously unfair, was a strange thing to Yang Xinyi. It was still a little difficult to do it.    


"What are you thanking me for? You are my wife. If I don't help you, who else can I help?" I said as if it was a matter of course.    


Yang Xinyi glared at me. "It's a fake."    


"A fake wife is also a wife, okay?"    


"But you called me here just to ask about Zhang Guodong? It's not that troublesome, it can be said on the phone." I asked.    


"There are other things." Yang Xinyi's body struggled a little in my embrace as if she wanted to get rid of my hands that were causing trouble. Unfortunately, my hands were like a piece of sticky candy stuck to Yang Xinyi's body. It was getting more and more excessive. Following her slender waist, it was constantly going up.    


Not to mention getting rid of my hand, I took over the high ground instead.    


The breathing in Yang Xinyi's mouth also became a little hurried. Her face was so red that her ears were trembling.    


"Didn't we agree that Huang Liang and Soong Qiang's matter should not be made public for the time being? Why did you tell everyone about it?" Yang Xinyi asked in a low voice.    


"It's not my fault. Yesterday afternoon, those bastards came looking for trouble with me. There was even a football team and basketball team, and there was even a group of hooligans in the school. They all wanted to come and beat me up. Soong Qiang, that fellow, even wanted to take the opportunity to expel me. That's why I gave those two idiots a life and death struggle. I won't let them have a good time even if I don't have a good time. " I snorted and said, "Damn it, that bastard they found, Gao Dazhuang. He actually wanted to stop me after school in the afternoon."    


"Sorry, I made you suffer." Yang Xinyi said apologetically.    


After all, this was her problem, but now it caused me a lot of trouble.    


I smiled and said, It doesn't matter. There are only a few people close to me. If I don't help you, who else can I help?    


"However, the place where my body was hit is very painful." I said while baring my teeth.    


Yang Xinyi immediately became flustered and sat up from my embrace. "Then what should we do? It would be better to go to the hospital, right?"    


Yang Xinyi was really worried about my physical condition.    


I chuckled and pointed at my own mouth, "It's alright. You just need to kiss me."    


Only after saying that did Yang Xinyi realize that I was joking with her. Immediately, she glared at me angrily. "I was very worried about you. You actually made such a joke."    


Even though that was the case, Yang Xinyi still secretly looked behind her. The door was properly locked and even the curtains were tightly shut. Looking at my expectant look, she sighed helplessly. He bent down slightly and put his hands around my neck. My red lips lightly touched my lips.    


Like a dragonfly touching the surface of the water, she was about to leave.    


But how could I let such a good opportunity fly away?    


Immediately, he fiercely kissed Yang Xinyi's lips. His tongue instantly broke through layers of barriers and entered Yang Xinyi's mouth.    


Yang Xinyi's throat let out a whimper. She wanted to push me away, but the strength in her body was getting smaller and smaller. Finally, her entire body became soft and fell into my embrace.    


When her lips parted, Yang Xinyi's body was only left to gasp for breath.    


"You bad guy. You will think of all ways to take advantage of me." Yang Xinyi snorted and said, "I am talking about serious matters with you. Do you only have those dirty thoughts in your mind?"    


"Okay. Tell me. I will definitely not disturb you this time." I immediately nodded and said, but the movements of my hands were not so well-behaved.    


Yang Xinyi had no choice but to follow me.    


"In short, rumors about Huang Liang and Soong Qiang are flying all over the school."    


"These two people are really unlucky now. Soong Qiang's wife knows about this matter. She and Soong Qiang are going to have a huge argument. They are going to get divorced soon."    


"As for Huang Liang's side, it is even worse. Luo Tianyi is the only granddaughter of the old man of Luo Family. She was the beloved daughter of the ___. After hearing about this matter, the Old Master of Luo Family fainted on the spot because of anger. He is still lying in the hospital."    


"After he woke up, he immediately announced that his marriage with Huang Family has ended. Huang Liang is going everywhere to put out the fire, but I don't think it will be very effective."    


Thinking of what happened to the two of them, my heart was filled with pride. This series of events was enough to make these two suffer.    


However, it's not my fault. Who asked these two to come and find trouble with me?    


"But you have to be careful, Huang Liang and Soong Qiang. And Ding Zhengyang, they are not the kind of people who are good at it. This time, they have suffered a huge loss. They will definitely not let this matter rest. Perhaps they will find you and settle the score with you soon. "    


"You must be careful. If they want to find you, come and tell me immediately." Yang Xinyi stared at me and said.    


That tone did not seem to be joking. She was very worried that I would suffer a loss at the hands of those two people.    


However, I am still very confident in my own strength.    


I don't care about those two second-generation ancestors. If it is said to be lowly methods, I have encountered more than they can imagine.    


However, in order to make Yang Xinyi feel at ease, I still agree.    


Hugging Yang Xinyi who was in his embrace, her soft body and that kind of fragrant smell, these stimuli made me somewhat unable to take it and the movements of my hands became bigger and bigger.    


Anyway, since I have already finished talking about Yang Xinyi's serious matter, I should also settle my own serious matter, right?    


As for Yang Xinyi, her face was also flushed red. The sounds coming from her pink lips were also becoming more and more alluring.    


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