Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"This, this, this ?"    


Seeing this scene, the entire clan fell silent.    


They found it hard to believe that under this kind of situation, the Immortal Monarch Han Yang had still turned the tables.    


However, their minds were filled with images.    


There were only the hoarse cries.    


Immortal Monarch Han Yang was defeated.    


They all knew that this would most likely be a huge blow.    




Some people regretted it, but even more races immediately suggested:    


"Prince Warren is dead. Milords, please take us away."    


However, they hadn't thought that this group of people would also fall into a daze.    


"His Highness is dead."    


"Return to the Empire and report the news."    


"Change the mode of the passageway and maintain one direction."    


Sou sou sou!    


The remaining ships all left.    


The people of the ten thousand clans continued to fly up into the sky and attempt to pass through the tunnel. However, none of them were able to get close.    


Try it for a few days.    


They were disappointed.    


"It's over, it's all over."    


"Go back, there is no Heavenly Ancestor, no Prince Warren, the Immortal Monarch Han Yang will rule the world."    


"Yes, it's over."    


The people of the ten thousand clans left one after another.    


And in the ancient martial world ?    


The entire world was beautiful and delicate. Many things had been brought back to life, and many heavily injured people had been healed.    


However, a lot of them still died.    


Zhang Han sat alone on the stone platform.    


"Wuwuwu ?"    


The Blacky slowly approached and lay down next to Zhang Han. Its eyes were filled with tears as it cried in a low and pitiful voice.    


The Da Hei was the first gorilla that Zhang Han had ever met. As it sat behind Zhang Han and looked at the ocean in front of them, it also fell into a daze.    


Xiao Budian's cursed ship was moving slowly behind him. It had reached its initial state, but the muffled sound emitted from the ship sounded sad.    


"Xiao Yan."    


Zhang Guangyou, Rong Jiali, Yue Wuwei, Chen Changqing, everyone stood where they were without moving an inch.    


"Why is it like this?" Rong Jiali broke down crying.    


"Mistress." Mu Xue covered his mouth, and started crying silently.    


Kong Ling'er stared blankly ahead.    


That figure, and the scene just now, he loved Zi Yan to the depths of his bones.    


Thinking about how laughable it was that she wanted to court Zhang Han back then.    


Gone, Zi Yan died, left, no one could heal the pain in his heart.    


"Daughter. Daughter."    


Xu Xinyu was at his limit and sat on the ground.    


Zi Qiang, Purple Dragon...    


At this moment, this group of people from the ancient Martial World were having a hard time.    


Five hours passed.    




Suddenly, as if waking up from his dream, Mengmeng shouted loudly, "Don't!"    


She opened her eyes and immediately looked around. How she longed for this. It was a dream.    


However, reality had shattered her desire.    


"Wow ?"    


Mengmeng ran towards Zhang Han while wailing, she did not even notice when she shook off her shoes, as she threw herself into Zhang Han's embrace and screamed, "It's fake, it's fake! Daddy you tell me, it's fake!"    


Zhang Han was at a loss. His dull eyes finally regained a trace of clarity.    


His eyes reddened as he looked at the crying Mengmeng. He raised his trembling hands and caressed her hair.    


"Sleep, daughter, sleep, this is ?" "Dream."    


The gentle energy made Mengmeng slowly close her eyes. She lay on Zhang Han's lap and slept.    




The Blacky's tail did not shake at all, and it once again let out a pitiful sound, like consolation, like sadness.    


"Son, son."    


Rong Jiali ran over while crying.    


"Wait, wait."    


Zhang Guangyou hugged her and allowed her to cry in his embrace. He said in a low voice, "Let him be quiet. Let him be quiet."    


Everyone knew that at this moment, no one could help Zhang Han.    


The two teardrops flowed down the face of Immortal Mi Xi.    


She gently touched it with her finger, and when she saw the tears, she trembled and whispered: Beautiful love.    


Immortal Brightfeather, who was standing not too far away, let out a deep sigh. "The grief of a hero."    


The scene was deathly silent.    


One day, two days, three days ? A month passed quickly.    


Zhang Mu, Dong Chen, Yue Wuwei and the rest looked at each other.    


"Zhang Han can't go on like this."    


Yue Wuwei said worriedly: "There's going to be a problem."    




Zhang Mu sighed heavily.    


Just as Yue Wuwei and the rest were walking forward, they were all core members of the New Moon Mountain.    


But just as they were about to draw near ?    


Zhang Han shook his head slightly.    


Shua shua shua!    


The immense power of space enveloped them.    


Everyone appeared on the New Moon Mountain.    


"This ?"    


Yue Wuwei sighed: "He can only take it himself."    


The army of 500,000 was also near the New Moon Mountain.    


All the children living in New Moon Mountain, including those who didn't know anything.    


They could all feel the stifling atmosphere.    


Without the sounds of laughter, the entire New Moon Mountain was silent.    


Spring left and autumn came.    


It was winter in the ancient martial world.    


Snowflakes drifted about, filling the entire world.    


Zhang Han's body was covered with snow, but the Mengmeng was completely untouched, like a sleeping princess.    


The Da Hei and the Blacky did not move.    


The little guy's cursed ship was floating back and forth near the shore.    


What was it looking for?    


One year. Two years. Three years!    


The cursed ship let out a weak voice.    


Zhang Han's brows slightly twitched.    


His eyes were no longer as shrewd, cloudy, dull, and spiritless as before. It was as if he was blind.    


He slowly lowered his head and looked at Mengmeng in his arms.    




Zhang Han, the Mengmeng, including the Da Hei, had returned to the New Moon Mountain.    


Even the cursed ship appeared on the sea surface near the New Moon Mountain, but it quickly sank into the water.    


"Sleep, sleep."    


Zhang Han placed the Mengmeng on the bed in her bedroom, his eyes finally showing some gentleness.    


He turned around and left, returning to his bedroom and standing there in a daze for a few minutes.    


She's gone.    


He closed the door.    




He ignored all natural laws, immediately appearing in the Endless Sea.    


He slowly knelt down on both his knees.    


"Old master, you are a man of great abilities. I beg you, please revive my wife."    


The Old Master had once said in his mind that if Zhang Han were to kneel down and pay respects to his teacher, he would promise Zhang Han one thing.    


And now.    


"Sigh ?"    


A ball of light appeared in front of Zhang Han. "No one can help you with this calamity, but... There's a sliver of a chance you can fight for, but the chances of it succeeding is not too high. "    


This clump of light was incomparably solid. It was formed from the power of his will.    


"Wh, what chance?" Zhang Han raised his head.    


"Do you still remember that seven-colored light beam that floated for three seconds?" The old master thought: "The Moon Spirit Clan is a special clan, they will not easily fall, but Zi Yan has not truly become a Moon Spirit Clan member, so ?"    


Zhang Han's heart gradually sank to the bottom.    


It contains the special energy of the people of Zi Yan's Moon Spirit Clan, so it is split into seven parts. It will be attached to the bodies of the seven women during the previous session, and if you can find the seven of them, you can take a drop of their blood essence and condense it within this Moon Spirit Pearl. This will be the last sliver of hope left.    


A glowing pearl floated out of the Lord's will.    


Zhang Han received it with his right hand, looked at the precious pearl, and suddenly pressed it to his heart, attaching it to his heart.    


"Thank you, master." Zhang Han said in a low voice.    


"Don't call me master, it's just a joke." The old master said, "Inside the light door is something that belongs to you. Bring it with you and go to the Upper Realm. I will control the rules of the world here. Your daughter has been waiting too long. "    




The light slowly dissipated.    


While Zhang Han remained silent, he silently looked at the door of light before him.    


He lost interest in everything.    


He entered the light door world alone.    


The Bone Devil was everywhere.    


He ignored everything.    


He kept flying in.    


Passing through the world, passing through another gate of light, they arrived at the Bone Devil Continent.    


This was a world of darkness.    


Bone devils at the tribulation level were everywhere.    


Deep in the recesses of the mountain was a mountain.    


At the top of the mountain, there were dried up bones everywhere, but there was a throne.    


Zhang Han walked to the end and sat down.    


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!    


Countless dried bones turned into strands of light energy and gathered onto Zhang Han's body. The helmet covered his head like a skull.    


On his black armor, many skulls could be seen.    


The flowing light transformed into a cape.    


Tens of thousands of Bone Devils were roaring.    


"Bone Spirit."    


Zhang Han felt a series of information rushing into his mind.    


The Bone Spirit Legion was a terrifying creature from the upper realm, and they lived in the misty miasma.    


It could be infinitely fused and leveled up.    


The realm of the Bone Spirit, the most basic realm was the silver bone spirit, domain lord level, blue bone spirit as sector lord, gold as king, red as Empyrean, purple as quasi Emperor, black as emperor.    


The entire world was filled with white bone spirits that were undergoing tribulation.    


"Seven Star Sword. So it's a bone sword."    


Zhang Han took out the Seven Star Sword. With the hundred million bone spirits, it continuously gathered and turned into a longsword that was completely like dried up bones.    


The Bone Devil world was very big. Countless Bone Devils were gathering and fusing together.    


Finally, the things that stood in front of Zhang Han became two silver bone spirits, the Domain Lords level.    


Following Zhang Han's will, the Bone Spirit entered the darkness concealed by the cloak.    


"He can assimilate a Bone Spirit just by killing someone?"    



"I like it."    


The evil smile shook the world.    


Zhang Han's figure disappeared.    


He returned to the New Moon Mountain.    


His armor had already scattered. He looked at Mengmeng gently as he slowly wrote a letter.    


After which, his silhouette vanished.    




The shattering of the void, and the appearance of the Silver Dragon River, only took a single step forward, traversing the entire river of stars with incredible speed, as they shot toward the sea of stars!    


When the demons woke up, everything would be destroyed.    


Ahhh ?    


"Dad, Dad is leaving."    


Not long after Zhang Han left, the Mengmeng's cries resounded throughout the entire New Moon Mountain.    


Zhang Guangyou and the rest immediately reached the castle.    


Seeing the pain in Mengmeng, many people cried.    


"He's going to the Upper Realms. I need to find him."    


The Mengmeng cried as he prepared to leave, and Yue Wuwei and the others supported him. However, they suddenly realized that the ancient path in the starry sky had closed.    


Even the Mengmeng was unable to control them.    


Mengmeng was in a state of collapse.    


At the same time!    


On a planet at the edge of the sea of stars.    


The signals from the entire world were suddenly cut off.    


Two sets of silver bones descended upon the world. Zhang Han was wearing an armor and his cape was slightly swaying.    


In a short ten minutes, the two silver bones slaughtered the entire world.    


30 billion people turned into dried up bones, and the entire world turned into a pitch-black swamp.    


30 billion bones constantly swallowed and evolved, finally turning into 10,000 white bone spirits that had crossed tribulation.    


Zhang Han took a step forward, and arrived at another planet.    


150 billion people, including the various sects, 300 plus tribulation cultivators, and tens of thousands of other cultivators, had achieved mastery.    


In just five short minutes, the descending bone spirits had been slaughtered and assimilated.    


150 billion bone spirits had turned into 20,000 dry bones that had crossed tribulation.    


Third planet, fourth planet ? The 100th planet.    


Zhang Han possessed a million bone spirits that were undergoing tribulation.    


He only wanted to transcend the tribulation of the Bone Spirit; he only wanted to obtain it in numbers.    


In the outer ring of the First Mountain Realm, the Bone Spirit Army was like a merciless gale that swept across.    


Regarding this, the cultivators of the sea of stars knew nothing.    


Every time the Bone Spirit Legion made their move, they would seal off the planet and no news would spread out.    


The more Bone Spirits there were, the faster their assimilation speed would be.    


Very quickly, Zhang Han sat on the trillion bone spirits.    


Very quickly, the Bone Spirit Army separated.    


One after another, they left.    


They surrounded the entire sea of stars.    


He continued to assimilate, devour, and compress their bodies. A few days later, there were no longer any living creatures left in the outer ring of the planet.    


The size of the Bone Spirit Army was as high as a hundred billion.    


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