Godly Stay-Home Dad



0After Liang Hao finished, he ran back to his seat excitedly and directly called He Chen with his cell phone.    


If he failed, he would go back at night and notify them. However, if he succeeded, he would notify them immediately.    


After all, He Chen was a reputed Ranker in the Singapore, and even Liang Hao didn't have the qualifications to speak to him.    


And now, because of Zhang Han, He Chen had actually requested of him to help with some matters. Being able to take care of his matters, was more or less a personal matter!    


At this moment, he was obviously overjoyed and directly dialed He Chen's number:    


"Elder He, the boss has agreed. I'll help you contact the meeting time tomorrow ?"    


Seeing his brother's degree of excitement, Liang Mengqi pouted his lips:    


"Look at how excited you are! Flawless! "    


"Haha." Liang Hao laughed, and said: "How can I not be happy? After all, it's to help Elder He. "    


"Tsk, calling me Old He. The most amazing thing is behind you. How about it? The person your sister liked before, is she strong?" Liang Mengqi said as he shook his head.    


"More than amazing ?" If Zi family were to know about this, I would probably be ecstatic for three days and three nights. " Liang Hao said as he shook his head slightly.    


"Didn't you say that she was unhappy with her family back then?" Liang Mengqi asked softly.    


"It's normal for him to be unhappy. After all, he's a family with almost a hundred years of history. There are many rules, but with him here, all the rules are not rules." Liang Hao shook his head.    


The key is that the Elder Sister Yan has yet to notify their families. Maybe they have some difficulties, or maybe they did not want them to know about it, or maybe they were prepared to tell their family when they are in a special situation. Liang Mengqi shook his head, and sighed: "I wonder when they will get married, the last time was so romantic, the wedding will definitely be grand."    


"What do you expect for their wedding?" Liang Hao shook his head in amusement: "What you said is right, tomorrow I must inform Old He and the others in advance. Otherwise, when they return to the Singapore, they would definitely find the Zi family to help each other."    


"We're back."    


While talking, Yu Qingqing and Zhao Dahu walked back with four cups of cold drinks.    


It could be seen that the dishes were quite plentiful today. It was so delicious to have a cold drink while eating.    


Zhang Han was also very serious when cooking.    


The roast duck was arranged to be in the next restaurant by Zhao Feng. After all, the restaurant's area was limited, and there was no place to place the oven, so they always used the oven next door. Under the manager's pleading, Zhao Feng agreed to leave behind a roast duck every time he used it.    


Zhang Han cooked pig's feet and a series of other dishes.    


Although there were a lot of things that needed to be measured, and if it were others, they might not be able to take a seat so quickly, but Zhang Han was very fast, and had prepared everything perfectly.    


While waiting for the dishes to arrive, Zhang Han took out his phone and dialed Lei Tiannan's number.    




"Director Zhang." Lei Tiannan's voice that carried a trace of laughter came from the phone.    


Zhang Han's expression froze for a moment, he shook his head and laughed, and said:    


"The steward's medallion has been delivered. You've made quite a few preparations. Since you are the steward, what about the treatment?" Zhang Han asked.    


"The treatment is detailed in the software. The additional points are 100,000 every year." "Also ?"    


"That's enough. I'll see for myself later, that's all."    


Zhang Han then hung up the phone, opened the An Wu pavilion's software, and saw the points displayed below: 113482.    


Over a hundred ten thousand points were the rewards Xu Yong and the Instructor Liu had acquired from their recent missions.    


On his friends list, there were 999 + messages.    


He clicked it and saw that it was a friend request.    


How many people wanted to add him as a friend?    


Zhang Han immediately clicked Ignore and transferred 50,000 points to protector Leng.    


However, the other party did not accept it.    


Zhang Han thought that it would stop, and just when he was about to put away his phone.    


Ding ding. A voice message was sent over.    


"General manager Zhang, why don't we just forget about it? There aren't that many points either."    


After Zhang Han finished listening, he typed out a reply:    


"It is perfectly justified to repay the debt with money. Of course, I have to accept it."    


"Alright, I'll accept it." protector Leng laughed bitterly.    


After seeing the Strange Peak Island's battle, he was completely confused. So the protector Zhang that he had received a few times was actually a Grand Master Strong!    


When he thought about how Zhang Han had made his move, that strange card directly flew out from within his body, causing him to feel a chill down his spine.    


With regards to the fifty thousand points, he hoped that Zhang Han would accept it.    


A small favor from an important figure could sometimes be done in big matters.    


Unfortunately, the other party was someone with principles.    


From the words of Zhang Han paying off his debts with money, he knew that Zhang Han had his own bottom line and principle in his heart.    


"I took it for granted ?" protector Leng shook his head helplessly.    


At the other end, Zhang Han exchanged five flint stones for more after clearing the account.    


After that, he continued cooking. After he finished cooking and sat down, Zhao Feng walked in from the outside and stopped not far away from the door.    


There were flowers from the mountains, and even some grass. The other truck had decorative racks for potted plants.    


During the day, Zi Yan, Zhang Li and the others talked about the flowers on the mountain and after thinking about it, they came up with the plan to decorate the restaurant.    


After obtaining Zhang Han's consent, he then informed Zhao Feng about the arrangements.    


When Zi Yan told Zhao Feng this, he even specifically told him not to bring any roses, and not to bring anything else over.    




This was because the 999 roses were still blooming on the second floor.    


She wanted the only rose in the restaurant that represented love.    


Sometimes, Zi Yan's heart was also a little girl, and in the end, Zhang Han could be considered her first love. A first love was something that she could do, but luckily, Zi Yan was not an ignorant and young girl, even though his temperament was changing, he had his own opinions.    


However, Zhang Han was enjoying it, especially when he was on the bed, his posture started to increase.    


There would be a lot of time in the future, and Zhang Han was not in a hurry either.    


After Zhao Feng entered the dining hall, he looked at Liang Mengqi and smiled at her.    


Because Liang Hao was there, there was no place for him on the dining table. This also made Zhao Feng wonder if he was changing seats for a larger dining table.    


However, considering the size of the restaurant, it was better not to worry about it. In a bigger restaurant, the space was too small and crowded.    


After greeting each other, Zhao Feng directly walked to the kitchen counter:    


"Master, we've already sent the things up the mountain. We've brought back those flowers and some decorative items. There are a total of 1136 Night Pearls. I've brought back 22 of them."    


"Yes." Zhang Han nodded.    


As they were talking, the last dish was served. Zhang Han and Zhao Feng began to carry the dishes to the second floor.    


At this moment, the atmosphere on the second floor was very warm. It was all because of the three little fellows.    


On the other hand, Wu Guang was a little shy. He leaned to the side, like a little shadow, and wherever they went, he would go, and whatever they said they liked, he would either do or say that he liked them ?    


The adults didn't have much to say, as they would always watch the three kids play.    


Seeing Zhang Han and Zhao Feng carrying the dishes up to them, Wang Ya and Zhang Li also went downstairs to carry the dishes.    


Looking at the delicacies on the dining table, everyone immediately started to eat.    


On the other hand, Wang Jiaxuan and her husband were a little nervous. This was after all, their first time here.    


Seeing Zhang Han cooking, the two of them looked at each other, and their hearts were moved:    


'To think that such a great figure like the Mr. Zhang would actually be a good man living his life at home. This is truly admirable.    


He also thought of his partners. They weren't worth much, but the life of the big nanny at home was of a very high standard. It could be said that they were a bit picky, and they too, cooked? nonexistent.    


However, now that they saw the table full of delicacies, they were actually a little envious for a moment.    


"Xiao Han knows how to cook so many dishes. Rong Jiaxin looked at Zhang Han and laughed.    


"Yeah, yeah." Mengmeng nodded her head with pride in her eyes and said seriously: "My Baba is the strongest."    


These words were Mengmeng's catchphrase.    


However, every time Zhang Han heard it, he would always feel happy in his heart.    


Sometimes, a trace of... would even appear in the depths of Zhang Han's heart. Keep thinking.    


He wanted to be an omnipotent father that was worshipped by the Mengmeng.    


However, in his heart, he hoped that one day, his daughter would be even more capable than him. He would definitely be very happy.    


It made sense to hope that the child would become a dragon and a phoenix.    


He didn't know when, but Zhang Han had a conflicting idea. He wanted to watch Mengmeng grow up step by step, and also wanted Mengmeng to continue to be this kind of cute little girl, a Little Princess ? Actually, Zhang Han knew clearly that this was the meaning of the word 'father'.    


Everyone began to eat. As they ate, they began to talk less.    


Each of the three little fellows ? With her pig's feet biting and biting, she ate until her mouth was greasy. She even ate it on Wang Yihan's face, but she did not care and kept on arguing.    


"It smells so good, it's delicious..."    


Around 8 AM, after they finished dinner and cleaned up the mess, everyone sat on the sofa as they drank tea. The three little fellows played with toys at the side.    


He still had to go to Wang Qiang's house tonight. The house had three bedrooms, one living room, and where he planned to stay tonight.    


"Flower have arrived, shall we go and have a show?"    


Zi Yan said as he looked at Zhang Li and the others.    


"Alright then. Let's go and set things up!" Zhou Fei patted his butt and stood up.    


"I'll go too. Let's go!" Mengmeng quickly climbed down the sofa and ran up the stairs.    


Just as he ran two steps, he was hugged by Zhang Han.    


With a smile on his lips, Zhang Han walked quickly towards the stairs and said:    


"Let's go quickly, we're first!"    


"Hmm Hah, we are number one, we are the fastest, Baba and I are the fastest." Mengmeng's big eyes looked behind him as he cheered.    


Looking at the little fellow's expression, it seemed as if going down first was a happy thing.    


Sometimes it's easy to be satisfied with a child like that.    


Zi Yan and the rest could not help but laugh as they went downstairs.    


On the first floor of the dining hall, only Zhao Feng was sitting at a member's table, playing with his phone.    


Seeing that everyone had come down, he stood up and led the way out.    


Ye Zichen took out the items from the truck one by one.    


Among them, there were flowers, grass, soil, and a few barrels of spiritual water, Night Pearl.    


"This amount should be more or less enough." Zhao Feng looked at Zi Yan and said: "Mistress, look at the shelves on the horse carriage, there are shapes and sizes, and look which ones are needed."    


"Yes, yes." Zi Yan nodded and looked towards the carriage at the side.    


"This one can be placed on the right side of the piano, separating the tables. There is a groove on it, directly placing the grass on it, and then a few fresh flowers and two Night Pearls." Zi Yan pointed to a shelf in the middle of the carriage.    


"I'll take it."    


Zhao Feng immediately jumped from the carriage on the left to the right and took down the carriage.    


"This shelf can be placed on the left side of the kitchen." Zi Yan pointed to a longer shelf.    


"These two low ones can fit under two windows." Zhou Fei pointed to another one.    


"Alright, then I'll take this as well." Zi Yan said as he nodded his head.    


Thus, everyone began to pick and choose. The others were giving their opinions, and Zi Yan was the one who made the decision. After all, she was the mistress, so she had the authority to speak.    


Zhang Han stood by the side and watched while carrying the Mengmeng.    


Mengmeng would wave her arms from time to time: "I want them all..."    


After choosing their items, Zi Yan, Zhou Fei, Zhang Li and the others started to move. They did not allow anyone else to work, so they all donned their gloves and went to battle.    


Zi Yan had some understanding about arranging flowers, but this was a transplant, so it was much simpler.    


While the few of them were busy, Zhang Han and Mengmeng sat in front of the piano.    


Zhang Han played the piano as Mengmeng sang in his arms.    


Zi Yan was playing around on the shelf to the right of the piano. He buried the four flowers first and when he was laying the grass on the side, he fiddled with it for a while.    


Coincidentally, when Zhang Han had finished playing his piano piece, she said:    


"Zhang Han, come take a look, aren't the gaps in the grass I made a little too big?"    


Hearing that, Zhang Han stood up, looked, and laughed: "Oh? Not bad, it's arranged very neatly, it's pretty good. "    


"It's nice to watch, Mama is really amazing." The Mengmeng praised.    


Hearing that, Zi Yan was overjoyed. He pursed his lips and laughed, then said: "But I feel that the gap is a bit too big, it doesn't look like the mountain grass. It's crowded together one by one."    


"Then let's go together."    


Zhang Han chuckled, then placed the Mengmeng on the ground, giving her a Night Pearl to play with, then walked over to Zi Yan's side. The grass in the rectangular box at the top of the shelf started to gather, and gradually became denser as well.    


"Then I'll get you some grass." Zi Yan said. Standing by his side, he picked up a pleasant smell grass and handed it over to Zhang Han after he was done.    


In fact, these small jobs could be completed with a wave of Zhang Han's hand.    


But he and Zi Yan just sat there leisurely.    


Many times, what was important was not the result, but the process.    


Just like a person's entire life, what they enjoyed was the process.    


Finally, after everything was set up, Zi Yan and Zhang Han headed to the next place. They busied themselves until ten o'clock, when the first and second floor of the restaurant looked completely new.    


Adding these decorations gave the restaurant a lot of life.    


"Shall we turn off the lights and have a look?" Everyone sat on the first floor as Zi Yan smiled with satisfaction at the results. He looked at the Night Pearls and said.    


"Sure." Zhou Fei immediately got up and walked to the back side: "I'm turning off the lights!"    


After saying that, ka! The lights went out.    


However, the twelve Night Pearls on the first floor emitted a gentle light.    


"Hmm hah, how beautiful!" Mengmeng blinked his big eyes and cheered.    


"So beautiful."    




Everyone gasped in surprise.    


It was a strange experience.    


After watching for a few minutes, they turned on the lights and the restaurant lit up again. Seeing that it was almost 10: 30, everyone headed back home.    


Zhang Li did not plan to go back to work these few days. The small building beside the main building was nearing completion as well.    


At ten-thirty, Zhang Han carried Mengmeng and walked upstairs with him.    


After turning off the light, both the first and second floor had a soft glow. The bedroom didn't have any of these things.    


In the end, Zi Yan had already gone through a few tries, so he could no longer be bashful about changing into pajamas in front of Zhang Han.    



After changing into the Mengmeng's pajamas, the two quickly ran into bed, and finally, it was Zhang Han.    


"Continue to tell the story. The Dwarf King and Elf King in the sea, find ?"    


After more than ten minutes of talking, the two of them fell asleep.    


This caused Zhang Han to shake his head.    


Thinking about it, that made sense, as he had been torturing himself for Zi Yan last night, even his throat had started to dry up.    


However, Zhang Han also found it strange, although Zi Yan had that kind of mysterious energy in his body, his body was actually very normal. Even if he talked too much his throat would turn dry and he would still get sick from cold.    


'Refining pill tomorrow, give it to her to try eating a few ? '    


If Zi Yan could absorb pill, then Zhang Han would prepare to raise her strength.    


Only when he was strong would he be able to protect himself.    


The night passed in silence.    


The next morning.    


Zhang Han got up first to prepare breakfast.    


At seven o'clock, the two of them got up and washed up.    


"Brush, brush, brush, brush your teeth, your teeth are white." After Zi Yan finished brushing Mengmeng's teeth, Mengmeng grunted in delight.    


Zi Yan first helped the little guy clean up, then he washed himself.    


"Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum..."    


After snorting for a bit, Zi Yan suddenly froze.    


Without a single blink, Zhang Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up as though he was deep in thought.    


"Eh? That's right! "    


She quickly took a pen and paper from the drawer and wrote a few paragraphs.    


He then looked at the words and hummed a few more times, the light in his eyes becoming brighter and brighter.    


She quickly took out her mobile and dialed Zhou Fei's number.    


"Fei Fei, are you out yet? "No, that's perfect. Bring a guitar over, I have some inspiration to write a song with."    


She looked at a few short words and grunted. Then, she hurriedly ran to the stairs.    


"Hubby, hubby come over for a bit."    


"Baba, you take a look, hmph!" Mengmeng mimicked Zi Yan's tone and agreed.    


Hearing that, Zhang Han put down the movements in his hands and quickly went upstairs.    


"What's wrong?" Zhang Han asked.    


"Listen to my melody. Humph, humph, humph..." Zi Yan snorted a few times, looked at Zhang Han in anticipation, and asked: "How is it?"    




Zhang Han was stunned at first, but after thinking about it, he fixed his gaze on Zi Yan and smiled: "Alright, it's very nice to listen to. Wife, you're really awesome.    


"Hee hee." Zi Yan was elated. He was very happy to be praised: "Then I won't be accompanying you guys over in the morning. I'll be writing songs here."    


"That's fine. Don't be too tired, I'll go make breakfast first." Zhang Han said with a smile, and then descended the stairs once more.    


After preparing breakfast, Zhang Li and Rong Jiaxin came over.    


After finishing breakfast, Zhou Fei and Zi Yan stayed in the dining room. Since they were going to work, the others did not disturb them.    


There were pill furnace s, there were flint stones, and there were even spiritual treasure s. Zhang Han felt that it was time to harvest a wave.    


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