Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"President Huang, Patriarch Lu, Mister Gu ?" "Welcome, welcome, please come in."    


Zi Qingtian smiled warmly and cupped his hands.    


At this time, the gazes of everyone on the platform were gathered on Huang Yuan and the others, especially those from the Zi Qingtian bloodline.    


If this was a battle of connections, then so be it.    


Then, Huang Yuan and the other four were here for them, the situation would instantly become overwhelming.    


The families behind these five people are all slightly stronger than the Zi family!    


However ?    


When everyone saw the indifferent expression on Huang Yuan's face, they nodded their heads, but did not say a word.    


At this time.    




Zi Qingtian and Fang Huan's hearts seemed to miss a beat. They could sense what might happen in the next moment!    


'They... Don't tell me he's here for Zi Qiang again? '    


This thought appeared in the minds of many people.    


The next moment.    


The truth was revealed!    


Huang Yuan and the others all looked around, and in the end, they all stared at the right side of the array, and directly went past Zi Qingtian and Fang Huan!    


It was a familiar expression!    


It was a familiar gaze!    


It was a familiar scene!    


All of this seemed to have transformed into a huge mountain that patted down on Zi Qingtian's body.    


His expression was stiff on the spot. The corners of his mouth twitched as he slowly turned his head.    


What caught their eyes was the passionate smile on Huang Yuan's face. Before he could even get close to Zi Qiang, he extended his hands out.    


Both hands!    


This was obviously putting him in a lower position than the other party!    


'Is this true? '    


Many people could not believe their eyes!    


When ?    


The leader of the merchant guild, Huang Yuan, needed to extend his hands to shake someone of the same age as him?    


Zi Qiang was also confused.    


To him, this was a big boss that he had to look up to normally.    


Today, they were both calling him brother.    


If he wasn't called Brother, would he be unhappy?    


What do you mean?    


Wave after wave of people came.    


It made Zi Qiang feel as if he had entered a blurry state that had just woken up.    


Fortunately, Xu Xinyu had reacted a little faster. Seeing Huang Yuan extend his hands out, she immediately touched Zi Qiang, and said softly:    


"Don't just stand there. Hurry up and go."    


"Ah, alright." Zi Qiang immediately stood up to welcome him.    


"Brother Zi Qiang, long time no see! Actually, a few days ago I wanted to contact you and invite you to be my Chamber of Commerce's Vice President! " Huang Yuan said as he held Zi Qiang's hand.    


However, he didn't know that after he said those words.    




Many people in the crowd sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Her eyes were filled with shock as she looked at Huang Yuan!    


In the business world, what kind of concept was it to be the vice president of a merchant guild that was half as strong as the Singapore? That was a huge amount of resources and connections!    


Zi Qingtian's butt had not even touched the chair.    


Hearing this, he felt bad.    




His body staggered, and he slumped onto the chair, as he looked at Zi Qiang's side in a daze.    


Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce.    


He had been looking forward to this position for three years!    


He had put in a lot of effort, but he still hadn't been able to get anything.    


But now, this vice president position was given to Zi Qiang so easily?    






The people beside him were basically all quiet, all their eyes were fixated on Zi Qiang's side.    


Huang Yuan did not let go of Zi Qiang's hand for a long time, and said with a smile:    


"It's just that I don't know what the Mr. Zhang means right now. If Brother Zi Qiang stays in the Singapore from now on, then I will keep this vice president position for you."    


"Ah?" "This ?" Zi Qiang said somewhat confusedly.    


Before he finished, Huang Yuan laughed out loud: "Brother Zi Qiang, don't refuse, it's a deal!"    


With that, Huang Yuan let go of Zi Qiang's hand and turned his body to the side.    


At this time, Mr. Gu and the others who were beside Zi Qiang shook hands with him passionately.    


"Brother Zi Qiang, you really gave birth to a good daughter. I truly envy you."    


He had heard this phrase several times today.    


Zi Qiang also came back to reality and when he finished, he answered with a grin:    


"Of course, my daughter is already very outstanding!"    


If Zi Yan saw his expression, she would definitely not be able to hold back and laugh out loud.    


The five of them also greeted Patriarch Liang and the others. Just as they were about to take their seats, a problem came up.    


Only three seats were left!    


Thus, none of the five of them sat down, and they stood to the side.    


Many disciples of the Zi family s at the side also had seats at the back, but they did not even glance at them.    


Seeing that, Zi Qingtian took a deep breath, his eyes filled with unwillingness, but mostly helplessness. He stood up and said:    


"Someone, sit up for Mr. Huang and the others!"    


Just then, the servant at the back quickly took a few chairs from the side, and Huang Yuan and the rest sat down, smiling as they chatted with Zi Qiang and the rest.    


Seeing so many big shots seated behind them, Zi Peng and Dong Ling looked at each other.    


He was both nervous and apprehensive.    


Of course, Zi Qiang and Xu Xinyu were no better than them.    


But fortunately, Liang Mengqi stayed by Xu Xinyu's side and chatted and laughed the whole time, allowing the atmosphere to liven up.    


At the side of the seat of honor.    


The three elders glanced at Zi Qiang from time to time, thinking that Zi Qiang's lineage would probably rise again.    


According to their seniority in the Zi family, they could possibly sit at the seat of honor, but if they were to compare in terms of status, they might not even be able to compare to seventy percent of the people present!    


Faced with this scene.    


Zi Qingtian also felt a sense of danger.    


She glared fiercely at Fang Huan.    


Fang Huan was silent. If he still did not sense anything at this moment, it was clear that there was something wrong with his intelligence.    


The others were also whispering to each other. They could even faintly hear a few words:    


"Who exactly is that Mr. Zhang?"    


Muttering to himself for a minute, Fang Huan looked at his watch.    


Ten minutes past ten.    


It turned out that in just eight minutes, so many things had happened! Just this many heavyweights had come!    


These people were completely disgraced and ignored by Zi Qingtian.    


In order to maintain his last bit of dignity, Fang Huan stood up and said in a clear voice:    


The reason for this gathering today is, firstly, that we want to meet up with everyone, and secondly, that there are a few partnerships that are being finalized. Thirdly, that Zi Yan has already become part of my Zi family, and her husband has come to propose marriage, wanting to take away my Zi family's child. According to the rules, first, we have to obtain the consent of our parents, then, we have to obtain the approval of the Patriarch, and lastly, we have to pass the approval of the Old Master.    


As he spoke till here, Fang Huan's gaze became serious. He glanced at Zi Qiang and said:    


"The Old Master is already old, so the Patriarch and I can represent the entire family. If we don't agree, then the marriage will not be accepted! However, this matter still needs to be investigated! "    


With that, she sat back down.    


This caused many people to start discussing amongst themselves.    


The meaning behind her words, was no more than to warn Zi Qiang not to be too complacent, and in the end, the most important thing to say would still be the Patriarch.    


Even if you have a bunch of heavyweights behind you.    


So what?    


[I will not agree to the marriage with one vote!]    


"What a joke! Who can you represent? Master Zhang needs your approval to propose a marriage? "    


Suddenly, a sneer filled the square.    


Everyone turned to look and was stunned.    


He family's patriarch He Bancheng, and that old man, He Chen, who had been stuck in the mountain for a long time, Master He!    


It was another heavyweight family head and a powerhouse of his generation!    




What ? what did he just say?    


What did Grandmaster He just say?    




Is he a Zongshi?    


Are you for real?    


Almost everyone on the platform was stunned. When they thought about it, they realized that the meaning of the three words was too strong.    


Master Zhang?    


They were completely unsure if they had heard wrongly!    


But... It was obviously what he had heard.    


Everyone, including Zi Qingtian, slowly stood up, and looked towards He Chen as well as He Juncheng.    


Even Fang Qingtian was not there to greet him.    


He knew that even if he went over, the other party would still ignore him! Why humiliate yourself?    


Under everyone's gazes, He Chen walked to the center of the stage, indifferently looked at Zi Qingtian and Fang Huan, coldly snorted, and said:    


"A dignified Patriarch of the first generation of Zi family. To make your woman recite those words wantonly, useless!"    


With these words, Fang Huan's face turned pale white, and she didn't even dare to look at He Chen. She could only lower her head, which was usually so high and mighty.    


Even the few people from the bloodline beside Zi Qingtian did not dare to meet his gaze.    


They were well aware that Grandmaster He seemed to be dissatisfied with his side!    


Was it because of Fang Huan's words?    


Also, don't say that he was reprimanding them. Even if they were to overturn their chairs, they would still have to greet him with a smile!    


All of this, was because he was an expert of the medium term of master stage!    


"Elder He ?" "You're right."    


Zi Qingtian raised his head, his gaze extremely bitter, but he had no choice but to open his mouth.    


However, what he was more concerned about was something else.    


Both of his eyes were staring straight at He Chen, as he asked hoarsely: "I would like to ask Elder He, what does Master Zhang mean?"    


Once those words were said, the people couldn't help but hold their breath, waiting for He Chen's answer!    


He Chen looked at him indifferently, his gaze sweeping across everyone present, and said calmly:    


"Today is the day that Master Zhang comes here to propose marriage, so I have personally come to welcome you!"    




His words were like a bolt out of the blue.    


It smashed into the hearts of many people present.    


Zi Qingtian, Fang Huan, the three old men, the faction beside them, and the group of people behind them.    


At this moment, his expression changed greatly!    


Martial Grandmaster!    


It's really Martial Grandmaster!    


How could this be?    


One had to know that the Grand Master Strong was the foundation of an aristocratic family.    


But to allow He Chen to have such a respectful attitude.    


Just thinking about it made their bodies shiver, and they could only think of one thing in their hearts:    


Zi Yan, she found a Martial Grandmaster!    


These words were also in Zi Qiang and Xu Xinyu's hearts.    


"Heavens ?" Zi Qiang was confused.    


"This ?" Xu Xinyu was speechless.    


"My mother, Xiao Yan's husband is a grandmaster!" Zi Peng cried in alarm!    


"Heehee." Just at this time, Liang Mengqi began to giggle, and played with Xu Xinyu's arms, and said: "Uncle Qiang, Aunt Xu, look, I already said that the boss is extremely powerful, how about it? Are you shocked? "    


Seeing Liang Mengqi's laughing words, their hearts were in disarray.    


Was he surprised?    


He was scared to death!    


At this time, He Chen looked at Zi Qiang, and walked over with a smile.    


"Zi Qiang, Xu Xinyu, you two are the best. Your daughter is like Zi Yan, your precious daughter and Master Zhang are truly the most beloved couple of the nine heavens, you guys are truly envious."    


Under the bewildered gazes of the crowd, He Chen walked over and began chatting with Zi Qiang and the others in a very friendly manner.    


However, just as he sat down, he saw a series of people arriving one after another!    


This group of people came alone.    


However, the weight of each of them was enough to make anyone tremble with fear!    


Zi Qiang's body did not sit down, and every time he saw a person, his face would turn more pale.    


"The dragon in charge of prescientific stage!"    


"medium term of master stage's He Ze-hua!"    


"The highest medium term of master stage!"    


"Leng Shijie of the medium term of master stage!"    




Each and every one of them caused everyone present to be completely dumbstruck, and after they had arrived, their actions made Fang Huan's face become even more ashen!    


No one looked at Zi Qingtian. Sweeping their eyes across the place, they locked onto He Chen as they cupped their hands and laughed:    


"Brother He, we have come today to take a look at the elegance of Master Zhang!"    


After saying this shocking sentence, they asked:    


"May I know whose daughter Zi Yan is?"    


After asking this question, they would want Zi Qiang and Xu Xinyu to clasp their fists and say a few words of congratulations!    


This caused others to be unable to believe their eyes.    


He had originally thought that existences like the Patriarch Liang s were today's most heavyweight participants.    


However, now ?    


It was like a meeting of the Grandmasters!    


Eight Grandmasters!    


All for Zi Yan's husband?    


Who the hell is he?    


To be able to make these famous intermediate stage grandmasters come over enthusiastically, could it be...    


Master Zhang is a late stage?    


Thinking of this, many people felt as if they were about to suffocate from the impact of this piece of news!    


Even Liu Qingfeng, Patriarch Liang and the others felt their legs go weak.    


Fuck, everything around us is Martial Grandmaster, a single breath isn't right, we are going to be annihilated!    


And under the gazes of others, he thought to himself:    


Aside from the head of the clan, there was also a Grandmaster seated there!    


To be exact, there were two other juniors.    


Liang Hao sat upright and straight, his eyes looking left and right, not daring to say a word.    


They were all big shots!    


Liang Mengqi was much better, but while talking with Xu Xinyu, her phone rang, and she picked it up: "Zhao Feng, when will you be there? Let me tell you, it's quite lively over here, it's just that before, Zi family Lord and Fang Huan ? "    


All the grandmasters present had sharp ears, and upon hearing Liang Mengqi's words, many of them looked at each other.    


Why did they even report it!?    


With the arrival of these heavyweights, the atmosphere on the field could be said to have plummeted. In the end, no one dared to speak out loud as they all looked in the direction of the right corner.    


Suddenly, another registration rang.    


"secretary Yuan has arrived!"    


secretary Yuan?    


Zi Qingtian and the rest were confused, they heard that the name was familiar, but they could not remember who it was.    


Ding Mu looked over and saw a group of 10 people quickly walking over. When they saw the man who was leading the group of 50 years old and dressed in a suit, Zi Qingtian and many of the merchants all stood up, their eyes filled with disbelief.    


"Chief, Chief Secretary!"    




So the reason why it sounded so familiar was because the other party was a secretary Yuan with an overflowing amount of authority!    


Many people rushed forward to welcome him.    


In terms of strength, the secretary Yuan was just an ordinary person, but to business people, he was the one in charge of the economic lifeline!    


With Zi Qingtian in the lead, the twenty something people walked for seven or eight steps.    


secretary Yuan and the rest went up the stage.    


Seeing that, the secretary Yuan waved his hand.    


Zi Qingtian and the rest immediately halted their steps, feeling somewhat alarmed and suspicious.    


Why did the secretary Yuan come here?    


He couldn't possibly have done it because ?    


The moment this thought appeared in his mind, secretary Yuan opened his mouth, and said calmly:    


"You guys go busy yourselves. I am only here to receive the General Zhang!"    




Fang Huan who had just recovered from his shock and was about to take a sip of tea suddenly dropped the teacup on the ground.    


"Zhang..." Will... "Army?" Zi Qingtian uttered these three words with extreme difficulty.    




General Zhang!    


Many people's hearts were severely wounded.    


Is the identity of a Zongshi not enough?    


Another general?    


At this time, the secretary Yuan did not pay any attention to them. He glanced at Zi Qiang and brought his men over, revealing a rare smile.    


"Your daughter has married a hero, congratulations."    


Zi Qiang shook hands with secretary Yuan in a daze.    


It was rumored that the secretary Yuan had always been stern, but at this time ? She was actually smiling at him!    


At this moment.    


"Oh? It's very lively here. "    


A voice rang out from the side of the platform. A white-haired, square-faced elder walked over with large strides.    


The moment he arrived, everyone's expressions changed again.    


The head of Singapore, Su Long!    


'He, he's a strong cultivator with Late master stage. Didn't he not appear for a long time? '    


The Spirit Group was equivalent to the National Security Agency of China, and was an official organization formed by warriors, while Su Long was the highest ranked officer of the Spirit Group!    


He was truly a late stage expert! His junior, Su Mu, was also one of the top disciples of the Singapore's martial world younger generation.    


The medium term of master stage was the talent that the Su Family had the most hope of surpassing Su Long!    


He actually personally came, Zi Qingtian already didn't want to know why.    


Was there still a need to think about it?    


Surely not for them!    


"He Chen, Guan Long, Qi Gao... secretary Yuan, you are all here too? "    


Su Long said very casually.    


"Chief Su, why are you here as well?" secretary Yuan cupped his hands and laughed.    


"Hur Hur Hur Hur." Su Long said with a smile as he walked towards the right corner:    


"Since Director Zhang came over to propose marriage, of course I have to come over to take a look. I should also guard against blind people to the point of angering him. With his temper, if he gets angry ? "Then it's not a good ending, and there are so many people here, how can I still sit?"    


"Director Zhang? Master Zhang is still the national security chief? " He Chen's eyes widened slightly.    


Even he was surprised.    


Not to mention the others.    


Even Zi Qingtian's eyes turned black, his brain felt like it was going to explode, and he almost fainted.    


He took a few deep breaths and recovered.    


His face was ashen, but at this moment, he wished that he could faint!    


At this moment, in many people's hearts, there were only a few words:    


"Martial Grandmaster!"    




"Director of National Security!"    


Just taking one out would already cause him to be unable to breathe. However ? He alone took three?    


"What kind of person did Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan actually find!" Zi Peng looked at Zi Qiang with a stupefied expression.    



"I found one..." There is no limit to the future ? An expert of the first generation! "    


Su Long took over and said. After he finished speaking, he looked to the mountaintop opposite of the lake behind him and said slowly:    


"Look, he's here!"    


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