Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"This ?" Zuo Dong's face was filled with bitterness, and he didn't know what to say at this moment.    


He felt that Han Yang's departure made the whole tournament more uncertain and interesting. However, he also wanted to see Han Yang's performance in the next battle because he was too powerful. With him here, there was no doubt that he would be first.    


Therefore, his current conflicted feelings were complicated.    


"This is too..." Da Hua opened his mouth, but in the end he did not say anything.    


Even the chief directo Cheng Xu was confused.    




Han Yang is leaving?    


The other students were already trembling slightly. Many of them couldn't help but cry out.    


"God, you want to give up your position?"    


"Am I hearing things? "Why is it like this!?"    




There were a few people who were stunned, and then their eyes lit up.    


If he left, wouldn't that mean that the champion ? They now had a chance to fight for it!    


It could be said that with the help of the four coaches and Han Yang's help, the Chinese New Voice in the first season had a very strong ability to make stars.    


Getting the title of number one would be of great benefit to future development.    


But Ah Yan, who was on the verge of being eliminated, was currently stupefied.    


His eyes turned red and he held the microphone in his hand, choking on his emotions.    


After all these days of contact, we all know who God is now. Although God Meng is usually quiet, in my heart, God Meng is my idol and my performance today was not good, so I can't ask God Meng to pay. I understand that God Meng wants to nurture a new person, but I don't want to accept that.    


Zhang Han laughed helplessly when he heard this, and looked to Zi Yan: "I respect the decision of the instructors in the selection."    


As he said that, he gave Zi Yan an eye.    


At this time, the gazes of the entire audience had gathered onto Zi Yan's body.    


Zi Yan's emotions became slightly complicated. She pursed her red lips, picked up the microphone, and remained silent for two seconds before speaking faintly:    


"I know him as well as he knows me."    


As he spoke to here, everyone's hearts began to rise, as if they had felt something.    


She continued:    


"Therefore, my choice is also our tacit understanding."    


"In this round of the PK Competition, the number of people eliminated by my team is ? "Frigid Sun."    


The moment those words left his mouth, the entire audience was stirred!    


This was the first time he had publicly acknowledged his identity!    


At this moment, it was extremely shocking.    


Even Zuo Dong, Da Hua and Gu Fan could not help but stand up and walk towards the stage.    


Zi Yan also stood up and walked over.    


At this moment, the stage was out of control.    


The other two groups of students in the backstage stood up and ran towards the stage.    


Even the chief directo Cheng Xu stood silently at the side of the stage.    


Everyone surrounded Zhang Han.    


In salute.    


Especially Ah Yan, whose tears had fallen. This complicated feeling was something that only he could understand.    


Even Tong Jiajia, Sun Dongheng, and Lu Ze were sighing emotionally.    


"Great god."    


Ah Yan went forward and hugged Zhang Han.    


Zhang Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he understood something.    


He patted Ah Yan's back and said:    


"Alright, alright. You can do your best in the future. As long as you do your best and don't regret it, I won't say that you're number one."    


Then, he looked at Sun Dongheng, Lu Ze and the others and said:    


"You guys too, do your best."    


"You're finally willing to admit it." Zuo Dong walked over, laughed and said, then said seriously: "Hanyang, not only are you a genius, you have also made me respect you greatly. After all, if you leave, this stage will be less interesting, but it will also leave behind some hope.    


"I really have nothing to say. I don't know how to express myself." Gu Fan felt a little dizzy, he patted his chest and expressed his thoughts.    


Da Hua and the other students also said their piece.    


But the competition was still going on. Zhang Han bade farewell and prepared to leave.    


In the end, Zi Yan gave him a hug and Zi Yan whispered into Zhang Han's ear:    


"You're feeling really relaxed this time. Just wait for me at home."    


"Are there any rewards?" Zhang Han could not help but reply.    


But Zi Yan left his embrace, her beautiful big eyes blinking a few times.    


Zhang Han grinned, waved to everyone, and left the stage.    


During this time, a camera followed Zhang Han all the way out of the arena and all the way to the car, until it disappeared into the distance.    


From programme division's point of view, this was probably the exit of a legend.    


He was destined to be added to the program's broadcast video.    


After Zhang Han left.    


The atmosphere on the stage was rather depressing.    


"The match will continue, do you see? Even god Han Yang left. He did it himself, but it means everything is possible. " Zuo Dong looked at the many students and encouraged them: "Besides, do you all think that if Hanyang stays here, the champion would be him? Therefore ? Now that the first place is open, this is your chance. You have to do your best and make good use of it, this is a rare opportunity. "    


It had to be said that Zuo Dong's words had reached the hearts of many students.    


His battle intent was ignited once more.    


"The next contestant will be from Team Gu Fan, please come on stage."    


"? ?"    


The program continued and the elimination continued, but Zhang Han was no longer able to see it.    


The competition had already come to the end. It was time for everyone to compete for a ranking. It would end in about five days.    


Zhang Han's mission could be considered to have been completed.    


It was a perfect completion.    


Work hard during the day.    


Unlock reward at night.    




However, towards Lu Ze and Sun Dongheng, he would take extra care of them and prepare to give them a few suitable songs.    


Because it was still early, Zhang Han and Zhao Feng returned to the rented villa.    


"Master, are we going to go back to the New Moon Bay?"    


Zhao Feng asked after sitting down.    


"Wait a moment Zi Yan, she will finish after three." Zhang Han looked at the time and said.    


He had thought that he would be leisurely staying in the villa in the afternoon.    


But unexpectedly, two minutes later, Zhang Han's phone rang.    


It was a strange local number.    


Zhang Han looked at it for a bit, then picked up the phone.    


"Hello, Director Zhang, I am barnyard's barnyard. Please do not mind me making a phone call."    


"What's the matter?" Zhang Han asked directly.    


It's true that there are some things, the local Jia family Old Man Jia Xing Hua suddenly got a strange illness and could only wake up for an hour throughout the entire day, but his condition was as if he was insane. The time of his sickness was from midnight to one in the morning, and his family had hired a lot of helpers, but they were also helpless against it, and after they invited me, I realized that it seemed to be a ghost that was attached to Jia Xing Hua's body.    


"I heard that Director Zhang was recently recording a program with Madam in deep vibration, so I thought of calling Director Zhang to ask if there's any way to deal with this situation. Don't worry, Director Zhang, if it's possible, Jia family is willing to give five Heaven-grade treasure s, thirty types of Earth Grade treasures and a hundred types of Profound Grade treasures as compensation."    


barnyard explained a series of events very clearly.    


Zhang Han went silent after hearing this.    


There were many situations like this, but most of them were ghosts, such as the same soul, mother and son souls, and even some of the weirdest ones.    


However, to be able to cause the barnyard to be at a loss for what to do, it meant that the strength of this kind of soul should be at least prescientific stage or above.    


After pondering for a moment, Zhang Han replied.    


"I can go and take a look."    


"Alright!" barnyard's tone of voice had a hint of happiness when he heard, and immediately replied: "I wonder where you are now? I'll send someone to pick you up. "    


"Just tell me the address." Zhang Han said.    


"Alright, it's not too far from where Mrs. Zhang's show is. It's a half an hour drive south. It's in the villa area of the Eternal Grand City on the Limin Road. I'll wait for you at the main entrance." The barnyard said.    


Zhang Han then hung up the phone.    


"Master, what's the matter?" Zhao Feng asked curiously.    


"Go and earn some extra money."    


Zhang Han gave a casual smile and said, "Let's go out for a trip, it will benefit the citizens in the Grand City Villa District."    




Zhao Feng replied as the two of them went out the door and got into the Mercedes-Benz S600. Zhao Feng drove south and in less than half an hour, they arrived at the villa complex in Everlasting City.    


At this moment, there were no less than ten people standing outside the villa complex's entrance.    


barnyard was standing at the very front. Upon seeing Zhang Han getting off the car, he immediately went to welcome him.    


"Director Zhang, welcome, welcome. Thank you so much."    


"I'm fine." Zhang Han shook his head slightly.    


Actually, if not for those heavenly and earthly treasures, he wouldn't have come over, so he treated this as a kind of trade.    


"Good morning, Master Zhang."    


The middle-aged man beside barnyard said respectfully: "I am the patriarch of Jia family, and thank you for coming in during your busy time, but regardless of whether or not this matter is successful, my Jia family will always give you a satisfactory answer."    


The moment his words left his mouth, everyone else greeted him as well.    


Regarding Zhang Hanyang's name, it was like thunder piercing the ears of the deep vibration. Although it did not have that tyrannical influence within the Xiangjiang, everyone knew about it.    


Many people of the martial world were honored as: The unrivaled grandmaster is ruthless!    


This was too strong.    


Even the Jia family would have to be respectful to him.    


There were also some warriors from the Jia family among them. The expressions on their faces and the expressions of their subordinates became more respectful.    


"There's no need to be courteous, let's go check on the people first."    


Zhang Han looked at his watch and said.    


"Sure, sure. Please come in." Patriarch Jia nodded.    


The group of people walked inside.    


Under the instructions of the Jia family, the big gate of the villa area opened. Zhao Feng drove the car to follow slowly by the side.    


As they walked further in, at the center of the villa complex, there were a few rows of fences. There were many private villas and leisure areas. This was where the Jia family usually lived.    


From this, it could be seen that the power of having such a manor in the downtown area was not low.    


Furthermore, in order to treat the old gramps, they had spent quite a bit of resources on heavenly and earthly treasures.    


He entered the Jia family area and walked to the main residance at the center.    


In the big bedroom on the second floor, Zhang Han met the Jia family Old Man.    


There was an ancient style to the bedroom, whether it was the wardrobe or the furniture and shelves on the left and right, they were all made of pure wood. There was even an old rocking chair on the balcony.    


As for him, he was lying on the bed. His face was pale and the veins on his neck could be seen. His aura was rather weak.    


"The old gramps has been like this for four days. He doesn't eat nor drink, if this goes on ?" Patriarch Jia felt a bit of heartache, and her voice even trembled a little.    


It was not just because of their relationship. Although he and the old tutor had a good relationship, once the old tutor was gone, the situation Jia family was facing would immediately change.    


"It was fine before, but it suddenly became like this." Patriarch Jia's wife covered her mouth and choked with sobs.    


But Zhang Han ignored them.    


Staring at the Jia family Old Man, his eyes lit up.    


However, he discovered that his body was shrouded in a faint mist, and he was looking inside carefully.    




The old man opened his eyes.    


His pupils were as small as sesame seeds. His eyes were livid as if they were about to split open. Streams of blood were like spider webs on his eyeballs.    


A tinge of fear filled the air.    


His mouth was agape and his teeth were slightly black. His expression was as if he was looking at an enemy that had a deep grudge against him in a sea of blood. It was as if he wanted to eat him!    


Zhang Han's gaze fixed on her.    


Under the feeling of the spiritual sense, what he saw was actually what it looked like.    


The others looked at the lordmaster as if they were resting with their eyes closed.    


But in fact, his expression was already close to roaring.    


Green Dark Seal!    


Zhang Han suddenly waved his hand.    


Everyone only felt a light breeze blow, followed by the white hair on the lordmaster's forehead to slightly move a few times.    


And then, everything returned to normal.    


At this time, Zhang Han's expression changed slightly.    


Ghost Face!    


It was actually this thing!    


The Nether Ghost Face was formed by the vengeful soul. It had the ability to create clones, so it was rather special.    


At the same time, the Ghost Face could be refined and fused into a weapon, which could confuse a person's mind.    


But under Zhang Han's observation, and the suppression from the Green Dark Seal, it stopped abruptly.    


Understanding that this thing had only stained the skin of the Ghost Face.    


In other words, if it wanted to become a Ghost Face, it still had a long way to go.    


And what made Zhang Han's eyes light up.    


The Netherworld Spirit, he could use it to seal Ye Longyuan's gold nail and Mu Xue's Magic dance sword.    


By sealing their innate aura, the others would be able to better utilize these two saint artifacts.    


This meant that he could sell these two things.    


This was killing two birds with one stone.    


However, he still had to catch the main body of the ghost face.    


It was actually Zhang Han's muttering.    


This caused the hearts of everyone else to beat faster.    




Very nervous.    


Master Zhang's strength was so high and there were so many methods. If he still did not have a way, then it would be even more difficult.    


Fortunately, Zhang Han was only silent for three seconds.    


He then said:    


"There's a way to treat it."    






"We're finally saved!"    


The people of Jia family cheered.    


"But you guys need to prepare something. The Heaven-grade treasure would flower 3, and its heart would be revealed 3 ?"    


Zhang Han casually mentioned some treasures, which were quite common, even to the point of having some in the Xiangjiang's inventory.    


After the barnyard heard this, he patted his chest and said he would settle this.    


This also allowed the people of Jia family to be at ease.    


I don't have much time today, so I'll settle this matter tomorrow, but you guys have to accurately give me the place that you went to a week before he passed out. barnyard has my cell number, so after checking it out, you can send me a private message.    


Zhang Han spoke a few words before leaving with everyone.    


After driving back to the villa, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei soon returned.    


"Hubby, you've been eliminated." Zi Yan pouted and said: "I still want you to participate in a few more rounds."    


"I won't be joining in on the fun." Zhang Han laughed and replied.    


He was just a parroting official so he did not want to get first place this way. If he were to get first place, it would be alright if he were to give forth-stage spirit treasure s.    


"However ?"    


Zi Yan suddenly changed his smile and said: "In the future, if there's an invitation competition, I might as well invite you back!"    


"Huh?" The corner of Zhang Han's mouth shook, and he helplessly said: "Alright."    


"Hehehehe." Zi Yan covered his mouth and laughed, then said: "It's about time, let's quickly return."    


Thus, they sat on the helicopters that were heading back to the New Moon Bay.    


On the plane, Zi Yan was starting to miss her Mengmeng's birthday.    


"Oh right, Mengmeng's birthday cake, do you still have a gift flower? This is the first time you are giving Mengmeng a birthday, so, uh ? I can be a little more serious. "    


"Mistress, you can rest assured. The flower that Master mentioned is not ordinary. It is a treasure, and it will look much better than an ordinary flower." Zhao Feng said with a smile.    


"Is that so?" Zi Yan's big eyes blinked, and said worriedly: "Don't make it too mysterious."    


"Nope." Zhang Han shook his head.    


"Then why don't we think of other gifts?"    




As such, the two of them discussed what kind of memorable gift to present.    


Once they started talking about the Mengmeng.    


Zhang Han started to talk more.    


However, after researching for half an hour, he still did not come up with a special gift.    


After returning to the company, Zhang Han drove towards the Saint Rowe's kindergarten with Zi Yan.    


He had arrived earlier this time.    


At 4: 10 he arrived at the kindergarten door.    


Coincidentally, Lu Xiong had finished his work and was wobbling as he walked out.    


Seeing Zhang Han, he walked over, and with Zhang Han's instructions, he opened the door and sat down.    



"Master Zhang, long time no see, Lady Zhang." Lu Xiong smiled and greeted her.    


Zi Yan was very clear about Lu Xiong, he had heard Zhang Han say that he was also a relatively powerful Grand Master Strong, and because of Lu Guo, he was working as a cleaner in the kindergarten.    


This has improved the safety of kindergartens by N grades.    


"Elder Lu." Zi Yan smiled and greeted him.    


"I dare not to think so, in front of Master Zhang, how could I dare to be old? Hahaha." Lu Xiong laughed.    


"That's right, Elder Lu, you came at the right time. I have two saint artifacts that I want to sell. Does Elder Lu know of any place that can be used to exchange treasures?" Zhang Han asked.    


"Exchange for treasures? "Of course there is!"    


Lu Xiong nodded and said: "In some places, there are locations where sects cooperate to exchange for treasures. It's just that right now, the small world is not open yet, so if Master Zhang isn't in a hurry, there are still many places within the sects that you can exchange for treasures."    


"Oh, oh, you don't exist in the secular world?" Zhang Han nodded and asked.    


If there really were none, he intended to wait for the small world's door to open before selling the two items he had recognized as master.    


On the other hand, Lu Xiong gave a rather unexpected answer.    


"There really is one that is even more valuable than the treasures of many sects in small worlds."    


"That place is called the spiritual treasure Pavilion."    


"There's no Profound Rank, Earth Rank, or Heaven Rank. It's just a simple number. Heaven Rank corresponds to 3, Saint Rank to 4, and god level to 5."    


"In any case, the highest level is only level 5, but every time the spiritual treasure s are held, there will be at least 5 of them, it's just that the price is too expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford it."    


"When the spiritual treasure Pavilion is being held, even the sects from the small realms will participate, because there are many types of treasures inside. It is said that the pavilion master of the spiritual treasure Pavilion is a Ranker called No Action Immortal.    


Lu Xiong said as he recalled.    


Hearing the two words "Wuwei".    


Zhang Han's brows twitched:    


"Are you talking about Yue Wuwei?"    


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