Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"Yue Wuwei?"    


Speaking of this name, Lu Xiong was startled.    


After pondering for a second, he replied:    


"I only know that the pavilion master of the spiritual treasure Pavilion is a No Action Immortal, but most of them do not show themselves. The ones who appear are the subordinates of, I do not know, but when he attacked, people only saw his back. He only used one move, and it was said that he was extremely, very strong."    


"Oh, oh."    


Zhang Han nodded.    


He suspected that the No Action Immortal he was talking about could actually be Yue Wuwei.    


On this suppressed sacred object planet, the Immortal Cultivation World plate that it was attached to might really have some secrets.    


Otherwise, he wouldn't have been sent to the Immortal Cultivation World back then.    


"As far as I know, the spiritual treasure Pavilion would usually open once every five years, and every time, the location would be different. The last time the spiritual treasure Pavilion was opened, was before the gate of small word s had closed, so five years had passed by now, and it might even be when the gate of small word opens, so of course it could be before then."    


After saying this, Lu Xiong's face became slightly serious.    


"Once the gate of small word opens, it will probably be unstable for a period of time. In five years' time, not a single small world's would have an event that would cause its power to become complicated. It's hard to say for sure."    


Following Lu Xiong's words, the atmosphere also gradually became more solemn.    


Zhang Han thought for a while, then shook his head and laughed:    


"I wonder if Elder Lu knows about the remnants of the HeXue Shan?"    


"I heard that there's a 60% chance of it being a B-class relic, so I'll have to wait for a while to confirm it." After Lu Xiong finished answering, he laughed and said: "But I do not plan to go to the ruins, the school is on vacation, Guo Guo and a few friends plan to go to Dubai to play, I have to secretly follow them, it's so chaotic outside, I can't be at ease with them wandering around!"    


Hearing Lu Xiong's words, Zi Yan smiled and said:    


"Elder Lu, you're really considerate. You're also very concerned about your granddaughter."    


"Of course, I only have this one darling granddaughter." Lu Xiong said proudly.    


Judging from his expression, he must be very proud of his granddaughter.    


On the other hand, Zhang Han felt the same way.    


There was a difference between a granddaughter and daughter, but it was also a different experience.    


"My granddaughter is about to leave school. She came back to my place today, so I have to go back and cook." Lu Xiong looked at the time, and said: "That's right, my daughter has praised your daughter many times, she said that there are three or four extremely clever people in the class, and Mengmeng is one of them."    


"My daughter is clever." Zhang Han laughed.    


"Hahaha, that's right. Then I'll go back first."    


"Take care, Elder Lu." Zi Yan waved his hand while smiling.    


Lu Xiong got off the car and returned to his house on the mountain.    


Under normal circumstances, it would be in a courtyard house that was covered in green grass and shaded by trees.    


There were countless mosquitoes, flying insects, and reptiles.    


There might even be some poisonous bugs. Although the environment was good, there were still some that were not good.    


But in this situation, it wasn't a problem at all for a martial artist who could use a technique.    


Soon, the school's bell rang.    


Zhang Han quickly got off the car and entered the kindergarten.    


Mengmeng shouted as always:    




The little guy ran quickly and reached out his little arm, jumping into Zhang Han's embrace.    


Every time this happened, a few parents and children would glance at him.    


There were also many children like the Mengmeng, who relied heavily on their parents to charge at them.    


In the kindergarten's small class, most of them were three years old. Mengmeng was more than half their age, but there were some who were a little bit older than them.    


To put it bluntly, she was still a little kid. It was already a pretty good start for her not to cry and not make a fuss, and she could still study.    


There was still an unexpected surprise today.    


"Look, Baba! Baba is able to agree to three things from my third little red flower! " Mengmeng opened her small palm, inside laid a small red flower.    


Seeing her bright eyes and happy expression, it could be seen that she was extremely happy at this moment!    


The little guy was happy, and so was Zhang Han.    


He returned home and had a very sumptuous dinner.    


After dinner, he was dragged by his father-in-law to play chess.    


Ever since he had defeated Luo Chengwen last time, Zi Qiang, Zi Qiang's self-confidence had exploded.    


It even made Zhang Han feel that he had to defeat Yue Yang multiple times to destroy his prestige and might.    


Think about it...    




No way.    


That night, Zi Qiang went to rest in satisfaction.    


Zhang Han continued to narrate stories as usual, "On the mysterious island, the Dwarf King and the Elf King found a lake in the heart of the island. There were mermaids in the lake, and a spring called the Immortal Spring existed at the bottom of the lake.    


Mengmeng was confused by this kind of story, but she liked it. She liked to stay close to Baba and listen to it.    


The little guy gradually fell asleep as usual.    


Zhang Han carried her onto the small bed. After seeing that Zi Yan was also asleep, he gently took the phone.    


He opened the private message sent by the Jia family.    


The Jia family Old Man rarely went there a week before he fainted.    


There were only three locations on the map, and the information was very detailed. Even the owner of the address and the HD map were on it.    


Zhang Han stared at the map.    


His gaze finally stopped at the Lakewind Villa in the eastern suburbs of deep vibration. Looking at the terrain, there might be something unknown there, it was a trace of a ghost that had the essence of a Netherworld Spirit.    


As for the other two places, they were both high-rise buildings in a bustling city, so the chances of that happening were quite low. It was also possible that the ghost was attached to some treasure.    


Therefore, Zhang Han planned to head to the Lakewind Villa on the first stop. If not, he would go to the other two locations nearby.    


However ?    


At nine in the morning on the next day, Zhang Han arrived at the deep vibration. At this time, the barnyard, along with more than a dozen other people, were standing at the entrance of the Lakewind Villa.    


"Master Zhang, you're here."    


Patriarch Jia hurriedly came over, pointed to Young man beside him, and said: "He is the manager of the Villa whom my father entertained the day he came, and he remembers all the places that my father went to."    


"Mm, let's take a walk from the path that old man Jia took after entering the villa." Zhang Han said as he nodded his head.    


"Alright, please come this way sir." The manager wiped off his cold sweat and led the way nervously.    


He already knew that something was wrong with the Old Master of the Jia family. If something really happened, it would be no different from having a great calamity befall him.    


"Elder Jia and Elder Wang went up on foot. Starting from here, they walked leisurely. I followed behind them. They stopped in this position for less than a minute, admired the flowers and praised them a few times. Then ?" The manager tried his best to remember, leading the way as they walked deeper into the building.    


Finally, they stopped at the luxurious hot spring room. This was their final stop.    


"Is that all?" Zhang Han asked.    


"Yes, these are the only places." the manager confirmed.    


Zhang Han closed his eyes in silence for two seconds.    


His spiritual sense had already stretched past a thousand meters. Even if he were to delve deeper into the ground, he would reach a depth of more than two hundred meters.    


Thus, he spat out two words:    




"Next place."    


They went down the mountain to the convoy prepared by the Jia family and arrived at the 25th floor of a merchant house.    


Zhang Han observed for a few minutes and gave his answer:    




So he was at the last location?    


However ?    


Arriving at the last private club, he walked around.    


Zhang Han had some suspicions, but he still spat out two words:    




"This ?"    


Patriarch Jia's expression instantly turned ugly.    


Cold sweat flowed profusely.    


"Is there no other way?" Patriarch Jia wiped his cold sweat and asked nervously.    


"If he can't find a place, then there's no other way. I think he has to go somewhere else." Zhang Han said with certainty.    


"There aren't any other places. We've already investigated this area more than ten times. There are only these three places. What should we do?"    


At this time, Patriarch Jia was already feeling anxious.    


However, just as he finished his sentence, his wife's expression suddenly changed.    


"There's ? there's still another place."    


"Where?" Patriarch Jia hurriedly asked.    


"The old man and old man have been to the old house once!" his wife said quickly.    


"Old dwelling?" Right! Right! There was also an old dwelling! However ? How could something happen to me? "    


Patriarch Jia and the rest of the Jia family felt their hairs stand on end.    


They had been to the old residence as well. If there really was something there, just thinking about it made them shiver.    



Too terrifying.    


"Then let's go take a look."    


Zhang Han said calmly.    


Once again, everyone got on the convoy. This time, they arrived at the last side of the Jia family's villa, an ancient courtyard.    


The courtyard house was already in a somewhat dilapidated state.    


They entered the courtyard.    


Patriarch Jia asked in shock:    


"Why is this place filled with withered grass? And how come all those flowers and trees are withered? Didn't people come here every week to clean up? "    


"This... That may be the problem. " barnyard said in a solemn voice.    


Because at this moment, he could feel the dense Yin Qi!    


With such strength, the yin spirit probably had the level of Late master stage.    


This kind of yin spirit was extremely difficult to deal with.    


If he wanted to destroy it, he would need to use some methods.    


Therefore, his eyes couldn't help but look at Zhang Han and ask:    


"Master Zhang, why don't I invite some helpers over? Capture him immediately? "    


He felt that although the Master Zhang was unrivalled among the Grandmasters, it was still better to take down the yin spirit s in one go. He did not know what Zhang Han's trump card was, nor did he know if he had any deeper attainments in this area.    


He was just afraid that he would alert the enemy.    


After scaring away the yin spirit, it would be difficult to encircle and annihilate it again.    


If that happened, even the Old Man of the Jia family wouldn't be able to save him.    


"No need."    


Zhang Han's gaze fixed on him, and he did not look at him. Instead, he looked straight at the old house in front of him and shook his head slightly.    


"Then do we need to prepare ?"    


barnyard asked again.    


If he wanted to say whether he should prepare any treasures, he could send someone to retrieve them.    


But he didn't expect that before he finished.    


Zhang Han's eyes flashed.    


Then he stretched out his right hand.    


Green Dark Seal!    


Weng! *    


An invisible force emanated from the residence in front of him.    




The next moment, the door to the old mansion shattered.    


Everyone seemed to see a huge ghost face appear there.    


A cold wind even blew through the entire house.    


The coldness was bone-chilling cold!    


However, this feeling only lasted for a moment.    


The next second.    


The cold wind dissipated, and it seemed as if the sunlight had brightened by thirty percent.    


Zhang Han then retracted his palm, and said calmly:    


"It's done."    


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