Godly Stay-Home Dad



08 AM the next morning.    


Zhang Han drove Zi Yan and Mengmeng to Saint Rowe's kindergarten.    


Yesterday, in order to give the little guy a birthday, he took a leave of absence. He had some knowledge about the school, such as a few sentences in Cantonese and English.    


Lu Guo organized a document and sent it to Zi Yan.    


Last night, Zi Yan taught her once, that Mengmeng's memory was very good, and she remembered it very quickly.    


However, this was a short-term memory, so he was on his way to the kindergarten.    


Zi Yan began to teach again.    


"What did I say when I got Cantonese?"    


"Ugh ?" The left side of the goose beans. "    


"I didn't mean to."    


"Goosebumps have to be rewarded."    


The Mengmeng's voice was pleasant to listen to, just like her mother's. In addition to the tender taste of her young age, it was truly pleasurable to listen to.    


There wasn't much to learn every day, so Mengmeng learned very quickly.    


When they reached the kindergarten, Zhang Han sent Mengmeng to the class.    


Martin, Li Muen and the others also waved and greeted him, "Greetings daddy Meng."    


There was no need to talk about the favourable impression these little fellows had towards Zhang Han.    


In terms of food, they had been conquered.    


After greeting each other, Zhang Han also left the kindergarten. Back at the company, he rode on the helicopter to the deep vibration.    


Today was the last day of recording.    


The thousand people concert that the programme division had prepared would also be broadcast during the first season's closing ceremony of the Chinese New Voice.    


The teachers of the three groups would sing a song, the top eight would sing a song, and finally, the coaches would sing a song with the participants of their own team.    


After finishing his busy day, he would wait for Mengmeng's Christmas vacation to go to the Northeast to play with the snow.    


Little Princess had never seen snow in his life, if he were to go play for the first time, it would definitely be an amazing novelty.    


Regarding today's program, Zhang Han was naturally prepared as well.    


Even if it was his first time accompanying Zi Yan to play some entertainment, he still had to draw a happy ending.    


Very quickly, half an hour later, the helicopter arrived at the rented villa and then took a bus to programme division.    


This time around, the factory had reconstructed a space that looked like an indoor gymnasium. The area could be considered quite large.    


After all, the programme division had a lot of money.    


Location of arrival.    


In the backstage area, over twenty people gathered. Most of them were staff. The other three coaches were there as well.    


Before he even got close, Zhang Han heard many discussions.    


Almost all of them had one word, 'Frigid Sun'.    


When she saw him walking over with Zi Yan and his group.    


The discussion came to a halt.    


"Hey, Zi Yan, Hanyang, I told you. Your relationship must be good, to think that we would both be together." Zuo Dong said with a smile.    


"The two of them, are both male and female, hahaha ?" Da Hua did not finish his words.    


However, everyone knew that Da Hua's implied meaning was that the two of them might be man and woman.    


This guess was obviously wrong.    


They were already husband and wife with children!    


"I never said we didn't know each other." Zi Yan replied with a smile.    


"Great god, you're really strong." Gu Fan gave Zhang Han a big thumbs up, and said: "I never thought that you would have such a deep attainment in sound DJ, causing the sound album given to Lili to become popular. The rhythm is too strong, and listening to it makes me unable to extricate myself."    


"Yeah." Zuo Dong spread out his hands and said: "Before the waves have even calmed down, another wave has occurred. After Zi Yan's song ended, there was the DJ Goddess Lili who appeared in this episode.    


"I've heard that not only is it China, but even these sound waves are widely acclaimed overseas. The speed of fire is very fast, and the quality of the MV shots are also very high." Da Hua laughed.    


"Of course, I heard it from my friend." At this time, Tong Jiajia said, "The MVs for this album by Lili were all made with expensive professional music from around the world."    


"A song of this quality is indeed worth spending a lot of money to create." Zuo Dong nodded in deep agreement.    


"I wonder if you guys prepared any powerful moves today?" Gu Fan's expression suddenly changed as he asked.    


"Big move?" "Eh ?" Zi Yan blinked her beautiful big eyes and replied: "Guess?"    


"Fine." Gu Fan laughed bitterly: "Then there has to be."    


"This time, they are indeed prepared to use a powerful technique. They will probably scare you."    


chief directo Cheng Xu walked over and said seriously.    


"I guessed it. With him around, Zi Yan and him would be the same." Zuo Dong laughed helplessly.    


When they were together with them, the other coaches also felt a bit of pressure. After all, the songs they produced were too explosive. If the difference in the songs the other coaches sang was too great, they would be criticized by others.    


Everyone chatted and laughed backstage. At eleven o'clock, everyone went to their respective preparation room to dress up.    


Zi Yan also changed into a new set of clothes.    


It was imitating what Zhang Li was wearing.    


Coincidentally, when the director of Universal Music, MV, heard the album, he was also intrigued and gave a suggestion. Wearing clothes with a logo on them, he designed a set of black, black and blue jeans and black and white shoes with a lightning symbol on the back: Z    


Zhang Han found it rather interesting too.    


Today, Zi Yan was also wearing the same clothes. When he wore the hat on his head, from his chin to his long hair, it gave Zi Yan a different style of wear.    




Seeing her dress, Zuo Dong was startled.    


Isn't this the makeup from Lili's MV?    


What was going on?    


Unable to guess anything, just as he was about to ask.    


A commotion broke out on the stage:    


"Hello everyone, I am chief directo Cheng Xu of the Chinese New Voice. I welcome everyone to the first season of the Chinese New Voice."    




"Roar ?"    


Quite a few of the nearly thousand people below the arena began to scream and cheer.    


After an intense battle, the Chinese New Voice has finally come to an end. The official version will broadcast every Friday, December 5th, at 8 PM. Now, let's invite the first set of instructors to perform, Zuo Dong! "Please give us a round of applause!"    




Amidst the applause of the crowd.    


The lights on the stage dimmed.    


Zuo Dong and Da Hua hurried to the stage and took their positions with some of the dancing companions.    


When they were ready, the accompaniment rang out. At the same time, the lights came on and a melodious melody was played.    


"It's an adaptation of a normal road, and it's joined in with Teacher Zuo Dong's rap song, it's so nice to listen to!"    




Quite a few students in the backstage area nodded their heads.    


After singing.    


Gu Fan went up on stage.    


Sure enough, Zi Yan was the last to enter the stage.    


Gu Fan was singing "Unique".    


Accompanying this trend was a song that caused countless female fans to scream.    


Finally, the song ended.    


Cheng Xu once again stepped onto the stage:    


"Below, we have invited the star coach Zi Yan, please give us your applause!"    


Amidst all the cheers and applause.    


Zi Yan turned and winked mischievously at Zhang Han, then quickly walked up the stage.    


At this time, the stage was relatively dark and the lights were dim. Zi Yan found a spot to sit and turned his back to the audience.    




With a dull sound, the entire stage quieted down.    


This meant that the show was about to begin.    


The stage was dark.    


The music hadn't started yet, but the atmosphere was filled with anticipation.    


Even Da Hua, Zuo Dong and Gu Fan who had finished singing, opened their mouths from behind the stage:    


"I wonder what Zi Yan is going to sing."    


"I think the stage is going to explode. I have this strong premonition."    


"Every time she sings, the stage's effects are especially rousing."    


"Eh? Why is it fade? Isn't this a sound wave? " Hearing the start tempo, Zuo Dong was startled.    


It wasn't just him, even the students were curious about him.    


If Zi Yan had prepared the DJ equipment for this song, it would probably look good, but she was prepared to sing it!    


In this kind of situation, they did not notice that Zhang Han, who was at the side, had his mouth slightly raised in a curve.    


He was the clearest. Compared to fade, the upgraded version of fad was the one that was sung by people as a higher, prize-winning song.    




At the beginning of a piano accompaniment.    


The lights came on.    


A few lights shone onto Zi Yan's body. She had her back facing the stage, her right hand raised up, and a microphone in her hand.    


The "Z" on his back was exceptionally clear, shimmering slightly.    


After five seconds, her right hand arced and fell.    


Then she turned to face the crowd, took six or seven steps forward, and stood in the middle of the stage.    


At this moment, she raised her microphone and opened her mouth. Her voice was ethereal, like the sound of nature.    














life, Did    








No one expected it to be a song in English. Many people did not understand it, but the kind of drawling and confused incomprehension gave them a special feeling.    




start, You    




away, Africa    












sight, Wanna    




"U, Alive!"    


After he finished singing the last word, Zi Yan's pronunciation became heavier. This signified the following melody:    








Now, Where    






"Now ?"    


As he sang, the piano accompaniment gradually became an electric sound accompanied by a heavy bass.    


At this moment, the entire stage was filled with people.    


Many fans couldn't help but raise their glowing sticks and sway along with the music.    


In the backstage, the three coaches were no longer calm.    


Gu Fan turned his head and looked at Zhang Han, sighing with a smile: "Great God, was this song written by you or was it modified by her? I feel like I've perfectly blended in with this sound. "    


"We discussed it together."    


Zhang Han casually replied.    


Zuo Dong and Da Hua looked at each other and laughed bitterly as they shook their heads.    


"I can imagine that this song is going to be popular again."    


Zuo Dong sighed with emotion.    


Soon, the song ended.    


Amidst the screams of the spectators below the stage, Zi Yan left the stage with a bow.    


Back at the backstage, there was another wave of admiration.    


However, if the program was to continue, Cheng Xu, who was on stage, would announce:    


"Next, let's invite one of the top eight Chinese New Voice s to perform, Lu Ze..."    


He did not say what number he would be in. Since the program had yet to be broadcast, it was not a good thing to have his ranking leaked out.    


Therefore, the top eight contestants all went up on stage one after another, with no Zhang Han present.    


Zhang Han was not one of the top eight.    


However, as a special guest, he sang a song together with Zi Yan's team.    


After the singing, two hours had already passed.    


After the conclusion, the chief directo Cheng Xu took the initiative to invite them:    


"I arranged a luncheon at the Brewery. Shall we celebrate together?"    


He said it for a few people, which included Zhang Han, Zi Yan and a few others.    


After thinking about it, Zi Yan nodded.    


Zhang Han also had no objections.    


Thus, the group arrived at the luxurious room at the Evening Primrose Restaurant.    


He ordered quite a bit of wine.    


He looked quite like he wouldn't leave until he was drunk.    


The lady drinks red wine and the man drinks the same beer.    


This guy, at the table, these kids just drank two bottles and let themselves fly.    


"Great god, let me toast you. I admire you so much. You are my idol."    


Drink it all in one cup.    


"Great god, not only do I admire your talent, I also admire your personality. If there's a chance in the future, I hope that we can cooperate. I'm sincere." Gu Fan nodded very seriously.    


Another toast.    


"Even though I'm older than all of you, I still have to call you 'Great God' here ?" Zuo Dong raised his glass.    


Another cup.    


Zhang Han had always been like this. With a slight smile on his face, he politely nodded his head and responded:    


"Mm. Alright."    


"You're too polite."    




Just like this, one round, two rounds, three rounds.    


As bottles of beer entered his stomach, everyone else's face turned red. Zhang Han was fine.    


It had only been an hour.    


Those who fought with Zhang Han for wine, more than 80% of them fell.    


The remaining 20% were also in a stupefied state.    


Zhang Han did not even say a word, and had already toasted to one of them, as he muttered:    


"God said ?" Good! "Let's do it!"    


After drinking it, he happily laid under the table.    


The crowd didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


The only chief directo Cheng Xu that hadn't drunk a single drop of wine had been watching this entire time.    


Every time one of them fell, he would have someone send them to rest.    


Thus, the number of people at the table gradually decreased.    


In the end, even Cheng Xu was a little surprised.    


Thus, the luncheon concluded in a very satisfactory manner.    


Zhang Han was fine, but Zi Yan had drank some red wine, her little face blushing red.    


A little drunk.    


Drunk women are a little silly and cute.    


But Zi Yan was quiet.    


He quietly got on the car.    


Get on the plane quietly.    


He quietly returned to the Cold Immortal Pavilion.    


But back in the bedroom.    


It was no longer quiet.    


Because Zi Qiang, Xu Xinyu and Liu Qingfeng had all gone to the Singapore, and only the two of them were in the entire castle, so...    


Zi Yan's graceful body was like a snake, pressing down onto Zhang Han's body.    


The number of clothes decreased.    




A piece of music played in the bedroom.    


Until four o'clock.    


Zhang Han walked out of his bedroom while wearing his jacket.    


He got off the building and drove to the kindergarten to pick up Mengmeng.    


When he received the Mengmeng.    


The little fellow opened its little palm again:    


"Baba, this is the fifth flower, I can promise you five things!"    




Seeing her happy expression, Zhang Han naturally praised her repeatedly.    


Back at the castle.    


Zi Yan had already woken up and cleaned up the messy bed, changing the sheets to cover himself.    


Mengmeng and Zi Yan stuck the little red flower on the blackboard together. The little guy watched them for a good few minutes before running towards the back of the mountain to play with the Da Hei and Blacky with satisfaction.    


Zhang Han and Zi Yan were by his side accompanying him. After a while, Zhou Fei also came over and gave them some news.    


"Lili's album is going viral. Every song's creator wrote 'Han Yang', causing Han Yang's name to go viral."    


"programme division of the Chinese New Voice gave her brother-in-law a few scenes and used Han Yang's stunt to create a hype. In addition to Lili's album, the show's attention level also grew higher and higher."    


"There's a lot of talk now, the broadcast tomorrow will definitely break a lot of records. I have a premonition that the Chinese New Voice should be this winter's phenomenal variety show."    


At present, many people know that Lili is at Starmoon Bar. Under Uncle Sun's suggestion, she signs the Purple Moon Entertainment and walked the path of a celebrity, temporarily not staying in the bar.    


A few messages caused Zi Yan to nod his head.    


Recently, she would take a break. The program had just ended and she needed to rest for a few days. Then, she would take up a relatively easy short-term job and finish her work before the 26th. She would accompany her family to play in the snow.    


His mother was looking forward to playing with the snow.    


Seeing that Zhang Li had also been busy recently, Zhang Han did not have any unnecessary thoughts.    


They played with Mengmeng in the back mountain for a while before returning to the castle to eat dinner, tell stories, and sleep.    


A very happy life.    


The next night.    


After the little guy fell asleep, Zhang Han and Zi Yan watched the first episode of Chinese New Voice on the bed with headphones in them.    


My god.    


Upon opening it, bullet screen flew up into the sky, showing how popular the place was.    


After looking at it for a few seconds, he could only close the bullet screen.    


An hour and a half of programming, with a few scenes of Zhang Han previously, but he only appeared in the end.    


He sang a song.    


It was very nice. He even edited some of the comments and shocked expressions that he suspected of being Han Yang.    




"Not qualified!"    


Zi Yan's words stunned everyone.    


His heart rose to his throat. Such an incredible contestant wasn't qualified?    


Suspicion arose in his heart.    


Soon after, Instructor Zuo Dong came over and handed over the gold chain.    


"I'm here for Zi Yan!"    


The gold chain was rejected.    


Weng! *    


The program ended with the question of whether or not he would be promoted.    


This caused many netizens to explode in anger.    


"Scoundrel editing!"    



"I really want to send you a blade!"    


Some of them had bad tempers and even started cursing.    


However, there was nothing he could do but to wait until next week to watch. This caused his heart to feel itchy.    


Time passed day by day.    


Mengmeng taught seriously, and the number of little red flowers gradually increased.    


Sixth flower,    


Seventh flower,    


When the number reached the eighth flower.    


It was now the fifteenth of December.    


It was the day Zhang Li held the concert. Initially, Sun Ming was a little worried about the number of people.    


But he hadn't thought that popularity would be so popular.    


Plaza, which could hold five thousand people, was sold out in three minutes.    


Yellow Ox immediately broke into a flurry of discussion.    


The ticket price was originally three hundred and eighty-eight yuan, but now it had been raised to six thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight yuan.    


The price was still rising, and there was a lot of news about it.    


Thus, when the concert began, pillars rose up from the ground around the square, forming a circle around the arena.    


Even so, there were many people standing around. It was fine if they could not hear it!    


Zhang Li went up on stage and played five songs, followed by Sun Dongheng singing two songs. Zhang Li finished his performance after resting for a few minutes.    


The scene was explosive.    


With regards to Sun Dongheng's performance on stage, his fan count had also skyrocketed.    


On the live broadcast software, the number one brother outside rose directly to become a platform.    


He had too much to show for it.    


The top eight of the new songs were still singing on stage at such a large-scale concert.    


Was he on fire?    


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.