Godly Stay-Home Dad



0The Northeast Gai family belonged to the King's Family, and had a large amount of power.    


The most important reason was that Gai Xingkong's way of doing things was stable, his way of doing things had principles, and he was a little heroic. If it was someone else who was narrow-minded, then he might be strong, but he might not be able to develop such a power.    


However, martial world did not care about large forces. Strength determined everything, but influence somewhat decided whether or not development was smooth sailing.    


There was a complicated meaning to it.    


However, when Gai Xingkong moved, there would be many top rankers from various powers following him.    


This is also Gai Xingkong's confidence, if you guys were to fight Zhang Han one on one, and purely fight, that's fine, we can ignore that, but if you want to gang up on us, and not abide by the rules, alright, then let's fight!    


Therefore, Gai Xingkong decided to settle this matter. However, since the decisive battle would happen three days later, there was still plenty of time, so he was not in a hurry.    


As time passed, in a skyscraper in Shang Jing, the science and technology office at the top floor was brightly lit.    


This building is called the National Security Administration.    


It was the headquarters of the National Security Agency in the whole of China, located in the west side of the center of the Shanghai.    


The top floor of the National Security Agency, after going through the most advanced modern materials and being cut off from all external world's exploration signals, had floor-to-ceiling windows that could not be seen by the outside world, and even included psychokinesis s, while inside, it was rather modern, and the most important thing was a circular hall. On the right side of the hall, there was a series of screens, and at the bottom of the screens, there were a few rows of computer tables, the computers on them were also the most advanced products of social science and technology back then, there was even a super computer number 5, for these people to use, and those who use computers were all top tier computer experts.    


Whether it was a hacker, a white guest, a yellow guest, a blue guest, or a blue and purple guest, they were all top talents in every aspect.    


At this moment, these people were all working.    


Behind them was a round table. At this moment, there were quite a few people sitting at the table. However, there were four people casually leaning on the table at the front.    


The first man with a long face and big eyes had a relatively cold aura. He was the captain of the Azure Dragon Branch, and was commonly known as the Azure Dragon in the department.    


The second one was a man with one eye and one eyelid. He was rather handsome, like the Korean oppa, slightly longer than an inch, with a bit of idolatry.    


The third was the Vermillion Bird Jiang Yanlan who Zhang Han had met once before. She too was smoking a thin cigarette as she stared at the screen in front of her.    


The fourth was a fat man with a height of 1.6 meters and a weight of 200 pounds. He was the commander of the Black Tortoise Squadron, known as the toughest shield in all of China!    


And these people in front of him, were all part of the Black Tortoise Squad.    


"When are you going to come to a conclusion? It's been an hour. " After smoking a mouthful of smoke, the green dragon looked towards the round fatty and asked.    


"Don't be in such a hurry, we need time." Fatty grinned and said, "After all, this satellite of ours is not always accurate. We can't rely on them to analyze it."    


"I think you might not be able to figure it out. Why don't you disperse?" Jiang Yanlan said after spitting out a column of smoke.    


"It should be soon ?" Just as Fatty finished speaking, a staff member at the front suddenly stood up and ran over with an A4 piece of paper in his hand.    


"Captain, it's done. The error rate of the test report is less than one in ten thousand."    




Fatty hurriedly took the paper. After staring at it for three seconds with his small eyes that were squeezed by the meat, his expression slightly changed.    


"Not good!"    


"What was the result?" The White Tiger asked calmly.    


"The results showed that today, 13: 27: 30, at the Eastern Emergence Mountain of Linhai City, the power of that flame knife still exceeded the power of the Martial Grandmaster. This means that his attack was already within the God Realm and it was even twice as powerful as an ordinary God Realm warrior."    


Having said that, the fatty's expression became slightly more serious as he said in a deep voice:    


"There are a few possibilities. Firstly, he has already broken through to the God Realm, secondly, his divine artifact s have increased in quality, and thirdly, he has comprehended a rather powerful absolute art. But no matter which one, Zhang Hanyang's situation is not looking good!"    


With this said, the green dragon's eyebrows creased. The White Tiger's expression froze, but it didn't give out any expression. The Vermillion Bird's eyes flashed with a hint of concern.    


It was not for any other reason but because she had seen the Mengmeng before. For some reason, she did not want that cute and beautiful girl to lose her life that she should have been happy for.    


"Last time, boss said that Zhang Hanyang's Martial Grandmaster was virtually invincible, but the God State Strong was definitely not his match, not to mention the Gu Donglai who possessed the flame knife! If this battle goes as planned, then this new king of martial world will really fall. " The White Tiger's voice also became heavier.    


"No!" I must make another trip! " Jiang Yanlan who was dressed in his leather clothes immediately turned and ran out.    


"Ai!" You don't need to be in such a hurry, do you? " The Azure Dragon was stunned when he said that he would leave as soon as he said that he would leave. This time, his face seemed to have grown longer.    


"Don't tell me this girl has taken a fancy to someone else?" The fat guy pouted and muttered.    


These words made the White Tiger a little unhappy, and the aura on its body became slightly colder as it snorted lightly:    


"How could someone as haughty as her pursue a married man?"    


With that, he also left.    


Only two people with bitter smiles were left behind.    


In fact, their boss wasn't wrong. However, they had all overlooked one thing ? a martial artist could make a breakthrough!    


At the same time.    


In the depths of the LianRan mountain range in Xichuan Province, the Blood Blade Sect's Blessed Paradise was located at a cave in the mountain behind the main sect.    


At this moment, there were five people sitting in the small yard in front of the abode.    


"Lord Ye, in three days, Zhang Hanyang and Gu Donglai ?" The leader of the Blood Blade Sect frowned and said: "I am more familiar with Jin Mu. He said, Gu Donglai seems to have broken through to the God Realm, this time Zhang Hanyang is going to fall, Young Master Ye, your gold nail is still in his hands."    


"I didn't expect him to be so busy." Ye Longyuan laughed coldly, and said: "It's a pity that I can't kill him myself. Whatever, I'll go watch the battle myself. If he dies, then I'll retrieve the gold nail myself."    


In another place, on the Dragon River Beach near the seaside, in a place that was not visited by anyone, a deck chair and sun umbrella were placed by the seaside. Mu Xue, who was wearing a set of blue bikini was drinking cold drinks while blowing the sea breeze, leisurely.    




Suddenly, a twenty-something year old woman ran quickly from behind her.    


"First Miss, I just received news that Zhang Hanyang and Gu Donglai are fighting on the Eastern Sea Golden Sand Island and that Gu Donglai has possibly broken through to the Divine Realm. Although Zhang Hanyang's chances of winning this battle is not high, First Miss's Magic dance sword is still in his hands."    


"Hmm?" Mu Xue's hand that was drinking cold paused for a moment, and then he casually threw the cold drink to the side.    


"You're done playing so quickly?" "How boring, what's the exact time of the battle?"    


"One o'clock in the afternoon."    


"Then book a plane ticket for 8 in the morning. We will go get the Magic dance sword. Before they fight, I have to ask them how to undo that damned spell of his!"    


Speaking to here, Mu Xue clenched his teeth a little.    


Half a day's worth of imprints would appear on her forehead at that time of month. She, who cared about her looks, hated that to the extreme.    


talents from small world, the two of them already knew the news.    


Naturally, Shi Fenghou of the Snow Wind Pavilion also received accurate information at the first moment.    




Shi Fenghou laughed coldly, "Zhang Hanyang's knowledge is still too short. Does he really think he is invincible under the heavens? It is good that this time, if I am to go and have a look, I, Shi Fenghou, can personally watch the battle.    


Other than them, there were even more people who knew about this news.    


Among them, the one that was the most shaken was the Xiangjiang.    


After Lei Tiannan received the news, he shouted and the news finally alarmed him.    


When Ji Wushuang heard the news, he maintained his silence. Seeing his expression, Lei Tiannan and the others' hearts gradually became cold, he immediately called Zhang Han, but the news he got was a little ? It made him strange.    


"It's just a Gu Donglai, there's no need to worry ?"    


"Baba, this toy is so fun."    


"Coming, coming ?" "Du, du, du ?"    


The call ended.    


Okay, Lei Tiannan looked at the time and booked a plane ticket for the next day.    


Evidently, this explosive piece of news was the hottest one of the martial world. Countless pairs of eyes were focused on the Linhai City.    


Even though he didn't come personally, he still paid close attention.    


There were even some remnants of power.    


As the Patriarch of the He Family who was hiding in Aumen, he laughed wildly for thirty seconds when he heard this news.    


"Good, good, good! This time, we must personally witness the scene of Zhang Hanyang's miserable death! "    


He Qingtian was their strongest fighting force, because of He Qingtian's death, the He family suffered an attack from their former enemies. Helpless, they fled from the deep vibration to the Xiangjiang and hid away.    


The Li family that was located in the eastern suburbs of deep vibration was once the King's Family of Xiangjiang. Now, they were led by a Heaven-stage Master, and were once heaven and earth. When they received this news, they immediately booked a plane ticket to Linhai City.    


Three days passed by in the blink of an eye.    


For the past three days, Zhang Han accompanied Zi Yan and the Mengmeng to some interesting places in the Lin Hai.    


On this day, early in the morning, dozens of warships entered the East China Sea to ride the wind and break the waves. As they moved forward, they could see one yacht after another moving forward.    


There were people sitting on the yacht, and they were all fighters.    


This battle could be said to be extremely eye-catching. Not only the Wu Dao World in China, but even the warriors from the surrounding countries had come to watch.    


After all, this battle was rather shocking, and almost represented the pinnacle of battles in the martial world.    


This would give the officials of the Linhai City a headache. If all the warriors gathered at the Lin Hai caused trouble together, then it would be overturning the sky, but luckily National Security Agency Jiang Yanlan was the first to bring people over.    


At this time, 12 o'clock in the afternoon, at a port of Linhai City.    


Zhang Han, Wang Zhanpeng, Wang Zhanhong, Wang Ming, Rong Jiaxin, Zhao Feng, and the others had just boarded a boat, and were standing on the top deck to watch what was happening.    


At this time, no one said anything, because they had already said everything they needed to say.    


Except for Zhang Han, everyone else was a little nervous.    


"Where is Golden Sand Island?" "How far is it from the port?" Wang Zhanhong looked at the vast ocean and asked.    


"Golden Sand Island ?"    


Wang Ming sighed lightly, looked ahead, and said slowly: "That is the peak of the Lin Hai."    


"Peak of Lin Hai?" Wang Zhanhong was stunned.    


"Yes." Zhao Feng nodded his head and replied: "That is an island, but its height is around 300 meters, it is the highest location in the Linhai City, and it is about 40 minutes away from the east port."    


"Oh, fighting on the summit of Lin Hai is very powerful." Wang Zhanpeng laughed and said: "Everyone, calm down. You all know that Xiao Han won't do things that you have no confidence in."    


"You know me so well?" Zhang Han laughed lightly.    


"Uh, I guess I know a bit. Actually, I don't quite understand it." Wang Zhanpeng shook his head, and said: "But you have Zi Yan and Mengmeng, so you don't need to understand, will you put yourself in danger?"    


"That's true, but the rumors say that Gu Donglai has already broken through to the Divine Realm. Xiao Han, no matter what, if I really cannot defeat him, then I will retreat!" Rong Jiaxin said with a serious face.    


"Don't worry, aunt." Zhang Han's expression was unperturbed. After speaking those words, his gaze shifted to the side of the sea as he said indifferently:    


"Just a mere Gu Donglai, even if he had broken through to the Divine Realm, I would still be able to kill him."    


With just that one sentence, they felt much more at ease.    


However, they didn't notice that after the yacht they were on had set out to sea, there were several people holding binoculars in the harbor. One of them sneered, took out his phone and dialed a number.    


"Senior Brother Wu Qi, Zhang Hanyang has already left the port and is going to the Golden Sand Island. Now we can move! "    


The other party did not reply, and directly hung up the phone.    


Soon, it was almost one o'clock.    


The largest island was the tallest in the entire Lin Hai, and its surroundings were sand and sand. The water was clear and the sand under the influence of the water was as dazzling as gold, hence the name of this island was Golden Sand Island.    


Within a hundred meters of the inner part of the island, the ground began to move upwards. It looked like a volcano.    


However, this was just a mountain. It was lush and verdant and there were many trees on it.    


At this moment, many onlookers were standing around the island. There were even many people holding telescopes in their hands.    


From the beach to the trees at the foot of the mountain, there were a few warriors who were walking up the mountain. After all, if one's strength was not enough, they would be courting death if they reached the area where the battle was taking place.    


At the start, not many people paid attention to the boat that Zhang Han was riding on, but as it got closer, many people's gazes gathered over.    


"Zhang Hanyang!"    


"Master Zhang has arrived!"    


"This heaven-shattering battle is about to begin! "Oh my god, I'm so nervous that I'm getting goosebumps!"    




Under the discussions, Zhang Han's group jumped off the boat and landed on the beach, without stopping, they started to run up the mountain.    


When they were near the peak of the mountain, Wang Zhanzong said in a low voice:    


"Be careful."    


"Xiao Han, you must remember what my aunt reminded you!"    


"Don't worry." Zhang Han turned his head slightly, and smiled at them. When he turned his head back, his expression had returned to a calm and tranquil state.    


He continued to climb upwards. When he was about fifty meters from the peak of the mountain ?    


Zhang Han saw a few familiar faces.    


Behind them was a lone Shi Fenghou who was about seven or eight people led by Ye Longyuan. To the right of them was Mu Xue and two maids.    


"Ha!" When Shi Fenghou saw Zhang Han, he let out a rather typical half-sneer.    


The arrogant Ye Longyuan looked at them for a few times with his vertical eyebrows, but did not say a word.    


On the other hand, when Mu Xue saw Zhang Han, she laughed tenderly:    


"Hehe, Zhang Hanyang, before you go up, tell me about your strange incantation, or I won't allow you to go up the mountain."    


Seeing that, Zhang Han knew that she was not joking, and answered:    


"If I die, the mark will disappear."    


With a single sentence, he spoke of Mu Xue's heart.    


"Alright, then don't die an ugly death." Mu Xue laughed, but gave up on trying to stop them.    


There were also quite a few people surrounding them. even saw Mo Chengfeng, and not far away from him stood Jin Mu and a few other people, all staring at Zhang Han like tigers.    


He raised his head and looked up.    


On top of a hundred year old tree on the peak of the mountain, an old man with long hair who wore a green robe looked at Zhang Han with a cold gaze.    




Zhang Han moved his body, and instantly broke through the sound barrier, producing a burst of sound.    


In the next moment, Zhang Han's body turned into a streak of flowing light and, in the blink of an eye, he had arrived at the summit of the mountain.    


"Zhang Hanyang, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Gu Donglai squinted his eyes and said solemnly.    


The current him had the body of a middle-aged man, how was he like an old man? He looked at Zhang Han with interest in his eyes, as though he was looking at his own prey:    


Zhang Hanyang, you have the qualifications to let me exchange blows with you here. In this battle, I hope that you can go all out, and I, will also cut you down as a witness. I heard that your speed was unbelievably fast, in order to prevent you from escaping, I had someone do something to you.    


The moment he said this, the faces of many people in the crowd froze.    


Could it be that Gu Donglai was going to send people to kill Zhang Hanyang's family?    


That was his weak spot!    


Shua shua shua!    


The gazes of everyone around uniformly fell on Zhang Han, and they had originally thought that he would have a drastic change in expression.    


But who would have thought that the corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer. With a cold glint flashing in his eyes, he coldly said:    


"It should be you taking a look at your phone's message! Furthermore ? Today, you will not be alone, because the entire Gu family will accompany you in death! "    




With a single sentence, several gasps could be heard.    


However, the crowd was even more surprised. What exactly was the situation they were talking about?    


Was it Gu Donglai who succeeded in her sneak attack, or did she manage to defend herself?    


Under everyone's gazes, Gu Donglai took out a mobile phone.    





A crisp sound rang out. It was the sound of a cell phone.    


Gu Donglai opened a video message that was passed to him.    


Inside was a villa in the Rong family, there were more than ten Rong family Warriors standing there. From a nearby point of view, it showed that his eldest disciple Wu Qi was leading ten people to face the Rong family Warriors. He slowly pulled out a long blade and said coldly:    


"Today, I will kill this place into a river of blood!"    


However, just as he finished speaking, a strong voice rang out:    


"You're too ignorant!"    


Suddenly, a figure appeared in the center of the arena.    


It was a middle-aged man. Suddenly, a brilliant light flashed across his right hand as he thrust it forward.    


The frequency of the filming couldn't keep up with his speed. A golden dragon shadow appeared and charged towards Wu Qi like a bolt of lightning.    


It seemed like less than a second had passed.    


Crash! *    


The golden glow faded away, and at the same time, Wu Qi and the others vanished!    


The scene gradually came to a halt.    


He could clearly see what the middle-aged man was holding in his hand ?    


It was the dragon and tiger lance!    


This breathtaking spear strike took the lives of Wu Qi and the others, destroying Gu Donglai's plan.    


He is the Northern Tiger Gai Xingkong!    


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