Godly Stay-Home Dad



0What was going on?    


Zhang Han slightly raised his brows. Somewhat surprised, he followed Chen Changqing's gaze and landed on Zhou Fei's body.    


Zhou Fei? Leng Xuefei?    


In that moment, Zhang Han made the most accurate guess.    


He was confident that, with a ninety-nine percent chance, Zhou Fei was actually Chen Changqing's Leng Xufei!    


Because there were too few things that could excite Azure Emperor. If he did not know about it beforehand, he would not have been able to guess it.    


But now, it was obvious.    


Seeing Zhou Fei's expression, he knew the result.    


Zhou Fei casually followed Zi Yan over, and upon seeing him, he was first stunned, and then a little curious.    


She was curious about this new person sitting next to her brother-in-law. He must have been a good friend.    


But soon after, his face froze.    


He looked familiar.    


In the next moment, Zhou Fei suddenly remembered something.    


His body froze and his expression froze on the spot!    


It was petrified.    


Their gazes met, and it was as if time had stopped. In their eyes, only the two of them seemed to have forgotten some of the details.    


This scene caused the entire restaurant to gradually quieten down.    


The Patriarch Luo s who were eating here, as well as Luo Shan, and the other heavyweight characters of the Xiangjiang s were all staring with wide eyes and mouths without making a sound, but they were all feeling quite surprised in their hearts:    


"What's going on?"    


"Why is the Azure Emperor looking straight at Zhou Fei? Could it be love at first sight? "    


"Impossible!" For someone as powerful as the Azure Emperor, their mental fortitude is naturally terrifying, it is impossible for it to be like this! "    


"What the hell is going on?"    


Their hearts were like raging waves.    


The Azure Emperor, they knew clearly what kind of person he was, he was the person with the most top-notch combat power in time, the God State Strong!    


A young God State Strong!    


The future is limitless.    


But this kind of legendary existence was staring at Zhou Fei.    


Everyone present felt a little dizzy.    


However, those two people did not think so. Neither of them spoke, nor did they move. They just looked at each other, at a loss.    


Zi Yan's reaction was also very fast.    


After muttering to herself for two seconds, she managed to guess what it was. She exchanged glances with Zhang Han and saw the result from Zhang Han's interesting smile.    


Zhou Fei... She was the Leng Xue Fei that Azure Emperor had mentioned before!    


She was Azure Emperor's goddess when she was young!    


Oh my god!    


Zi Yan finally remembered the name Leng Xuefei.    


It was something that she had heard from Zhou Fei a few years ago. She had used Leng Xue Fei's name before, but it was something that she could not recall after a few years had passed.    


After receiving the news, Zi Yan covered his mouth in surprise, and quickly walked two steps away from Zhou Fei, to Zhang Han's side, and then returned to Zhang Han's side, giving the entire 'stage' to Chen Changqing and Zhou Fei!    


Everyone on the stage was staring at each other.    


Finally, after twenty seconds, Zhang Han helplessly shook his head.    


Why hadn't his little brother reacted at all?    


Thus, he patted Chen Changqing's arm and reminded him:    


"Hurry up and lead your beloved beauty out for a chat."    


Chen Changqing regained his senses, looked at Zhang Han, and laughed, then looked at everyone present, in the end, it was still Zhou Fei, and he walked over.    


To be honest, Chen Changqing's heart was racing.    


Even if he was a God State Strong, even if he was a Azure Emperor whose might could shake the entire continent, in front of Zhou Fei, he was still nervous and excited!    


He didn't know how to express his feelings.    


Actually, he really wanted to embrace Zhou Fei in his arms and give him a hug he hadn't seen in a long time.    


However, he did not do so because he was afraid that he would offend the beauty in front of him.    


But had Zhou Fei never thought like that?    


She also wondered if the man before her would give her such a hug.    


If she did, she wouldn't have refused!    


From their gazes just now, the two of them had actually sensed something.    


In the end, his heart was filled with passion as it turned into a simple sentence:    


"Long time no see!"    


Chen Changqing walked to a spot half a meter in front of Zhou Fei, slightly lowered his head, and said this in a soft voice.    


"Yes." Zhou Fei who was usually cheerful, suddenly had a flushed face, as though she was a jade from a small family, she daintily nodded her head.    




Chen Changqing swallowed his saliva.    


It was not because of Zhou Fei's appearance, but because of... Nervous!    


However, Chen Changqing's character was still very high. As a Azure Emperor, he had experienced great things as well.    


But in terms of relationship, he was still a noob!    


Even though he was nervous, he still prevented the atmosphere from turning awkward. He smiled and said:    


"Can we go out and have a chat?"    


Zhou Fei had his head lowered, his thoughts in complete chaos, so he did not hear Chen Changqing's gentle words.    


He only felt waves of heat assaulting his face. His face was hot, and the speed of his heartbeat was like that of a fawn's.    


'Aiya, it's him! I, what should I do!? '    


"What am I going to say?" What does he want to say to me? '    




Zhou Fei's thoughts were like a roller coaster, going up and down, going east and west.    


After Chen Changqing finished this sentence, he looked down at Zhou Fei, carefully looking at her, waiting for her response.    


One second, two seconds, until ten seconds later.    


"Cough cough, Changqing." Zhang Han couldn't help but remind her.    


What were they still standing there in a daze for!    


As someone who had gone through many things, Zhang Han was worried for him.    


It was as if he had forgotten that there was such an uncomfortable time.    


It may also be indirect amnesia.    


Under the reminder of these words, Chen Changqing's gaze froze.    


Without further ado, he grabbed Zhou Fei's hand and quickly walked out.    




Zhou Fei called out lightly, but he did not retract his hand back as he followed Chen Changqing out.    


Under the gazes of the crowd, the two figures quickly disappeared into the night.    


After they left, a commotion gradually broke out.    


"Damn. It can't be that strong right? Zhou Fei was actually sucked away? " Instructor Liu was stunned.    


"They ? they should have known each other for a long time!" Leng Yue revealed a hint of hesitation. She was a woman, she believed in her intuition.    


"This... It feels so dramatic. " Zhao Feng continuously shook his head, and said: "Life is like a play, maybe sometimes, this kind of dramatic scene will happen unintentionally."    


On the other hand, Wang Zhanpeng and the few elders, who were smiling, felt that it was very interesting, and would also remember some interesting things from their youth.    


"This is too unexpected. Oh god, Fei Fei's fate suddenly appeared." Zi Yan's eyes were bright, sparkling with the color of gossip, and said with relish: "No, it's not time yet. I was still thinking about when Fei Fei would find a boyfriend, but who would have thought she would come just like that! "Hehehe, she's going to lose her virginity too."    


"Hahaha." Zhang Han laughed heartily. "Changqing, that brat, used to be bored, but he actually had such a story. It made me look at him in a new light."    


As they were talking, Mengmeng blinked her large and clear eyes and looked around. In the end, she mumbled, "Baba, when are we going to eat?!    


"Ah, I'll eat it now, I'll eat it now."    


Zhang Han quickly turned back around, and his chopsticks began to move, as he poured all kinds of meat, vegetables, and prawns into the pot.    


No matter what fate it was, feeding the Little Princess right now was the most important thing to Zhang Han.    


Thus, their table was still filled with food.    


However, the other tables were still in an uproar.    


Patriarch Luo Chengwen looked at Luo Shan in a daze:    


"Did you hear what they said? Azure Emperor but Zhou Fei might be in trouble! "    


"I heard the Patriarch." Luo Shan nodded and replied.    


He was now completely mixed up with the Patriarch Luo.    


The Luo family had two restaurant membership cards, and he didn't even bring his wife or son. He just brought Luo Shan here like a good friend.    


It could be said that in the entire Luo family, Luo Shan had reached a level that was close to one thousand under one person.    


In these recent years, his identity and status had been rising step by step in the elite Saint Rowe's kindergarten s, but ever since he had received the Mengmeng, in the short span of a few months, he had become even more powerful than all those years combined.    


"Terrifying." Patriarch Luo spat out the last two words, and then he fell silent.    


His mood was the same as Patriarch Chu's.    


Zhang Han was the big brother of the Azure Emperor in the first place, but now, the people that the Azure Emperor liked were Zi Yan's brother-in-law and his good sisters as well.    


Zhang Hanyang and Azure Emperor.    


It made them feel the pressure of a huge mountain!    


Too terrifying.    


On the other side, Chen Changqing pulled Zhou Fei and quickly ran outwards, also at the speed of a normal person.    


He ran out of the restaurant and headed straight up, passing by the castle and finally arriving at the thunder sun tree.    


At this time, Zhou Fei was already out of breath.    


Even the Azure Emperor was breathing heavily two times. It was not because he was tired, but because he needed to calm down and calm down.    


The two of them looked at Yuelun, who was hanging in the sky.    


Tonight's weather was also very appropriate. There were no clouds, and the moonlight was soft, as if it was coordinating with their days of meeting each other.    


Especially in this beautiful New Moon Mountain, it had a romantic quality to it.    


"Hu ?"    


After a full minute, Chen Changqing let out a long breath, looked at Zhou Fei, and smiled:    


"I originally said that I would look for you, and now that I have just met big brother Han, I was planning to spend a few days with him to look for you. However, I didn't expect that you would be right here."    


"Yeah, you, I didn't know you would suddenly come. If it wasn't for the change in your appearance, I wouldn't have recognized you." Zhou Fei bit his lips and replied.    


"Think about it. It's been over a decade now."    


Chen Changqing said slowly: "Actually all these years, I have visited the place you lived in back then many times, but I have never seen anyone there. I sent people to investigate, but they never found anything, I originally wanted to look for you even if I had to search the whole of China, but now it seems that there's no need for that, the heavens have arranged for you to be in front of me, I am really grateful to the big brother Han, without him, I would not have been able to see you so quickly."    


Chen Changqing's heartfelt words actually moved Zhou Fei.    


The hidden bitterness in his heart towards Chen Changqing for breaking his promise completely dissipated now.    


As they chatted, Zhou Fei's incomparably nervous mood eased by quite a bit. When she heard this, her eyes trembled, looked into Chen Changqing's eyes, and mischievously said:    


"But ? but you appeared too late, I ?"    






Chen Changqing who was always as still as a mountain, suddenly had a change in expression, as though his heart had stopped.    


But Zhou Fei's following words made him heave a sigh of relief.    


"I'm already so old, and no one has ever chased after me in all these years. I don't even want a boyfriend anymore." Zhou Fei said with a smile.    


"Phew..." No one ever chased you? The people of this world are blind! " Chen Changqing said emotionally: "Xue Fei, you are very beautiful now, very similar to the you in my memories."    


"Aiya, I'm called Zhou Fei now, you can call me Fei Fei, not Xue Fei. It sounds very awkward." Zhou Fei replied.    


The two of them had just met, and they were both very nervous and excited. However, along with their conversation, the tension dissipated by a lot. Although they were excited, they both knew that after so many years, people would change.    


As a result, the two gradually developed into a conversation between friends, becoming more casual.    


"Were you originally called Zhou Fei? You only told me about Leng Xufei. " Chen Changqing asked.    


"Because Leng Xuefei was given to me by the old headmaster, and Zhou Fei was given to me by my adoptive parents. It was when we met that my adoptive parents passed away from sickness, leaving me enough money to go to school. They made me feel the warmth of the human world." Zhou Fei said somewhat sorrowfully.    


Chen Changqing went silent after hearing this. Three seconds later, he slowly opened his mouth:    


"Don't worry, you'll feel a warmer world in the future."    


Perhaps because he felt that the atmosphere was a little heavy, Chen Changqing's gaze looked towards the rear mountains area, and then looked to the side, and saw that breathtaking sea of flowers.    


The corner of Chen Changqing's mouth rose upwards. With a slight smile, he said:    


"Do you still remember that promise I made all those years ago?"    


"Yes... "Which one?" Zhou Fei was startled, and then his eyes lit up.    


"Yes!" Now, I want to fulfill my promise! "    


Chen Changqing's eyes focused, his face had a look of happiness, but the Spirit Qi on his body, suddenly had an abnormal change, as though in that moment, he was heaven and earth!    


The man's eyes glimmered as he raised his hands. At the same time, he spoke in a low voice:    


"I did."    


"If he were to become the Azure Emperor, I will refund him with a peach blossom!"    


Crash! *    


The peach and chrysanthemum flowers flew over from the side of the sea of flowers.    


The endless petals slowly began to glow with light. They looked like fireflies, but also like the starry sky where flowers bloomed!    


The flowers floating over suddenly split into two, two became four, and constantly increased in number. Gradually, the petals covered the entire New Moon Mountain!    


It was like a dream.    



This caused Zhou Fei's eyes to slowly widen.    


He felt like he was in a dream. All he could see were petals.    


Following the movements of Chen Changqing's palm, the petals continuously danced, as if they had turned into butterflies, and flew towards Zhou Fei. They were like a huge storm, but it was a romantic storm, dancing around the two of them.    


At the same time, Chen Changqing smiled and said:    


"The reason why my dao name is called Azure Emperor is because of you."    


"It is also because of that promise I made before, that Azure Emperor exists in this world! This is a name that belongs solely to you. "    


As he spoke till here, the flower butterflies that filled the sky gathered once again, finally turning into a moderate size flower petal. He gently put it on the Zhou Fei who had a blank expression on his face, and said:    


"I know that after all these years, perhaps we will change, but the relationship back then will never change. Now, I hope that we can reunite with each other. You won't refuse me right?"    


"I, I, I ?" How could Zhou Fei still say anything at this time?    


She was already confused. It could be said that if Chen Changqing was an old bird in love, she would not reject kissing him right now.    


But in truth, Zhou Fei was still worried. People can change, and Chen Changqing's words made her feel very close to him.    


"Right." Chen Changqing suddenly asked: "I am stronger than Zhang Han right now, and you are still Zi Yan's manager. If you were to say that I can casually let you live like a queen, even if you were in the relationship back then, or if you were friends, it would make you a super star and a queen. Are you willing?"    


"Huh?" Zhou Fei was startled, he reacted a little and without hesitation, he shook his head: "That won't do, I still have to be Elder Sister Yan's manager."    


"But the agent is bitter and tired, and he is struggling not to please."    


"You ?" Zhou Fei's gaze became much clearer again, and his body shrank back a little. "Aren't you my brother-in-law's younger brother? Why do you say that? "    


Yes, I am a younger brother of the big brother Han.    


Chen Changqing heaved a sigh of relief and said: "We've grown up together, your thoughts were a little messy just now, so I asked around, wanting to know what you were thinking. Un, what I wanted to say was..."    


According to his personality in the past, he wouldn't say too much. But now, he said directly: "I want to court you, but I don't want to affect the relationship between you, my sister-in-law, and me and big brother Han due to some matter."    


"Aiya?" Zhou Fei was unhappy to hear this, "What? Do you think I'm a gold digger now? If you and your big brother Han are good brothers, then am I not my good sister to your Elder Sister Yan? "    


"No, no, no, I didn't mean that..."    


"Then what do you mean?"    


"I just want to ask what is on my mind."    


"You still say that!"    


"Really, I didn't. I just wanted to get to know."    


"Look, you still have it!"    


"My, my head just got fried, okay ?"    


The facts had proven that no matter if he was the Azure Emperor or the Blue Emperor, when facing the woman he liked, he had become ?    


Looking at Chen Changqing who was at a loss on what to do, and almost broke out in cold sweat.    


Zhou Fei could not hold back his laughter.    


"Humph!" We just saw each other. You just did such a romantic thing and you're so depressing. Compared to my brother-in-law, you're way worse! "    


"Uh, I ? I don't have any experience either." Chen Changqing laughed awkwardly.    


"Alright!" "I know what you're thinking, but we haven't seen each other in such a long time, so we should at least get to know each other first. Let me tell you, I like living alone. If you want to chase me, you have to line up!" Zhou Fei snorted lightly.    


"Didn't you just say that no one was chasing you?"    


"If I say there isn't one, then there isn't one? No one chased after him with such vigor! "    


"There won't be any more in the future. I will beat away whoever dares to chase after you." Chen Changqing said something that seemed childish, but was actually very real.    


He didn't even need to do anything. The moment he gave his name, he would completely eliminate his opponent.    


But when Zhou Fei heard his words, he could not help but laugh twice.    


At this moment.    


"Ao! Ao! Ao!"    


"Ha Chi Ha Chi ?"    


The two of them slowly raised their heads. On the branch of the thunder sun tree, they saw that the Da Hei was smiling while clapping its hands. The Blacky was also looking at the two of them.    


Damn, there are two of them here to watch a show?    


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