Godly Stay-Home Dad



0[Great Stamp]    


Because the movie was already green, Zi Yan had nothing else to do.    


Zhang Han took some time to write out the story of the second and third parts, and handed it over to Sun Ming to arrange for the details of the story.    


After all, it had been many years, and Zhang Han could not remember the details much either.    


However, Sun Ming had also attracted a lot of talented people, so he did not need to worry about this.    


But when Zhang Han saw it, he felt like he had reached an even higher level.    


Even he felt so, let alone the others, especially those 1.5 billion RMB stunt, which they had already advertised before, in reality, they had not even spent 200 million on. However, the movies and TV dramas they had produced made made the directors look forward to suppressing the other girls in the box office.    


Furthermore, there were only two months until the end of the shoot. In such a short period of time, the results of the shoot were questionable.    


Even though the trailer shocked everyone at first, there were people who were suspicious afterwards. Could it be that it was similar to the promotions of some silly online games?    


The CG was amazing, but the quality was incredibly poor.    


Towards these voices of doubt, the Purple Moon Entertainment did not refute them at all.    


It was like you could say whatever you wanted. I'll just ignore the fact that I lost.    


Regardless, the promotional effect was still something they were willing to see.    


That afternoon, around 4 PM.    


Inside that unremarkable panda cart, Zhang Han and Zi Yan were chatting.    


"Tomorrow is May 1st. I also want to participate in the school's events." Zi Yan sat comfortably in the back row and said.    


"If you want to participate, then participate." Zhang Han answered very casually.    


As for Zi Yan and Mengmeng's requests, how could he refuse them?    


"But I heard that the location of the event is in L?we Square." Zi Yan's lips slightly pouted.    


Her popularity had returned to its peak two months ago, making it difficult for her to travel.    


"What's there to worry about? Besides, Teacher Lu Guo told me that the location of the event will be their school. I won't go to the plaza." Zhang Han chuckled.    


"Is that so? That's good. " Zi Yan suddenly gasped: "Eh? When did you start talking to Teacher Lu Guo? It was always me talking to her! "    


"I had nothing to do the day before yesterday, so I chatted with Teacher Lu for a while and asked him about some things." Zhang Han just replied.    


Zi Yan then extended out his hand: "Mobile phone, I want to see what you all have to say!"    


"Huh?" Zhang Han was startled, then handed the phone over while laughing.    


He felt that at times, Zi Yan would act like a little woman.    


After flipping a few times, Zi Yan suddenly looked to his right: "It's time to go to school! I will go with you to pick up Mengmeng. "    


With that, Zi Yan opened the car door and got off first. After Zhang Han got off, he walked over and started to play with his arms as he walked into the school.    


"Baba, Mama!"    


Seeing that, Mengmeng's legs started to move, she quickly ran over, raising her right hand, Zhang Han knew, there must be a small red flower in her palm.    


This scene was too familiar.    




Mengmeng opened his palms in joy:    


"I need red flowers again. I have another flower tomorrow. We all have one tomorrow. We just need that labor."    


"Mengmeng is so powerful." Zi Yan stroked Mengmeng's head with a smile and said: "How many red flowers do we have already?"    


"Eh?" Mengmeng was slightly startled, he lowered his head and looked at his finger, and muttered in a tender voice: "One, two, three ? "It's so much, so much."    


"In addition to this flower in your hand, we have twenty-six little red flowers." Zi Yan said with a smile.    


"Hehehehe." It was unknown what Mengmeng was thinking, but his eyes were bright and he started to giggle.    


He held Baba's hand and walked out of the school, got on the car and headed back to New Moon Mountain.    


The two of them were in a very good mood as they sang and chatted in low voices. Mengmeng also narrated the new knowledge that they had learned everyday.    


Life is very peaceful, but some things happen inadvertently.    




Zi Yan's phone started to ring. She took out her phone, and upon answering the call, her expression suddenly changed:    


"Then where are you? I told your brother-in-law to send someone to pick you up. "    


"Mm, alright. See you tonight."    


After Zi Yan hung up the phone, his gaze looked at Zhang Han, and said: "Shiya was at her school for a long period of time, so she planned to come over tomorrow.    




Zhang Han asked immediately, and at the same time took out his own phone.    


Although it was only an hour's drive to Zi Shiya's university, water still wasn't enough to quench his thirst.    


"Ding Tian International 3rd Floor."    


Zi Yan responded.    


Thus, Zhang Han called over.    


"Hello, barnyard. My wife's sister has met with some trouble in deep vibration. She is on the third floor of Dingtian International. Un, sorry to trouble you."    


The other party's answer was, of course, no trouble.    


Some of the trouble that Zi Shiya and her roommate had wasn't trouble at all for the barnyard.    


Thus, in less than two hours, barnyard personally drove a Hummer and brought Zi Shiya and her three classmates over.    


Among them, two of them were familiar with the route, and had taken photos with Zi Yan before. The other new face became a little nervous, and was very, very excited to meet Zi Yan.    


However, this was their first time in the Cold Immortal Pavilion. From the stone door at the bottom of the mountain, they walked all the way to the hall on the first floor of the castle.    


It stirred up waves of exclamations.    


"Oh my god, Shiya, is your sister that rich?"    


"Elder Sister Ziyan is a big star, and his husband is super strong. The man who just sent us here is so strong, he even calls us brother-in-law."    


Before they entered, a few of them were already discussing amongst themselves.    


"But I still like the food here. It's the most delicious food I've ever had!" The slightly fat girl said with a laugh.    


During this trip to the Xiangjiang, she was the one who pestered Zi Shiya to come over. There was no helping it, she was a top tier foodie after all.    


Seeing them walk over, Zhao Feng opened the door. Zi Yan, Zhang Han and Mengmeng were sitting on a sofa at the side.    


"Sis!" Brother-in-law! "    


Zi Shiya skipped over.    


"Elder Sister Ziyan, brother-in-law."    


The others also greeted him.    


"Mm, alright, I'll go say a few words."    


Zhang Han responded slightly, then stood up and walked out. barnyard was still on the carriage, and he had to help and bring the person over, so no matter what, Zhang Han had to entertain him a little.    


"Quickly sit down, for the fruits on the table, Shiya, entertain the students. There is no need to be courteous when you are at sister's place." Zi Yan said with a slight smile.    


"Humph, you're welcome." Mengmeng also put down her toy, pouted and said: "The fruits were all planted by my Baba, they are so delicious, big sis, hurry up and eat them."    


The little guy was not selfish at all, he would share whatever he had with his guests.    


Seeing the Mengmeng's appearance, Zi Shiya's students liked it immensely.    


When Zhang Han was about to go out, he also heard Zi Shiya's complaints:    


"Sis, we were planning to come back tomorrow, but we haven't even gone out yet. While driving, Little Mei ran into a pengci pengci guy. Later on, he even found someone. It was a gang ?"    


Then, Zhang Han went out.    


Without even thinking about it, they knew that the barnyard had ravaged that group.    


In fact, with just one word from barnyard, a large group of people came and took him away.    


There were times when at the level of the barnyard, he wouldn't even need to personally take action when handling some matters, and he didn't even need to go. But this time, it was also because Zhang Han had called him, so he quickly put down what he was doing and personally brought his people over.    


Cannons for killing chickens.    


"Mr. Zhang."    


When barnyard saw Zhang Han coming out, he quickly got off the carriage.    


"Mmm, thank you so much for coming in." Zhang Han laughed and said.    


"No need, I have to go back later to settle some matters." barnyard's gaze swept across his surroundings once again, and laughed: "The scenery here is truly charming, just now when we were walking up the mountain, I saw Azure Emperor and a woman. Did he find a girlfriend here?"    


"Why are you gossiping about this?" Zhang Han asked in amusement.    


"No, no, no. I'm just a bit curious." barnyard waved his hand.    


"It's not his girlfriend yet." Zhang Han also satisfied his curiosity, "But it might be so in the future."    


"Oh, is that so? Then I must congratulate the Azure Emperor." barnyard shook his head and said, "That's right, last week there were three C-class ruins in Gran West. Do you know about it, Mr. Zhang?"    


"I don't know."    


The three vestiges appeared at different times of the day, the man in the straw hat appeared again, he also had a breakthrough in the God Realm, sweeping through all directions, killing hundreds of warriors, the Devil's might is mighty, yesterday I also heard that there was a fluctuation at the entrance of the small world, the rumors said that the gate of small word had opened, I do not know if it is true or not, if it is true, then our little world in China will soon come! barnyard said slowly.    


When he talked about the man in the straw hat, his face was extremely solemn.    


Although he was killed by Gai Xingkong the last time, it was with the help of another God State Strong. In fact, the man in the straw hat at that time was someone who had just broken through to the God Realm. From the looks of it, his cultivation must have been raised by another level.    




It was just that Zhang Han did not care about the straw hat, he was more concerned with the time when the gate of small word was opened.    


He was very clear that in this stable little world, before the gate opened, there would be a period of buffer time before some ripples formed. He was very clear that in this stable little world, before the gate opened, there would be a period of buffer time before some ripples formed.    


When the gate of small word opened it, Zhang Han knew that the enemy he was facing would be stronger.    


'If it's really a necessary moment, I'll give up on all these thunderclouds then.    


Zhang Han came to a conclusion in his heart.    


The thunbergii fructus at the peak of the thunder sun tree still had around two months time, so Zhang Han wasn't confident that he could gather all ten thousand of them in this period of time. He couldn't allow any accidents to happen, so if it was necessary, he would consider directly breaking through the Innate Realm.    


After chatting for a bit longer, barnyard bid farewell and left.    


Zhang Han also returned to his room and chatted with them for a while.    


It was a Korean style good meat, a Kobe beef steak that allowed water to flow from the mouth, as well as some lamb chops and the like. It was also a rather high calorie dinner.    


Generally speaking, only the food that was eaten during dinner was the main dish. Zi Yan had done the same thing in the past, but now ?    


The most important thing was that her mouth had been raised so high and mighty. Zi Yan kept mumbling to himself that if he went somewhere else to film, he would not be able to eat the food at home for a long time. He would definitely not be able to take it.    


Around 9, the family of three went back to their bedroom on the third floor to rest while Zi Shiya and the others stayed in a villa on the side.    


The night passed in silence.    


Early morning of the second day, Zi Yan woke up.    


It was eight o'clock at school.    


So the two got up at 6: 30 to dress up. Even though they used to work in the past, they still dressed brilliantly.    


The family of three wore sportswear, while the two women wore peaked hats.    


"Time to go to work!"    


Mengmeng cheered as she raised her small hands, as if working was a very fun thing to do.    


Zi Yan could not help but laugh out loud. The Labor Day event held by the Saint Rowe's kindergarten was not so much a job as a job, it was just letting the children experience life. If they were allowed to work for a day, they would probably cry loudly the next time it was held.    


"Let's go."    


Zhang Han carried Mengmeng up and kissed him before placing him on the ground.    


The family of three happily went on a panda cart and arrived at the kindergarten.    


"Hello Uncle Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zi!"    


Martin, Shi Difen and the others all ran over to greet him.    


"Hey, good."    


Zhang Han replied with a smile.    


With just a single glance, he could tell which parent was most popular amongst the crowd.    


What surprised many of the adults was that the mother of the celebrities of the Mengmeng was not as popular as her father.    


Seeing the children affectionately calling him "Uncle Uncle Zhang," a few of the parents felt a little uncomfortable.    


Why didn't anyone come to greet me when I came?    


This bunch of brats!    


"Happy Labor Day. It's a pleasure for all the students and their parents to attend the event organized by our kindergarten. Thank you. Please come with me. We are going to the stadium, and we have already allocated the area."    


Lu Guo spoke a few words before leading the way towards the newly built stadium on the right. There were a few places where potted plants were placed, and behind them were the flower beds.    


After the teachers assigned the tasks, the adults and children started to get busy.    


"Hmm, Baba, this is so heavy, I can't even lift it."    


Mengmeng tried to lift a flower pot, but he couldn't.    


"Alright, alright, there's a lot of dirt inside, it's heavier. Don't get tired, let daddy hold it."    


Zhang Han quickly squatted down.    


"En, then dad take it slowly, this one is very heavy." The Mengmeng said in all seriousness.    


"Alright." Zhang Han laughed and nodded his head.    


Extending his hands, he carried a pot of flowers and led the way towards the flowerbed behind him. Mengmeng followed beside Zhang Han happily.    


Zi Yan held onto the spade, one big and one small, and waited for Zhang Han to put down the flower pot.    


Mengmeng curiously asked:    


"Well, how do we plant it? Five to have a little red flower. "    


"Let's dig a hole here." Zhang Han pointed to a piece of land on the flowerbed.    


Therefore, Mengmeng picked up the spade and dug a small hole with Zi Yan.    


Zhang Han then took out the flowers in the pot along with a small piece of soil:    


"Put the flowers in the pit, pour some water, and then bury them in the ground."    


Zhang Han said, while directing the movements of the Mengmeng, the family of three participated, it was very interesting.    


This was also a very simple matter. However, there were a few parents who did not understand this and stood to the side, observing for a few minutes before understanding and beginning to take action.    


When everyone had finished growing their flowers, Zhang Han looked to the side and smiled. He wondered how many flowers would survive this round.    


Some children can be weird, and a few flowers are stuck in the soil after being broken off ?    


Seeing this, Zhang Han felt that her daughter was incomparably obedient!    


On the other hand, Mengmeng and the other children looked at the flowers they had planted with pride.    


Now that he had obtained the little red flower, his mood naturally rose even higher.    



Especially the Mengmeng who was obsessed with Little Red Flower, he was extremely happy.    


After the work was done, everyone went to wash their hands one by one. After that, they also finished their day's activities. They arrived at 8 o'clock and it was only half an hour after 9: 30.    


The day had just begun, and at eleven o'clock, after eating lunch, Zhang Han brought the two girls out to the ocean to play.    


With his lovely wife and cute daughter by his side, he looked like a winner in life. Maybe to ordinary people, this situation was like the pinnacle of life, but Zhang Han's family of three had only just started.    


From the moment Zhang Han had returned, their journey was destined to be long and exciting.    


Zhang Han and the others were playing, but for the Entertainment Circle, today was a day full of anticipation.    


It was not only for the holidays, because on the second day, both the Ring Av's production of Berserk Green Man and the Pirates of the Caribbean's production of PK had begun around midnight. In the early hours of the morning, the premiere of the first day would be announced, and the results of the box office and the film reviews on the first day would be visible.    


To this, many people wanted to see the Purple Moon Entertainment as a joke:    


"Tonight, I can experience what it's like to fall to the ground after spending 1.5 billion to produce a movie that took more than two months!"    


"Hahaha, you still need to think about it? If you look, I'm sure you'll fall asleep. "    


"That's right, after today, the entire web will probably laugh at Purple Moon Entertainment. They are very capable, being able to pass the examination and stop them so quickly, but they forgot that the most important thing about movies and TV dramas is still their quality!"    


"Berserk Green Man s cost five hundred million, they might even be able to dominate the five month box office. They might even be ranked in the top of the annual ticket rankings."    




It could be said that the people of the Entertainment Circle didn't have a good impression of the movies created by the Purple Moon Entertainment, but because of the prelude, which added Zi Yan and Han Yang, many of the fans were looking forward to it, even more than the Berserk Green Man, and there were many discussions about it:    


"We must support the movie of our goddess and two big bosses tonight as soon as possible!"    


"I heard that the reason why Berserk Green Man were released earlier was because they wanted to press Purple Moon Entertainment's movie onto the ground and rub it. Originally, I wanted to see the Berserk Green Man first, but after thinking about it, I should first support a wave of our goddesses!"    


Many of these people could say that the fan effect was very important, at least in China's market.    


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