Godly Stay-Home Dad



0[Great Stamp]    


Time passed quickly, and Chen Changqing believed that before long, the Mengmeng would also become a slim and graceful little girl.    


Furthermore, Mengmeng was only slightly more than four years old, Chen Changqing had a faint idea.    


If he and Zhou Fei were to have a son after their wedding, then... Would it be possible to arrange for Mengmeng to be married off to his wife?    


"Hiss ?" "You can't say, you can't say."    


Chen Changqing muttered to himself and inexplicably shivered. He felt that if he were to say it out, he would be beaten up.    


He thought about it and gave up. He wasn't sure if she had a child or if she was just a little girl.    


The two of them were on a luxurious plane, which took off at dawn. They could even see the sun rising in the east, accompanied by occasional clouds. It was very beautiful, but unfortunately, it was only the two of them.    


Zi Yan and Zhou Fei no longer had any feelings.    


When the plane slowly landed at the airport behind Mengmeng Group at about six-thirty, Zhao Feng was already standing in front of a Rolls-Royce Phantom Car, looking excitedly at the plane that had landed.    


Behind him, there were also many members of the Security corps s. Just like Zhao Feng, they were all excited.    


Because they already knew that their boss and Azure Emperor had done an earth-shattering thing on this trip.    


In a single night, they had trampled the seven great forces. Anyone who heard of this would feel terrified.    


They could imagine that during the day, this news would shock the entire martial world.    






"Brother Qing."    


Everyone greeted him.    


Under their rather proud gazes, Zhang Han and Chen Changqing got on the back seat of the car while Zhao Feng drove the New Moon Mountain.    


After ten minutes, it was not even seven when Zhang Han returned to the castle.    


The two were still sleeping, but the thing that was different about Zhang Han when he was in bed was that he was sleeping very lightly. When Zhang Han gently opened the door, his eyelashes fluttered, and he slowly opened his eyes.    


Zi Yan's eyes were very calm as she looked in front of the door. When she slept, other than Zhang Han, there was definitely no one else. Of course, her parents Zi Qiang and Xu Xinyu were also there now.    


However, after confirming that it was Zhang Han, Zi Yan's eyes grew lazy, dazed, and gentle.    




Zi Yan laid on the bed and extended his arms towards Zhang Han.    


"He's coming." Zhang Han chuckled, then took off his jacket and placed it at the side. He walked over, bent down to hug Zi Yan, and kissed her lightly on her lips: "I'll go make breakfast, what do you want to eat?"    


"Eh ?" Zi Yan's eyes paused for a second, as though she was thinking about something, but then she patted her side: "I want you to hug me to sleep, when I wake up, we can eat in the dining hall."    




Zhang Han smiled as he reached out to touch Zi Yan's left cheek. He then took off his outer robes and entered the blanket wearing his four-cornered pants.    


"Un ?"    


Zi Yan gave a charming snort, and her long beautiful legs and arms wrapped around Zhang Han's body.    


Then, Zi Yan actually fell asleep in a daze once again.    


Zhang Han hugged Zi Yan, and then looked at Mengmeng who was sleeping soundly on the small bed. He also felt at ease, and slowly closed his eyes to rest.    


It was nearly eight o'clock in the morning.    


Mengmeng woke up first.    




The little guy opened his eyes and took a look at the right side. Seeing that Baba was there, she relaxed and called out, "Baba."    


"Hey, they're here."    


The moment the little fellow opened its eyes, Zhang Han had already stood up gently.    


Zi Yan was sleeping soundly, but when Zhang Han made a move, coupled with Little Princess's voice, she slowly opened her beautiful eyes.    


"Is Mengmeng awake?" Zi Yan sat up.    


When he woke up, her voice was very smooth and a little coy. Actually, Zhang Han heard that she wanted to have a closer interaction with him.    


But baby girl, good, sometimes it's also a little light bulb.    


Zhang Han seemed to have forgotten that this little guy's golden assistant had allowed him and Zi Yan to be together even faster.    


"The sun shines on my ass."    


Mengmeng stood up on the small bed and stretched out her arm.    


Zhang Han carried her in his arms and kissed her a few times before he got off the bed and took the lead to wash up.    


About half past eight, the family of three were dressed in casual parentage.    


Today, they were planning to stay and play on the mountain.    


He went down to the dining room.    


Along the way, they met a few people who smiled and greeted them.    


"Aiyo, your family is dressed very neatly and adorably." When Gai Xingkong was walking towards the back of the mountain, he stopped and said with a smile when he saw Zhang Han.    


"Grandpa Gai, we're dressed as a couple." The Mengmeng replied with a decent tone.    


"Puchi ?" Zi Yan could not help but laugh out loud. She looked at Mengmeng with her beautiful eyes and said: "Everyone says that my father's previous life's little lover is my daughter, you little girl, now you want to fight for the favor with Mama? Hehe, our family of three is dressed like a child, but Mama's and my father's clothes are the same."    


"Eh?" Mengmeng pouted and looked down at her clothes. "Isn't that so?"    


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." Zhang Han was confused.    


Seeing that, Gai Xingkong curled his lips, and laughed:    


"You guys hurry up and go eat breakfast, I'll go to the back mountain to chat with the Old Man of the Wang family. Zi Yan, you look much better now, it's really's turn, it's more effective than anything else."    


Zi Yan pursed her red lips, and her beautiful smiling eyes sparkled as she looked at Zhang Han.    


Everything was in silence. His eyes had already expressed everything.    


Gai Xingkong shook his head:    


"Enough, use what you youngsters call not eating dog food. I'm leaving."    


He waved his hand and leisurely walked to the back of the mountain.    


Zhang Han and the others headed to the dining hall.    


Mengmeng was skipping and jumping. Today, Zi Yan combed two of her pigtails, showing her cute little face.    


"Time to eat!"    


When the restaurant waiter pushed open the door, the Mengmeng called out happily and took the lead to head to the seats that they usually sat at.    


It was already past eight o'clock, the time for breakfast was already past. However, this big restaurant was actually bustling with human voices.    


Patriarch Luo, Luo Shan, Patriarch Chu, Liu Qingfeng and a large group of people were sitting and chatting.    


Although there were many people here, their voices were all very soft. No one dared to make a ruckus here.    


It could be said that those characters who had loud voices and thought they were powerful couldn't even enter the entrance. Those who were present were the true giants of the business world. The casual chat felt like a grand meeting of the business world.    


But in the restaurant of New Moon Mountain, it was like this every day.    


There were a lot of people, if it was in the past, Mengmeng would definitely hide behind Zi Yan's legs, timidly and tenderly looking.    


But now, the little guy was very generous and wasn't afraid of living.    


Zhang Han's usual education was to ignore the eyes of outsiders and be the real him, without having to worry about anything.    


Do whatever you want. This was a happy childhood for a child.    


When they saw Zhang Han, a large group of people gathered at Patriarch Luo.    


They all smiled and nodded their heads, or raised the red wine glasses in their hands as they went about their business.    


They already knew what had happened last night.    


It was indeed shocking.    


Under their watchful eyes, the three of them in their parent-child attire came to the dining table at the back and began to eat a very nutritious breakfast.    


At this time.    


It was also when the martial world was in an uproar.    


"The seven forces have all been annihilated, Zhang Hanyang is too brutal."    


"No, no, no, this is entirely their own fault. If they don't think of the other party's New Moon Mountain, how could they be chased down?"    


"If the forces that are heading to the New Moon Mountain are gone, then won't Zhang Hanyang and the rest have to head to the west for the upcoming war?"    


"It really is possible!"    


Many discussions were going on and on. Gradually, people's attention shifted to other areas.    


"Has Zhang Hanyang broken through to the Divine Realm?"    


Outside the gates of the New Moon Mountain's front mountains, there were carriages and horses like dragons. Those warriors basically all had their own factions, it was very easy to get a room or two.    


Seeing that, the people who set up the tents previously called for some caravans, and as a result, the entire place seemed to have become a place where caravans gathered, surrounding the New Moon Mountain's doors so tightly that not even a drop of water could pass through.    


Around 9 PM.    


"Let's disperse."    


A voice rang out from nowhere.    


"Who is it!"    


Many people were shocked and looked around warily:    


"Dammit, who said that? You want to hurt me? "    


"It's impossible to disperse."    


"Wait! Look, the mark on my wrist has disappeared. "    




Immediately, everyone looked at their own wrists, only to discover that the 'Death' symbol had truly disappeared.    


"Could it be that the voice just now was made by that ruthless person, Zhang Ye?"    


"Great, we are saved!" "Go, go, go!"    


A large group of people quickly left.    


Soon, the place was quiet again.    


With their large group of imprints gone, it could be said that there was not a single imprint left in the entire map of China.    


There were only two left. To the west, because of the long distance between them, Zhang Han could vaguely sense them.    


Zi Yan ate quite a lot in the afternoon, and after eating a lot, he went to the back of the mountain to play.    


The Da Hei s jumped up and down, happily playing with the Mengmeng.    


Until three o'clock, Zhang Han and Zi Yan finally spoke of going to the west.    


He flew over at night and returned during the next day. There was another problem.    


You can't send Mengmeng to school the next morning, what should you do?    


"Cough, Mengmeng."    


Zhang Han waved his hand and shouted.    


"Hm, I'm coming." Mengmeng stupidly jumped down from the Da Hei's belly, then ran and hopped until he was in front of Zhang Han.    


"Mengmeng, I heard from Teacher Lu that you haven't been to school for a week." Zhang Han asked, his tone still very gentle.    




However, the little guy was stunned, his clear eyes seemed to have frozen.    


Seeing this expression, Zi Yan knew how the little girl would reply.    




Mengmeng shook his head again and again, and spoke with righteousness: "My ? Mama is sick, I'll take care of Mama at home!"    




The corner of Zhang Han's mouth raised, almost letting out a laugh.    


After a moment of patience, he said, "Are we going to school tomorrow?"    


"Mhmm, I'm going to school tomorrow." Mengmeng nodded her head obediently.    


"Eh ?" Zhang Han hesitated slightly: "Tomorrow, mom will send you to school. Dad has to go and busy himself with something, and won't be back until noon."    




Another long conversation.    


Although the little guy was unwilling, in the end, he still nodded his head.    


Zhang Han prepared to go to the west.    


The bamboo hat man and Rotis who were paying attention to this place.    


He also knew a lot of things.    


Both of them were in England, and the group of nearly three hundred Grandmasters were from the five surrounding countries.    


However, only two people had returned.    


This news completely frightened the rest of their martial world:    


"The eastern martial artists are that strong?"    


But to their entire martial world, the number of people they sent out was relatively small, and only involved a few powers.    


Gradually, when they found out that Zhang Hanyang and the Azure Emperor had annihilated the seven major powers that were going there last night.    


Rotis and bamboo hat man could not sit still.    


Among them, the bamboo hat man was better. He had his identity, but every clone was extremely valuable, so if it was anyone else, he was not afraid.    


"Fierce Zhang ?"    


bamboo hat man was silent for a while, then he looked at the mark on his right wrist:    


"With this method, I can't take the risk and go find Rotis."    


It was deep into the night at their place. bamboo hat man's body moved as he ran towards the west of the Four Great Orchids.    


He did not dare to bet on whether or not Zhang Hanyang had a way to kill him. Just this level of tracking technique alone was enough to shock him a little.    


He felt that it would be safer to be together with Rotis. After all, this fellow knew the prince of Halan Clan.    


Halan Clan was one of the ancient clans amongst the Blood Clan, their clan's strength was of the upper middle class, but bamboo hat man felt that it was enough. As long as Prince Harlan made his move, there would be no return.    


This kind of thing was best to be done sooner rather than later. After bamboo hat man received the news, he immediately rushed to Rotis's villa.    


After arriving at the place, he discovered that Rotis was standing on the roof of a building in the villa as he watched the incoming bamboo hat man:    


"I've been waiting for you for a long time."    


"I wonder if I should face them." The bamboo hat man answered honestly.    


"Your choice is smart." Rotis smiled slightly.    


"Take it."    


bamboo hat man threw a rock the size of his palm.    


This was the reward for accompanying Rotis to the Halan Clan, and was also the price that he, the bamboo hat man, had to pay.    


To be able to make Rotis wait, must be something extraordinary as well.    


"Let's go."    


Rotis waved his hand and the two of them rose into the air, flying rapidly towards the south.    


After five hours, the two of them arrived at a remote forest. The forest was lush and verdant, but the trees that surrounded it were slightly withered.    


In the center of the mountain forest, there were five castles that were filled with scars.    


It was a very large place, surrounded by iron fences. There was a large iron gate with a lot of fallen leaves on the outside, but the inside was very neat and tidy.    


There was a straight road outside the gate, and there were many luxury cars in the courtyard.    


When Strigoi sucks blood, but they don't leak fangs, most of them are like gentlemen.    


The two of them had just approached each other.    


Sou sou sou!    


Three figures quickly rose into the air and stood in front of them.    


They were all tall and handsome men, and they were all dressed very cleanly.    


"Hello, Mr. Rotis."    


The leading man recognized Rotis and took the lead to greet him.    


"Hello, Lord Gelai." Rotis did not keep them in suspense either, "You should have heard about my situation already. I want to meet the Prince Harlan and seek his protection. Just like last time, I will give you guys something that will satisfy you."    


"Sure, please come in."    


Gelai smiled elegantly at Rotis, then looked at bamboo hat man. "But he doesn't need to go in, his body has a disgusting stench."    


bamboo hat man was silent for two seconds, no one could see his expression hidden under the bamboo hat, but at their home ground, he waved his hand, and a layer of ripples surrounded his body, blocking his Qi.    


Gelai didn't say anything and just made a hand gesture. Taking the lead, they flew to the side and entered the central castle.    


The first floor seemed to be opening a party. There were more than thirty young men and women, but their ages were up for discussion.    


Not only were they old, but all the other Blood Clansmen looked young. This caused many people to be envious of them.    


Among these people, the men were basically all in suits. The women were all in evening dresses, some were sexy, some were charming, and all of them had red wine glasses in their hands.    


But no matter if it was the bamboo hat man or Rotis, everyone here knew that the cups in their hands were filled with fresh blood, and for this kind of gathering, the quality of the blood would be even better.    


"This way, please."    


Gelai led the way into the rear corridor.    


Soon, they walked out of the castle and arrived at the base of the back mountain. There was a cave in that direction.    


After entering it, they walked down a hundred meters and passed a jade ring hole before finally arriving at their destination.    


It was the floor of a circular disc, and all kinds of threads were connected to it. It was red, and one could even see the flowing blood.    


The entire room was only a few dozen square meters, and it looked like a human heart.    


But to Rotis and bamboo hat man, it felt like a real heart.    


"Ancestor, Rotis and bamboo hat man seek an audience."    


Gelai faced the crystal coffin in the center and said very respectfully.    


Swish swish!    


In that moment, Rotis and bamboo hat man also looked over.    


Weng! *    


The lid of the crystal coffin slowly moved backwards.    


Under their gazes, a figure suddenly sat up.    


It was a man with an extremely pale face, long face, and slight wrinkles. He looked like a middle-aged man, but his actual age was several hundred years old.    




A deep heartbeat sounded.    


Suddenly, Prince Harlan opened his eyes.    


His gaze was frighteningly cold.    


"? ?"    


When night fell in China.    


Zhang Han accompanied Mengmeng and Zi Yan, the family of three played a game in the game room on the third floor.    


Mengmeng also liked to play games, but not as much as the boys.    



Maybe many boys would choose to play games on the outside, but Mengmeng liked to play on the outside.    


The room was filled with cheers and laughter.    


It was eight o'clock in the morning when they arrived at the movie hall. Lying on the sofa, they saw the latest show of the Elven Guest House.    


Finally, it was time to sleep.    


Zhang Han told his story in a low voice:    


"The Dwarf King and Elf King have come to Devil Dragon Island. They are relatively insignificant here ?"    


The little guy fell asleep soon after. This was destined to be a long story.    


After lightly kissing Zi Yan's forehead, Zhang Han put on his clothes, then went downstairs and left.    


Alone, he sprinted towards the parking lot at the front of the restaurant.    


Zhao Feng was already waiting there.    


When he passed by the first villa on the right.    


"Are we leaving?"    




Chen Changqing's figure quickly appeared.    


They walked shoulder to shoulder with Zhang Han.    


Passing by the second villa.    




Warlord of Chen family's figure appeared:    


"It's time to pay my respects to the Western martial world."    


Passing by the 3rd villa.    




Ji Wushuang's figure appeared:    


"I've been waiting for a whole day for him to pour out his words. I said that I would kill him to form a river of blood. Since that didn't happen, then I will just go to the west to realize it."    


Another ten meters.    




Gai Xingkong's figure appeared:    


"Xiao Han, leave bamboo hat man's life to me!"    


Hearing that, Zhang Han nodded his head, and spat out a word:    




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