Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Zhang Han, Chen Changqing, Gai Xingkong, Warlord of Chen family, Ji Wushuang, the five of them slowly rushed down the mountain.    


Who would have thought that on this night, the Xiangjiang of China would send five big shots to the west.    


People had expected Zhang Hanyang and Azure Emperor to leave for the west, and some had predicted that Warlord of Chen family and Gai Xingkong would follow along, but they never expected that the time would come so quickly.    


After exterminating the seven local forces on the first night, he didn't rest at all. On the second night, he directly left for the West?    




This speed was unexpected.    


But as enemies, bamboo hat man and Rotis were already prepared.    


They were staying in the Halan Clan s and they did not plan to go out today.    


Compared to Rotis, the bamboo hat man had even more trump cards. After all, he still had other clones hidden elsewhere, so even if the master that had just revived was killed, he could still resurrect one of them. It was just that the price was a little too big, and if his strength regressed, it was secondary.    


Only the bamboo hat man himself knew about this.    


As for the Halan Clan s, they were not panicking at all. They were even looking forward to the arrival of Zhang Hanyang and the others.    


In their eyes, only the blood of the strong was the most attractive.    


"The ancestors that have been asleep for a hundred years are finally about to appear once more."    


Many of the people from the Halan Clan were very excited.    


At the same time.    


Zhang Han and the rest of the five walked to the front of the restaurant, Zhao Feng and Xu Yong drove a car each towards the airport.    


Looking at the airplane that was slowly rising into the air, the eyes of Zhao Feng and the others were filled with longing:    


"I wonder when we will be able to participate in such a battle."    


"I can only work hard to cultivate." Zhao Feng slowly said, "What I care more about is when master and the others will return."    


"I heard it when the boss was chatting during the day." Xu Yong laughed, "He said that he would definitely be able to come and pick up Mengmeng tomorrow."    


"That's for sure."    


Zhao Feng said in a very confident tone, "Ever since master returned, I felt that he would never allow that kind of situation to happen again. Thus, he definitely had complete confidence this time in going to the west."    


"Of course!"    


The members of the Security corps were very confident that they were not blind, but that they sensed the aura Zhang Han was releasing.    


Zhao Feng and Xu Yong had met. When Zhang Han talked about going to the west, that indifferent tone and calm gaze of his explained too many things.    


But even Warlord of Chen family and the rest did not know about it.    


Toward this trip to the west, their usually calm hearts were finally stirred by the waves.    


The plane took off in the middle of the night, and when it arrived in England, it was still late at night, about eight hours apart.    


This plane that took off from the Xiangjiang, represented the name of the Mengmeng Group.    


It made the local authorities nervous.    


They absolutely did not want to see several God Realms fighting another big battle with their own lands, but helplessly, martial world and officials complementing each other, so they knew that they had no reason to interfere since they had already sent out their own warriors to the Xiangjiang.    


The local organizations of the official warriors were located in Bo Ming City in the southern region. It was also where Zhang Han's plane landed.    


The authorities had dispatched seven Deity Realm experts from all over the place, numbering in the tens. These were their official forces.    


Thus, when Zhang Han and the other three got off the plane, a large group of people stood in front of them.    


"Esteemed guests from the east, welcome to Bo Ming City."    


The leader of the group, an older God Realm warrior, bowed and greeted politely.    


"Hello everyone." The others smiled and nodded in acknowledgement.    


It gave off the feeling that they were receiving guests, but their gazes were filled with vigilance, and even some grandmasters were rather nervous.    


After looking around, his gaze finally landed on Zhang Han:    


"This must be the ruthless person who killed the two hundred Grandmasters, right? "He looks really fierce."    




There were a few thoughts in their minds, but they kept absolutely quiet and whispered to each other, so that everyone could hear them clearly.    


"You are?" The old cunning Ji Wushuang asked with a smile.    


"We are here to welcome you all on behalf of official Fang Huan. We understand the reason for your visit." The old deity said without hesitation, "That's why we are here to supervise, not to stop you or anything. We also hope that you can choose a suitable place to fight your grudges."    




Right after he finished speaking, Zhang Han calmly looked at them, then his body moved. He took the lead to fly into the air, and sprinted towards the southwest.    


Sou sou sou sou!    


Chen Changqing, Warlord of Chen family, Gai Xingkong and Ji Wushuang also followed along.    


If they wanted to chat, Ji Wushuang could spar with them for a while, but since the main character was too lazy to speak, he didn't plan to say anything more.    


"Let's go."    


The seven of them quickly followed after the old man. The other Grand Master Strong s could only quickly board the helicopter.    


But who would have thought that when the plane took off, they wouldn't be able to see the silhouettes of those people.    


"It's too fast!"    


Fortunately, there was a position on the God Realm master's body, so they followed closely behind.    


"Who should we kill first?"    


Gai Xingkong asked after walking for more than half an hour.    


At this time, Ji Wushuang and the Warlord of Chen family also looked at Zhang Han. They couldn't imagine how Zhang Han had located the enemy.    


Although they knew how to use this kind of method, opponents at the same level as them would dissipate just by using a little bit of it, so why did Zhang Han seem to be so accurate?    


In the face of Gai Xingkong's question, Zhang Han replied:    


"The two of them are together."    


"Together?" Warlord of Chen family frowned slightly. "It seems that they are prepared."    


"This battle doesn't matter what the result is." Ji Wushuang thought for a moment, then said: "You cannot force it. If the opponent is too strong, we will retreat first, there is a saying that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, even if we are not, we will still be the same in a few years."    


He felt that since the other party was prepared, then their trip this time might not be successful, and they might even face some dangers. But since everyone was at the God Realm and the gate of small word was not activated, and the people from the earth completion stage had yet to appear, they could safely leave.    


"That makes sense." Warlord of Chen family also agreed.    


They supported Ji Wushuang's words very much. They had seen a lot of situations where there was no need to worry about the survival of the fittest.    


"Unless the earth completion stage comes out." Zhang Han also said softly.    


"earth completion stage ?" Warlord of Chen family shook his head slightly. "I don't think so."    


"Then none of them will be able to escape." Zhang Han replied as he looked at Warlord of Chen family.    


This made them somewhat unsure of what Zhang Han's source of confidence was. Could it be that he had prepared some powerful move?    


Just as Ji Wushuang was about to ask, Zhang Han looked to the side and said:    


"Almost there."    


Was he finally about to arrive?    


These people were ready for a big battle.    


However, after advancing forward for another ten minutes, the God Realm cultivator behind him suddenly said:    


"Not far ahead is the Blood Family branch family's Halan Clan. I hope you all will consider the fact that the Prince Harlan is in charge of the family."    


"Halan Clan?"    


Ji Wushuang's expression changed slightly. "Where are they hiding?"    


"Looks like this is going to be a rather difficult battle." Warlord of Chen family shook his head.    


"We'll know if he's strong or not after a fight!"    


Chen Changqing's body had the aura of a young man, the aura from his entire body was surging.    


They continued to advance for another ten minutes before arriving at a mountain range. In the forest ahead, they saw six people in the distance.    


Rotis, bamboo hat man, and the other four Divine Realm experts were disciples of the Halan Clan.    


The Prince Harlan did not appear at all.    


"Tsk tsk ?"    


The annoying sneer sounded out once again, when bamboo hat man said from afar, "You guys really came to throw away your lives."    


"Wrong, they are here to slaughter!" Gai Xingkong's right hand lit up, and the dragon and tiger lance appeared in his hand.    


"Hahaha." Rotis suddenly laughed out loud. "Who gave you the courage to boast so brazenly here?"    


As he said that, his gaze turned to Zhang Han and Chen Changqing, and he shook his head slightly:    


Furthermore, you are also a side of the talent. With your powerful fighting techniques, you can imagine that in the future, all of you will be part of the strong forces, but unfortunately, all of you will have to pay the price of your lives for this decision. Do you think that you are too used to running rampant in the nation of Hua and you want to come here brazenly? "    


"Cut the crap!"    


unpredictable shadow sword appeared in Chen Changqing's right hand, slashing horizontally a thousand meters away, and a hundred meter long sword light roared past.    


However, because of the distance, he did not cause any trouble for the other party.    


One of the Halan Clan's Divine Realms waved his hand to dissolve it, and at the same time, said unhappily:    


"Easterners, you're too impolite. You bore me, so I decided to suck all the blood out of your bodies later."    


"Do you think you're worthy?"    


Ji Wushuang sneered.    


Zhang Han was even more silent, and rushed forward together with his other four teammates.    


bamboo hat man and her group welcomed them head on, as the two sides engaged in a chaotic battle with endless moves.    


From a distance, at the ancient fortress of the Halan Clan, there were dozens of people sitting on the roof of the ancient fortress, quietly watching the fight.    


"Looks like our ancestors won't make a move today."    


"Yeah, the enemies are too few in number. To dare attack our Halan Clan with just five God Realms, you must be looking to die."    



"I estimate that the battle will be over in ten minutes."    




While they were chatting, the person who had spoken very quickly slapped his face.    


Boom, boom, boom, boom!    


Terrifying waves of energy rippled outwards.    


Zhang Han fought against a God Realm warrior of the Halan Clan. After fighting for a while, the snow-white face warrior suddenly realized to his horror that the various arts that he was proficient in were being firmly suppressed.    


There was no space to be used at all. He was being continuously pushed back. It was as if every attack of his was hitting the air, and every attack of the opponent was making him feel very uncomfortable.    


Thus, the God Realm from the other Halan Clan came over to help. The two of them attacked together, and only then did they alleviate the disadvantage of retreating, but they were still suppressed.    


"He's that Zhang Hanyang, he's a little amazing." The old man at the back narrowed his eyes. The color in his eyes changed, and it was unknown what he was thinking.    


Warlord of Chen family and Rotis had a bit of an upper hand when they fought alone. Gai Xingkong and bamboo hat man were in a fierce battle, and the two of them were evenly matched.    


However, both Ji Wushuang and Chen Changqing firmly suppressed their opponents.    


There were no rules to speak of in this chaotic battle. From time to time, they would give Rotis and the bamboo hat man some pressure, causing the six Divine Realm experts to constantly retreat backwards.    


This caused those people who were sitting at the top of the castle to be somewhat shocked.    


"Six against five?"    


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