Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"Hubby, it's almost 3 o'clock. Shall we go shopping?" Zi Yan wrapped her arms around Zhang Han's neck and looked straight at him. She raised her head slightly and said with her big, watery eyes, "Consumption can make a person happy, it's been a long time since I went to consume it."    


This action, in addition to a very lively atmosphere, made Zi Yan's entire temperament look very charming.    


If it was before, Zi Yan would not have acted like this, love could change many things.    


Facing the beauty's request, Zhang Han naturally did not reject. He smiled and pouted his lips:    


"Kiss him."    


Zi Yan's large eyes looked to his left and right a few times, and then quickly tapped on the tip of his foot, and lightly kissed Zhang Han's lips.    


"Let's go and spend."    


Zhang Han laughed with satisfaction. He slightly raised his right arm, and Zi Yan held onto him. The two of them snuggled against each other as they walked up the mountain.    




Bang! Bang! Bang!    


"Oh, oh, oh."    


The Da Hei called out a few times, and then smashed his chest, raising three fingers towards the little cursed roc, indicating:    


At this mountaintop, other than the master and the others, I am the boss. It is number two and you are number three.    


"Oh, oh, oh!"    


The Da Hei gave the Blacky a look.    






The Blacky moved, and quickly returned with the Hungarian sheep-pig that was almost the same size as it.    


"Oh, oh, oh!"    


The Da Hei clapped his hands and pointed towards the back of the mountain.    


"Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle."    


The little cursed roc did not understand anything. Seeing the Da Hei and the Blacky walk towards the dense forest, it followed them.    


After entering the cave, there was a bonfire that had been burning on the huge rock for a long time already.    


The two fellows skillfully took the firewood, lived, gave the pig leg hair, and gathered the pork meat. They put them on the fire to lean on and sprinkle the seasonings that were left on the side.    


Not long later, the aroma of barbecue filled the dense forest.    


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.    


After the meat was cooked, the Da Hei bit off a large piece of it and then pulled down one of its legs. After thinking for a while, it broke off half of the leg and passed it to the little cursed roc:    


"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."    


Man, eat!    


"Gurgle, gurgle."    


The little cursed roc did not understand the meaning of this, and did not have much appetite.    


As a result, its two wings stretched forward, holding the leg meat and biting into it.    




"Oh, oh, Ha Chi Ha Chi ?"    


The Da Hei looked at him for a few seconds, then laughed and looked back at him:    


Look, this guy has been around a lot. Coming here, he came here to pay his respects to us, and he even sent us some good treasures to eat. He's not like that stupid fish, who would come here to cause trouble.    


They ate here.    


On the other side, Zhang Han and Zi Yan had also arrived at a large shopping mall in bamboo pit area.    


Zi Yan put on his peaked cap and sunglasses, looking very excited.    


He already had a lot of clothes, but every year, there would always be new clothes.    


As summer came, the weather gradually became hotter, and the streets were filled with all sorts of big white legs.    


Entering the market, looking at the various new outfits, not long later, Zhang Han's hands were almost full, half of them belonged to the Mengmeng, his son's mother also liked dressing up the little guy, while the other half were Zhang Han's and Zi Yan's clothes.    


He was not fully satisfied yet, but it was almost four o'clock, so Zi Yan decided to end this trip temporarily.    


They followed Zhang Han down the stairs and into the parking space at the side of the shopping mall.    


"Mr. Zhang?"    


Just as the two were about to get on the car, they heard an uncertain voice not too far away.    


Turning his head to look, wasn't that Mengmeng's classmate, Li Muen's father, the real estate agent?    


"Mr. Li." Zhang Han replied.    


"It really is the Mr. Zhang and Miss Zi." Li Kai walked up, and laughed: "What a coincidence, we can even meet here."    


"Yes, we'll buy some summer clothes." Zi Yan smiled slightly.    


"Mr. Zhang, have you guys heard about what happened at school?" Li Kai's expression paused for a moment.    


"What is it?" Zhang Han shook his head.    


"Mengmeng didn't tell you?" Li Kai was stunned.    


"Hmm?" Zhang Han's expression froze as he looked at Li Kai, puzzled.    


What is it? Mengmeng was bullied at school?    


Suddenly, Zhang Han became worried.    


However, Li Kai's following words made Zhang Han a little unsure of whether he should laugh or cry. He wanted to say something: Breathing heavily is an illness and needs to be treated.    


Li Kai said with a bitter face:    


"Sigh, it was a school event! My daughter called me at noon today and asked me to arrange a trip ahead of time. This Saturday at school, there was a cooking activity for my son. The child cooperated with the adults to cook lunch. Sigh, the key point is, how would I know how to cook? If I had 10% of the Mr. Zhang s, oh no, 1%, I wouldn't be able to laugh over it.    


"This activity?" How come we didn't know? " Zi Yan was startled, but there was an eager look in his eyes.    


"This morning, it might be because my lady is worried that I won't be able to make it, so she borrowed the Teacher Lu's phone to inform me in advance." Li Kai sighed again. It could be seen that he really had a headache.    


If you don't know how to cook, aren't you making a fool of yourself in public?    


"Where's Mu En's mother? She can cook. " Zi Yan asked curiously.    


"Her mother is on a business trip and won't be back on Saturday." Li Kai laughed helplessly, and said: "Even though I said that I voluntarily participated in the event, I thought, if others did, Mu En would also want to participate, and if she went and even had Little Red Flower, then she would definitely be happy to do so, but I do not agree that she is unhappy, so I thought I might as well go, I just have to find a chef, and prepare to learn two simple dishes, and at that time it would be better for me not to embarrass myself too much."    


Zhang Han heard from the event that Little Red Flower Na was involved.    


Eh, that Mengmeng is definitely going there!    


The door to the small world was about to open, and he would have to take advantage of his free time during these few days to accompany the Mengmeng.    


"Oh right, Mr. Zhang, I was too embarrassed to say it in the first place." Li Kai's eyes lit up, and rubbed his hands together. He spoke with a slightly embarrassed tone: "Since we have met Mr. Zhang, then I will say it, I have a presumptuous request."    


"You want ingredients?" Zhang Han knew what he meant the moment he saw the look in his eyes.    




"Hehehe, Mr. Zhang is right. After eating a few of Mr. Zhang's dishes, I have an endless amount of aftertaste. I am truly impressed. My culinary skills are too bad, so I want to look for it from other aspects." Li Kai laughed and said: "Just a little bit of rice and eggs is enough."    


"Oh? Is this Egg Fried Rice? " Zhang Han said while laughing.    


For Li Kai to be able to learn how to cook for a girl, although it was just a simple meal, he would always remember this scene in his heart.    


Zhang Han was also clear of this point, so at this stage of his childhood, no matter what kind of request he made, it would all be up to him. In just a few short years, he didn't want to leave himself any regret, and wanted to give Mengmeng a perfect childhood.    


Maybe Li Kai also had the same idea, and would like to study his culinary arts at this time.    


Hearing Zhang Han's words, Li Kai laughed: "It's just white rice, fried eggs, and other dishes. I haven't decided yet, I plan to study together with the head chef tonight."    


"Haha, alright. Then you can slowly study it. Just wait until you want to go to the mountain and get the ingredients." Zhang Han nodded.    


Thank you, Mr. Zhang. Thank you so much. Li Kai thanked him repeatedly, feeling extremely flattered in his heart.    


"You're welcome."    


Zhang Han nodded his head and placed the clothing bag into the trunk.    


At this time, Li Kai also took his leave, he was preparing to go to school to pick up his daughter.    


But after getting into the car, he did not instruct the driver to start it, and waited for Zhang Han's car to get out before he ordered the driver to drive.    


At 4: 20, the car arrived at the school gate.    


Zhang Han and Zi Yan walked into the school. After receiving the Mengmeng, the little guy charged into his arms as usual.    


"Baba, Mama, I have another red flower on Saturday, then I can take the big trophy."    


"So amazing, why is it Saturday? Aren't we having a holiday on Saturday?" Zhang Han pretended not to know.    


"I'm not taking a break. This time, I'm not taking a break." Mengmeng told him in all seriousness: "It's that activity, I want to cook..."    


He returned to the car, talking and laughing.    


The two girls chatted in the back row.    


When they were about to return to the New Moon Mountain, they came to a conclusion:    


"Hubby, we have decided. Mengmeng and I will make lunch for you on Saturday."    


"Haha, good. Then I'm too happy." Zhang Han smiled and nodded.    


Zhang Han was also not a straightforward man, he wouldn't say: "You cook?" Can you eat it?    


Zi Yan and Mengmeng also started to study what was good to cook. Of course, it was basically Zi Yan who was researching, Mengmeng was just sitting by the side blurrily, he did not know much about cooking, no matter what Mama said, he would just do it.    


Back at the mountain, Zhang Han cooked dinner, and during this time, Zi Yan kept staring at it from the side, occasionally asking:    


"What kind of stir-fry will this lentinus edodes take to be cooked?"    


"This meat has just been fried, why do you still want to fry it again?"    




Those who understood felt that it was very simple, while those who didn't felt it was very difficult, it was a very normal thing. However, towards Zi Yan who was eager to give it a try, Zhang Han was very patient.    


Until all kinds of dishes were placed on the table. Zi Yan stared at them a few times and said dejectedly:    


"I'm sure I can't do it so well."    


"As long as it's delicious. Besides, I'll be your assistant when the time comes."    


"Oh, that's not right. Baba, I was the one who helped Mama, not you."    


"Ah, yes, yes, yes ?"    


The family of three happily ate their dinner, after which, Zi Yan remembered something:    


"Right, let's go to the back of the mountain and have the Mengmeng give that little thing a name."    


As he spoke, Zi Yan stood up first and pulled the Mengmeng's small hand along with him as they headed downstairs.    


"Mama, what is that little thing?" Mengmeng raised his head, his large eyes did not blink as he asked curiously.    


"You'll know soon enough." Zi Yan kept them in suspense, but he did not say it in advance.    


The bright and clear moonlight gave the New Moon Mountain a hazy and beautiful scenery. With the addition of the lights in the surroundings, the entire mountain didn't seem to be dark.    


Even so, when they arrived at the back of the mountain, when Mengmeng saw the unassuming little thing wobbling as it ran over, he was truly shocked.    


"Aiya! "What is that!?"    


"Have a closer look?" Zi Yan squatted down, put Mengmeng in his arms, and stuck his face to his face.    




The Mengmeng was slightly stunned for a moment, then carefully looked forward. When the little cursed roc came closer, her cute penguin shape made the Mengmeng's big eyes light up:    


"It's a goose!"    


Mengmeng immediately forgot what it was called and said: "It's a goose in the snow!"    


"Uh, this, let's call it a penguin. It'll look different when it grows up." Zhang Han replied.    


Once Mengmeng grows up and understands a bit, after she comes into contact with cultivation, the little cursed roc will be able to leak out and wander around.    


After all, if Mengmeng were to see a large fish floating in the air right now, it would not be such a good thing.    




The Da Hei extended three of its fingers and gestured.    


This is third brother!    


"Awoo, awoo, awoo."    


The Blacky also cried out happily, and ran around the family of three a few times.    


"Baba, can I touch it?" Mengmeng asked.    


"Of course." Zhang Han replied with a smile.    


"Go." Zi Yan flattered Mengmeng.    


The little guy took two steps forward and reached out his little hand, stroking the little cursed roc's head.    


"Well, what's your name?"    


"It doesn't have a name yet, I'm just waiting for you to give it to me, Mengmeng." Zi Yan reminded her with a smile.    


"Shall I get up? "Hehehehe." Mengmeng smilingly patted his little cursed roc's head: "I'm going to give you a name."    


"But... "What should I call you?" Mengmeng was confused again as he muttered to himself while looking at his fingers:    


"Da Heihei, Xiao Heihei, hmm, little Xiao Heihei? Dark Xiao Heihei? Xiao Heihei, that's not it, a little Blacky ? "    


Seeing that, the Da Hei panicked.    


It laid down with its head facing Mengmeng and extended three more fingers.    


It's Old Third.    


"Eh?" Mengmeng's bright eyes suddenly stopped. He pondered for a moment, thought, then mumbled: "It's called Three Black? Then there was the Da Heihei, huh? Who is Black? Is Black Two a Xiao Heihei? "Nope."    


Seeing Zhang Han and Zi Yan laughing from the back, he felt that the girl was a little cute.    


Finally, Zi Yan reminded her: "We can call it something else. We have Da Hei s and Blacky s, we can call it by other names, such as little bell, little thing, eh ? "Something like that."    


"But it's also black."    


"Gurgle, gurgle." The little cursed roc had feelings for the Mengmeng, and cried out happily in front of her.    


It was as if it could feel Zi Yan's emotions and knew that the little guy in front of it was going to give it a name.    


However, it never expected that ?    


"Mama, it's much smaller than Da Heihei. How about we call it Xiao Budian?"    


"Okay, then call it Xiao Budian." Zi Yan smiled and nodded.    


"Puff ?"    


Zhang Han coughed twice, and his mouth twitched a few times.    


He did not know what to say.    


Little guy.    


His brain filled with a few images as his family of three rode the enormous, thirty thousand meter long Curse Leviathan to roam the Immortal Cultivation World.    



"Little guy, let's go over there!"    


The picture seemed a little beautiful.    


A giant being called Xiao Budian, this ? It was a little strange.    


However, Zhang Han naturally raised his hand in support of their decision:    


"The little guy, mm, this name sounds really nice. Mengmeng really knows how to make it."    


"Hehe, little guy, little guy, you're called little guy, Da Heihei, Xiao Heihei. We already have a new friend, it's called little guy." Mengmeng said happily.    


Oh, oh." The Da Hei called out.    


No matter if it was the little guy or the big guy, it was still the third brother.    


"Guji, guji..."    


The little cursed roc also opened its mouth wide as if it was laughing. It looked at Mengmeng with its intelligent eyes and spat out a flower.    


sacred object!    


Seeing this, Zhang Han's face became a little stiff: Why is there so much treasure in this little thing? Could it be that it went to various extinction domains, and there are many treasures that it failed to absorb? "    


Zhang Han slightly narrowed his eyes: "This is simply a precious Kun!"    


Before it was born, there must have been a long period of time before it swept through so many ruins.    


No one knew about this, but to casually take out a sacred object, it seemed like it was a lot!    




Seeing this scene, Mengmeng was stunned: "What is this? Baba, it seems to like me. "    


"It does like our Mengmeng." Zhang Han laughed and said: "Look, I've already given you the flowers that are in its mouth. Take this small gift, we'll plant it in the field over there."    


As a result, Mengmeng received the palm-sized green flower, and the family of three led the way to the medicinal field, inserting the small flower into the soil at the edge of the field, completing the mission.    


They returned to the back of the mountain and had a new member join them.    




"Awoo! Awoo!"    


"Haha ?"    


The little cursed roc, oh no, the little guy watched from the side and they also joined together.    


"Guji, guji..."    


"Woof woof woof."    


The surrounding large group of dogs were in an uproar.    


Looking at this scene, Zi Yan also smiled slightly. In the back seat, his head rested on Zhang Han's shoulder:    


"I've thought about it before. I've thought a lot about what it would be like to have a family, but now it's much more beautiful than I imagined. Thank you, husband, I'm very happy."    


Zhang Han lightly patted Zi Yan's arm: "We will always be happy."    


It seemed to be an agreement.    


But this was destined to be a love filled with dried up rocks.    


When he was tired from playing at night, he went back to his bedroom and fell asleep amidst the sounds of Zhang Han's story.    


Friday, the second day, after half a day of lessons, Mengmeng stayed with Mama in the afternoon, trying to figure out what to do next day.    


It was not until nine o'clock the next morning that the family of three was ready to depart.    


Zhao Feng placed all kinds of ingredients into the small bag and placed the panda cart's trunk.    


Teacher Lu had already informed them that other than the ingredients, they did not need to bring anything else. The school had already prepared everything.    


There were a total of twenty-one people in the class and twenty of them were participating. This was already a very high participation rate.    


Zhang Han drove to school.    


My god, this is quite a big scene.    


At the side of the field, there were many tools prepared.    


It was shaped like a stove, with a big pot on top and wood on the bottom. There was a simple kitchen counter on the side, and on top of it were brand-new cleaned knives, chopping boards, and other kitchen utensils. It could be said that the school's event would cost a small sum of money.    


However, there was nothing they could do about it, the Saint Rowe's kindergarten was rich, they did not do it for the money, and they did not lack it.    


The day had been chosen well, the sky was clear and there was no wind, so it was quite suitable for the type of activities such as picnic.    


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