Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Mengmeng walked through the crowd, including Nina, Fina, Zhao Feng, Chu Qingyi, and the others.    


They were surrounded by their own people.    


The scene was a complete mess.    


Defeat was like a landslide. The majority of the elites in the three regions of the Yuan Yang Palace had already been eliminated in the first wave. The number of other disciples also could not be counted.    


"A great defeat!"    


"No, this is a terrible defeat, the Yuan Yang Palace was defeated, the forces of the three regions all fell, the elite disciples fell, the teams of ordinary disciples were crippled, there really is no chance, Zhang Hanyang is too strong."    


"He instantly killed a level two stage tribulation. Just what kind of existence is he?"    


"No wonder. No wonder he dared to declare war on the two sects that day. Now, bitter results have arrived." The third region of the Yuan Yang Palace is not a joke.    


"This battle will be a comprehensive one. Zhang Hanyang and the rest will be facing the counter-attack from Yuan Yang Palace. I wonder if they will be able to withstand it."    


"The key is that Zhang Hanyang is too nimble and can come and go as he pleases. Yuanyang Palace and Blue Dragon Hall both have their own fixed territory."    




While these people were discussing.    


On Zhang Han's side, the battle had ended. Some of the enemy's fleet had been destroyed, and the rest had fled.    


They took Victory home and returned to their respective ships. Then, they left for the Red Fish Planet region in the Red Wind region.    




"We won so well."    


Countless spaceships were filled with people celebrating with each other.    


Drink and eat meat.    


This was the break after victory.    


It would take at least a day to get there.    


However, on this day.    


Zhang Mu was starting to get nervous from the torture.    


He silently came to Zhang Han's side and pulled his arm: "Xiao Han, that Kong Ling'er, you should take her away. Let her let go of grandfather, grandfather is so old now, his heart can't endure too much pressure..."    


Zhang Han's face darkened.    


"I'll try accepting a disciple. If you don't agree, then there's nothing we can do." Zi Yan said quietly at the side.    


She was very smart. Kong Ling'er's current state seemed to have turned into one of paranoia. She would never turn back unless she collided with a wall.    


Mo Qinghan had also died in the Starlight Divine Dynasty. The reason why he didn't make a move was because of Kong Ling'er.    


If they became enemies, the Starlight Divine Dynasty would join forces with the three major sects and they would be in grave danger. The army would be guided in the correct way. They were powerful, but there was also a limit.    


The second reason, Zi Yan felt that although Kong Ling'er was a little bit like that, she was not bad at all. The third reason was that she was very confident in herself.    


After taking the overall examination, Zi Yan felt that he had to try to recruit a disciple. He wanted to see if Kong Ling'er would adjust her state of mind well or not.    


Zhang Han muttered to himself for two seconds. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded his head: "Alright."    


"Xiao Feng, go call Kong Ling'er over."    


Zhang Han instructed.    




Zhao Feng nodded and left.    


He thought to himself, "This seems to be the first time my master took in a disciple. Kong Ling'er is also very powerful."    


After entering his room and informing him of the situation.    


"You said Zhang Hanyang called me?"    


Kong Ling'er chuckled and followed him out.    


"Do you know what love is?" On the way, Zhao Feng couldn't help but ask.    


"I don't know."    


"Love... It's that kind of heart palpitating, like a deer bumping around, which is confusing, suffocating, and love needs to go through the test of time. " Zhao Feng had a sweet smile on his face as he slowly said: "I'm married. My lover's name is Liang Mengqi.    


Kong Ling'er: "?"    


She didn't understand. "Then why are we together with you?"    


"Because liking is different from love, such as worshipping, admiring, or all sorts of other things. It's different, I think you might like my master."    


When the call came to an end, Zhao Feng did not speak anymore.    


Kong Ling'er wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, she remained silent. Sometimes she frowned heavily, and sometimes she relaxed. She was pondering something.    


Finally, they arrived at the control room.    


Tens of people were standing over there. Kong Ling'er walked over with a calm expression.    


"Are you looking for me?"    


Zhang Han's expression was serious, he gazed at her and said:    


Kong Ling'er, you have received the inheritance of my remnant thoughts. I have left treasures and inheritances in many places in the Immortal Cultivation World, you are not the only one, but since you have met me and are of assistance to the New Moon Mountain, I have decided to give you a chance. "    


"Chance, opportunity?" Kong Ling'er's eyes lit up.    


"A chance to become my disciple." Zhang Han added.    


"Huh?" This seemed to be different from what she had expected.    


But Zhang Han didn't give her much time to think about it either.    


"Not just anyone can become my disciple, if you want to, you have to pass my test. If you don't, I will send you off the ship and forget about you in the martial arts world."    


Hearing this, the entire stadium fell silent.    


Kong Ling'er was also in a daze, not knowing what to think.    


Mengmeng touched her beautiful face behind her. "Oh my god, my dad wants to take in a beautiful female disciple again, how can my mother endure that?"    


Zi Yan: "..."    


Ning Chen smiled and said, "To be able to become Han Yang's disciple is a great honor. If it wasn't for the fact that we old brothers are too familiar with him, we would have already become his disciples."    


"That's right. In the Land of Han-Yang, I won't say so much anymore. It's all in my mind now." Li Shan shook his head with a smile.    


"Little girl." Of course, this will follow your heart. As someone who has gone through the tribulation, I can tell you that when you are about to undergo it, your state of mind will not be stable, and now that you are in the wrong mental state, when you think about it, it will be easier for you to undergo the tribulation. "    


"We've just transcended the tribulation." Ning Chen coughed lightly, and then looked strangely at Zhang Han, and continued, "The thunder tribulation is very scary, when it descends, no matter what, you will be struck by it. We used less than a minute to get through it."    


"Hur hur." Chu Qingyi smiled, "It's too early to say. If you want to pass, you have to pass Master's test."    


Ning Chen and the rest were relatively more enthusiastic. On one hand, they were trying to solve the small problem they were facing. On the other hand, they were optimistic about Kong Ling'er's potential.    


They believed that Kong Ling'er might be like this, but no one knew the truth.    


"I have a question."    


Kong Ling'er said, "If I become your disciple, will you talk to me normally?"    


Zhang Han no longer needed to answer.    


Mu Xue replied, "Of course I will. Master will usually teach us a lot and we will usually chat a lot, but don't think that the exam is so easy.    


"I'll take the test."    


Kong Ling'er took a deep breath.    


"Out of the alternate dimension."    


Zhang Han waved his hand.    


Zhao Feng ordered, more than 500,000 ships jumped out of the dimensional space at the same time.    


In the space above, very quickly a few dozen people stood.    


Zhang Han and Kong Ling'er stood opposite each other.    


"Take out your most powerful attack." Zhang Han said indifferently.    




Kong Ling'er's hands formed a spell, creating a black and white dragon. The two dragons combined to form a huge imprint. Its might was vast and mighty.    


"Double Dragon Seal."    


Zhang Han squinted his eyes as a Green Dark Seal suppressed him.    


"Everyone says that you have good talent, but there's nothing special about you." Zhang Han said: "And your comprehension ability, isn't that strong either."    


Kong Ling'er's gaze turned solemn. "I only used seventy percent of my strength."    


"Look at this!"    


Weng! *    


The Netherworld Sword appeared from the skies.    


This cold light was very attractive.    


"If I were at your level, my attack would be at least ten times stronger than yours." Zhang Han shook his head: "You can't even compare to Little Snow when it comes to comprehending the way of the sword."    




Kong Ling'er was getting angry.    


Star Shift.    


An illusion of a star map was unleashed.    


The star map was a powerful illusion technique that Zhang Han had mastered.    


The corner of his mouth twitched. He had even learned this. It seemed that his remnant will also had a favorable impression of Kong Ling'er.    


"You can't use illusion techniques, but you can't use them!"    


Zhang Han waved his hands to dissolve it.    


"Cloud Incantation."    


Kong Ling'er attacked again.    



"It's still mixed and unrefined, my mastery is still insufficient."    




Under everyone's watchful eyes, Kong Ling'er's attacks were easily dealt with.    


At first, Kong Ling'er was angry, but soon after, she became gloomy and worried. In the end, she became depressed.    


Beat to the point of doubting life?    


"Have I passed the examination?" Kong Ling'er gave up her attack and looked at Zhang Han.    


Faced with this situation.    


Zhang Han shook his head and sighed:    


"I'm sorry, your aptitude is not bad but you have quite a few problems. As for ?"    


The gesture of rejection.    


Kong Ling'er was a little depressed. "I didn't pass the assessment ?"    


"Sigh, fine."    


Zhang Han turned around and said: "On behalf of the fact that you have inherited my remnant thoughts and are friendly with the New Moon Mountain, I have succeeded in the assessment, and consider you an honorary disciple."    


"Success?" Kong Ling'er's eyes lit up.    


"Yes." Zhang Han nodded, and smiled: "I do not value aptitude too much, but values heart and favor. You have temporarily succeeded, and are my fifth disciple, temporarily my honorary disciple.    


"Alright!" Kong Ling'er said happily, "Is there anything good about that? I want to chat with you for a bit."    


"Let's return to the ship."    


Zhang Han acknowledged it and took the lead to fly towards the flying ship.    


Nearby, Ning Chen pursed her lips, "Look, is this what a human is doing? Being tricked into a daze. "    


"He's still too young." Master Bai laughed, "How can this little girl be a match for him?"    


"That's right. The event that they decided to recruit a disciple was forcefully pulled off by him." Li Shan sighed, "Old Hanyang is indeed vicious. He has seen much of the world."    




Zhang Mu heaved a sigh of relief, Zhang Guangyou, Rong Jiali, Zi Yan and the others also stood to the side and watched.    


Rong Jiali even held Zi Yan's hand and said, "daughter-in-law, don't worry. Mom will watch it with you and will definitely not give her any chance."    


"Yes, thank you, Mom." Zi Yan smiled.    


Back on the ship.    


"Um, should I go and pay respects to my teacher?"    


Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Kong'er felt a little nervous.    


This was not the way she wanted to chat.    


They shouldn't all be talking casually, but they were also talking alone.    


Why is everyone looking at me?    


Now that he thought about it, it might just be a ceremony to acknowledge Zhang Xuan as his teacher.    


"When I become an official disciple, I'll begin my apprenticeship ceremony." Zhang Han said: "Sit down, you can tell us how you obtained my inheritance and all this."    




Kong Ling'er sat aside and began to recount some of the details of her story.    


Zhao Feng, Instructor Liu and the rest stood to the side.    


"Another disciple has arrived."    


Zhao Feng: "Oh right, isn't Kong Ling'er a member of the Star Glory Divine Hall? And so ? You're betraying me just like that? "    


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