Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Three chances, Zhang Han could modify the territory according to his wishes, but after the three chances, he would have to do it by his own hands.    


The energy of the Thunder Sun Tree was limited, so Zhang Han needed to absorb a portion of it to be promoted to the Qi Cultivating Stage. He needed more than half of the energy required, and planting the Yuan Qing Tree at the top of the mountain also required 20% of the energy in order to ensure the development of the tree.    


The remaining energy was simply insufficient to sustain so many projects.    


"This is such a difficult problem!"    


Zhang Han rubbed his head, as he felt a headache coming on. He could only give up on the idea.    


"Forget it. Food needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and the journey needs to be walked step by step. Besides, Mengmeng is still young, so she doesn't need to live in the countryside too early."    


Helpless, Zhang Han temporarily ran aground the residential area, as well as the playground and the ornamental area of the front mountain. The pet area of the back mountain was to be decided, so it would be better to take the planting area and the poultry area as the starting points.    


After planning, Zhang Han opened a satellite map of the Xiangjiang River on his web page and observed the size and location of the mountain.    


It had to be said that there were many mountains in the Xiangjiang River, but as Zhang Han had chosen to enjoy life as the main theme, he first chose the mountains near the sea. In that case, he could admire the view of the sea even living in the mountain.    


After observing for a long time, Zhang Han noticed that most of the mountains were very big. For perfection like Zhang Han, the area that could accommodate these regions could not be too big. After an hour of observation, Zhang Han finally wrote down seven addresses on a piece of paper.    


The position was just right next to the sea and the size was right proper, so this was the first choice.    


"I hope that there can be a precious land among them!"    


Zhang Tian mumbled softly. He was a little tired and planned to rest.    


Just as he got up, his phone rang.    


So late? Who called?    


Zhang Han took out his phone from his pocket and was stunned when he saw his contact information.    


Zi Yan?    


After he picked up the phone, Zi Yan's murderous voice came out:    


"Where are you!"    


"I'm at the hotel."    


Zhang Han replied calmly.    


It seemed this was the first time he truly communicated with Zi Yan?    


To be honest, Zhang Han's heart was a little complicated at this moment. She couldn't treat Zi Yan like how he treated everyone else.    


'Maybe... Because she's Mengmeng's mother. '    


Zhang Han murmured to himself.    


As for Zi Yan, he decided to follow his heart. No affectation or intention.    




Zi Yan frowned and then calmed down.    


It seemed that the man with stubborn mind still cared a lot about Emily, or else he wouldn't have given up this dirty room to stay in a hotel.    


"Which hotel are you in?" Zi Yan's voice softened.    


"Fuji Hotel." Zhang Han answered simply.    


Zi Yan saw that Zhang Han did not seem to be in the mood to speak, and could not help but feel angry in his heart.    


It's good that I'm patient and speak to you. What do you mean in that cool and indifferent way?    


So she snappily said, "Send me a location on WeChat!"    


With that, Zi Yan rolled her eyes and hung up the phone heavily.    


"What's wrong with this woman?"    


Zhang Han pouted. With some confusion, he had just arrived at the Xiangjiang River and Zi Yan had wanted to come over angrily? How did she know he had come to Xiangjiang?    


Oh, that's right. She must have heard the sound of the airport when she and Mengmeng were on the phone.    


Opening his WeChat, Zhang Han directly sent a location to Ziyan.    


"Ding ling ling ?"    


Two seconds later, the phone rang again and Zhang Han picked it up.    


"Zhang Han!"    


Zi Yan's angry voice was heard.    


"What's wrong?" Zhang Han was shocked.    


As expected of a singer, even a technique like mobile phones could not stop her penetrating voice.    


"Are you in Xiangjiang? Why didn't you tell me? How did you decide to take Emily to Xiangjiang by your own decision? Causing me to rush over to Shang Jing in the middle of the night! You have no good intentions! " Zi Yan said angrily.    


This angered her to the point that her teeth were itching. Originally, she was already very tired after a busy day at work. At night, she even rushed to Shang Jing on a hurry but when she arrived at Zhang Han's home, she completely found nothing!    


"You didn't ask." Zhang Han said innocently.    


"If I don't ask you, you won't say?" Zi Yan became even angrier, gritted her teeth and said, "You, you just wait for me!"    


With that, she hung up.    


"She's got a bad temper."    


Zhang Han didn't mind. He stretched lazily, feeling the tiredness that he hadn't felt in a long time. He walked to his bedroom and pulled his daughter into his arms to sleep. During this time, he muttered:    


"Maybe she is during the menstrual period."    


On the other side, underneath Zhang Han's apartment building in Shang Jing.    


"Aooo ?" Zhou Fei yawned and said: "Sis, he ran to Xiangjiang, so what should we do now? Book a plane ticket back to Xiangjiang?"    


When it came to matters concerning her daughter, Zi Yan had always been decisive. Although it was already late in the night, she had no doubt that Zi Yan would act as if she was rushing back in the middle of the night.    


"Forget it, let's find a hotel to rest first. We'll go back tomorrow." Zi Yan shook her head.    


On the way to the hotel, Zi Yan was in a trance.    


'He's willing to leave Shang Jing? '    


Regarding Zhang Han, this child's father, Zi Yan had also been paying attention to him over the years. Of course she had some friends in Shang Jing, after asking around a little, she knew about how this impoverished young master Zhang Han?s life was, and no wonder she knew why Zhang Han was adamant about not leaving Zi Yan.    


'Perhaps it's because of my daughter.    


'Did he choose to go to Xiangjiang because of me? '    


Thinking up to this point, Zi Yan's emotions were unexplainable and became slightly flustered.    




The next morning, Zhang Han was still sleeping soundly when Mengmeng woke him up with another cry.    


"What's the matter, Mengmeng?"    


Zhang Han shook his head and picked up the princess. "Did you dream again?"    


Mengmeng did not reply. She was just crying.    


After a long while, Zhang Han finally understood what the problem was.    


It turned out that the little girl had peed on the bed and her nappies were about to be drenched.    


"Daddy will help you change your pants, stop crying." Zhang Han hurriedly helped the little girl change her clothes hastily.    


He poured a glass of milk for the little princess, and only after drinking it did she gradually stop crying. Seeing the little princess being bashful and shy, Zhang Han immediately understood what was going on.    


She said in amusement, "Mengmeng, you're not even four yet. It's normal for you to pee on your bed when you're under five."    


"En ~" Mengmeng twisted her body.    


"Haha ?" Zhang Han smiled as he patted the little princess' head and said, "Daddy is bringing you out to play today, so let's go..." "Disney."    


"Huh?" Meng Meng was momentarily stunned. She put down the bottle and clapped happily. "Alright, alright, let's go play at Disney."    


"Let's go wake Aunt up." Zhang Han carried Meng Meng to the door of the second bedroom.    


Under Zhang Han's theory of courage, Mengmeng cried out:    


"Aunt, Aunt, the sun is already shining on your butt and you still haven't woken up. How lazy are you!" We will go out and play ourselves if you don't get up. "    


At the sound of the little princess' call, Zhang Li woke up. She took a look at the clock, and saw that it was only eight o'clock. She sighed in frustration.    


After cleaning everything up, Zhang Li opened the door and walked out. Seeing Zhang Han and Mengmeng were having fun on the sofa, she rolled her eyes at Zhang Han and said,    


"Bro, it's only eight o'clock."    


"What does that 'only' mean? You still have to sleep at eight o'clock? Quickly go wash yourself up, we'll go to Disney later. " Zhang Han urged.    


"Alright, alright, alright, I'll hurry up." Zhang Li curled her lips.    


Zhang Li washed her face and rinsed her mouth. Just as she was about to leave, she looked at the little princess who was dressed very lightly. She shook her head and said, "No, brother, you have to bring Mengmeng a coat."    


"What for?" Zhang Han was confused.    


The temperature of Xiangjiang was still quite high. Even if it was autumn in October, walking on the road you would still feel hot and sweaty.    


"Aren't we going to Disney? Disney indoor temperature is very low, and outdoor temperature is high, what if that abrupt change in temperature cause Mengmeng cold? "Bro, you're already a dad, you have to pay attention to the common sense." Zhang Li said.    


"Oh, yes." Zhang Han nodded his head and went back into the room to get Meng Meng a cartoon coat.    


It had to be said that women were always more attentive than men.    


After a simple breakfast in the restaurant, Zhang Han and his daughter started their first journey.    


Zhang Han had never been to Fragrant River's Disney before, so Zhang Li had taken on the role of host. In the most common of terms, she was a laborer.    


At the Disney Gate, Zhang Han stood in the shade with the little princess in his arms, while Zhang Li waited in line to buy tickets under the sunlight.    


Disney was, after all, one of the top amusement parks in the world. Although there were no Ferris Wheels which was more common, there were more playful devices for children. Fairy-tale theme playgrounds were loved by children.    


However, Mengmeng was still only three years old and less than a meter tall. There were many projects that she could not play.    


"Wow, so many people. Dad, look at that balloon. It's so big, look over there, look over there ?"    


Mengmeng giggled happily as she glanced around happily.    


Stepping in Disney, you could see the North American Lane Town.This was actually a shopping street with souvenir shops on both sides. Zhang Han didn't want to waste time here, so he waved for Zhang Li to take a few photos of him and Mengmeng.    


After taking the photo, they went straight to the second stop, Grizzly Bear Valley.    


"Dad?" Mengmeng's face was aggrieved as she pointed at the roller coaster and said pitifully, "Why can't I play that?"    


"Because Mengmeng is too young right now. You'll be able to play when you reach 1.0m." Zhang Li smiled as she pinched Mengmeng's cheek.    



Since the roller coaster couldn't be played, they could only go to the Fountain Valley and take a few pictures before going to the third station, Bewitching Manor.    


"Dad, I'm afraid ?"    


Mengmeng squeezed into Zhang Han's arms, her big eyes secretly observing the surroundings.    


The Bewitching Manor's craftsmanship was excellent, and the effect was very good. The little princess was slightly frightened by the cold atmosphere.    


"Then let's go somewhere else to play."    


Zhang Han smiled and walked to the fantasy garden with the little princess in his arms. This was also a place for taking photos, so walking around was boring for him.    


"It's almost 12 o'clock. Let's go explore the world. At 12 o'clock, there will be a celebration performance of the Lion King." Zhang Li looked at her watch and said.    


'Beginning... Go!" The little princess raised her hand.    


It was still 5 minutes before 12 o'clock when Zhang Han arrived at the third row by the corridor with Mengmeng in his arms.    


Looking at the cute actors in fairy tales, Mengmeng was excited in her father's arms!    


The actors were all performing in English, so Zhang Han, as an outsider of English, was barely able to understand some simple words.    


On the other hand, Mengmeng, born in North America, was very adaptable to the spoken English.    


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