Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Looking at the clean room, Zhang Han nodded in satisfaction.    


The room pattern is three rooms and one hall, facing the south and south, with a large living room and an open kitchen.     


The decoration of all these rooms -- the living room, the bathroom and the bedroom -- were extremely luxurious. German imported stone floor, exquisite roof, modern style kitchen, etc. Even it had been seven years, the decoration was still very satisfying.    


Zhang Han looked around and felt exhausted. He was a mortal now, so losing too much blood had a huge impact on him. However, he would be able to recover perfectly once he planted the Thunder Sun Tree and reached the Qi Disciple stage.    


He laid on the sofa and turned on the TV. After watching for a very few minutes, he fell asleep.    




Chinese Entertainment Company, Artist Director Meiqi's office.    


"Miss Mei."    


Just as Zi Yan knocked on the door and walked in, she took a glance at Young Master Li Cheng who was sitting beside Mei Qi. Then she nodded to Mei Qi and said:    


"I thought about it and decided to release an album first."    


"Oh." Mei Qi leaned back in her office chair; her expression not as enthusiastic as a few years ago. She said lightly, "It's good that you think this way. After all, you haven't appeared for five years, so I don't know how the fans felt about you. So it's necessary to release an album and see the reaction of your fans."    


"Sis, last week you said that there were ten exquisite songs in the library of our company, and I could be allowed to choose four of them. In this afternoon I want to ?" Zi Yan went straight to the point.    


"That was last week!" Before she finished speaking, Meiqi waved her hand and interrupted, "Little Yan, you also know that the resources of our company are not enough for the artists to share. Right now, eight of those ten songs are already reserved by other people, and the remaining two can be given to you. But the album needs to be at least ten pieces, so you have to choose the other eight pieces from the ordinary songs."    


As soon as this reply came out, Zi Yan was stunned, and she felt a little disappointed.    


For the five years she made her debut, it can be said that she was totally trained by Mei Qi. The two of them had a good relationship. Mei Qi quite took care of her, and whenever the company received a fine song, she would immediately let her choose it. Mei Qi even went to find some famous lyrics and songs just for her.    


However, now that she was back at the company, not only did Mei Qi not ask about it, she even scolded Zhou Fei harshly for coming here a few times to ask for resources, as if she had turned into a different person.    


Zi Yan didn't blame her, because her departure from this company at that time truly had some influence on Mei Qi.    


But she still felt a sense of loss in his heart. Just as she was about to open her mouth to accept, Li Cheng said earlier:    


"Mei Qi, Zi Yan is your former gold medal artist, how can you go back on your promise? Just directly ask Zi Yan to choose four out of the ten exquisite songs. "    


With that, the expression of Mei Qi changed -- she was embarrassed.    


Zi Yan also looked at Li Cheng.    


This Young Master Li was a typical rich second generation. His father, Li Hai, was a member of the board of directors of the Royal Entertainment Company. Without an occupation in the company, Li Cheng still held a quite high position.    


Li Cheng was 1.8 meters tall and had a well-proportioned body. His handsome appearance allowed him to be like a fish in water when it comes to flirting with girls. His appearance also fit with the aesthetic standards of most girls. It's just that his private life is erosive. It was said that many entertainers in the company have had an affair with him.    


Just based on this point, Zi Yan could not accept his help. Moreover, putting all that aside, Zi Yan also had a daughter now. Especially, the relationship between she and Zhang Han was still somewhat unclear. Before she could figure out her relationship with Zhang Han, she did not plan to look for the other half.    


"This ?"    


Mei Qi's face showed her awkwardness and hesitation, but in the end, it turned into a helpless tone: "Since Young Master Li has spoken, of course I can't reject. Zi Yan, you have to thank Young Master Li properly, yet I heard that you broke your promise yesterday."    


Zi Yan's expression didn't change, her cold face made it hard for others to see what she was thinking. After hearing what was said, she stood up and nodded slightly to Li Cheng, saying:    


"Thank you for Young Master Li's kindness, but I don't want to break the company's rules, so let's just follow what Miss Mei said. I'm going to pick up the songs."    


After saying that, Zi Yan walked out on her high heels. She did not want to accept Li Cheng's purposeful help. Although accepting it could make her be allowed to ascend to the throne, she disdained doing so.    


"Hehehe ?"    


Li Cheng smiled faintly as he looked at Zi Yan, who was walking away along the corridor outside the window. A playful smile appeared in his eyes.    


"Humph!" "Don't know what's good for you." Mei Qi frowned and sneered, "Does she really think she is still as popular as she were years ago? How can an overbearing celebrity be so easy to make a comeback? "    


"Don't mention it, and I like her personality. The more arrogant she is, the more I want to conquer her!" Li Cheng lightly shook his head.    


"Should we make her suffer first? Someone like her can only be obedient after seeing through reality. " she asked.    


"Sure." Li Cheng nodded.    


"I won't give her a single one of the ten exquisite pieces. I'll just find two songs from the library to make them for her. As for the rest, she can pick them herself." Maggie snorted.    


Actually, she hadn't arranged these ten exquisite songs for anyone else yet, and what she did was just because of the indication that Li Cheng had given her earlier. What was his purpose in doing this ? It goes without saying.    


Zi Yan walked all the way back to her office, and no one greeted her. She even heard a few whispers about "has been", but Zi Yan ignored them all. The coldness on her face was like a protective umbrella, so no one would be able to tell how tired or how helpless she was.    


"Sister Yan, how is it? Did Mei Qi give you the exquisite songs? " After Zi Yan entered the office, Zhou Fei quickly stood up and asked.    


"Only two." Zi Yan shook her head.    


"Two?" Zhou Fei raised an eyebrow and said angrily: "How can you release an album with two high quality items?" We needed at least four of them! I think that old witch did it on purpose. "    


"Fei Fei, don't talk nonsense. There are only two out of the ten exquisite songs left." Zi Yan sat on the sofa and sighed softly.    


"How is this possible? Why haven't I heard of anyone taking the exquisite songs? I think she just doesn't want to give those to you! " Zhou Fei shouted.    


"Don't talk this anymore. Let's go downstairs for lunch and choose songs in the afternoon." Zi Yan stood up and said.    


Zhou Fei followed Zi Yan angrily downstairs to the restaurant, eating a simple lunch before hurrying upstairs.    


They went to the song selection department, where the two rows of small rooms were located. Each room had a computer and a high-quality loudspeaker box.    


Just as they reached the corridor, the door of the first room was suddenly opened, and three people walked out. The one in the lead was a tall and slender woman who wore a skimpy V-neck dress.    


When the woman saw Zi Yan, a trace of pride flashed across her face as she said in a strange tone:    


"Oh, isn't that the great star Zi Yan? Didn't you already move on to the film industry? Why are you here to pick a song? "    


"Xu Ruo Yu, what we want to do doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right? Why are you everywhere? " Zhou Fei retorted snappily.    


Xu Ruo Yu was a third-rate singer that was raised by the company. She was a little popular, her sight was high on top, and she had an ambiguous relationship with Li Cheng.    



In the past, small characters like her would always address them respectfully as Sister Yan and Sister Fei. How could they be as weird as they are now?    


"It doesn't matter." One of the girls next to Xu Ruo Yu sneered and said, "But ? It seems like some people are so poor in popularity right now that the company doesn't even bother to nurture them. Of the ten exquisite songs this time, Sister Mei gave eight of them directly to Ruo Yu. You can listen to the two leftovers carefully, I guess those are your best choice. "    


"Hehe, people with ugly looks really need to use the quantity of exquisite songs to make up for her appearance." Zhou Fei said mercilessly.    


"What did you say?" Xu Ruo Yu's eyes widened!    


"Fei Fei, let's go." Zi Yan's expression kept cold all the time. She indifferently glanced at Xu Ruo Yu, then walked past them and headed inside.    


"Humph!" Xu Ruo Yu snorted lightly, and without turning her head, she said: "Zi Yan, let me remind you, today is the first of September, and my album will be released on the 15th. You'd better miss that time, otherwise, with your standards, you will fall to the bottom."    


When Zi Yan heard this, she stopped and turned her head, saying coldly, "Oh, thank you for your reminder."    


After saying that, she entered a room with Zhou Fei.    


"What kind of people are they? Seeing her behavior like that makes me sick! " Zhou Fei said angrily.    


Although Zi Yan was expressionless, her tone was slightly heavier as she said, "Pick the songs."    


She turned on the computer and logged into the company's software account. She also saw the two exquisite songs that Mei Qi had left for her.    


After clicking on the first song, the two of them entered their working state and started listening carefully.    




After listening to this song, Zhou Fei couldn't help but slam the table and said angrily: "This song is also called 'Exquisite'?" Did the old witch sincerely want to make things difficult for you? "Since when did the company's best songs become so bad?"    


At this time, Zi Yan did not say anything, and silently agreed to this statement. With a sigh, she tapped on the second song.    


However, the second song was still unsatisfactory. These two songs were only slightly better than the worst songs in the music library. If they were to be forcefully compared, then even half of the best quality songs could not be found in this song.    


This result caused Zhou Fei to grit her teeth in anger, and after venting for a while, she and Zi Yan started to listen to the song one by one.    


From one o'clock in the afternoon to seven o'clock, they had heard for seven hours in total. And they listened to more than a hundred songs, but only five better songs were chosen out. Of course, those were still the imperfections.    


"Let's go back." Zi Yan looked at the clock and said.    


If she went back now, she would still be able to accompany Mengmeng. If she were any later, the little girl would have already gone to sleep.    


"How do I choose these lousy songs ?" Zhou Fei muttered with a frown on her face, then got up and packed up her things before driving out of the company.    


On the way backhome, Zi Yan, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly said:    


"Fei Fei, work hard these few days. We'll release the new album on the 15th as well!"    


"Sister Yan, you want to ?" Zhou Fei started slightly.    


Zi Yan did not answer, but looked out of the window.    


Xu Ruo Yu, won't you release your album on 15th? Didn't you give me a sarcastic provocation?    




Then I will release the album on the 15th as well!    


Zi Yan wasn't a saint, so she would definitely be angry when facing taunts. It was just that she wouldn't show the softness of her heart on her face.    


A person needs a face; a tree needs bark. Zi Yan wanted to use her own strength to prove everything!    


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