Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"What materials does the turnkey have?" Zhang Han asked casually.    


Back then, he had also known something about the decorations. Although he didn't know much, he wouldn't be fooled like a person who couldn't see through anything.    


"Our company has stores in the Xilong Decoration Market and also has a cooperative relationship with many international brand stores, so we have the decorative materials for whatever price you want, Mr. Zhang. The price will also be more affordable than what you can buy by yourself." Zhao Kai answered honestly.    


Generally, they were mutually beneficial in this kind of situation. Their company would take out the materials at wholesale prices and sell them to the buyers, saving them a bit of money.    


Of course, this was also related to the company's quality. If the company took out some fake material, the buyers would suffer a lot.    


"Then I'll choose the turnkey." Zhang Han nodded and said.    


Zhao Kai's smile became even more enthusiastic as he took the iPad from the young man beside him. He opened the photo album and said, "I wonder what kind of decorations Mr. Zhang would like. There are examples of the decorations from our company and you can take a look first. After we back to the company, we'll draw some pictures for you to choose according to your intention.?    


Zhang Han started to look at the pictures on the iPad, while Manager Ma answered a call and left.    


After watching for a while, Zhang Han also had his own idea. He was going to renovate the first floor into a warm, family-style store, rather than a commercial store.    


The layout of the first floor was very simple, with only the stairs on the left to the second floor and the bathroom on the right. The rest was a square hall, and the door is in the middle of the south, with a wide landing window on its both sides.    


Zhang Han pondered for a moment and then spoke out his idea.    


Slightly in the middle, to make the east side of the wall a TV wall, in front of the sofa and coffee table.    


This allowed Meng Meng to wait for her dad to cook while watching TV. The kitchen was located in the center wall of the west wing, so he needed a zigzag shaped open kitchen. The stove was placed horizontally so that he could cook while looking at Meng Meng.    


Outside the television, he planned to make a small stage. Zhang Han was preparing to put a piano there and teach Meng Meng how to play the piano, which was also not bad. On one side of the piano, which next to the door, there would be a small card table and a laptop. And a high-pitched stereo would be installed around the small stage, so he can play some songs to listen to while eating..    


A small round table and four spherical chairs would be placed on one side of the sofa near the window and they were for drinking and eating. And another table was put on the other side, and the table should be decorated. The space above the table was belong to a crystal chandelier.    


"Mr. Zhang, according to what you have said, there won?t be a great amount of work and the renovation also won?t be very troublesome."    


Zhao Kai called up the calculator on his phone and said,    


I will figure out the cost of the specific items you have said. The floor tiles, the wall tiles for the kitchen, a small integrated ceiling on one side of the kitchen, the other ceiling design, one TV wall design, the design for other walls, one small stage, plus other decorations and cabinets. All the cost of the items above, the cost of removing the original decorations and the cost of renovating the second floor, not counting the cost of materials, it will cost a hundred and fifty thousand yuan.    


"How long will it take to finish the renovation?" Zhang Han asked.    


"Twenty days or so." Zhao Kai pondered for a moment before replying.    


"One week!" Zhang Han raised a finger and said in a low voice, "Finish the renovation within a week, then I will pay you three hundred thousand!"    




Zhao Kai thought he did not hear it clearly. He was stunned for a moment and then overjoyed, nodding as he said, "Yes, yes, we will finish it within a week. Mr Zhang, please pay the deposit. It?s three o'clock now, and I will call the staff come here to remove the original decorations.     




Zhang Han signed the contract with him and transferred 300,000 yuan to him.    


Zhao Kai called the staff, and in less than half an hour, five workers arrived at the door in two small trucks.    


"Mr Zhang, I wonder how to deal with these tables and chairs ?" Zhao Kai asked hesitantly.    


"Deal with it as you wish." Zhang Han waved his hand.    


Zhao Kai smiled. These tables and chairs, as well as other miscellaneous items, could be sold for two to three thousand each. That could be a kind of extra income.    


"Mr. Zhang, I'll have someone to draw the blueprint now. Tonight, you can choose the 3d drawing. Tomorrow, we can begin the construction." Zhao Kai said with a smile.    


"I'll give you a simple drawing first. You can follow my instructions."    


Zhang Han knew how to decorate the house, so he took the pen and paper that Zhao Kai handed to him. Zhang Han started to draw according to the pattern in his heart. What he drew is general, but the specific shape details of it could also be seen clearly.    


After looking through Zhang Han's drawing, Zhao Kai's mouth twitched slightly.    


It seemed that the carpenter was going to have to suffer. It was unknown how he came up with these exquisite diagrams. They were extremely harmonious and beautiful, especially the roof and the small three-dimensional wall surrounding the dining table. Those were a bit too complicated.    


"Besides I want to make an emerald lotus ornament for the TV's background wall. The petals will intersect in pink and white." Zhang Han added.    


"Emerald ? Lotus ? for the TV's background wall?" Zhao Kai's eyes were wide open as he struggled to utter those words.    


At first, Zhang Han thought that the amount of construction work was small, but now, it seemed that things had gone beyond his expectations. According to what Zhang Han said, the amount of construction work had gone straight up in leaps and bounds, and was not just a small amount of construction work!    


Just this background wall was enough to give him a headache. Moreover, this background wall would cost at least a million dollars!    


"This... "Mr. Zhang." Zhao Kai said with a wry smile, "According to your plan, I estimate that seven days would not be enough!"    


"Oh?" Zhang Han's expression remained unchanged as he said lightly, "Then I'll pay you five hundred thousand."    


Not enough? Then add money.    


Zhao Kai was stunned when he heard this. He was pleasantly surprised, but at the same time, he was also deeply moved. This was the first time he had encountered someone like him ? an eccentric customers.    


Some customers also gave tips, but not many. It was really the first time he had met someone like Zhang Han who doubled the labor fee with a few words!    


"Alright, I'll guarantee it will be completed within seven days." Zhao Kai took a deep breath and gave his assurance. He had already planned to double the number of manpower to help this outspoken boss 24 hours a day renovate his house.    


"Mr. Zhang, time is of the essence. Do you have any options for the floor tiles, wall tiles, roof materials and other accessories? How about you and I go to Xilong Decoration Market and pick some out?" Zhao Kai instructed the young man beside him to quickly draw the map, then he turned to Zhang Han and said.    


Zhang Han nodded and went with him to the Xilong Decoration Market. The first shop they went to was the tile shop of the international high-end brand Delacroix, and Zhang Han was quite satisfied with what they saw and directly ordered.    


The floor tiles were selected from the Moka Palace Series's antique brick, 2500 yuan per square meter, plus brick walls, footwork, etc., the total cost was over 490,000 yuan?the roof modeling materials, cement sand and all the other supplementary materials cost almost 300,000 yuan. The high price was because the raw materials chosen by Zhang Han were all high-end, non-formaldehyde, environmentally friendly materials, and Zhang Han could directly move in after the house was renovated.    


It took them less than an hour to finish buying all these. Seeing that they still had some time, Zhao Kai asked.    


"Mr. Zhang, how about we go to the furniture market and check out the oil hood, sofa and other furniture? When the time comes, we can directly help with the installation. "    


"Sure." Zhang Han nodded.    


The two went straight to the nearby furniture market to start a new round of consumption.    



The sofa in front of the TV was a white high-end leather sofa with a crescent-shaped shape. It was four meters long and it wasn't expensive. It was only forty thousand yuan, not expensive!    


It was much easier to choose the TV, coffee table and chairs. The total cost for the upstairs and downstairs was 500,000 yuan, including the bathtub, the smart toilet, the fully intelligent washing machine, the four doors of the refrigerator, as well as air conditioning and air purifiers.    


Just as he finished buying the items and was about to leave, Zhao Kai suddenly recalled something.    


"Mr. Zhang, isn't this the dining hall? There seems to be no place for guests. "    




Zhang Han was stunned. He had also forgotten about this matter. After thinking for a while, he said:    


"There should be a small space on the right side of the window. Three small tables should be enough."    


When Zhao Kai heard this, his mouth could not help but twitch. He felt like this was not opening a restaurant. This was simply a joke!    


So Zhang Han bought three more tables and six more chairs and spent him... A thousand dollars.    


It was for outsiders anyway, so being clean was enough.    


These items they bought all had Zhao Kai's phone calls. Zhao Kai very seriously took pictures of every piece of furniture in all directions in order to go back in the evening and compose the pictures. At the same time, he also guaranteed to give Zhang Han a brand-new restaurant within a week.    


Zhao Kai checked the information with Zhang Han in the car as they went downstairs.    


Zhao Kai suddenly remembered that they hadn?t bought a piano, so he asked,    


"Mr. Zhang, what kind of piano do you want? I have a friend who works at a piano store.    


"Piano ?"    


Zhang Han pondered for a moment; he exactly knew something about the piano. Zhang Han had learned piano from a young age, and he has made a piano by himself as he was bored after he started cultivating. He occasionally played it during the 500 years. With such a long exposure, he already had a deep understanding of the piano, no, it should be regarded as the understanding of piano music.    


As for the piano brand, Zhang Han was not going to buy the cheap. Some people said that whether the piano was good or not depended on the timbre rather than the value, but in Zhang Han's opinion, this was just nonsense. Not to mention the principle of paying every cent, the quality of expensive piano was much better. How can the poor life have quality?    


For example, Zhang Han's seven-colored zither used for cultivation, which used the top materials in the cultivation world. Zhang Han still remembered when he was playing the Canon of Changes on a planet, the sound intoxicated the entire planet. And if Zhang Han thought about it, the sound could even turn into a sound of death, instantly killing the lives in this planet.    


It went too far.    


After muttering to himself irresolutely, Zhang Han said:    


"Buy a Steinway O model grand piano."    


"Alright." Zhao Kai did not know much about the piano. He nodded and called his friends. A minute later.    


"Pfft ? How much?" Zhao Kai raised his voice. After which, he looked at Zhang Han with a slightly dazed expression, his lips moving as he spat out a sentence.    


"Mr. Zhang, the piano that you said should be one million and one hundred thousand yuan. I guarantee that it's a product imported from the original."    


"Alright." Zhang Han nodded.    


The price of 1.1 million was also the market price, so Zhang Han decided to book it. After handing the keys to the restaurant to Zhao Kai, Zhang Han found a hotel and prepared to stay there.    


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