Godly Stay-Home Dad



0After the Thunder Sun Tree grew, its roots occupied the entire New Moon Mountain, but at this time, the rehabilitation of the territory had just begun.    


In a small space of the center of the New Moon Mountain, there was a pool of spiritual water that Zhang Han needed.    


Thus, the roots of the Thunder Sun Tree constantly trembled, as if they had turned into a flailing octopus claw.    


These roots moved this small space directly below the Thunder Sun Tree. The other roots on the ground swept and trembled, as if they were opening a tunnel. Within the New Moon Mountain, they created a corridor shaped space.    


And the location of this Spirit Pool was like a dot in the middle of a small circle.    




The branch of the Thunder Sun Tree plunged into the spirit water and absorbed all of it.    


The next moment, streams of water were released from the roots in the cave.    


The water, was all spirit water! In an instant, the cave was filled up. And at the root of the Thunder Sun Tree, drops of water slowly dripped down. The drop of water was milky-white and crystal clear.    


The water was the Grade One Spiritual Treasure, Pure Yang Water!    




Zhang Han mumbled a word.    


Immediately, the Thunder Sun Tree began to operate. At the summit of the New Moon Mountain, all the precipitous terrain rose upwards, and only stopped after the flatness had reached a moderate degree.    


Around the New Moon Mountain, the ground trembled, and three places that surrounded by the mountain rose up, forming a small precipice three meters high.    


The direction near the New Moon Bay, where near the road, stayed the same.    


The reason why he built this cliff was to prevent others from climbing it!    


The New Moon Mountain has already been occupied by me, and you still want to climb it? Go play somewhere else!    


After the appearance modification was completed, all that was left was the details.    


Zhang Han closed his eyes and pressed his palm against the Thunder Sun Tree. He could feel everything on the New Moon Mountain.    


A blade of grass, a piece of wood, a piece of sand, and a piece of stone. All in his mind.    


The current situation at the New Moon Mountain was that there are many complicated trees and few open spaces.    


But it didn't matter. Zhang Han used his own consciousness to transform the surface of the New Moon Mountain through the power of the Thunder Sun Tree.    


In the center, the ground kept rolling and trees kept moving towards all directions.    


A moment later, a large open space appeared in the middle of the New Moon Mountain, and the trees in the surroundings seemed like a wall. It was extremely crowded, especially on the side close to the main road, where there were so many trees that it looked like a city wall.    


In the direction of the three sides around the mountain, the distance between the trees was also very short. Moreover, under Zhang Han's control, the branches of the various trees extended downwards, forming a net. From the outside of the New Moon Mountain, even if some people could climb up the three-meter-high cliff, facing this messy and hard branch, it would still take them some time to climb the mountain.    


Also, even though the trees were gathered at the edge and they were relatively dense, which normally wouldn't be beneficial for the trees to grow, it wouldn't be a problem to compress the distance between the trees in the New Moon Mountain, which resulted from the nourishment of the spiritual earth.    


However, if the trees were more concentrated, the mountain would be less beautiful.    


If this change was seen by anyone, there would be a cry of alarm for the heavens and earth and for the gods and ghosts.    


Although no one had seen it, a dog was at this New Moon Mountain.    


It was the iron-clad golden dog that had come into contact with Zhang Han.    


Seeing the trees around it moving, the dog was scared silly and stood on the spot, shivering.    


It was some time before the movement of the trees came to an end. Standing in the clearing, it saw Zhang Han beneath the huge tree at the top of the mountain.    


'It's him? '    


The dog had a good memory. It recognized Zhang Han at a glance and walked over stealthily.    


He walked to a spot around 10 meters away and sat down, curiously looking at Zhang Han.    


As for the arrival of the dog, Zhang Han was of course aware of it, but he did not pay attention to it, and continued to reform the New Moon Mountain.    


The rough outline had been shaped, leaving only the division of the area.    


There were not only towering trees on the New Moon Mountain, but also many flowers and plants. There were even some holly trees that were used as fences in the urban district!    


In the city, holly trees were the most common sight. There were even some on the side of the road. The holly trees were smaller in size and about a meter tall. The holly trees in the city are trimmed square and look comfortable.    


Upon seeing this, Zhang Han planned to use the holly trees to separate the different regions.    


But... There were too few holly trees.    


It didn't matter!    


With the Thunder Sun Tree, it would be a piece of cake for the tiny holly tree to grow while he was in control of the energy released by his territory.    




Zhang Han mumbled under his breath.    


Instantly, all the weeds in the open ground were uprooted and swept away by a gust of wind. It was like a tornado of grass, and in a few breaths, all of the weeds were cleared away.    




A few holly trees flew into the air and landed according to Zhang Han's perception. The holly trees grew out one by one, like the dominoes. It extended into different regions, forming three large regions at the back of the mountain.    


In the direction that Zhang Han was facing was the planting area on the left, the poultry area in the center, and the pet area on the right.    


the mountain, such as the redbud flower, a few roses, peonies, and some yellow and white intersecting eggplant, were all moved to the left side of the front mountain.    


The power of the Thunder Sun Tree was limited. Therefore, the first modification could only finish the rear mountain. The front mountain could only wait for the second modification before it began to work.    



Originally, the second modification would have taken at least two or three years, but with the nourishment of the Pure Yang Water, it would only be a short period of time. It wouldn't even take five years for the Thunder Sun Tree to grow.    


This was good news for Zhang Han.    


"Clear herb!"    


Zhang Han kept his hand on the Thunder Sun Tree as he spat out three words.    


All of a sudden, from the leaves of the Thunder Sun Tree, seeds of the clear herb were scattered all over the place. Other than in the growing area, they were all scattered all over the place.    


Clear herb, as the name implies, was a very common herb in the cultivation world. It wasn't growing too big, just like the grass on a football field. Clear herb could release a sweet fragrance and improve the air quality of the territory; its function was equivalent to a natural air purifier!    


It couldn't even be considered as a Rank 1 Soul Treasure. However, Zhang Han had placed some in the Thunder Sun Tree and planted them neatly every time he occupied a piece of territory.    


It was obvious that the use of clear herbs was not low at the moment.    


After the herbs were grown, Zhang Han placed the Yuan Qing Tree more than ten meters away from the side of the Thunder Sun Tree.    


The Yuan Qing Tree was still a small tree, just like a small poplar. According to its growing speed, it would be able to grow some Yuan Qing Fruits in a year's time. By then, he would be able to reach the Gongji Realm.    


He could release spiritual energy from the outside after reaching the Gongji Realm, and use some of his abilities. At that time, he would be able to gain a foothold on Earth.    


"Right, I need to grow the Heaven Fragrant Wood too."    


Zhang Han suddenly remembered.    


He then circled the Yuan Qing Tree with the holly tree, placing the Heaven Fragrant Wood inside.    


The Heaven Fragrant Wood was a part of tree trunk, which could be used for both small and large purposes.    


The reason why it was small was because the Heaven Fragrant Wood could only be used to make dishes, and the reason it had a great effect was that the dishes cooked with it were indeed fragrant!    


Leave the details here. Zhang Han planned to separate the three areas after he had finished these work.    


"The planting area is temporarily divided into crops and orchards. The few fruit tree seedlings that I have collected are temporarily not able to to be planted. They absorb too much energy, so I'll first leave the area for them."    


As Zhang Han pondered, the holly tree grew again, splitting the growing area in half.    


"What about the crops? There are rice, wheat, corn, soybeans, broad beans, and so on. All right, I will plant rice and wheat first.?    


The tree worked again, and at the back of the growing area, the ground rose to form a field of rice.    


"Right, the vegetable area should be separated as well."    


The holly tree grew again, cutting off the vegetable area.    


There were even more varieties of vegetables. At the very least, every kind of them had to be fed to Mengmeng. With the vegetables grown at the New Moon Mountain, Zhang Han simply wouldn?t allow Mengmeng to be picky about the food.    


"The nutrition must be balanced!"    


Zhang Han was satisfied with the area he had split into.    


Next was the poultry area.    


"A pond will be needed for raising fish; Mengmeng also needs to drink milk and have some chicken, duck, fish, and mutton, then the small size of the poultry and the medium-sized and large-sized areas should be divided. "    


Along with Zhang Han's thoughts, the holly tree continued to grow, splitting off the areas one by one.    


On the innermost side, the ground of the pond area caved in, forming a five-meter-deep pond area. In the poultry area, there were also three-meter-deep ponds for poultry and livestock to drink water and swim.    


"In the pet area, I can only think of some cute cats and dogs that can play with Mengmeng, so I'll forget about tigers and lions. And I?ll just make a pond first."    


The pet area was relatively simple, as it had a rectangular pond.    


After the subdivision was completed, a look of satisfaction flashed across Zhang Han's face.    


Although it wasn't the best, this was the only option for now.    


"And also, I have to make a shelter for them."    


Zhang Han had almost forgotten about this. The power of the Thunder Sun Tree once again activated. The towering trees in the distance rose up from the ground, rising into the air. Pieces of wood flew everywhere, turning into wooden planks.    


They landed in each area and congregated into several houses.    


The house of the chicken was a chicken rack, which was half a meter above the ground. The wild grass that was thrown out was brought back and placed in every nest. If there was some wild grass, the chicken could make a small nest.    


The ducks, geese, and others all had their own individual house, situated in an area near the forest. They looked rather neat, with rows of houses like separate villas. Of course, there also were some for the cats and dogs.    


"It's neat, but it doesn't seem to be beautiful enough." Zhang Han pondered for a moment.    


Once again, he controlled the small houses with his will. Green leaves covered the houses, which made them look like the ones that were made of piles of leaves. The function of the leaves was not only to look beautiful, but also to prevent the rain from soaking the wooden planks below.    


"This time is about right."    


Zhang Han smiled and took a deep breath.    




The Thunder Sun Tree gave off a dull sound. More than half of the spirit water in the cave was absorbed by the tree.    


On the leaves of the Thunder Sun Tree, drops of water enveloped the entire New Moon Mountain.    


It was like a light rain. At the same time, waves of energy from the Thunder Sun Tree had been washing over the New Moon Mountain until the land was turned into spiritual soil.    


On the ground of the surrounding area, the clear herbs were broken through the soil. Aside from the growing area, all of them were covered in green.    


Instantly, the New Moon Mountain was brimming with vitality!    


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