Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"Mama called him and asked."    


Zi Yan's was barely holding Meng Meng with her left hand, and her left hand was rummaging through her bag for her phone.    


"Ah!" "Daddy is coming, daddy is coming."    


The little princess' eyes were very sharp. When Zhang Han walked over from the other side, the little princess immediately saw her daddy who she was thinking about day and night.    


Thus, she started twisting in Zi Yan's arms, extended her small arms, begging her father for a hug.    


"Baby girl, do you miss daddy?"    


Zhang Han sprinted two steps forward and took hold of her little princess in one swift motion. He held her in his arms and said with a smile.    


"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Meng Meng gave Zhang Han a light kiss on the cheek.    


"How much do you miss daddy?" Zhang Han laughed.    


"I miss you so much." Meng Meng put her cute little arms around Zhang Han's neck, and her little face was pressed against Zhang Han's cheek.    


"Hahaha ?" Zhang Han laughed heartily and waved the three admission tickets in his right hand. "I've bought the tickets. Let's go inside."    


"Okay, okay, go inside and play. I want to ride the very, very high Ferris Wheel." Meng Meng waved her hands happily.    


Zhang Han took a glance at Zi Yan, who was silent at the side. She was wearing a pair of large sunglasses, so he could not see her expression.    


However, when Zhang Han spoke to her, his tone was not as gentle as it was when he was talking to Meng Meng. His voice became slightly cold as he said, "Let?s go inside."    


After that, he carried Meng Meng inside.    


Zi Yan paused for a moment, and then felt angry.    


What did you mean? How could you just speak to me in such an indifferent tone?    


Although my outfit wasn?t as beautiful as before, I was still a real beauty! Were you blind? How couldn?t you praise me at all?    


"Humph!" "Blind, crude, pig-headed!" Zi Yan snorted lightly and followed them.    


Xiangjiang Ocean Park was a world-class theme park with a collection of sea and land animals, mobile games and large-scale performances. It was also one of the most popular and most highly trafficked theme parks in the world.    


It and Disney were two unique places to enjoy entertainment in Xiangjiang.    


"Ferris, Ferris Wheel, go ride Ferris Wheel." The little princess was clamoring to ride the Ferris Wheel.    


Every time when Mengmeng saw such a high and large Ferris Wheel on TV, she would always want to ride, but Mama never brought her to ride.    


"Alright, alright, alright. Let's go." Zhang Han said with a smile.    


Zhang Han carried Meng Meng and walked towards the direction of the Ferris Wheel, not caring if Zi Yan was following. He didn't even bother to look back.    


This kind of attitude really made Zi Yan extremely angry in her heart!    


"Ungrateful little thing!"    


Zi Yan rolled her eyes at Mengmeng in annoyance. It was one thing for her father to forget about her, but how could she forget about her mother after entering Zhang Han's embrace?    


Zi Yan was very angry, and the consequences would be severe.    


She immediately slowed down to see when they would notice her. If they didn't, hmph, just they two go and play!    


Fortunately, when they queued up, Meng Meng looked around with her big bright eyes.    


"Eh? Where is Mama? "Daddy, we lost Mama." Meng Meng said nervously, her tone was filled with urgency and fear.    


Zhang Han looked around and saw Zi Yan ten meters away.    


"We didn't lose Mama. She is over there, take a look."    


As he spoke, Zhang Han held Meng Meng over his head.    


As the Chinese saying goes, ?The higher we stand, the farther we see.? After Meng Meng was lifted up,she immediately saw Zi Yan, who was standing behind her. She shouted in her childish voice:    


"Mama, ma, I'm here, come quickly."    




Zi Yan snorted, and squeezed through the crowd.    


"I thought you forgot about Mama." Zi Yan said snappily.    


"Not at all, Mama hugs." Meng Meng stretched out her arm.    


Zi Yan held the little princess in her arms, the gloominess in her heart finally dissipating.    


After lining up, they went from the stairs to the bottom of the Ferris Wheel. Under the instructions of the staff member, the three of them quickly entered a small private room.    




The staff closed the door and the Ferris Wheel slowly left the entrance.    


The Ferris Wheel operated at a slow speed and wouldn?t stop, so people could adapt to its speed and go in and out. In the small box was a crescent-shaped chair, with a support disk in the middle. The surrounding glass was very clean, so when looking down, the clarity was very high.    


Zhang Han and Zi Yan were sitting across from each other, with Meng Meng on Zi Yan?s arms. She was looking around with her big eyes, looking very happy.    


However, as the height gradually rose and when it reached half the height, Meng Meng became a little afraid. She stopped screaming and said in a pitiful manner:    


"Afraid. So scared."    


"Mengmeng, don?t be afraid. Come, let daddy hug you." Zhang Han took Mengmeng from Zi Yan?s arms and said in a comforting tone, "Don't be afraid, it's alright. It's very safe here. Look at the scenery, the sea and the birds..."    


Zhang Han kept diverting Meng Meng's attention. At first it worked well, but just as the height was about to reach the top ?    


The wind outside the private room began to blow, causing it to sway a little. On top of it, there was the sound of turning wheels connected to the Ferris Wheel starting crackling.    


That sound could be heard clearly in the private room, making people feel like it was the private room that was weak. In this circumstance, one would subconsciously think of an unexpected situation with a cold fear in his heart.    


Even many adults would get frightened in this moment, let alone Meng Meng.    


For example, the one sitting across from Zhang Han.    


Zi Yan's eyes, which were hidden under her sunglasses, were tightly closed. She pursed her lips, grabbing the seat cushion with all her might. She was scared to death, but at this moment, no one came to comfort her.    


Zhang Han only paid attention to Meng Meng who was extremely nervous. Helplessly, he lifted his white short sleeves and covered Meng Meng's head, playing hide-and-seek with her.    


After playing for a while, Mengmeng finally regained control of herself and giggled.    


Only when the Ferris Wheel had passed through the highest section and approached the ground did Zhang Han let the little princess out and softly said:    


"Look, we're going down."    


"Wow, daddy! There are so many little ones down there!"    


"Daddy, look over there. There are so many balloons."    


"Look, daddy, look ?"    


Mengmeng forgot her previous fear and asked Zhang Han to see excitedly.    


"Hu ?"    


Zi Yan also opened her eyes, letting out a long breath, her worried heart was finally at ease.    


Unknowingly, her back was drenched in sweat. At the same time, she was also a bit dissatisfied with Zhang Han. Why did he only comfort Mengmeng and never came to care for her?    


After getting off the Ferris Wheel, Zhang Han carried the little princess to the next stop, the Ocean Wonder Aquarium.    


Here, there was the feeling of walking into the depths of the ocean from within the blue palace, making the little princess extremely happy.    


Zhang Han and Zi Yan each took a few pictures of the other person and Meng Meng. While they were taking the photos, a twenty-something girl beside them suddenly said with a smile,    


"Shall I take a picture of your whole family? It's such a pity to see that you can't get a picture together. "    


"Oh." Zi Yan, who was holding the phone, was slightly stunned, then handed the phone over.    


"Come and smile, you two can come closer together. Little Princess is so cute. Right, that's it. Alright." The woman enthusiastically took three photos.    


It seemed to be the first time they had taken a photo together.    


Zi Yan's heart was a little complicated.    


After receiving their thanks, the warm-hearted woman left.    


As they continued went ahead, the most shocking thing about the aquarium for Meng Meng was the Heaven Revolving Pool. The silver milk fish kept moving and eating inside the pool, rotating like a silver fog. It was as if they had stepped into a fantasy world.    


It was around 1 pm when they finished visiting.    


Zi Yan suggested to go to Sea Dragon King's Restaurant to eat and rest.    


Sea Dragon King's Restaurant was in the aquarium, where one could enjoy the delicacies while enjoying the underwater world.    


Looking at the surroundings, Zhang Han was considering whether he should create a real underwater park for Meng Meng in the future.    


At dinner, Zhang Han took out the bottle containing Pure Yang Water from the bag.    


"Mengmeng, drink this bottle of water." Zhang Han opened the bottle and was prepared to feed her.    


Meng Meng did not care what it was but opened her mouth to drink.    


Zi Yan was shocked, and said: "Hey! What is in it? Why are you only giving it to Mengmeng to drink? "    


"This is good stuff." Zhang Han chuckled.    


Gurgle gurgle...    


After drinking about a third of it, Meng Meng stopped drinking, patted her belly and said,    


"I'm full... full."    


"You can drink the rest." Zhang Han said as he passed the water bottle to Zi Yan.    


"Who wants to drink your damn water!" Zi Yan rejected him immediately, but her body was very obedient as she directly took the water bottle.    


When she took her first sip, Zi Yan only felt a delicate fragrance.    


This wasn?t milk?    


Zi Yan was slightly stunned, this fragrance made her unwittingly drink all the water in the bottle. Even after drinking it all, she still felt unsatisfied as she said:    


"What kind of water is this?"    


"The kind of water that is good for the body." Zhang Han coldly replied, then he carried the little princess and walked back.    


"Where are you going?" Zi Yan asked.    


"The bathroom."    


Zi Yan then wanted to ask why he was taking Meng Meng to the bathroom, but the next moment, she felt sick at her stomach and found out the reason.    


"This bastard!" Is it a laxative? "    


Zi Yao clenched her teeth, got up, and ran to the bathroom.    



Pure Yang. Water could improve a person's physique. As everyone knew, there were some parts in the body that were more or less unhealthy, such as blood thickening, kidney deficiency, impotence and premature ejaculation.    


However, Pure Yang Energy. Water could improve these unhealthy areas, making them look like new. Since there was poison in their bodies, the only way to expel the poison was to have diarrhea.    


While Zi Yan was in the bathroom, she cursed Zhang Han in her heart. She felt numb all over, even her skin was the same, she spent almost 20 minutes in the bathroom. When she washed her hands and looked in the mirror, Zi Yan's expression changed slightly.    


She had fair skin, the foundation she had put on in the morning and her two moles were all gone. It was as if she did not put on any makeup, her skin was soft and tender, as if she could squeeze out water with a pinch. And she felt refreshed. The fatigue after playing for about three hours was swept away.    


"That water... Is it really something good? "    


Zi Yan walked out of the bathroom and saw Zhang Han and Meng Meng tasting the delicious food they just brought.    


"Zhang Han, what did you just give us to drink?" Zi Yan asked after sitting down.    


"It could be considered a tonic." Zhang Han replied, "Don?t you find your skin better than before?"    


"Then why hasn't Mengmeng changed?" Zi Yan asked in puzzlement.    


"I have changed, Mengmeng has become more beautiful." Meng Meng mumbled indistinctly as she ate her delicacies.    


"Mengmeng is still young, her skin is already good. How old are you? And you always put on makeup. The foundation and other cosmetics would also harm your skin." When it came to makeup, Zhang Han sounded a little disdainful.    


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