Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"Daddy, daddy, Meng Meng is so obedient. I haven?t even kissed Auntie Fei Fei and mama. Only after taking the shower will Mengmeng let them kiss."    


Hearing Zhou Fei's words, Meng Meng suddenly remembered. After she finished speaking, she looked forward to hearing her daddy?s praise.    


In this respect, Zhang Han had never let the little princess down.    


Zhang Han said with a big smile, "Meng Meng, you're so good. Daddy will reward you with ice cream later, ok?"    


"Alright, alright, daddy is the best." Meng Meng giggled happily.    


"Zhang Han, what do you mean! This is so infuriating! " Zhou Fei stared at Zhang Tian and said: "How can you teach your child like that? I have watched Mengmeng growing up, and you have only been here for a few days, and yet you don't teach your child something good!"    


"Alright, Little Fei, hurry up and eat. Let's go to the company after dinner." Zi Yan pursed her lips and said, "And I think what Zhang Han said is quite reasonable, kissing the foundation is indeed not too good."    




Zhou Fei was startled, with her eyes wide open, and she said in an exaggerated tone: "Fine, fine, fine, your whole family work together to bully me. Sister Yan, I am wrong about you!" Zhang Han has only been here for two days, yet you're already aligning with him! "    


"What the hell are you talking about??" Zi Yan rolled her eyes.    


"Hehehehe, let's eat, let's eat!" Zhou Fei giggled as she ran towards the dining table.    


"Let's go eat dinner." Zhang Han carried Meng Meng to the dining table.    


"Daddy, that tall chair is my seat." Meng Meng pointed to the highest chair and said.    


Zhang Han placed Meng Meng on a chair to his right, preparing to feed her. Originally, this was Wang Juan's daily job, but seeing that Zhang Han was going to personally feed Meng Meng, Wang Juan smiled and went to the kitchen to clean up.    


"Mama, come sit here."    


Seeing Zi Yan sitting on the opposite side, Meng Meng was a little unhappy, so she pointed at the chair to the left and commanded.    


"Alright, alright, alright, I'll listen to you." Zi Yan smiled and took the tableware to sit on Meng Meng's left.    


She saw that the left side was her mama while the right side was daddy. She held up her small arms, looking very happy.    


"Here, Mengmeng, have some porridge, drink some milk, eat the egg yolk. You can't be picky with food. The egg yolk is the most nutritious. Don't eat pickled vegetables, it's not good to eat too much salt ?"    


Zhang Han sat on the right side of the table, but he didn't move his chopsticks. Instead, he began to feed Meng Meng first. The gentleness on his face was caught by Zi Yan.    


With her parents by her side, Mengmeng was very happy. Even the egg yolk which she disliked before, she was enjoying it.    


Furthermore, ever since she came into contact with Zhang Han, Mengmeng had also become more cheerful. Paternal love was really very important.    


Zi Yan sighed inwardly and was filled with all sorts of emotions.    


She and Zhang Han both had their own lives and social circles, so they might not be able to get together in the future. It was hard to imagine how long Meng Meng's happy time could last.    


Just thinking about it made her feel conflicted. Because at that time, Mengmeng would definitely be very sad.    


'Am I really going to be with Zhang Han? '    


She had been beset by this problem recently. Zhang Han was once a rich second generation, but now he was down and out, although Zi Yan could see his gentle side, he was still not the type of husband she wanted.    


'Love can't be done with.'    


Zi Yan shook her head once again. This kind of thing could only be done one step at a time. Moreover, she had been very busy recently and had no time to consider personal matters.    


She thought to herself, if Zhang Han knew what she was thinking, he would probably pout and say:    


'I don?t say that I want to be with you, of course you would. Besides, it's not bad if you stay with me, Immortal Monarch Han Yang? '    


However, Zhang Han did not know what Zi Yan was thinking, nor would Zi Yan share her thoughts. Who could know what would happen in the future.    


After dinner, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei stood up to leave. Today, they planned to change those songs in detail and there was a lot of work to be done. Furthermore, Zi Yan wanted to ask Mei Qi about the filming.    


After they left, the little princess was almost done eating. Zhang Han ate a few simple bites and then sat down on the sofa on the first floor with Meng Meng in his arms to rest.    


After Wang Juan had cleaned up the dining hall, she walked over and asked with a smile:    


"Where is Mr. Zhang from?"    


"I come from Shang Jing." Zhang Han replied.    


"Is Mr. Zhang used to the life here?" Wang Juan said. She knew Zi Yan used to be a superstar, so she was also a little curious about Mengmeng?s father. Although she was curious, she didn't have a high opinion of Zhang Han.    


This kind of man, who married into and live with the bride's family, she always felt that he was not very capable of making money. Since Zi Yan lived in such a big house in Xiangjiang, she must be rich, so she was still a little worried if Zhang Han was a scum who came to ask for money.    


After all, there were too many examples of this in society. However, Zhang Han seemed to be rather well-behaved at the moment. But this didn't dispel Wang Juan's wariness, so she decided to simply ask about Zhang Han's situation.    


"Not bad." Zhang Han replied coldly. He did not have any intention of chatting with Wang Juan. He picked up Meng Meng, who was watching TV on the sofa.    


"Aiya, bad daddy, Mengmeng is watching TV." Meng Meng said unhappily.    


"Mengmeng, daddy takes you out to play." Zhang Han said as he gave Meng Meng a kiss on her cheek.    




Meng Meng's eyes lit up. She stopped watching TV. She turned her head to look at Zhang Han and said happily, "Really?"    


"Daddy takes you to the paradise that we went last night, okay?" Zhang Han said softly.    


"Wow, wow, wow, wow, let's go out and play!" Meng Meng was extremely happy.    


Normally when mama was not at home, Meng Meng couldn't even go out to play and could only stay at home. The moment daddy came, he would bring her out to play, making Meng Meng admire Zhang Han much more inwardly.    


"Mwah..." Meng Meng kissed Zhang Han several times on the cheek.    


"Daddy takes you to change clothes." Zhang Han smiled and carried Meng Meng to the second floor.    


Of course you couldn?t wear pajamas when you were out playing.    



At this moment, Wang Juan, who was standing at the side, paused for a moment. Normally, she wouldn't allow people to take Mengmeng out to play when Zi Yan was not around.    


Of course, Wang Juan was an outsider herself, so she subconsciously treated Zhang Han as an outsider. After all, she was hired by Zi Yan, so she had to get Zi Yan?s permission for anything. Thus, she took out her phone, walked to the kitchen and called Zi Yan.    


"Hello, Eldest Miss. Mengmeng's dad wants to take her out to play."    


"To where?" Zi Yan was slightly stunned.    


Originally, she thought that Zhang Han would leave today. After all, he still had to work on that hill and the restaurant was still being renovated.    


Most importantly, Zi Yan felt conflicted, so she did not want Meng Meng to interact with Zhang Han every day. She was truly afraid that one day, Zhang Han would leave her with Meng Meng.    


"I don't know. He just said that he would take Mengmeng to some paradise. They've already gone upstairs to change." Wang Juan whispered.    


"To that place?" Zi Yan frowned, and said: "Why are they going there? It's rather shiny and windy today, let Zhang Han go by himself. Alright, Aunt Wang, I'm going to work. That will be all for now.?    


With that, Zi Yan hung up and walked straight to Mei Qi's office.    


On the other side.    


Zhang Han had changed Meng Meng into a set of clothes. She was wearing a thin coat with short sleeves and blue jeans.    


"Let?s go!"    


Meng Meng stretched out her arms from Zhang Han's arms and said happily.    


"Let's go!"    


Zhang Han smiled and shook his head. When he came to the first floor, he found Wang Juan standing silently at the door, waiting for him.    


Just as Zhang Han was about to change his shoes, Wang Juan awkwardly smiled and said,    


"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang. I just called Zi Yan and she said she didn't want Mengmeng to go out. It's a bit hot outside, so ?" "If Mr. Zhang has anything to do?"    


From her words, he could tell that she wanted him to leave.    


"No!" I just want to go out with daddy to play! " Meng Meng said angrily.    


"Did she tell you that?" Zhang Han glanced at Wang Juan.    


"Yes." Wang Juan nodded.    


"Then I'll tell her." Zhang Han took out his cell phone and wanted to call Zi Yan to ask what was going on, but she didn't pick up after calling her two or three times.    


"She didn't pick up?" Zhang Han put down his cellphone and stopped calling. He glanced at Wang Juan and said coldly, "Tell her later that I don't need her permission to take Mengmeng outside to play."    


What a joke. Why did he have to ask for her permission first when he wanted to take her daughter outside to play?    


Even with Zhang Han's nonchalant personality, he still felt displeased. If the same thing happened to him when he was a playboy, he would have been furious.    


Right now, Zhang Han did not want to care about anything, he was indifferent to fame and fortune, worldly affairs, or disputes. He only wanted to take good care of Mengmeng and enjoy his carefree idyllic life .    


"This ?" Wang Juan's expression turned bitter.    


Zhang Han ignored her and put on a pair of white sneakers for Mengmeng. After putting on his casual shoes, he wanted to walk out.    


Seeing this, Wang Juan hurriedly stood in his way as she said with a wry smile, "Mr. Zhang, don't make things difficult for me. If I let Mengmeng go with you, Eldest Miss would blame me when she comes back."    


"Oh? So you are afraid that she might blame you, but not me, right? " Zhang Han stared at her.    


"I really can't do it, Mr. Zhang ?"    


Wang Juan still wanted to persuade him, but Meng Meng interrupted her in a huff. "Old witch, you ? you better get out of the way right now. If you keep blocking the way, I'll let daddy hit you!"    


The child's learning ability was extremely strong. When Zhou Fei said 'old witch' a few times at home, Mengmeng remembered it.    


Wang Juan's expression froze and she felt rather helpless. She did not want to be such an evil person either, but there was no other way. She had to obey Zi Yan?s commands.    


"It doesn't matter, don't worry, Zi Yan won't blame you." Zhang Han let out a faint laugh, and was about to steer clear of Wang Juan, but who knew that she would block him again.    


"Mr. Zhang, please understand that I'm in a very difficult situation." Wang Juan said bitterly.    


This time, Zhang Han's face darkened. 'If the tiger doesn't show its prowess, you will treat it as Harrok?'    


His gaze was fixated on Wang Juan, but he looked calm like an emperor was staring at a commoner. Zhang Han just faintly spitting out one word:    


"Get out of the way."    


His words were plain, but they gave Wang Juan a sense of pressure!    


She had only felt this kind of pressure from someone who had been on the upper side for a long time. Moreover, the pressure she felt from Zhang Han was one of the strongest pressure she had ever experienced. She didn?t understand how she should feel such a great pressure from Zhang Han.    


Wang Juan was a little absent-minded, but she made way for him in the end.    


Zhang Han looked at her coldly, then walked out with Meng Meng in his arms.    




Wang Juan sighed. Although her salary was high when she worked for a big shot, her job was not easy.    


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