Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"You know that?"    


Zi Yan sneered and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. Then how about this morning? Don't you know how hot it is at noon in Xiangjiang? Do you think it's good to take Meng Meng to the mountaintop to enjoy the wind and the sun? Look at the traces of sweat on Meng Meng's face. How can you bear that??    


"The temperature on the New Moon Mountain is not high." Zhang Han answered calmly.    


"You're lying again, Zhang Han. You should have some basis for fooling others, right? The weather in Xiangjiang is very hot, but it is not hot in your New Moon Mountain, right? " Zi Yan said unhappily.    


"You'll know the next time you go." Zhang Han said indifferently, but after thinking for a while he added, "The last time you went there, it was at night, so you couldn't feel anything. You'll know by day, and you'll see something even more beautiful there during the day."    


Zi Yan's expression paused for a moment, the corner of her mouth twitched, her tone became slightly softer, and she said, "Is this an invitation to me?"    


Zhang Han, on the other hand, said something that spoiled Zi Yan?s enthusiasm:    


"I guess so. It's up to you whether you go or not."    


"Humph!" Zi Yan gave him a ferocious stare. She took off her cowboy jacket, and her white blouse underneath appeared, instantly revealing her beautiful figure. She sat on the chair, stared at Zhang Han and said, "You've changed."    


"How did I change?" Zhang Han sat down on the chair beside Zi Yan.    


Zi Yan looked at the slightly dirty clothes on his body, and then looked at the chair that might be dirtied. If it was anyone else, she would definitely stop him, but facing Zhang Han, she did not say anything. She muttered to herself for a moment and then she began to speak slowly,    


"You used to be one of the Four Young Masters of Shang Jing City. I have heard about you. My friends in Shang Jing said that you were aggressive, arrogant and would always cause troubles. Countless beauties surrounded you."    


"Youngsters were arrogant. They were just being childish." Zhang Han shook his head slightly.    


?I remember one episode that the older generation would say to the arrogant younger generation, ?Young people shouldn't be too arrogant?, and the younger generation should immediately retaliate, ?if not being arrogant, how can they be called young people??.    


This sentence revealed the inner feelings of many people. Everyone had their youth, and the hot-bloodedness, sensibility, and loyalty of youth.    


If a friend was bullied, the young person would immediately rush up. No matter what the reason was, he/she would always stand by the friend without thinking about any consequences. As they grew older, people began to bear the burden and think twice before doing things, and even if they wanted to help, if they lacked the ability, they would not force themselves out.    


Of course, nothing is absolute. There are still many adults whose blood is boiling all day long. Today, A wants to stab B; tomorrow, B wants to blast A with a bullet.?    


Back to the main topic, when Zi Yan heard Zhang Han's words, she smiled and said:    


"Later on, when I heard that something happened to you and you were kicked out of the Zhang Family, I thought that you would change your place to live based on your temperament. However, you stubbornly stayed in Shang Jing and stayed for five years. It seems that you were a young master of character."    


"What I feel like I have to do, even if I have to smash into the barrier, even if there is no way back, I will still do it." Zhang Han chuckled.    


At this moment, the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit special. It was like a conversation between two friends, but this was the first time they were having such a conversation.    


"Oh yeah, you... at that time were so hot, but why did you choose to retreat and bring Meng Meng out? " Zhang Han asked. He did not really understand Zi Yan's actions, because in this era, having an abortion was a very normal thing; when going to the hospital to have it, you would be required to wait in a queue. However, Zi Yan, who was about to receive the title of a movie queen, chose to give birth to a baby instead. It was indeed strange.    


"I ?" Zi Yan's expression froze, and her look became a little lonely. She said, "I ? When I was young, I got sick once. The doctor said that I might become infertile in the future. If I'm lucky, I might get pregnant once. After that accident with you, when I found out that I was pregnant, I thought of having the abortion, but I didn't dare to take the risk ? "    


At this point, Zi Yan did not continue, but Zhang Han had a sudden realization.    


"Then why didn't you tell me?" Zhang Han said in a deep voice.    


"Why do I tell you?" Zi Yan snorted and said, "It was originally an accident between us, and we don't even know each other. Why should I tell you? Even if I told you, do you think you would leave Shang Jing? "    


Zhang Han remained silent for a while, then nodded his head and said, "I would!"    


Zi Yan was slightly startled, she did not say anything, and they sunk into silence.    


After a while, Zi Yan looked at Zhang Han and said softly, "Thank you."    


"Hmm?" Zhang Han was confused.    


"Thank you for everything you did for Meng Meng. Ever since Meng Meng came into contact with you, she has become more cheerful and happy. You ? You have no place to stay these few days, so you could temporarily stay here." Zi Yan said bashfully.    


"Oh, no need to thank me. She's my daughter." Zhang Han casually replied.    


"What do you mean?" Zi Yan raised her eyebrows and said unhappily, "From your tone, are you planning to own Meng Meng? Let me tell you, Zhang Han, it was me who raised Meng Meng. You've only known her for a few days. It's impossible for you to take her away from me!"    


"How do you have such crazy imagination? When did I say I was going to snatch Meng Meng away?" Zhang Han was stunned.    


Talking to a woman is such a nuisance!    


"Your tone just now clearly showed that!" Zi Yan said with her eyes wide open.    


"I really can't communicate with you. If you weren't Meng Meng's mother, I wouldn't even bother talking to you!" Zhang Han shook his head slightly.    


"I'm also too lazy to care about you!" Zi Yan snorted lightly and said, "Hurry up and change out of your dirty clothes. I feel uncomfortable looking at it."    


"Ok." Zhang Han nodded, stood up and walked out.    


Zi Yan snorted at his back and went to change into her pajamas after he left.    


That night, she played with Meng Meng until 11 o'clock. It was only after Zi Yan?s urging, did Meng Meng go to bed.    


The next day, after breakfast, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei went to work.    


This time, Zhang Han brought Meng Meng out. Wang Juan did not stop them but even sent them to the door with a smile on her face. She took out a blue circular elevator card from her pocket and said:    


"Mr. Zhang, take this elevator card. It would be more convenient for you to go up and down."    


"Alright." Zhang Han accepted the elevator card and nodded.    


Zhang Han went downstairs and put Meng Meng on the back seat. He then drove away from the Yun Yin Garden.    


"Daddy, you're so stupid. You're walking in the wrong direction." Meng Meng said in a childish way while examining the street environment. She still remembered the road very well and knew that this was not the way to New Moon Bay.    


"We need to go buy some pets. Yesterday, we promised Xiao Hei to bring some playmates over." Zhang Han said with a smile.    


"Buy a pet! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh!" Meng Meng suddenly cried out.    


"What's the matter, Meng Meng?" Zhang Han asked with a smile.    


"I, I forgot to bring toys for Xiao Hei..." Meng Meng looked anxious and guilty.    



"It's fine. Then, can we go back and get it?" Zhang Han drove the car to the left, ready to turn around and return to the Yun Yin Garden.    


Hearing this, the little princess was overjoyed. "Good, good, good. Daddy is so good!"    


From her look, if she was in Zhang Han's arms, she would definitely give him a 'little kiss'!    


After returning to the Yun Yin Garden, only after picking ten little dolls, did the little princess happily go downstairs.    


Zhang Han drove to a pet shop called the Love Pet Pavilion in the east district.    


The shop was not small. There was a one-hundred-square-meter square hall inside, with some dog cages and cat cages on the side. Inside the cages were all adult pets.    


As they walked into the house, they could still smell some odors. After all, pets were all in this room, so it was unavoidable.    


"Hello sir, may I know what you need?" A man around 25 years old with glasses greeted them with a smile.    


"Buy, buy a pet." Meng Meng answered with her little voice.    


"Oh, what a cute little girl." The man smiled and praised Meng Meng, then looked at Zhang Han and said, "I wonder what kind of pet Mr. would like to buy?"    


"Buy some pet dogs first." Zhang Han's eyes swept over the pets in the cages.    


There were many breeds, such as Alaskan dogs, Husky, Samo, Golden Hair, Pine Lion, Teddy, and so on.    


Zhang Han still had some understanding of the character traits of these pets.    


For example, he had previously raised Alaska and Blondie. Alaska was smart, very close to its master, and very obedient to the master. Blondie was famous for his meekness. Be it to his master or to outsiders, it was both very friendly and smart. When it found the master was angry, it would immediately lay on the floor and pretend to be poor.    


As for the other breeds of dogs, Zhang Han also knew most of their personality. Every time he walked the dog, he would meet some friends who raised dogs, and after playing with the dog for a while, he would know what its personality was. Took an example of the sexual addict Teddy, if possible, it would f*ck anything.    


"Which kind of dog would you like to buy, sir? The ones we are selling here are all around one month old. They have all been inoculated three times, and there are still some that have proof for breed purity, but they will be more expensive." The man said with a smile.    


"We need to buy a lot." Meng Meng blinked her large, clear eyes as she spoke.    


"Yeah, I'll probably buy a few dozen." Zhang Han added.    


The man was slightly surprised for a moment, but then he happily walked over. It seemed like he was going to make a big order today. He looked at the woman sitting at the bar and said, "Sister Zhao, I'll bring the guests to pick the dogs."    


"Go." The woman nodded.    


"Sir, come over here. All the small pets in our store are in the room next door." The man led the way out.    


Walking to the room next door, they could see that there were small cages, and inside each of them were one-month-old dogs.    


"Sir, the dogs in blue cages inside are all purebred. There are all kinds of labels and prices on them. The ones on the outside are ordinary." The man introduced.    




Zhang Han nodded and headed straight for the inside cages.    


The purebred dog was different from an ordinary dog. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been sold at a high price. Regarding to both body size and appearance, purebred dogs were all better looking.    


"This one and this one." Zhang Han pointed to two Alaskans, one male and one female.    


A male dog was eight thousand, and a female dog was eight thousand eight hundred.    


"Okay, okay." The man's face lit up, and he quickly took out the two cages with the dogs and placed them on the aisle.    


Only these two dogs were worth 16,800 yuan, from which he could get some commission.    


"This one and this one." Zhang Han pointed at a male and a female pugs.    


Five thousand and five thousand six hundred! Yet another ten thousand yuan!    


"This one and this one." Zhang Han pointed at the two beagle dogs.    


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