Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Two dogs, priced at five thousand five hundred and six thousand. Eleven thousand and five hundred came in! The man's face grew even happier.    


"This one and this one."    


"This ?"    


Zhang Han would pick a couple of dogs every a few steps.    


They bought white Bichons, black and white border collie dogs, Pomeranians, purebred teacup dogs worth eighteen thousand, and also old English sheepdogs and poodles.    


In so far, they had already finished a half. In Zhang Han's arms, Meng Meng anxiously said, "Daddy, Daddy, it's my turn. It's my turn to choose!"    


?Ok ok. Meng Meng?s turn. Look at this. It's called Husky, commonly known as ?Silly Esky? dog. It'll be rather naughty as a puppy, but after it grows up, it'll become quite silly. Therefore, it also has the nickname 'Gone with the dog leash?. It's a very interesting dog. You can choose two of them.? Zhang Han said as he pointed to seven or eight Huskies in the front of them.    


"Ugh ? Ugh ? Daddy, they, they are all the same."    


Meng Meng hesitated for a long time, not knowing whom to choose. There were two more lively ones in the cage, sticking out their tongues in an attempt to lick Meng Meng's small hands.    


"Oh, this, and this." Meng Meng pointed to the two most lively ones.    


"Meng Meng, these two are both female dogs. You have to change one to a male dog." Zhang Han couldn't help but laugh.    


"Eh? What do you want a male dog for? " Meng Meng did not understand.    


"One male and one female can have babies." Zhang Han said as he pinched Meng Meng's cheek.    


"O-okay, then is this a male dog or not?" Meng Meng pointed to the quietest one.    


"Right, this one is. Just take these two."    


After selecting the Husky, Zhang Han kept Meng Meng in his arms and continued to choose the next breed.    


The small chihuahua, the cute golden retriever, and the short-legged corgi. Meng Meng liked everyone very much. It took them a long time to pick out a couple from each breed.    


However, when they came to Dachshund with the black and long body, and the bull terrier, Meng Meng pouted and said,    


"Un, no, I don't want this. It's so ferocious, not nice to look at ?"    


Zhang Han grinned and looked behind with Meng Meng in his arms. It looked like the dog he was going to buy next was destined to be cute and good-looking dogs that the little girl liked.    


At the back, they picked two pure-bred Japanese Akitas that were worth more than 30,000, Japanese Spritzes and Samoyeds with fur as snow, funny Shar Peis, and high cold Chow Chows.    


"That's about it." After he finished his selection, Zhang Han looked back at the man with glasses and said.    


He found that the man was so excited that his hands were trembling. His face was full of excitement as he said with a trembling voice:    


"Sir, sir, you bought thirty-six purebred dogs, for a total of 235,800 yuan."    


As he spoke, the man sized up Zhang Han's expression with both excitement and fear. He was afraid that the customer would give up on the purchase because the price was too high.    




Zhang Han lightly nodded his head and his expression was calm. It was as if the over two hundred thousand yuan he had spent was like twenty thousand yuan in one go.    


"Sir, how are you going to pay?" The man asked excitedly.    


"Credit card."    


"Alright, please come this way sir."    


The man brought Zhang Han back to the store.    


The girl at the front desk looked at the list and was immediately stunned.    


She had never thought that thirty-six dogs could be sold in one go. Two hundred thirty thousand yuan. This was not a low price at all!    


Her smile was full of warmth. After swiping the card for Zhang Han, she sweetly said,    


"Sir, where is your address? We will send you the dog you bought later. By the way, do you need some pet food and toys?"    


"Toys?" Meng Meng was momentarily stunned. She looked around and found dog toys on the leftmost shelf. She happily raised her arm and cheered, "Okay okay, buy toys, buy toys for Xiao Hei, buy toys for cute dogs!"    


"Come, let's pick toys." Zhang Han smiled as he carried Meng Meng to the pet toy area.    


Meng Meng was wriggling in Zhang Han's arms, showing her daddy to let her down.    


Zhang Han put down Meng Meng, who rushed to pick out toys for each dog.    


There were rubber balls, hemp balls, and so on.    


"This, this and this. I want all of these. How do we do, Daddy?" Meng Meng was very happy to pick toys. She didn't know which one to pick.    


"Then We'll take them all." Zhang Han chuckled.    


"Really?" Meng Meng's eyes lit up.    


"Of course, it's true." Zhang Han touched Meng Meng?s head and laughed.    


"Wow, this is great! There are so many toys. The dogs must be so happy!" Meng Meng giggled happily.    


"Then buy some more." Zhang Han nodded and looked at the woman beside him, "Give me twenty ones of each toy."    


"Good sir, since you bought so many dogs, these toys will be given as a gift. I wonder where the dogs should be sent?" The woman asked with a warm smile.    


"Send it to New Moon Mountain. Leave in two hours. Call me before you leave." Zhang Han mumbled to himself.    


"Yes sir, what is your number?"    




Zhang Han then left with Meng Meng.    



"Truly amazing. I'm afraid your bonus will reach five digits this month." The woman gave the bespectacled man a thumb-up.    






Zhang Han drove to the livestock farm in the south district, which was the second stop of the day.    


Originally, he wanted to buy some cats at the pet store, but after spending two hundred and thirty thousand, there was about four hundred and fifty thousand left in his bank card. If he wanted to buy some other things, Cat could only be given up for now.    


Of course, Meng Meng also thought of this problem. She suddenly exclaimed and said childishly, "Daddy! We seem to have forgotten something! "    


"What?" Zhang Han asked with a faint smile.    


"Eh ?. Those, those lovely cats! " Meng Meng reminded.    


"Cats." Zhang Han shook his head and said, "We can only buy cats later. When the dogs grow up, we will buy cats. Otherwise, they will fight each other every day."    


"Fight, eh ? T-then don?t buy now. I'll listen to Daddy." The scene of a fight between a cat and dog was imagined by Meng Meng. Her face shrunk as she patted her chest and said.    


"En, we don't buy cats, but let's go buy some other animals, cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, and etc." Zhang Han said.    


"Alright, I'll buy it, I'll buy it." The little princess said happily.    


Spending money makes people happy, whether they are adults or children, but especially women. In the case of enough money in hand, unscrupulous consumption can always make people happy.    


Although the things he bought wasn't toys that Mengmeng loved, she was still very happy.    


After driving for half an hour, they arrived at the livestock farm in the south district. It was not far from the house that Zhang Hangang sold.    


"I need to buy something."    


This time, Zhang Han was received by a middle-aged man in his forties.    


"Cow, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and geese. I need all of these. Please recommend me some of the better ones." Zhang Han nodded and said.    


"The best and the best." Meng Meng also said this in a decent manner.    


"Fine, I'll give you the best, beautiful little girl."    


The middle-aged man laughed heartily and said, "The best cows here are the Japanese blacks. If the Japanese blacks are fed well, they will have a good chance of becoming Kobe Cows. I believe Mr. must have eaten Kobe beef before, right? A 500 kg Kobe Cow only has six kilograms of 5a level beef, so the price per kilogram should be more than 1500 yuan. "    


"5A beef?" Zhang Han pondered for a moment.    


Of course, he had eaten Kobe Beef before. He remembered that there was a piece of news that said that 200 grams of Kobe's Beef had been sold for a high price of 888 yuan. The production of Kobe Beef was very small, but the taste was very excellent.    


As for if these Japanese blacks were fed well, there was a good chance that they would become Kobe cows. What did ?fed well? mean?    


In the New Moon Mountain, every Japanese Black could grow into a Kobe cow, and every kilogram of the Kobe cow?s meat would be at the 5A grade. No, they would be all surpass the 5A grade!    


It was no special. The waters and soil of New Moon Mountain was like magic.    


They would eat the first rank spirit treasure meat team grass, drink the spiritual water, and walk on the first rank spirit treasure fragrance grass. The ground was spiritual earth. Since the Japanese blacks growing up in this environment, a Level 5A beef was nothing more than a joke.    


"How much is the Japanese black?" Zhang Han asked directly.    


"A calf for eight thousand." The middle-aged man replied.    


"I will take ten of these blacks first." Zhang Han said, "Tell me about the cow as well."    


?The cow are Holsteins, who produce milk 300 days one year. There will be 60 days as dry period. These sixty days are the two months before delivering calves, and after the birth of the calf, the cow will produce milk for another three hundred days. However, after the birth of the calf, artificial insemination is required after the next sixty days, reaching the pregnancy cycle. A cow will be squeezed two to three times a day, and every time it will last for 10 to 15 minutes. The average milk yield would be about 30 kilograms per day. The middle-aged man introduced.    


"Oh, then give me two cows and a male cow. The two mother cows? two month of dry period should be different." Zhang Han mumbled to himself and said.    


"Sure." The middle-aged man wrote it down and said, "But I suggest you only buy two cows. When you need to fertilize them, you can contact me. You won't be able to handle it even if you buy a bull."    


"That's fine too. Two cows then." Zhang Han nodded and said, "Sheep and Pig, give me an introduction as well."    


"If it's sheep, then there's ordinary white goats. The best one here is the Ujimqin sheep. If it's pig, then the most delicious one here is the black pig. We also have the Taihu black pig, which is also not bad." The middle-aged man introduced.    


"Give me ten Ujimqin sheep and ten Taihu Black Pigs, and also two cows." Zhang Han said.    


"Alright." The middle-aged man made another note.    


"Some chickens, ducks, geese, and the chickens should be the ones who lay eggs." Zhang Han said.    


"Chickens, ducks, and geese ?I only have the adult ones here, and they have all been fed with fodder. I don't think you, sir, would want any of them. There's a farmers' market at the innermost part of the street, and there are a lot of domestic chickens and ducks and geese there. " The middle-aged man said with a smile.    


"Oh, then that's it."    


"Let me calculate for you. Two Holsteins, two cows, ten Ujimqin sheep and ten Taihu black pigs. It?s a total of one hundred and ninety-eight thousand yuan." The middle-aged man calculated for a moment before saying.    


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