Godly Stay-Home Dad



0The restaurant was in a state of tranquility. Little did they know that they were about to receive a group of uninvited guests!    


In front of the traffic lights at the end of the street, a white Land Cruiser Toyota was waiting for the traffic lights. There were five people inside the car. Other than the driver with a white T-shirt, the other four were all wearing black T-shirts with tattoos on their uncovered arms. It was not hard to tell that this group of people were 'social people'.    


The four men in the passenger seat and the back seats had colorful hair, and only the one who was driving had a buzz cut that was similar to Zhang Han's. His angular face was somewhat like Peng Yuyan's, and he was rather handsome. The calmness in his eyes indicated that he was a man in high position.    


From the flattery of the others, it could be seen that the driver had the highest status among them!    


He was Zhao Feng, who was known as 'the Madman' in the underworld.    


"Brother Feng, we can call it a day after collecting management fees from only a few small restaurants." The rugged man in the passenger seat said.    


"Yes." Zhao Feng nodded.    


?Ay, collecting management fees this year is too simple, completely different from last year. There were some people unwilling to pay, but it would still be fun. I like to see those people submit and pay, ha-ha. I hope these last few restaurants can be tough, or I'll be bored to death!? A yellow-haired youth sitting in the back curled his lips and laughed.    


"Huang, the only thing you know is how to hit people every day. It was ok if you had Brother Feng's skills. But you're so skinny that you look like an idiot," the other person said and beat him up mercilessly.    


"Damn! How many people could be as awesome as Brother Feng? Even if I can't beat a guy like Brother Feng, how come I can't beat a loser? Let me tell you, if anyone is unwilling to pay the fees, I will be the first one to kick his ass and no one is allowed to do it before me." The yellow-haired youth laughed sinisterly.    




As the traffic lights turned green, Zhao Feng drove forward with a frown on his face and said, "Just collect the management fees and stop messing around with me. If you want to fight, go to fight with the guys of Sun Yee Society in Causeway Bay!"    


"Sorry," the yellow-haired youth grinned and whispered, "How could I have Brother Feng's ability? You broke the arms of a Sun Yee Society leader?s son last time, but in the end, the leader didn't even dare to seek revenge. If I were you, I must have been crippled that night."    


Zhao Feng glanced at him from the rearview mirror and didn't say anything.    


Two years ago, Zhao Feng came to the Southern District of the Xiangjiang and joined the Yonghe Society. Zhao Feng became the number one fighter of Tang Zhan, the head of the Society, only within two years. No one would doubt his ability.    


The Yonghe Society and the Sun Yee Society were famous underground powers in Xiangjiang. The two powers were mortal enemies. The Sun Yee Society was an underground powerhouse of the Causeway Bay, while the Yonghe Society of the Southern District.    


Both of them were underground powers, but Yonghe Society did things in a more extreme way. They were proficient in prostitution, gambling, drugs, and even had a smuggling branch.    


As for Zhao Feng, he was actually a special forces soldier. For complex reasons, he accidentally killed someone and was imprisoned for two years. Later on, the authorities found him and gave him a brand-new identity, allowing him to regain his freedom.    


The price of freedom was to join the Yonghe Society and find out the evidence of the crimes committed by the Tang Zhan. Then, he would take the place of Tang Zhan and properly manage the Society so that the Southern District would stay far away from prostitution, gambling, and drugs.    


In the past two years, Zhao Feng had collected some evidence, but this evidence was not enough to put Tang Zhan behind bars. Therefore, Zhao Feng took the risk to hook up with Tang Zhan's little girlfriend. However, just as he was about to obtain important evidence, that woman disappeared out of thin air and he was sent to collect management fees in Crescent Bay    


Zhao Feng had the feeling that Tang Zhan had probably already noticed something. However, at this point, Zhao Feng could not turn back. He could only calm down and work hard for Tang Zhan, looking for an opportunity.    


Actually, he hated going to every store to collect management fees. Moreover, this management fee was a protection fee and was one of the financial sources of Yonghe Society.    


"We've collect fees from this one and this one too ?" the blue-haired man in the passenger seat flipped through an account book. Suddenly, he pointed at a Sichuan restaurant on the street and said, "Here we are. We will start from this one and finish the rest of six stores, including this one."    


"Get off." Zhao Feng directly parked the car in front of the spicy restaurant. All five of them got off the car and walked into the restaurant.    


The waitress who had been to Zhang Han's restaurant greeted them with a smile. When she saw their postures, she shrunk back and felt a little scared.    


"Where is your boss!" The yellow-haired youth said in a domineering tone.    


"Well?" The woman's expression was somewhat bitter as she whispered, "I'm sorry, but our boss is not here. Only the manager is here."    


"Don?t you understand English? Call him back if he's not here!" The yellow-haired youth stared at her.    


The vicious aura caused the girl's body to tremble.    


"Call your manager over first." Zhao Feng waved at her and said.    


"Sure, sure. Please wait a moment." The woman quickly turned around and fled.    


A few minutes later, the manager of the restaurant walked over with quick steps. With a large smile on his face, he said, "Good afternoon, gentlemen. I'm the manager of this restaurant. May I help?"    


"Don't talk nonsense. Call your boss and tell him that Yonghe Society is here to collect management fees!" The yellow-haired youth said with a frown.    


"Sure, sure. Please wait a moment."    


The manager's expression changed. He looked at them with fear in his eyes and quickly went to the reception desk to call his boss. He nodded his head as he spoke on the phone. After saying a few words, he hung up and took out two and a half bundles of money from the drawer.    


"Here's 25,000 yuan. The boss said that the extra money is to treat you guys to tea," the manager said with a smile.    


"Ha!" The yellow haired man grabbed the money with a bit of satisfaction in his eyes and said, "You guys are sensible."    


Normally, a small restaurant like this would charge twenty thousand yuan a year for protection. Sometimes, when they saw some restaurant owners who could be easily bullied, they would ask for more money and took it as their own.    


In the eyes of these people, this Sichuan restaurant gave an extra five thousand yuan, which was considered to be a wise move.    


"Let's go."    


Zhao Feng didn't have any expression on his face. After giving the manager a faint smile and nodding his head, he turned around and led the way out.    


"Meng Meng's Restaurant? What a ridiculous name!" When the yellow-haired youth saw the sign, he sneered.    


"Oh, dear! Look at the notice board. It?s open for business for a total of three hours a day? Damn it! The Egg Fried Rice is 280 yuan, the milk is 80, but what the heck, isn't this clearly a scam?" The blue-haired man grinned and said, "Brother Feng, since this restaurant is so expensive, why don't we double the fees?"    


"What? Only 20 thousand for each store, that is the rule. Our Society's income is not earned through protection fees!" Zhao Feng raised his eyebrows and said in a reprimanding tone. Then, he led the way towards the entrance of the restaurant.    


In the restaurant, the Marriage of Love played by Zhang Han was about come to an end.     


Zhang Han could also see what was happening outside, and he could clearly hear what they were saying. The spiritual energy in his body was circulating in his two ears, and it would increase his hearing by several folds.    


Hearing the words of the people outside, Zhang Han knew who they were.    


However, Zhang Han didn't stop playing the piano. Liang Mengqi, Yu Qingqing, Zhao Dahu, and Meng Meng were also listening with rapt attention.    


"Where's the boss? Call the boss out!"    


After entering the restaurant, the yellow-haired youth let out his usual shout.    


This shout made them frightened. Liang Mengqi's eyebrows creased. A fierce light flashed in Yu Qingqing's eyes, while Zhao Dahu anxiously stood in front of her to block any attack.    



Zhang Han stopped playing the piano, and the sound dissipated. He said indifferently, "Lower your voice."    


Finishing his words, Zhang Han continued to play the last piece of the piano music. Glancing at the fearful expression of Meng Meng, he pondered for a moment.    


Should I display my skills in front of Meng Meng?    


Zhang Han was thinking about it. Ever since he came into contact with Immortal Cultivation, he never fight with others, let alone killing. Treasure hunting was the true essence of life, but now in front of Meng Meng, Zhang Han didn't mind showing off his tough side as a father.    


After the last few keys were played, Zhang Han stood up.    


"Who is the boss? Ah? Can't you hear me?" The yellow-haired youth arrogantly shouted.    


"Daddy, daddy, I'm scared?" From the expression on her face, the yellow-haired man was probably shouting so loudly that Meng Meng was about to cry.    


"Meng Meng, don't be afraid!"    


Liang Mengqi could not stand by any longer. With large strides, she walked in front of Meng Meng to protect her. She angrily looked at the yellow-haired man and said, "What are you shouting for!? Where are your manners?"    


This scene caused the yellow-haired youth and the others to be stunned.    


"Aiyo, I just find that this little girl looks so energetic. Her body looks so hot. I think it would be nice to touch her," the blue-haired man said with a smirk on his face.    


Apart from Zhao Feng, who was frowning slightly, everyone else burst into laughter.    


In fact, Zhao Feng disliked these people's characters, but he had no choice. With his current identity as one of them, if he was honest and righteous, then it would inevitably cause Tang Zhan to suspect. Therefore, in these two years, even if he encountered his subordinates bullying people, he basically did not step in, suppressing his good nature and fulfilling his duty!    


But at this moment, seeing the cute and adorable little girl who was about to cry in fear and the gorgeous lady being flirted by obscene words, Zhao Feng could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.    


This move of Liang Mengqi's caused Zhang Han to have some new understanding about her, and a trace of appreciation towards her rose in his heart.    


But the little princess was more important, so Zhang Han immediately picked up Meng Meng and said gently:    


"Meng Meng, don't be afraid. Daddy is here hugging you."    


"Daddy, they ? they're so scary." Meng Meng was much more at ease in her father's arms, but her voice was still very soft.    


"It's not scary. They are just acting. Daddy have told you, haven't I? What are they? One word," Zhang Han said with a smile.    


"Eh?. ants?" Meng Meng thought for a moment before answering.    


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