Godly Stay-Home Dad



0In the front mountains, the flowers quickly wilted, but soon after, they were reborn. When they re-bloomed, their color became even more transparent, and their petals became flawless. Compared with what they were like before, they had simply transformed into a prince in the flowers.    


Groups of gorgeous flowers were competing to attract people's eyes, with their vivid colors affecting people's mod.    


"Here is only a lack of the Meat Team Grass."    


With a will from Zhang Han, pieces of the Meat Team Grass appeared on the trunk of the Thunder Sun Tree. The group of grass rushed towards the poultry area and the pet area.    


On the inner side of each small area, meat, the seeds of the Meat Team Grass fell and quickly took root. Two seconds later, they sprouted out of the ground. Five seconds later, numerous white buds the size of glass balls formed on the leaves.    


From afar, it looked like an enlarged ear of wheat.    


The Meat Team Grass was a Rank 1 Spirit Treasure that was used as fodder for poultry. It had the fragrance of vegetables, and when it was chewed on, it felt like meat. After chewing for a while, it tasted like braised meat.    


This was also the reason why Zhang Han had curiously taken a bite. But Zhang Han had only taken a bite, after all, it was only a kind of fodder, so he only needed to know what did it taste like.    


After all of this was settled, the first modification that the Thunder Sun Tree gave to the territory had also come to an end.    


However, there was still half of the remaining energy of the first wave that could be released by the Thunder Sun Tree. Of course, the left energy was used by Zhang Han to advance into the Aura Cultivating Stage.    


"Open the meridian!"    


Zhang Han closed his eyes tightly, lifted his right hand away from the trunk of the Thunder Sun Tree, and highly raised his hands up.    


At this moment, the iron-clad dog looked at Zhang Han in disbelief.    


If it could talk, it would say,    


"What is this idiot doing?"    


However, its mind wasn't as advanced as a human's, so it only looked at Zhang Han strangely.    


However, the scene that unfolded in the next moment scared this iron-clad dog to the point that it quivered all over.    


At this moment, the Thunder Sun Tree suddenly emitted a faint light, and every leaf was like an emerald. Strand after strand of soft multicolored light continued to converge, finally forming a pillar of light that shot into Zhang Han's body!    




Zhang Han seemed to hear a clap of thunder as the power of the Thunder Sun Tree transformed into a sharp sword, unceasingly opening up one meridian after another for Zhang Han.    


The importance of opening all eight extraordinary meridians was highly thought in swordsman novels, and the people who had opened their all eight meridians were considered as the monster.    


At this time, after Zhang Han had opened his eight extraordinary meridians, the rest of his energy had started to strengthen the twelve meridians of his human body!    


The eight extraordinary meridians do not directly belong to the Zang and Fu organs, and they do not have the coordination between the exterior and the interior. Therefore, they are called extraordinary meridians. Their function is mainly to regulate the blood circulation of the twelve meridians.    


After the meridians were opened, the Thunder Sun Tree gathered all of the energy into the meridians.    


The initial burst of the energy was violent, giving Zhang Han the feeling that his body was about to explode!    


What Zhang Han had to do at this moment was to operate the skill manual and refine this energy to form his own spiritual force!    


"Will I still cultivate the Treasure Seeking Art this time?"    


Zhang Han pondered for a moment.    


In his past life, he had countless magic treasures, and was too reliant on treasure to afford the hit of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.    


But now, he hesitated.    


"Why don't I cultivate the Five Elements Arts?" In the future, when I can successfully refine the Five Elements Sacred Body, I should be able to safely cross the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, right? "    


"Actually, the Cyanwood Emperor Art can also be put into consideration. The restoration of the body of the Cyanwood Emperor is even more frightening. It is called an immortal body. Thus, it will definitely help me pass through the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder."    


"But... The Treasure Seeking Art and the Wen Bao's nose are complementary to each other! "    


Zhang Han hesitated.    


It is very important to practice the cultivation arts, which has something to do with the growth of one's own strength. In the vast cultivation world, there were different grades of the cultivation arts, and the Treasure Seeking Art was created by Zhang Han after he had studied the knowledge of cultivation for three hundred years.    


The function of the Treasure Seeking Art was not small. This was the main reason why Zhang Han was able to obtain so many treasures.    


To use an analogy, the Treasure Seeking Art could be advanced to the invisibility technique, which was also called the Divine Concealment Spell. The Divine Concealment Spell could make Zhang Han's body completely invisible, to the point that no other Supreme Elders who are in the tribulation stage could detect him.    


The function of the Treasure Seeking Art was to advance the skills he could use to find treasures, such as speed, breaking array, invisibility, and so on. However, its greatest effect was to increase the power of the Wen Bao's nose, which was why Zhang Han didn't want to give up it.    


"Alright, I'm still going to cultivate the Treasure Seeking Art. This time, I'll have to start over. At worst, I need to spend a few more resources to reach the Fleshly Sanctification Realm. Treasures are the foundation!"    


After less than a minute of hesitation, Zhang Han made up his mind.    


He sat down cross-legged and began circulating the Treasure Seeking Art. The energy within his body was slowly refined and began to circulate according to the direction of the Art of Treasure Seeking.    


At this moment, the morning sun slowly rose from the east. Under the Thunder Sun tree, a man and a dog sat quietly. The scene was very warm.    




At Zi Yan's house in Yun Yin Garden.    


"Sister Yan, are we going to work at 7 o'clock?" Zhou Fei yawned.    


She usually got up at eight o'clock.    


"Let's go earlier today and choose our song. Tomorrow, we will accompany Mengmeng to the Ocean Park to play for a day." Zi Yan calmly said.    


"I'll forget about it. Tomorrow, I'll do some MV planning at the company based on the songs." Zhou Fei shook her head.    


"You're not going?" Zi Yan was slightly stunned.    


"What am I going to do? Be a light bulb? I won't go with your family to there. " Zhou Fei said exasperatedly.    


"What are you talking about? Family members?" Zi Yan snorted.    


"Tsk, Sister Yan, actually I don?t want to say that. You see, now you always call your daughter Mengmneg, and Mengmeng is the name given by that guy. Furthermore, he said that he would go to the Ocean Park yesterday, but you didn't even refuse him. What you have done just like a wife faithfully listened to her husband. And you would never do this when we were in North America." Zhou Fei pouted and said.    


"Don't talk nonsense!" Zi Yan glared at her.    


This time, Zhou Fei was rather honest and did not say anything.    


Downstairs, they boarded a black Mercedes-Benz S600l, which cost nearly 3 million yuan. It was used by Zi Yan while she was at work, and it was usually driven by Zhou Fei.    


Seated in the back seat of the car, Zi Yan's gaze looked out the window, and she was a little dazed.    


Three family members will go to Ocean Park ?    


What kind of attitude did I have towards Zhang Han?    


Zi Yan initially thought that in her heart, Zhang Han was just a passerby, but actually, that wasn't the case!    


It was as if when facing Zhang Han, she, who was normally calm and composed, would always be led away by Zhang Han. His words and actions indeed have some influence on Zi Yan.    


"Perhaps it's because of Mengmeng ?"    


Zi Yan sighed in her heart.    


This was the only way to convince herself -- Zhang Han was Mengmeng's father, which was why she treated him differently.    


"This is not love."    


The love in Zi Yan's heart was not like this. No matter which woman, she would have a perfect Prince Charming in her heart.    


In her mind, Prince Charming was more inclined to be a multi-talented person. He was relaxed, refined, virtuous, talented, and had a decent appearance.    


It should not be a destitute young master like Zhang Han, who had a bad temper and didn't even approve of her acting career, and what kind of words he said?    


'The celebrities on the screen are just people who can easily be hired! '    


What was this? Zi Yan got angry when she thought about it, especially the words that guy said 'If you want to stay in this chaotic entertainment circle, it's impossible for me to be with you!' when they were arguing.    


Please, have I said I was going to be with you? Who likes a man with bad temper?    


Zhang Han's figure floated past Zi Yan's mind. When Zi Yan thought of those words, a nameless fire suddenly rose up in her heart!    


"Sister ? Sister Yan? Sister Yan? "    


Zhou Fei called out a few times before Zi Yan finally reacted.    


"Huh?" Zi Yan was stunned.    


"What are you thinking? We have arrived at the company! " Zhou Fei said speechlessly.    


"Oh, then let's go up." Zi Yan's said.    


Don't think about that guy any more. Go to work!    




As the sun gradually rose, people began to leave their homes one after another, either for a busy or leisurely day.    


As for Zhang Han, he had been sitting under the Thunder Sun Tree for a whole day.    


It wasn't until the sky gradually darkened that Zhang Han took all the energy for himself, turning it into a little dreg of an Aura Cultivating Stage cultivator.    


During this day, the iron-clad dog ran back and forth a few rounds around the area which was like the square, strolling in the various regions as it ate the Meat Team Grass that had just grown. And it also circled around the dog kennels, its tail wagging excitedly.    


Under the Thunder Sun Tree, when Zhang Han opened his eyes, a sharp glint flashed across his eyes.    


As he stood up, cracking sounds could be heard coming from the bone all over his body. At this moment, he had been reborn!    


Although he was only in the Aura Cultivating Stage, Zhang Han's strength was still close to a thousand pounds, and could not be underestimated. Even when using spiritual energy, his speed would be very fast, and he could instantly defeat any famous sprinter or runner.    


Despite his strength, Zhang Han would never show himself. Well, keep being low-key -- it was boring to compete with the weak for victory!    


"Woof woof woof ?"    


Suddenly, a burst of dog barking could be heard.    


Zhang Han narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice,    


"What little thing is barking in front of a cultivator?"    


Turning his head, he saw that the iron-clad golden dog that had tried to save him was barking loudly.    


"Hur hur, so it's you!" Zhang Han smiled faintly.    


He actually knew it was a dog before. His words just now were just a joke to celebrate his 'initial cultivation'.    


"Woof woof."    


The iron-clad dog walked up to Zhang Han's feet, flattering him.    


Zhang Han looked at the dog, thought for a moment, and shook his head. "That's fine. You have been kind to me and you are destined for me. From now on, you will be my housekeeper, watching over my home."    


Zhang Han's words had determined that this dog would become a great beast in the future.    


"I didn't expect you are the first one that can use the Pure Yang Water." Zhang Han shook his head and touched the Thunder Sun Tree. Suddenly, his eyes glazed over and he burst out in laughter, "You dog, your luck is really good!"    


After a day, the Thunder Sun Tree would fall into silence, meaning that it would not release any more energy. But 'would' meant that it was not over yet!    


"It looks like I'll have to spend some resources."    


Zhang Han took a deep breath and pressed his hands against the Thunder Sun Tree, continuously gathering the spiritual energy within the tree.    



Suddenly, a string of crystal white water droplets floated out of the trunk of the Thunder Yang Tree. The water droplets were like a necklace and floated onto the forehead of the iron-clad dog. They immediately turned into specks of starlight and sank into its forehead.    


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