Godly Stay-Home Dad



0At that moment, everyone's mood was a bit downcast. After all, it was too sudden for them to hear this news.    


People like Ah Hu, Xiao Meng, San Lang, Xiao Ma and the others all had red eyes, but they did not say anything. The core members of the core already knew that Zhao Feng was a spy in the police force.    


They didn't really accept the news when they first heard it, but when they thought about how much Zhao Feng had treated them well over the past few years, the awkwardness in their hearts slowly dissipated. It didn't matter if he was from the police or some other force, they were still big brother Feng after all, not their status.    


But after hearing what Zhao Feng said, they became silent. The reason the big brother Feng came was to bring Tang Zhan down, but now that Tang Zhan was dead, the big brother Feng did not have any concerns, so it was understandable for them to want to live a normal life, it was just that ? Deep in their hearts, they still hoped that Zhao Feng could stay and lead everyone down the mountain.    


"big brother Feng! You're right, even if you leave, you will still be my big brother Feng and we will still be brothers. I will dry this bottle of wine! " Ah Hu's eyes turned red, he immediately picked up the bottle of wine, and started blowing on it.    


Gurgle gurgle ?    


He finished a bottle of wine in a few gulps. Although the alcohol content was good, the fast drinking at the empty stomach also made his head spin.    


"Good, you're good enough!"    


Zhao Feng laughed out loud, happily picked up a bottle, and blew all of it.    


"big brother Feng, originally, it was a disgraceful turn to toast, but today, we brothers are going to disgrace ourselves, and bully you. Hah, this bottle of wine, I will dry it!" Saburo picked up a bottle and finished it.    


"Today, I'll drink a bunch of all of you, so don't you all fall before me!" Zhao Feng laughed and drank a bottle of wine.    


"big brother Feng!" Little Meng did not have much to say, so he could only yell and drink a bottle of wine.    


"Come!" Zhao Feng followed closely behind with a bottle.    


"big brother Feng, no matter what, you will be a big brother in the future. You have good words to say!" Xiao Ma picked up a bottle of wine, said something and drank it all in one gulp.    


"F * ck!" Zhao Feng drank another bottle.    


"big brother Feng ?"    


Immediately after, the other people on the table began toasting the toasts one by one.    


After drinking it for a round, Zhao Feng drank a total of 12 bottles of beer.    


If it was the past, Zhao Feng would be confused by drinking all these. But now, his body had been improved, and after drinking all this, he could actually only feel a little bit of it.    


However, it was not like Ah Hu and the rest wanted to drink to death. After a round, they all prepared to eat some food first, planning to start a new round of drinking after a while.    


However, just when he moved his chopsticks ?    


A clapping sound came from the front door of the restaurant.    




Everyone looked over and saw a group of more than twenty people walking in.    


Among them, the one leading them was the one who usually had a good relationship with Zhao Feng, and the one clapping was also Gu Chen.    


"It's quite lively!" Lunatic, why didn't you call me for your farewell banquet? Did you not treat me, Gu Chen, as a friend? " Gu Chen said as he walked in.    


"Brother Chen."    


"Brother Chen."    


Walking up to them, Ah Hu and the rest all nodded their heads in greeting.    


As for Zhao Feng, he took out two bottles of wine and handed one bottle to Gu Chen: "Let's do it first, before talking."    


"Hahaha ?" Gu Chen laughed, and in the end, the wine bottle touched Zhao Feng's wine bottle, and the two of them drank it all in one gulp.    


"Come, Brother Chen, sit over here." Ah Hu hurriedly gave his seat up for Gu Chen to sit on. At the same time, he waved his hand towards the waiters, who were standing far away from him with expressions of cowardice, and shouted, "We will find a place to sit at a few good tables of wine and food. Let's drink together today."    


The 20 odd people followed them and found two tables to sit at. Ah Hu treated them very well, from front to back.    


"Madman." Gu Chen muttered to himself as he looked at Zhao Feng seriously, and said: "Are you really part of the police?"    


"I'll be a free man from now on." Zhao Feng slowly replied.    


"That's good." Gu Chen nodded his head, and said: "Madman, in truth, I think you can think about it. You know that if people enter the martial arts world, it won't be that simple to leave, why don't you join hands with me, and defeat Southern region together?"    


"Forget about me." Zhao Feng shook his head slightly.    


"Don't be in such a hurry to refuse, go back and think before you answer me." Gu Chen laughed and patted Zhao Feng's arm, at the same time, he raised a cup of wine in his right hand, and touched Zhao Feng with it, and said: "Your identity as a spy has already been spread out, some people do not care, but some people do.    


"What do I, Zhao Feng, want to do, it's not their turn to criticize." Zhao Feng laughed lightly, his eyes full of disdain.    


Lao Biao, Meng Wu and the others were not Zhao Feng's match in the first place, let alone the fact that Zhao Feng's physical fitness had increased by that much.    


"No matter what, I came here today because of you. When Lao Biao and the others come, you and I will be together. Gu Chen took another sip of the wine, his expression equally calm. Although Lao Biao, Meng Wu and the rest were also top characters, they were all bold and unscheming, not being able to become great people.    


Being discovered by Tang Zhan after being a spy for several years, ordinary people did not have this kind of patience and wisdom.    


Since Zhao Feng said that he would be a free man in the future, then it would mean that he would no longer be part of the police force. Just based on this alone, Gu Chen wanted to pull Zhao Feng over to his side to buy more goods. Lao Biao, Meng Wu and the others joined forces.    


Under the urgent operation of the kitchen, the other two tables were quickly filled with dishes.    


They worked twice as efficiently as usual. There was nothing they could do about it. The anxious manager kept urging them from the side, and they also knew that the group of people outside were not to be trifled with.    


Just as the dishes were served, another group of uninvited people arrived at the entrance.    


There were about 16 or 17 people in a row and there were very few people. However, people clearly noticed that the golden cups in front of the parking lot had just stopped. There was no doubt that the number of people in those cars was definitely more than the total number of people present.    


Amongst this group of people, the ones in the lead were Lao Biao, Meng Wu and another man around forty years old wearing a chinese tunic suit.    


Lao Biao and Meng Wu, as well as the other two big brothers, had a total of four people, led by Lao Biao and Meng Wu. However, the two of them stood slightly behind each other, allowing the forty middle-aged man to walk at the front.    


"There are a lot of people here, is there anyone else? Hehe, looks like you all are sending off lunatics? "    


Walking up to it, Meng Wu took a step forward and said in a strange tone.    



"Mad dog, f * ck you. Are you trying to retreat?!" Have you asked me about Lao Biao? " Lao Biao scolded.    


"I'm asking you MB!" Ah Hu stood up suddenly and glared at him. He pulled out a foot long short blade from his waist with his right hand and stabbed it into the table, he said coldly: "Where the f * ck are you from? What are you screaming for? Do you believe that I won't kill you with a single slash? "    


"Hmm?" Lao Biao's face sank, his dark and fierce gaze looked at Ah Hu, and then looked at Zhao Feng, and coldly said: "Mad dog, are you sure you don't understand? "I don't mind having a corpse in front of your door tomorrow morning!"    


"What did you say?"    


"Courting death?"    


Nearly eighty of Zhao Feng's subordinates slapped the table and stood up, pointing at Lao Biao as they scolded him.    


"Enough." Zhao Feng frowned slightly. Raising his palm, many of his subordinates stopped their cursing, and then, Zhao Feng stood up and walked two steps forward. Because of the difference in height, he overlooked Lao Biao, and said with a cold voice.    


"Today, if the few of you have anything to say, please state it; I, Zhao Feng, will accept it all."    


"Good, you have guts!" Lao Biao opened his eyes wide, looked at Zhao Feng, and laughed out loud. He then pointed to the man dressed in the middle mountain and said: As long as you fight with him, regardless of whether you win or lose, we will let you retreat in peace. If you don't agree, I think the brothers outside will all ?    


"I agree."    


Before Lao Biao could finish speaking, Zhao Feng nodded and agreed.    


At this moment, the eyes of the entire audience were focused on the man in the Chinese tunic suit.    


With a crew cut, thick eyebrows, and small eyes, he looked ordinary, but everyone knew that people who could get Lao Biao and the others to ask for help, were definitely not ordinary. Thinking about it here, everyone started to worry about Zhao Feng.    


On the other hand, Gu Chen was frowning slightly as he scrutinized the man in the middle mountain attire. He looked slightly familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before, but when he thought about it carefully, he could not remember where.    


Seeing that Zhao Feng had agreed, Lao Biao laughed out loud and clapped his hands: "Then let's just directly here. Come, come, let's give them a seat."    


While talking, Lao Biao took his people and retreated to the side, forming a half circle, making the two people who were about to fight stand in the center.    


Zhao Feng also looked at the man a few times, but the man did not seem to have any interest in him, he did not even raise his eyes, completely ignoring Zhao Feng.    


"Oh right, I forgot to tell you all. Everyone has heard of this mister, he is..." As he spoke till here, Lao Biao's face was filled with a cold smile. After he stretched his voice, three words calmly came out of his mouth: "Kuang Xingtian!"    


When these three words left his mouth, the entire audience fell into a deathly silence, followed by the sound of people sucking in cold air.    




"How is this possible!"    


"It's him! Heavens! It's actually him! How could he be here? That's impossible!"    


"What should we do? He has appeared, what about big brother Feng? "    


The crowd fell into a clamor as they discussed amongst themselves. Everyone's expression changed, and their eyes were filled with shock.    


It was the same for Gu Chen. He could even feel his expression becoming stiff, and his heart gradually cooled down.    


'To think that it would be Kuang Xingtian...    


Kuang Xingtian's name resounded like a thunderclap in the ears of the south island. He was once the trump card of the south island's overlord, Tian Hao.    


Gu Chen knew more than everyone else that he was a martial arts practitioner. He was proficient in Inch Fist, Scattering Fist, Thai Fist, Grappler, Taekwondo, and so on.    


Although Taekwondo is a black belt, but he can kill other black belts in one move.    


Gold League jackal0214,    


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