Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Zhao Feng thought about it for a bit, but he didn't really understand the reason behind it. After all, he didn't get any evidence related to Tang Zhan.    


However ?    


Facing the scorpion's provocation, Zhao Feng's gaze turned completely cold.    


"Zhao Feng, I do not care who you were before, but in this Forever Harmony Association, even if you are a dragon you still have to lie down for me, and even if you are a tiger you have to sleep for me. "Let me tell you, as long as I, Scorpion, am here, you will never be able to rise again!" The corner of Scorpion's mouth rose into a sneer as he spoke with a tone of ridicule.    


"Oh? Do you want to try it? " Zhao Feng raised his eyebrows, and stared at the scorpion with cold eyes.    


"Are you worthy?" The scorpion said with a smile that didn't quite reach its eyes.    


In that moment, the subordinates behind Zhao Feng and the subordinates behind Scorpion all retreated a few steps. They all felt that their big brother was about to fight with.    


Sure enough.    


In the next moment, Zhao Feng's right hand suddenly moved, the palm became a fist, with unstoppable force, it flew straight at the scorpion's face.    


A cold light flashed in the scorpion's eyes and its expression was extremely calm. It turned its head to the left and dodged the incoming fist.    


However, Zhao Feng's fist drew an arc, and struck towards the scorpion's face from the side.    


The scorpion quickly crouched down, and at the same time threw a downward hook punch towards Zhao Feng's chest. This punch was filled with the scorpion's power, if it was hit, it would probably make him faint.    


However, Zhao Feng was not a soft persimmon after all. He retreated half a step, and at the same time, punched out with his left hand.    


Face to face?    


A cold glint flashed in Scorpion's eyes as it increased its strength.    




A muffled sound rang out, and Zhao Feng's body retreated two steps, while Scorpion's body retreated two and a half steps.    


In this direct battle, Zhao Feng had the slight advantage.    


The two of them looked at each other, then they charged at each other again.    


They began to fight on hands and knees in the room.    


Scorpion was indeed a character. In the first three minutes, he and Zhao Feng fought on equal footing, fighting back to forth between punches and kicks.    


But slowly, Zhao Feng's fists became even sharper, using one crafty move after another, causing the scorpion to feel weak and slowly retreat.    


This also caused Scorpion to be a little shocked in its heart. A few months ago, he had fought with Zhao Feng once.    


Could it be ? He was actually hiding his strength?    


Scorpion retreated a few steps back. In front of a large crowd, he was suppressed by Zhao Feng, so what about his face?    


Hence, a trace of ruthlessness flashed through the scorpion's eyes. It mustered all of its strength to launch a series of fatal punches and kicks, causing Zhao Feng to slow down his first round of attacks.    


With the scorpion's fierce attack, it charged towards Zhao Feng, causing Zhao Feng to retreat slowly.    


The fight between the two had left the lackeys unable to take their eyes off of it. They could only shake their heads and exclaim in shock.    


"As expected of Brother Scorpion, his moves are fierce."    


"Brother Scorpion is the society's number one expert."    


"But Madman is also pretty strong, he's even able to fight with Scorpion bro."    


On the other side, Zhao Feng's subordinates said:    


"big brother Feng's skills are as amazing as ever."    


"This is a battle between experts, but the Scorpion Man is too sinister, he is not as magnanimous as the big brother Feng."    


"That's right, although the big brother Feng is ruthless, he has his principles."    




Everyone's eyes were fixated on the two people fighting, but their mouths were muttering softly.    


Zhao Feng's faction and the scorpion's faction had always hated each other, and it wasn't just Zhao Feng either. There were also many other people in the society who hated the Scorpion Branch, because they did all sorts of evil deeds, and had no bottom line in doing things, and were evil to the bones. However, because their actions were extreme and brought many benefits to the society, Tang Zhan allowed the Scorpion to develop freely.    


On the battlefield, the two of them fought ferociously. After a few minutes of intense fighting, the consumption of energy was extremely high. Gradually, the scorpion felt that its energy was running out, but Zhao Feng was still as strong as before.    


He couldn't help but be shocked on the inside.    


It had to be said that during the previous fight, he could clearly feel that Zhao Feng's fighting strength was close to his, and his physical strength was slightly weaker than his, so why was his physical strength so powerful this time?    


The scorpion knew that if it continued to fight like this, it would lose.    


Thus, taking advantage of the time it took for Zhao Feng to sweep his leg over, the scorpion used its hand to touch the back of its waist without leaving a trace.    


His left shoulder blocked Zhao Feng's attack.    




The scorpion's body wanted to take two steps to the side, but Zhao Feng seized the opportunity to continue attacking and punched towards the scorpion's chest. However, at this time, the scorpion's right hand that was in front of it flashed with a cold light.    


Seeing that, Zhao Feng's pupils contracted, he anxiously retracted his fist, but his speed was still a bit too late.    




Zhao Feng felt the back of his hand go cold, and then started to bleed.    


He focused his gaze and saw that the scorpion was holding a awl in its right hand. The awl was glowing with a cold light.    


"F * ck you, you want to take out a weapon?"    



A man with short hair and short hair behind Zhao Feng glared, and upon seeing the situation, he became furious, and instantly retrieved a gun from his back. The black muzzle of the gun was pointed at the scorpion.    


Facing the muzzle of the gun, Scorpion was not afraid at all. She narrowed her eyes and looked at the man.    


He did not say anything, and his subordinates were not afraid of getting into trouble. A few of his trusted aides also pulled out their guns from their waists, pointed them at the yellow-haired man, and said angrily:    


"Put it down!"    


"F * ck you, who are you cursing at?"    


"Do you believe that I won't kill you?"    


Seeing them with their guns, Zhao Feng's other trusted aides also took out their guns, pointing them at each other, staring angrily at them. The scene had become extremely serious, and if anyone dared to shoot the first shot, then there would be a battle going on.    


"Madman, why aren't you managing your dog properly?" The scorpion sneered and said.    


"Today..." Zhao Feng casually received the bandages from his subordinates, and simply bandaged his hand. At the same time, he indifferently said: "If you don't give me an explanation, then stay behind."    


The calm words made everyone's heart turn cold. No one doubted that if the scorpion really did not explain, then this battle would truly start.    


"Explanation? "Hahaha, okay, then I'll tell you." Scorpion's face turned cold, stared at Zhao Feng and said: "You all know what happened to Xiao Yue, right? She stole something from the Master Tang, and now that the Master Tang wants to investigate, I will be responsible for it. But you, Zhao Feng, are the one who has the closest relationship with Xiao Yue, right? You said ? Is there any reason for me to look it up? "    


"Oh, then have you finished checking?" Zhao Feng's expression did not change as he started to think about more things.    


Xiao Yue took Tang Zhan's things?    


She would definitely tell him if she took it, but she didn't. Was it because she didn't have a chance, or because she didn't have a chance at all?    


Tang Zhan had specially sent out scorpions to check if they had found something, or if they were trying to test it out? Or was it for others to see?    


When he thought about it, Zhao Feng felt a headache coming. Not only did Tang Zhan have three advisors and intellect, his own intelligence was shockingly high as well. If Zhao Feng wanted to take him down, he felt that there was a lot of responsibility, and he didn't even know if he could accomplish it alone.    


After Scorpion heard this, she laughed coldly. She took two steps forward and patted Zhao Feng's shoulders a few times as she whispered into his ear:    


"Zhao Feng, Master Tang knows very well that the reason why I did not deal with you is only because you are more valuable than Xiao Yue. But let me warn you, I don't care what your purpose is, I will always keep an eye on you, if you are to slip up, then the next time will not be as simple as being injured. I want you to understand what I mean, hehe ?"    


At the end of his sentence, Scorpion laughed softly. The sound of it sent chills down one's spine.    


"I don't understand what the dog means." Zhao Feng said coldly: "Since you've finished your investigation, get out of my room."    


Scorpion's eyes turned cold and looked deeply into Zhao Feng's eyes. The corner of his mouth raised into a meaningful smile, and he walked towards the door, but stopped after a few steps. He said without turning his head:    


"Oh right, I have to remind you one thing. As a high ranking member of the society, going to and fro in a small restaurant all day long is a bit too disrespectful."    


After saying that, Scorpion walked out of the door without looking back. His subordinates glared at Zhao Feng's subordinates a few times as they walked past, then left in a hurry.    


"big brother Feng, he is going too far!"    


The yellow-haired man with a short hair came forward and said angrily: "This is obviously big brother Feng you aren't well liked in front of Master Tang."    


"That's right, does Tang Zhan want to suppress the big brother Feng's rise in power too quickly?"    


"Ha!" He started off with Tang Zhan, what about us? They were all born in the middle of the road, not by their 'mother', so how can they receive the same treatment? "    


"I think it would be better for us to establish our own sect. Following them would also be a form of grievance, big brother Feng, otherwise ?" One of the man with curly hair said sincerely.    


When his words left his mouth, the others felt moved. The big brother Feng was more righteous and reasonable, and was good to his people, but Tang Zhan was not like that. He was a true formidable person, and gave them a feeling of being companions with tigers and tigers.    


When Zhao Feng heard this, his brows twitched, and he said: "Don't speak nonsense, and don't let your thoughts run wild. Alright, go out if you have nothing else to do."    


After he said this, he silently walked into the study and stood by the window. Watching the scenery of the New Moon Bay, his mind was filled with one thing.    


He did not expect that this matter would almost involve the dining hall. He had indeed been going there too often recently, and helping to move around caught Tang Zhan's eye. It was likely that he had already noticed the dining hall.    


I'm afraid I can't go that often in the future. Although the boss is powerful, I can't bring him any trouble.    


Zhao Feng sighed deeply.    


"? ?"    


When returned to the New Moon Mountain, he carried the Mengmeng and left.    


The Da Hei and the Blacky started fighting, the Da Hei's power was great, but it only used 10% of its power, and the Blacky's teeth were extremely sharp, but it would not bite down, this kind of fighting technique was equivalent to playing around, it was able to scare the 30 odd dogs, they were all stunned.    


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