Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Ah ah ah ah!    




The dozen or so women in the room were so scared that they closed their eyes and cried out.    


Even Zhao Feng was so frightened that his entire body started trembling. He looked over and only heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhang Han had only hit the scorpion's ear and not its head.    


But then he smiled bitterly.    


Even if he did not kill, for him to beat up the scorpion like this and flatten Changsheng Nightclub, this was definitely a headache. Could Tang Zhan just sit there and do nothing?    


"This... "Boss ?" Zhao Feng shook his head and said, "Tang Zhan doesn't know how to..."    


"No need for that." Zhang Han gave the unconscious scorpion one last glance, then casually threw the gun onto the scorpion's chest, turned around and walked towards the door. He lightly nodded at Zhao Feng and said indifferently: "If he dares come here to take revenge, then let him come."    


With that, Zhang Han walked out.    


Zhao Feng laughed bitterly, he pondered for a moment, then called Tang Zhan:    


"Master Tang, the scorpion was crippled by someone, in Changsheng Nightclub ?"    


After making the call, Zhao Feng looked at Zhang Han's figure that was walking into the elevator and sighed.    


Things had already gotten to this point, Zhao Feng did not know what to do, since he was here, he had to give Tang Zhan a call and notify him, and not only could he not be too intimate with the boss, his every action was recorded on the monitor in the corridor. It would be troublesome if Tang Zhan saw it.    


"What should we do ?"    


Zhao Feng lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. His gaze was deep and his heart was a little messy.    


"Do we really have to think of a way to break into Tang Zhan's secret room?"    


Breaking into the secret room, this was a narrow escape, and did not want to try until the last moment. It was just that, if Tang Zhan really wanted to take action against the boss, Zhao Feng felt that he would not ignore him.    


From Zhao Feng's perspective, the current situation seemed to have reached an impasse, an impasse that left him with an incomparable headache.    


On the other side, when Zhang Han rode the elevator to the first floor, he headed out.    


The people at the reception desk, as well as the dozen or so guests and security guards were instantly dumbfounded.    


"What's going on?"    


"How is that possible? How could he come down? "    


"Brother Scorpion didn't touch him?"    


"Heavens, this is the first time that I've seen someone safely leave after causing trouble here."    




Everyone whispered to each other. They did not even dare to believe their eyes. They did not expect that the brothers on the seventh floor had all fallen.    


After exiting the nightclub, Zhang Han walked straight towards the direction of his car.    


At this time, Li Anna and the others were standing beside the Audi A6L, still having lingering fear in their hearts. It was just that on Li Anna's face, other than lingering fear, there was also worry and deep gratitude towards Zhang Han.    


"Anna, is he your boyfriend?"    


After standing downstairs for a while, Ma Cheng could not help but ask.    


"Who cares?" Li Anna said snappily.    


"Me." Ma Cheng sighed, and said: "I don't have any other intentions, I am also a bit worried for him, I never thought that he would be so particular, braving such a dangerous situation to go and save us, aiya ? I just want to know if he's your boyfriend. If he is, then I'll give up. "    


After Li Anna heard this, he wanted to say no, after all, the Big Brother Zhang Han already had children, but after hearing Ma Cheng's last sentence, Li Anna immediately nodded and said, "Yes."    


"Alright ?" Ma Cheng took a deep breath, looked at his watch, and said: "Then we'll wait for three more minutes. If he still hasn't come out, we'll call the police."    


"Coming, coming. He's coming." Liu Lu suddenly saw Zhang Han walking towards her.    


A few of them rushed over to welcome him, Li Anna was the most moved among them all, he moved the fastest and raised his arms as he ran over, as though he wanted to throw himself into their arms.    


But when she got close, Zhang Han moved to the side without leaving a trace, so Li Anna could not hug him.    


"Big Brother Zhang Han ?"    


Li Anna pursed his lips and said: "Thank you, Big Brother Zhang Han. If not for you, we, we..."    


While talking, Li Anna's eyes turned red.    


If Zhang Han had not arrived so quickly, then the consequences would have been unimaginable. At the same time, they did not expect that group of people would be so fierce, it was simply too cruel.    


"Yeah, big brother, thank you so much for today." horsetail girl said sincerely.    


"I'm sorry, my tone today is not good. I said something wrong. I'm sorry, I hope you, your excellency, will not remember this lowly person." Ma Cheng lowered his head in shame.    


"Big Brother, please don't take this to heart. I don't know if you have the time now, but we want to thank you." The curly haired man sent out his invitation.    


But Zhang Han merely gave them a bland look, and said: "I was just passing by, there's no need to thank me."    


After Zhang Han finished speaking, he immediately walked forward from the side.    


Ma Cheng and the others were shocked, they thought that Zhang Han saved them because he was angry at them, but they did not expect that he saved them along the way, including Li Anna. They did not expect that Zhang Han had only come to flatten this place because of Mengmeng's tears!    


Zhang Han walked to his own car, and when he saw that he was about to get on, Li Anna immediately ran over, and said: "Big Brother Zhang Han, can I take your car?"    




Zhang Han muttered to himself. He wanted to go to Eastern region, so he could bring her along with him.    


Li Anna's face lit up, she sat in Zhang Han's car, looking at her expression, she knew that even if Ma Cheng was driving a luxury car worth millions, she would definitely choose this Panda that looked like it was worth tens of thousands of dollars.    



After getting on the carriage, Ma Cheng and the others were still standing at the same place, staring at the panda cart s that were slowly walking further and further away.    


"Just what kind of ruthless person is he!?" There were more than 20 people lying in the corridor. It was unknown whether they were dead or alive. This was truly ? "Too powerful." The curly haired man exclaimed.    


Yeah, I was looking down on him when he drove the panda cart, but I really looked down on him. He must be a man with a lot of stories." Ma Cheng said in a slightly absent-minded manner.    


"Anna is looking for a real dragon." Liu Lu's eyes lit up.    


For them, this day was definitely something they would never forget for the rest of their lives.    


On the panda cart.    


Once Li Anna got on the carriage, his expression was a little bashful. She kept sneaking peeks at Zhang Han, and after a while, she finally couldn't hold it in and said:    


"Big Brother Zhang Han, how did you know we were caught?"    


"I don't know." Zhang Han casually replied.    


"That ? that ?" Li Anna's expression froze and he stuttered, unable to say anything. In her heart, she felt that Zhang Han fought for her sake, but at the same time, she believed that Zhang Han was not the type of person who would lie.    


"I was looking for that scorpion or something." Zhang Han looked at her and said.    


"Oh." Li Anna's head fell to the ground and he pursed his lips without saying a word, looking like he was a little disappointed.    


"However, if I knew that you were captured, I would interfere due to your relationship with Li." Zhang Han said again.    


Li Anna laughed heartily at these words. She said with a smile: "Thank you, Big Brother Zhang Han."    




"? ?"    


Half an hour after Zhang Han left the Changsheng Nightclub, a group of more than ten black carriages speedily arrived. The car in the center was a Rolls-Royce Phantom, and in front of the Phantom Shadow were two Bentleys.    


When the carriage was travelling along the road, it attracted the attention of many people on both sides of the street, but most of their gazes were directed towards the entrance of Changsheng Nightclub. There were a total of five ambulances bustling with activity, and from afar, one could see many people being carried out hastily.    


"Damn, what kind of big shot's convoy is this?"    


"Shh, lower your voice. Can you see that Rolls-Royce in the middle? That is the carriage of Forever Harmony Association's elder brother, Master Tang. Normally, Master Tang wouldn't bring so many people along when they go out, but with such a huge army, could something have happened? " A more knowledgeable man in the crowd said.    


"Is there even a need to say it? "No one is blind. Look at the ambulance over there, I saw more than 20 people being carried out. I think something big is happening at night!"    


"Forever Harmony Association, f * * k, that is an incredible big shot!" But... How could someone from his territory cause such a ruckus? "Terrifying."    


Amidst the discussions, the carriage stopped in front of the Changsheng Nightclub.    


Very quickly, Tang Zhan got out of the Rolls Royce that was sitting in the middle of the carriage. Five men with extraordinary demeanor got down from the two cars behind him.    


While the rest of the Mercedes-Benz off were Tang Zhan's guards, they were all wearing loose black suits, and their expressions were cold and grim.    


Tang Zhan took the lead and walked towards the nightclub. At this moment, his usually smiling face had turned grave, and his eyebrows were furrowed slightly.    


After the group entered the nightclub, whether it was the guests or passersby, all of them tensed up. It was because this atmosphere was too scary.    


However, Tang Zhan and the rest did not care about him and went straight up to the seventh floor.    


"Master Tang." After Zhao Feng saw this, he lightly tapped his forehead and said.    


"Where's the Scorpion Man?" Tang Zhan said in a serious tone.    


Those who knew him well knew that he was already angry.    


"Inside." Zhao Feng responded as he led the way towards Hall One.    


The group of nearly twenty people walked in large strides to Hall 1. When they saw the scene inside, everyone's faces changed slightly.    


Besides the scorpions, there were five other people waiting for the paramedics to carry them away.    


"How bad is your injury?" Tang Zhan said in a deep voice as he looked at the scorpion body that was extremely distorted.    


"There are a total of forty-eight injured people, of which thirty-six have comminuted fractures of their arms and elbows, eleven have comminuted fractures of their knees and elbows, and the scorpion ?" His four limbs and bones were all fractured. His left hand was pierced, and his two ears were smashed by a gun. He was afraid that ? I can only live in bed from now on. " Zhao Feng answered in detail.    


When these words came out, the expression of everyone present, including Tang Zhan's guards, changed drastically.    


"Who did it?" Tang Zhan's face flashed with a trace of ferocity.    


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