Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"This ? how did you all come here?" The captain dejectedly asked before looking up at the trees with a bitter smile.    


Walking between the trees?    


He did not take into account this factor. In his eyes, this was also a bit strange. This was because even though they were walking between trees, there was still a lot of noise coming from them. This person's skill was truly quite strong.    


The next moment, the captain waved his hands towards his teammates, preparing to leave the forest.    


However, when he turned his head back, the scene that greeted his eyes caused him to be stunned.    


The group consisted of more than fifty people striding in large strides, most of whom were holding guns and some of whom were holding tree sticks.    


What were they going to do?    


The squad leader was somewhat puzzled, but he soon understood.    


Because ?    




With a single command, this group of people ran over like a pack of wolves and tigers.    


Bang bang bang ?    






"Don't hit my face."    




In the middle of the room's arena, a one-sided battle was taking place.    


"This is too much!" Instructor Hong slammed the table and angrily said: "Instructor, can you explain it? What are they doing? Abuse of others? This is an undisguised insult, as if I've never won before! "    


In his opinion, this was a one-sided fight between dozens of warriors who were proficient in fighting in the jungle. You could win, but you still did such a thing after winning, which made him a little angry.    


"Eh?" Ren Fei stood up and said: "You can't afford to lose, right? Chief Executive Liu, why don't you give your judgment? There are rules in the team battles that forbid the prisoners of war from being whipped? " Ren Fei asked loudly.    


This time, without waiting for Chief Executive Liu's reply, Leading Cadre Chen spoke first:    


"Without these rules, don't say that they are being whipped. If it was a real battlefield, they would already be dead. So, Instructor Hong, do you still have any questions?"    




Instructor Hong's face paled as he replied in a weak voice, "No."    


Then he sat down, sulking.    


This scene was not surprising to the other higher-ups. Where there were people, there would be strife, and the army could not avoid it.    


and the lecturer had always been competing, and their sharp subordinates, Dragon Eagle and wolf head, had always competed for a higher level, so they had always been opposing each other.    


Sometimes, if they were to use this tit for tat against each other well, it would also become a type of motivation to move forward. For example, in the ancient era, they would allow their subordinates to view each other with hostility.    


Although there were some small fluctuations on the stage, it did not attract anyone's attention. This was because at this moment, the entire arena was already in an uproar.    


They were all discussing the shocking battle just now, thinking that the speed, concealment and thinking of the wolf head's troops were worth learning.    


Five minutes later.    


Zhao Feng and the rest walked in from the door.    


As soon as they entered the stage, everyone, including the crowd of higher-ups on the stage, looked over in unison. Their eyes were filled with curiosity, amazement, and other emotions.    


"Cough, cough!"    


Seeing this, Xiao Wu's face became serious, revealing a very proud expression. He stretched out his right hand to adjust the collar of his clothes, and in the crowd that was walking casually, he started walking.    


Bba Bba Bba, one after another, it finally attracted some attention.    


When Zhao Feng and the rest returned to their seats, the Instructor Liu who was in a good mood stood up and walked to the front, grinning from ear to ear.    


It was the best he had felt in nearly two years.    


"You all did well!" Instructor Liu gave Zhao Feng and the others a thumbs up, then took the lead to clap.    


For the first three seconds, he was the only one clapping.    


But slowly, Chief Executive Liu, Leading Cadre Chen, Ren Fei and the other higher ups on stage all started to clap, in the end, other than a few people, the rest all started to clap to express their admiration for him.    


The applause lasted for half a minute, and only gradually stopped after the base instructor waved his hand.    


"Alright, let's talk about the evaluation. The two heads will be the first to comment on it." The base's instructor said.    


With that said, everyone's gaze simultaneously gathered on the two heads.    


Not bad, not bad, let me see something new. The situation on the battlefield is unpredictable, and I need to make perfect use of the surrounding environment. In short, for this team battle, the wolf head's army has made my eyes light up, I will give twenty points. Leading Cadre Chen clapped his hands as he spoke.    


Although the Cloud Spirit Army was of the Chief Executive Liu bloodline, although he was competing, he still valued this kind of fighting strength more.    


Obviously, the performance of Ah Hu and the others had conquered him, and he had thought about it in the long run. He could see that these people were all warriors, and with this group of people, they would all become the king of their armies in a few years time.    


It was just that he did not know that Zhao Feng and the rest were just there to torture them.    


After he finished speaking, the Chief Executive Liu laughed, looked at Zhao Feng and the rest, and said meaningfully: "Your performance is extremely dazzling, the country needs people like you, so I will give you twenty points for this team battle."    


"Alright, both heads, forty percent. Wolf's Head Branch's victory is sixty percent. Adding the thirty three points from before, there is a total of one hundred thirty-three points. Dragon Eagle Branch Team was unable to kill the enemy. This time, the score in the team was 0, a total of 79 points. " The base's instructor said.    


As he spoke, there was a trace of astonishment in his eyes.    


He was too busy being shocked just a moment ago, but now he realised, the score of the wolf head's army was already reversed, while the's branch which was known as the number one position, had almost been reserved for the last position.    


This was simply an earth-shattering reversal, and the unexpected had been too terrifying.    


Not only the base's instructor, but the others had also fallen into an uproar. Clearly, they were all very surprised by this turn of events.    


"Sigh, from today onwards, I'll have to bid farewell to the first tier." Instructor Liu said as he looked at the ashen faced Tai Ruitian.    






Tai Ruitian suddenly slammed the table and stood up, he then kicked the table in front of him until it shattered into pieces, and bellowed at Instructor Liu:    


"I refuse to accept this!"    


"The victor is the king and the loser is the thief. You have no choice but to accept this!" Instructor Liu's face darkened, he stood up and said coldly.    


At this moment, the commotion suddenly died down, replaced by silence. The two heads were still on the stage, yet they still dared to cause a ruckus.    


Seeing that, the base instructor frowned. Just as he was about to reprimand them, he saw Tai Ruitian turn around and look at the two chiefs, and emotionally shouted:    


"Reporting, Sir, Instructor Liu wanted to win the team battle, so he went out to look for helpers yesterday. I presume that the officials realized that, how could these people be Wolf's Head Branch's men? He could be considered to have cheated. This was not fair! If this is okay, can everyone go out and find helpers? "    


With this said, the entire audience once again burst into an uproar. Even the upper echelons on the stage were stunned.    


"That's right!" Instructor Hong's eyes lit up, he stood up and said, "If we all seek the help of outsiders, then what is the point of this team battle? I suggest that this kind of behavior must be severely punished! "    


"This ?"    


Ren Fei's expression changed slightly.    


Instructor Liu's face, on the other hand, had a hint of anger. He never thought that Tai Ruitian would actually play something like this.    


Everyone looked at the two leaders. Would they go into a rage, or would they become small because of the relationship between the Instructor Liu and the leader?    


Under everyone's gazes, Leading Cadre Chen's expression slightly lightened up. He stared at Instructor Liu and slowly asked:    


"Instructor Liu, let me ask you, are they helpers that you specially brought from the outside?"    


"I ?" Just as he was about to admit it, Zhao Feng stepped forward.    


"Don't try to find excuses when you lose!"    


Zhao Feng stood up and took a few steps forward, then stood at Instructor Liu's side. Looking at the stage, he clasped his legs together and gave a military salute.    


"Cloud Soul Special Forces Number One Wolf's Head Branch Zhao Feng, Greetings to Chief!"    


This couldn't help but cause Leading Cadre Chen to be slightly startled, as he was a little confused about the situation.    


As for Chief Executive Liu, who had not said anything all this while, the corner of his mouth revealed a trace of a smile.    


He opened his eyes wide and said: "Reporting, Chief, Zhao Feng is an outstanding individual in my Wolf's Head Branch four years ago. I have arranged for him to carry out secret missions from the back, and the others are all non-staff members led by Zhao Feng. If someone does not believe me, you can go and investigate."    


This scene caused everyone to be shocked once again. It also caused Leading Cadre Chen to pause for a moment. He slowly shook his head, and did not intend to ask any further questions.    


Silence fell upon the field once again. Seeing this, the base instructor directly said, "Those who have already finished their group battles, sit down. The next group battle ?"    


"I don't believe it!"    


At this time, Tai Ruitian shouted. He stared at Instructor Liu and said: "You must be up to something. I don't care about you now, and I don't care if they are your people.    


"Are you f * cking done yet?" Instructor Liu was a little infuriated.    


He pointed at Tai Ruitian, and just as he was about to speak, Zhao Feng walked in front of him, coldly looked at Tai Ruitian, and said: "You want to fight Instructor Liu, have you asked me?"    


"What are you?" Is there a place for you to interrupt? " Tai Ruitian's eyes turned cold as he stared at Zhao Feng and said.    


As he spoke, his muscles tensed up. If Zhao Feng dared to interrupt again, he would teach him a lesson.    


However, what surprised him the most was that ?    


Although Zhao Feng did not say anything, he moved his body and rushed towards Su Yun.    


"You're courting death!"    


Tai Ruitian moved his body to meet it head on.    


This caused the crowd's expression to change. They didn't expect that they would be able to fight in such an occasion.    


Although Tai Ruitian will not admit defeat, but with his strength, if one of your subordinates were to go up and fight, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage?    


However, the scene that followed nearly made the eyeballs of hundreds of people present pop out.    


The two of them were very fast. They only needed three seconds to arrive at their destination.    


Zhao Feng first raised his right leg, and then horizontally swept across.    


Tai Ruitian's gaze turned cold, he turned around, gathered all his strength in his right leg and raised it to meet the attack.    




The two legs kicked against each other, emitting a dull sound that shook one's heart.    


With a single move, his legs immediately separated.    


Zhao Feng turned around and raised his right leg to kick again.    


But Tai Ruitian's right leg was slightly numb. His pupils shrank as an idea floated up in his mind:    


dark force!    


The other party being a dark force practitioner was somewhat out of his expectations, but he was not a soft persimmon either. He moved his body, once again raising his right leg to meet the attack.    




After one move, Zhao Feng half turned, his left leg kicking out, Tai Ruitian immediately raised up his left leg that was made of hard steel!    


But the initiative was firmly grasped by Zhao Feng.    


His left leg swept out, his right leg struck out repeatedly. In the short ten seconds, Zhao Feng had kicked out fifteen times, but Tai Ruitian continued to block.    


Just when he was secretly astonished by Zhao Feng's strength.    


The next moment!    


Zhao Feng's move suddenly changed. The tip of his left foot pointed upwards, and his body moved forward horizontally as his right leg kicked down at an unimaginable angle.    


This was the first time he had launched an attack using the Greater Dark Demon Shadow.    


The effect was obvious, Tai Ruitian frantically stretched out his arms to block, but his arms could not stop his thighs.    


Zhao Feng's foot descended, breaking the defense of Tai Ruitian's arm, and landed right on top of his head.    


Weng! *    


Tai Ruitian's vision turned black, his ears started to buzz, his eyes started to shine like stars, he had already been kicked senseless.    


This was also because his arm had blocked 70% of the force, otherwise, this attack would have been enough to make him faint.    


Just at this time, Zhao Feng's right foot moved, stepping on the ground, he leaped up, and his fists continued to hit Tai Ruitian's chest.    


Bang bang bang bang!    


After smashing four punches consecutively, Tai Ruitian's body was pushed back. Zhao Feng retracted his fist, raised his right leg and fiercely kicked out, sending Tai Ruitian's entire body flying backwards, falling to the ground ten meters away. He wanted to stand up, but he couldn't for a moment.    


At that moment, the entire process took no more than thirty seconds. It was enough to stun everyone.    


There was silence on the field for a long time.    


"Too awesome!"    


Suddenly, Instructor Liu lost his composure and roared, bringing everyone back to reality.    


"Awesome, Xiao Feng!" Instructor Liu excitedly walked to Zhao Feng's side, patted his back, looked at Tai Ruitian, and laughed: "Fuck, even my soldiers can't beat you, so f * cking arrogant, you f * cker."    


Instructor Liu was so excited that he had almost forgotten himself. He did not know that there were many higher-ups on the stage, and there were even some who said 'Who am I? "Where am I?" He was completely dumbfounded.    


When even the Chief Executive Liu saw this, the corners of his mouth slightly trembled. He did not let the Instructor Liu speak anymore and directly opened his mouth:    


If you don't obey the rules, then you have no sense of discipline. If you lose, then you lose, and I think it's already a foregone conclusion that the end of the Dragon Eagle is going to happen, so eliminating the first tier is also a punishment. Go back and arrange for the etiquette instructors.    


"Yes sir!" Seeing that, the Instructor Hong hurriedly stood up and replied.    


Therefore, he hurriedly instructed the people from the Dragon Eagle, saying: "Why aren't you bringing Instructor Tai down to rest yet?"    


Hearing that, all of his subordinates rushed forward to help Tai Ruitian out, leaving in a sorry state.    


During this time, Zhao Feng seemed to have become an existence surrounded by stars, and everyone's gaze was fixated on him.    


Being able to defeat Tai Ruitian in just a few moves, it was clear how strong he was!    


The farce ended with the departure of Dragon Eagle and the rest.    


This sudden turn of events was really unbearable for everyone. It also caused everyone to be bored by the final match.    


The battle only lasted for an hour before it ended. The victorious side had seventeen people left, and both sides had points. Unexpectedly, the seven points from the first round of the first position of the Dragon Eagle Branch Team became the last place after the battle.    


At three in the afternoon, the group battle ended. The two heads gave a brief review before leaving.    


Seeing that he had made Zhao Feng and the rest wait, the Instructor Liu quickly chased after him and whispered a few words into his ear. Finally, after the Chief Executive Liu nodded his head, the Instructor Liu ran back with excitement.    


"Done!" Go! "Hurry up and leave."    


"You're coming with us?" Zhao Feng asked with a grin.    


"Nonsense, I'm going to discuss that matter with Mr. Zhang. My uncle has already agreed to it, haha." Instructor Liu explained, then patted Zhao Feng's shoulders and said: "You're too awesome, you really gave me, me, too much face."    


"Eh, Instructor, you've already said that you were too awesome for an hour. Are you tired?" Zhao Feng laughed helplessly, but in his heart, he was extremely happy.    


"If I'm not tired, I'm going to die." Instructor Liu laughed and said: "Quickly, we will board the plane, I can't wait to see Mr. Zhang."    


"Instructor." Seeing that, Zhao Feng hesitated, and said: "I think you better not give him too much hope, my boss is not an ordinary person, he might not agree."    


"I have you, right? Help me talk on the side. If you agree, then I'll remember your meritorious service." The Instructor Liu said.    


"Instructor, memorizing skills is useless. I can't be considered a part of the team anymore." Zhao Feng laughed as he shook his head.    


"Why not? Your file has been restored, and you still want my help with this, right? " Instructor Liu glared at him.    


"This ?" Zhao Feng's expression froze for a moment, but in his heart he was a little helpless. Back then, when he went to Shang Jing, he needed this identity, but now, if he didn't say whether or not he needed it, he wouldn't be able to come back!    


"Haha, I was just teasing you." Instructor Liu saw and said: My uncle already knew about your situation, anyway, he also told me that you had retained your military records, but we will not assign you any missions or anything, just like you are an unofficial staff member, put up an official name for you.    


"That works." Zhao Feng nodded his head as he heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that his instructor was serious after all.    


"Alright, let's hurry back. This time, I have a seventy percent chance of getting Mr. Zhang to agree to it!" Instructor Liu's tone was somewhat urgent.    


This made Zhao Feng a little suspicious, and after thinking for a little, he felt that the Chief Executive Liu had given him some kind of rich condition.    



Instructor Liu and Zhao Feng walked to the helipad under the gazes of the branch team members.    


Just as he was about to board the plane, Instructor Liu's gaze inadvertently glanced behind him, when he suddenly realised that Little Wu and the others were following him, and he curiously asked:    


"Eh? Why did you guys follow me? "    


"Ah?" Don't we have to go back to the base as well? " Little Wu was stunned for a moment before he replied.    


"Return to the base?" "Go to the side, this isn't a plane heading to the base, you got on the wrong plane." Instructor Liu waved his hand.    


"Then what are you doing, Instructor?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.    


"What the f * * k do you want to ask about a special level secret mission?" "Get lost! Get lost!" Instructor Liu waved his hand disdainfully.    


"Alright, I'll get lost." Xiao Wu grinned and led the others to another plane.    


When everyone was seated, the plane left. During this time, Instructor Liu would give Zhao Feng a big thumbs up from time to time, and say: "Too awesome!"    


With regards to the worth of Zhao Feng's martial arts, he was truly pleasantly surprised. He also didn't expect the outcome today to be so perfect.    


Roughly an hour later, the group arrived at the south island military camp. A group of more than ten Hummer had arrived and were headed towards the New Moon Bay.    


Ah Hu and the others returned to the Feng Ming nightclub, while Instructor Liu and Zhao Feng drove back to the Mengmeng's casual restaurant.    


The car arrived at the dining room at around four-thirty. Before entering the room, Instructor Liu tidied up his clothes and walked in. He saw Zhang Han and Mengmeng drawing on a drawing board on the sofa.    


"Aiya, Baba, did you draw incorrectly again!? Look at Mengmeng. "    


"Un, take a look. Is my painting good?"    


"Eh? The Mengmeng painting was that beautiful? "He's even stronger than father." Zhang Han showed a surprised and praising expression.    


Hehe, the Mengmeng is also powerful. Heh heh, the smelly Auntie Fifi is still calling the Mengmeng stupid, that's not it.    


"She's the one who's a big idiot. Our Mengmeng is much stronger than her." Zhang Han said as he nodded his head in deep thought.    


"Hehe, that's not it either. Auntie Fifi is not that stupid." Mengmeng pouted and said.    


At this time, Zhao Feng and Instructor Liu also walked forward.    


"Boss, I'm back." Zhao Feng whispered.    


"Yes." Zhang Han turned his head to take a look, and lightly tapped his forehead.    


Instructor Liu, on the other hand, was a little nervous. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stretched out his neck like a tortoise. With his eyes and mouth wide open, he spat out a word after a long while.    


"Big bro ~"    


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