Godly Stay-Home Dad



0A minute later, the two teams were fully armed and ready to go.    


One of the Thunder Tigers got on a helicopter and prepared to enter from the other side of the jungle.    


Both units would enter the jungle from the east and the west, heading for the middle, giving orders to attack.    


In the past, there would be a target point in the middle of the jungle team battles, and the first to obtain victory was the target, but this time, it was a pure bloody battle. In the past, there would be a target point in the middle of the jungle team battles, where the first to obtain victory was the target, but this time, it was a pure bloody battle.    


Thus, although the chief instructor didn't say it, it was still an unwritten rule. The instructors of each branch would issue out instructions.    


Soon, when both sides were ready, a signal flare was launched into the air and issued a sound. This was the signal flare where the battle began.    


Through the camera, he could see the two teams quickly entering the arena with guns in hand. Each of them was in charge of directing the proceedings.    


The guns that each of them had were not real. They were equipment that could be used to simulate training.    


Everyone had a small green light on their shoulders. The camouflage uniform had attack areas on it, plus a helmet and goggles. If the bullet hit a vital area, the green light would turn red, meaning that the person had been killed.    


It was just like a higher level real life CS.    


Seeing both parties enter the forest and being commanded to keep moving forward, the atmosphere in the room became tense.    


"He looks really cool." Ah Hu said to Xu Yong who was beside him in a low voice.    


"That's right. They are all men who have silently sacrificed themselves for the people. They are worthy of respect." Xu Yong said with a little sigh: "Now that I think about it, back then when I was working under Tang Zhan, I really wasted my life, and wanted to live meaningfully. I am glad that I chose big brother Feng."    


"You're right." Lao Meng shook his head, and said: "This is our chance to live. At the time, I've already seized all the people who chose big brother Feng, but I didn't choose any of them.    


With these words, Lao Meng sighed for the other trusted subordinates of the big brother Feng.    


"What's wrong with that, when the time comes and those brothers don't want to stay, big brother Feng will not refuse, right?" Ah Hu said with some doubt.    


"Just because they won't reject us doesn't mean that they will join us." Xu Yong shook his head: "At first, when we were on the same side, it was not really the same, but looking at big brother Feng's intention at the time, it was very clear that if he wanted to train us, the next batch might not have one, and even if it did, it would be a lot late. In short, the meaning is different, let's not talk about this first, and just watch and see."    




Ah Hu nodded, and looked at the projection on the stage very seriously.    


The people on this side were discussing in low voices. The other squads were much quieter and did not whisper to each other, because they were used to this kind of training. Furthermore, there were so many examinees sitting at the back, so they would not do such a thing.    


On stage, Chief Executive Liu and Leading Cadre Chen were watching every screen very carefully.    


The other higher-ups did not say a word, but were all chief instructor s from the ten units.    


The chief instructor that belongs to Dragon Eagle glanced at Ren Fei and spoke without leaving a trace of his words, "Instructor, you remember the last time you said that our Dragon Eagle Branch have no rules, but now it seems that the one that has no rules is wolf head, right? "Sitting around without sitting down and talking in groups of three or five as if you were resting at home has really broadened my horizons."    


After Ren Fei heard this, he looked around and found that it was in the area of the wolf head.    


The level five squad members sat straight and did not say a word. They were all looking at the screen and the others.    


Ah Hu sat with his limbs spread out, not caring about the formation, leaning on Xu Yong's side, and would occasionally chat and fart. Lao Meng's legs were stretched long, his right leg rested on his left leg, his hands supporting the ground behind his back, as he watched the screen shaking his head.    


At the front, there were even people lying on their teammates' legs with their legs crossed. There were even a few people huddled together, talking and laughing.    


The scene was very beautiful, causing Ren Fei's eyelids to tremble.    


Although he felt helpless, he did not lose out. He looked at Dragon Eagle and sneered, then turned and said loudly: "Chief Executive Liu, Instructor Hong said that my men do not follow the rules. I want to ask the chief if we are taking their assessment right now. Can't you just sit a little casually? "    


His words immediately attracted the attention of the people sitting on the chairs on the stage. The other instructors could not help but laugh.    


Forget about the grudge between Tai Ruitian and Instructor Liu, just Ren Fei and Instructor Hong itself had a little dispute.    


Chief Executive Liu was around fifty years old with short hair. The hair on the side of his forehead was white, and his square face gave off a righteous aura. After hearing what was said, he looked in the direction of the Wolf's Head Branch and said, "Alright."    


"Instructor Hong, do you have any other questions?" Ren Fei asked loudly.    


This caused Instructor Hong's face to turn red, he wanted to say something but was unable to utter a word.    


"Although there are no hard requirements, but ?" At this time, Leading Cadre Chen opened his mouth. He looked at Chief Executive Liu and said with a smile, "A soldier must have the appearance of a soldier."    


With this said, the atmosphere on the stage turned tense. The two bosses were going against each other, so they didn't dare to interrupt at all.    


"Hur Hur Hur Hur." Chief Executive Liu squinted his eyes slightly, and said: "I remember during the war, when I led the troops, the atmosphere was very serious during the break period. I wanted to make them relax, but after winning the battle, we could celebrate each other without saying anything, right on their faces. Their voices were loud, and they were all cheering loudly, all of them were doing well, but when I thought about it, my blood was boiling, but they were too old to let go of their age."    


Chief Executive Liu did not say anything about wolf head's current situation, but everyone present clearly understood what he meant.    


A soldier who could defeat an enemy was a good soldier.    


The times back then were not easy. He shook his head and laughed, and said: "What Big Brother Liu said is right, those who can protect their own country, are all good people. Don't look at how angry they are right now, this will definitely be a beautiful memory in the future."    


The two of them said a few words, then turned to look at the screen again.    


They had a peaceful look on their faces, but the people below were different.    


Instructor Hong opened his eyes wide, staring at Ren Fei with killing intent.    


Seeing that, Ren Fei did not show any sign of fear, and stared back.    


Just like that, the two of them did not even blink, as if electricity could be emitted from their eyes as they engaged in a tug of war.    


If you stare for a little while, your eyes will feel sore.    


Gradually, their eyes turned red.    


This made the surrounding chief instructor extremely funny.    


The two of them could also compete with their eyes.    


Fortunately, just as the two of them were about to collapse from the pressure, several soft cries rang out in the atmosphere.    





Instructor Hong glared at him fiercely before he turned his head to look at the screen.    


Ren Fei was the same, after blinking his eyes a few times, he calmed down, and then looked at the screen, where Lei Hu and Xing Hai were fighting with each other.    


On the other side, many of the higher ranking military officers gasped in admiration as they continued to record some things.    


The 60 people were split into 11 squads, with 10 of them in the middle. There were five squads on each side and five squads on each side.    


The battle line was long, but no matter which side they fought, the other teams would be able to quickly support them.    


Galaxy was moving in a V shape, with one person every few meters. It was a covering style of propulsion.    


On the screen, the two teams began clashing. They both used cover to attack each other.    


Both sides continued to shift formation, advancing and retreating. As time went on, the number of people on both sides continued to decrease.    


The intensity of the scene was like a movie being put on.    


After fighting for nearly an hour, the Thunder Tiger finally won the match.    


About ten minutes later, the two troops returned to the field and sat down.    


Lei Hu's face was full of joy, and Galaxy was a bit dejected.    


"The first team battle, Thunder Tiger Branch's victory, please give your comments, two heads." The base's instructor said.    


"Very good." Leading Cadre Chen clapped his hands, and said: "You are all elites, your tactics and actions are very good, your execution ability is good. As for the score, I will give you ten points."    


"Ten." Chief Executive Liu clapped his hands and smiled.    


The two of them did not give a perfect score because, like the previous years, the Thunder Tiger was powerful, but like before, it did not show any breakthroughs, so it only gave half of its points.    


Thunder Tiger's instructor was very satisfied with this score. He remembered that the previous scoring system was full with 100 points. Almost all the officers gave him 60 points. Nothing new could not move him.    


"Thunder Tiger Branch has 68 points, plus 60 points, 20 points, a total of 148 points." Thunder Tiger Branch has 68 points, add up 60 points, and a total of 20 points, a total of 148 points. The base's instructor said.    


However, they were not worried, because even if the score was low, it was impossible for it to be the lowest. In their eyes, Wolf's Head Branch had already reserved for the last place seat.    


After the recording staff member memorized, the base instructor continued: "The next team battle, by..."    


The second group battle began.    


"? ?"    


At 12: 40 PM, the three fights finished.    


In the end, Lei Hu's 148th point was still far in the lead.    


"It's finally our turn." Instructor Hong glanced at Ren Fei, and said with a sneer: "Us seventy-nine points, will at least get us eighty points, and one hundred fifty-nine will steadily get us first. Unfortunately, some people's teams can only get under thirty points, and adding them together, it won't even be enough for a zero."    


They were ridiculing Ren Fei from the inside.    




Ren Fei did not say anything, his eyes filled with killing intent stared at her again.    


Seeing that, Instructor Hong immediately looked at the screen, as if he was ignoring him, while thinking that a MMP was going by in his mind.    


The two chief instructor s were doing their best here, let alone the instructors of the two squads.    


At this moment, Tai Ruitian stood up first, looked at Instructor Liu, and coldly said: "Trash instructors can only teach trash soldiers, in a while, I will let you experience the terror of Dragon Eagle."    


"F * ck off." Instructor Liu glared at him. He was still a little wary of his uncle behind him, so he didn't say much.    


Seeing that, Tai Ruitian clenched his teeth, walked to the front of the Dragon Eagle branch, and said: "Come with me!"    


"Brothers, let's go make some preparations as well." Instructor Liu walked over to Zhao Feng and the others and said.    


The two groups of people glared at each other. The atmosphere was extremely tense as they entered their respective war preparation rooms.    


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