Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Hearing that, Xu Yong's face tensed up, not to mention Zhao Feng's current strength.    


Even in the past, when he had this tone, it usually caused quite a stir!    


Where else did his lunatic get his nickname?    


Therefore, Xu Yong hurriedly answered: "I'll check right now, give me half an hour."    


"Alright." Zhao Feng replied and hung up.    


He took a deep breath and let it out in a long breath to ease his irritation. His expression returned to normal as he walked back to the round table and sat down.    


The slight fluctuation in the written challenge only affected the mood of the crowd for a few minutes.    


At first, they were furious, but when they recalled that this competition was a one-sided battle, they were overjoyed.    


They were all trying to come up with ideas on how to punish that arrogant fellow.    


After speaking for less than two minutes, Mengmeng became lively again. He wanted to continue singing in the middle of the noise, but Zi Yan didn't agree to it.    


Mengmeng had already sung five songs, one at a time was too much for her throat.    


So Zi Yan made Zhang Han play a? Night Piano?, where everyone enjoyed their free time.    


At the same time, New Moon Bay, An He Street, Bay Courtyard.    


In front of the small district's entrance, Sun Dongheng's McLaren was parked quietly.    


Looking at the environment of the small district, Lu Yin sighed with emotion, "This small district seems to be very high-end, there are eight upper echelons, with such a far distance separating them. There are so many greenery, so the price should be pretty high right?"    


The higher ups should be around three to four thousand metres per square meter. I'm not very clear about the specifics, but the mountain mansion area is where the abundant nail is located, with a price of more than a million metres per square meter. My father's previous company was developing rather slowly, that's why he bought the higher ups when buying houses. Sun Dongheng said calmly.    


"So expensive!" Lu Yin stuck out his tongue, grinned and said: "With my current savings, I can't even afford to buy a small bathroom."    


"Haha, it has always been like this here, other districts' house prices are also expensive, the Xiangjiang's land resources are too little, so every inch of land is too expensive, if they arrive, let's get off the car and walk over together." Sun Dongheng said as he looked at the rearview mirror.    




Lu Yin and Sun Dongheng got off the carriage.    


A black Buick came slowly from behind, the one Stone had asked for.    


The car was parked at the side of the road, and Rock, Little Fatty, and Little Mei got out.    


"Let's go get the car first. I've rented a villa these few days. We'll go over for a midnight snack later." Sun Dongheng said with a smile.    


Walking to the door, Zhang Xuan used the key to open the door, and the few of them walked in.    


Sun Dongheng thought for a moment and said: "Since we are already there, then why don't we sit at my place for a while before leaving?"    


"Sure!" Lu Yin replied with a smile, he was also a little curious about Sun Dongheng's home, and did not know what it looked like.    


Thus, everyone went upstairs. There were a total of thirty-two floors while Sun Dongheng's home was on the twenty-second floor.    


Taking out their keys, they opened the door and walked in. The few of them sighed in admiration.    


"Wah!" Your home is so big! " Lu Yin's eyes lit up.    


The first thing he saw was a large living room.    


The living room was rectangular, with a semicircular window at the end.    


There were many decorations in the living room: sofa, tea table, TV, TV cabinet, background wall, two wooden shelves with lots of entertainment on them. There were also a few potted plants and other random decorations in the room, which made the living room seem rich but not messy.    


"Wear these slippers." Sun Dongheng took out five pairs of disposable slippers from the side.    


After changing, Lu Yin and the others walked a few rounds around the living room, looking at the scenery of the New Moon Bay from the window, intoxicating everyone.    


"So beautiful, so beautiful." Little Fatty sighed repeatedly.    


"When the sun rises and the sun sets, it's even better." Sun Dongheng said with a smile.    


"How many square meters is your family?" Lu Yin asked curiously.    


"One hundred and seventy square meters, two guards in three rooms. Let me show you around." So, Sun Dongheng brought everyone to explore the room: "This is my bedroom, there's a private bathroom, and this is my parents' bedroom, and there's an empty bedroom, and this is the kitchen, and the dining room is inside."    


The dining hall was on the north side of the room, and through the window, one could see the scenery of New Moon Bay's city.    


"Do you see that tall building?" Sun Dongheng pointed to the building's glass exterior as he said: "This building is the CBD Building from before. I heard that it was recently sold out, the villa I rented is on a small hill nearby, the location is not bad, and there is a separate swimming pool. I'll call my little buddy over later to play? "    


"Sure, the more the merrier. Brother Dong, are you asking the two beauties to play together?" I haven't seen what a young man looks like since I was a kid. " The dark stone took the opportunity to say.    


"Eh? STONE: What do you mean? You were protecting us, so why are you still thinking about being a newbie? " Xiao Mei patted on his arm and stared at Sun Dongheng. She smiled, revealing a bit of her buck teeth, she said, "Brother Dong, is there a handsome guy? It's fine to call them two handsome guys! "    


"Huh?" Sun Dongheng's expression stiffened, and said: "You sure are good at playing!"    


"I'm joking, I'm joking." Rock grinned.    


"As long as you like the liveliness, then I'll call my friends over later. Oh right, what kind of red wine do you like?" My dad has a few bottles of treasured liquor. " Sun Dongheng asked generously.    


"Anything." Lu Yin replied.    


"Then I'll take a few bottles of Lafite." Sun Dongheng said casually: "Let's go to the living room for a while, I want to take some fruits."    


Everyone went into the living room. Sun Dongheng took some fruits and placed them on the tea table.    


"Brother Dong, why don't you start the live broadcast at noon tomorrow?" Lu Yin asked as he received the oranges from Sun Dongheng.    


"Yeah, I'll play in the villa tonight and get up tomorrow to do a live broadcast."    


Hearing that, Stone's expression changed, and he said: "I think it was pretty good when you were at home during the live broadcast, your house was decorated so well that you could stand at the window and watch the scenery, the area is so big, and everyone knows that the value is very high, this will improve your personality. After we go downstairs, get on that super sportscar, we will get on the other luxury car, go eat, and in the afternoon we will stroll on the beach, or go somewhere to play.    



"Is that so?" Sun Dongheng was stunned.    


"Listen to him." Lu Yin laughed and said: "He specially designed the travel routes, and later helped me design the routes for the live broadcast, as well as other things to take care of. He understood very well."    


"Oh, oh, is that so?" Sun Dongheng thought for a bit, and felt that his suggestion was not bad, and that he still had to clarify the matter of the live broadcast tonight, so he said: "Okay, then let's rest at my place today. The two ladies will be sleeping in my bedroom, Stone will be in the guest room, and I will sleep in my parents' room.    


"Listen to the host!" Lu Yin said with a smile.    


The group went downstairs, first they arrived at the underground car park, then they got on the Audi A8L. When they reached the entrance, Sun Dongheng and Lu Yin got on a sportscar, and took the lead as they drove towards a relatively good western restaurant.    


After driving for around 10 minutes or so, they finally reached their destination. The parking space in front of the restaurant was already full, so Sun Dongheng parked the car in the hotel's parking lot.    


Just as he got out of the car and walked towards the restaurant ?    


Suddenly, a group of five black Mercedes-Benz S600 parked not far away, and the sound of the door opening and closing rang out.    


About a dozen men in black suits came down.    


In the blink of an eye, he gave off the impression that he was an extraordinary person.    


Lu Yin and the others all looked over curiously.    


"Huh?" Sun Dongheng let out a light cry, took two steps forward, and loudly shouted: "Brother Hu!"    


"Hmm?" Ah Hu turned his head to look. Upon seeing that it was Sun Dongheng, he nodded.    


"What a coincidence, Brother Hu. I was just about to entertain my friends. Should we get together?" Sun Dongheng said with a smile.    


"No need, we have some work to do, you go ahead." Ah Hu replied as he led his people and hastily entered the hotel.    


"Brother Dong, Brother Dong, who are they?" It looks so scary! " Little Fatty hid behind Sun Dongheng and asked.    


She could be considered to have asked the other people's thoughts, and they were all looking at Sun Dongheng, waiting for an answer.    


"They?" Sun Dongheng thought for a while, then revealed a pompous smile on his face: It's my brothers, they used to be from the underground powers, and the upper echelons of the Forever Harmony Association's strongest power, the Forever Harmony Association, are all big brother level characters, but now they have started to do business, and one of our big brothers at the time was especially powerful, and it's not to brag about it, but rather, they are domineering in this Southern region! "So, I don't mind playing with you guys since you guys are here. In this place, your Dong-ge's words are quite useful!"    


"Yes, yes, yes!" "Dong-ge, you're amazing." Little Mei said repeatedly.    


"Brother Dong is awesome, mighty and domineering!" Stone gave Sun Dongheng a thumbs up.    


"Alright, alright, let's go eat first. When the time comes, I'll bring you guys to experience the world."    


Sun Dongheng casually waved his hand, and took the lead to walk towards the western dining hall.    


At the same time, in the Mengmeng's casual restaurant.    


Everyone moved to the side of the sofa and chatted.    


Zhao Feng sat on the chair beside the bed. After receiving a phone call, he got up and walked to Zhang Han's side and said: "Boss, I have some matters to take care of. I will be going back first."    




Zhao Feng stood up and got on the black Land-Rover, and when he stepped on the gas pedal, his face sank.    


They drove very fast and arrived at the location in five minutes.    


After parking the car in front of the hotel, Zhao Feng walked in.    


At this time, Ah Hu, Xu Yong and the others were sitting in the resting area on the side of the counter.    


"Zhang Hongbo is at this hotel. He had booked a room with a girl he had raised.    


"Yes." Zhao Feng nodded his head, and directly walked to the counter, took out his black identity card from his pocket, and shined it in front of him. He said coldly: "Find out which room Zhang Hongbo is in!"    


"Yes, yes, sir. Please wait a moment." The staff member took a careful look and was given a shock!    


Special forces?    


She quickly called over the manager, who looked up Zhang Hongbo's room number without saying a word after seeing his ID card.    


"Number three on the twenty-seventh floor." the manager replied.    


"Bring us up." Zhao Feng said plainly.    


"Alright." The manager quickly responded and led the way to the elevator.    


The group of about ten people got onto the two elevators and arrived at the 27th hour. The manager opened the door with his back-up card.    


As they walked in, it seemed as if everyone could already hear the sounds of breathing coming from the main bedroom.    


What are they doing?    


It goes without saying.    


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