Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Seeing that Zhang Han was about to leave, Qiao Luoluo slightly frowned his brows and said:    


"Didn't you say you would give me two minutes? "It seems like only twenty seconds have passed."    


"Oh, I don't want to hear anything now." Zhang Han immediately turned around.    


"Is that so? You're so cold and ruthless right now. " Qiao Luoluo's gaze was playful, but a cold smile still hung on the corners of his mouth as he calmly watched Zhang Han walk out.    


One step, two steps ?    


When he reached the fifth step.    


Ring ?    


Zhang Han's phone rang.    


The sneer on Qiao Luoluo's face grew wider as he picked up his bag and prepared to leave.    


Hearing the phone call, Zhang Han stopped in his tracks, took out his phone to look, it was Zi Yan who called.    


He directly picked up the phone, but before he could speak, Zi Yan's voice came out of the phone. Only, this time, there was a hint of grievance, disappointment, sadness, and a hint of sadness in her tone.    


"Where are you?"    




Zhang Han was startled, he felt that Zi Yan's emotions were very, very bad.    


"Where are you?" A voice that sounded like it was about to cry came over.    


"I just left for an interview, what's wrong with you, I ?"    


Zhang Han had not even finished speaking when Qiao Luoluo walked past him with light footsteps. He held his phone, pretended to send a message, and said with a tender and gentle voice:    


"Darling, I'm here."    


With that, she put away her phone and left.    


Zhang Han continued to say something, and the call ended.    


This strangeness caused Zhang Han to frown. He looked at the back of Qiao Luoluo as he walked out of the drinks store, and felt a trace of conspiracy.    


It was just that his current thoughts were with Zi Yan. Just as he was about to call her back, his WeChat rang.    


Opening it to take a look, it was a text message sent by Zi Yan:    


Send me the location!    


Send me the location!    


Send me the location!    


"? ?"    


"What's the matter with you? Shall I call you? " Zhang Han sent a voice message.    


But Zi Yan still recovered:    


I want you to send the location, send the location right now!    


Seeing that, Zhang Han finally sent over his coordinates.    


Then, he sent another message:    


"Did something happen?" The phone calls? "    


After he finished, Zhang Han immediately dialed Zi Yan's number, but...    


"Sorry, the number you have dialed is turned off, solry ?"    


That ice-cold reply caused Zhang Han's heart to sink.    


He quickly went down the stairs and headed straight back to the dining hall after getting on the panda cart.    


He tried to call Zi Yan multiple times, but all the notifications were all off. When he reached the entrance of the restaurant, Zhang Han did not get off the car, but called Zhou Fei first, but no one picked up after dialing three times.    


At this time, Zhang Han already felt that something was wrong.    


He dialed Zhao Feng's number, and this time, it rang for a few times.    


But, after listening to Zhao Feng's words.    


"What did you say?"    


Zhang Han's pupils gradually shrank.    


"? ?"    


Half an hour ago.    


Zi Yan and the rest were resting at the farmhouse at the foot of the Red Maple Mountain. They started the shot at 6 in the morning and arrived here at 2 in the afternoon.    


The farmyard had two rows of very clean houses, like a mountain villa.    


Zi Yan and Zhou Fei were in the bedroom of the same house. Zhou Fei was lying on the bed, Zi Yan was sitting on a rocking chair, and the others were resting in the pavilion in the courtyard.    


The mission this time was not short of money, so the rest and treatment were naturally very generous.    


At this time, Zi Yan was lying on the rocking chair, holding his phone and reading Weibo on it.    


His fans, who were paying attention to the 20 million yuan, felt a little happy and hummed a song in a muffled voice:    


"Drip, drip, drip, drip ?"    




Suddenly, a series of notifications sounded.    


Zi Yan was startled, and opened the first message: "I want you to know who I am, I just want to say ? He's as strong as ever. "    


A picture is attached below.    


A picture that could be seen from the hotel's romantic room, with the curtains drawn very tightly, the room was a little dim, and a faint pink light could be seen clearly. Qiao Luoluo was leaning on the bed, undressed, and from the reflection of the bed, he could see a man holding a photo of a mobile phone. However, this man's face could not be seen clearly, but his body and the shape of his face looked very similar to Zhang Han's.    


At the bottom of the photo, there was another sentence: If you have the guts, keep reading.    


'Is this person sick? '    


Zi Yan was furious, wasn't this purely to disgust him?    


He clicked on the second message.    


It was a photo of the outside of the hotel, and inside the photo was Zhang Han's back as he walked in, there was a ? That panda cart.    


In the bottom left corner, there was a time watermark: October 2, 14: 38: 33.    


The logo didn't show the year, as if it had been taken from an original photograph.    


Seeing this photo, Zi Yan frowned.    


He went to this place called Ru Xin Hotel? What did he do?    


He continued browsing down.    


There were also two pictures of Zhang Han getting off the car, and the rest of the photos were taken as rooms in the hotel.    


14: 46: 51, inside the dark room. He saw Zhang Han taking off her clothes with her head down.    


14: 47: 32, photo is the ground, there are many scattered clothes.    


"? ?"    


There were more than a dozen pictures.    


Zi Yan didn't even look at one of the photos, and his face turned uglier. Seeing the last photos, Zi Yan felt extremely uneasy. There were a whole series of pictures, as if Zhang Han had specially gone over to get a room with her.    


'This must be a false.'    


"It must be a photo of P. "I don't want to believe it!"    


"It's impossible for Zhang Han."    


But then, there was a video message.    


The camera was aimed at the bedside and four feet could be seen. The originally normal video was followed by a low and urgent voice that made Zi Yan's heart tighten once again.    


"Darling, I missed you so much!"    




It was Zhang Han's voice!    




This was impossible!    


This must be a fake!    


Zi Yan's face turned pale, her heart was in panic, she looked at Zhou Fei who was lying on the bed playing with his phone, and said with a trembling voice:    


"Fei, Fei Fei, go, go call the art teacher."    


"Huh?" Zhou Fei turned her head and saw the pale Zi Yan. She was stunned and quickly sat up, asking with concern: "Elder Sister Yan, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well? "Is it because I'm too tired recently?"    


"Go get Teacher Beautician, quickly." Zi Yan said in a hurry.    


"Ah, alright." Zhou Fei thought that something urgent had happened so he hastily ran out to call for the beautiful arts teacher.    


The art teacher held a notebook and walked into the bedroom. Just as Zhou Fei entered, she was pushed out by Zi Yan with a forced smile on her face, telling her to wait for a while, after which the door to the bedroom closed.    


"Teacher, you... I'll send you three photos, and you tell me if it's a photo. "    


After posting the photos, the beauty teacher began to fiddle around with her computer.    


At this time, Zi Yan gradually held his breath.    


It had to be fake!    


It couldn't be true!    


The woman was trying to influence me with such a dirty trick.    


I won't be defeated by you, because all of this is fake!    


Under Zi Yan's gaze, the art teacher turned his head and laughed: "These pictures were not processed, they were all real, it was just edited from the original negative, there is a year for the watermark, but on these three photos, the year did not appear, it could be considered to be worse ?"    




As if struck by lightning in a clear sky, Zi Yan was stupefied on the spot.    


He didn't even hear what the art teacher said after that.    


It's real, it's real, the picture is real!    


Impossible, this is impossible!    


I'm going to call him!    


Zi Yan hurriedly took out her phone. Only now did she remember the beauty teacher sitting in front of her, her pale face did not reveal a smile, because she could no longer hold on to her smile.    


"Thank you. Teacher, please leave first. Help me close the door."    


"Alright." Looking at Zi Yan, the art teacher could not help but say, "Elder Sister Ziyan, if you're too tired, you should rest more."    


She turned and walked out, closing the door behind her.    


"What's going on? "What's the matter?" Zhou Fei hurriedly asked.    


"It's nothing, Elder Sister Ziyan told me to look at a few photos to see if it's P or not."    


"Oh, what picture?"    


"It's at the entrance, and in the hotel. There are only three of them, I'm not sure either."    


With that, the teacher smiled and left.    


"Photos? "Strange ?" Zhou Fei muttered somewhat suspiciously.    


At this time, Zhao Feng, Leng Yue and the other six people who were sitting on the other side of the hall were also looking at Zhou Fei.    


He was curious about why she was standing in front of the door, but he didn't think too much about it.    


At this time, in the bedroom.    


Zi Yan's face was pale and her eyes were red.    


"It's all fake. She lied, she lied ?"    


As he spoke, he deleted all the photos.    


After that, she quickly dialed Zhang Han's number.    


Listening to the busy signal, he was extremely anxious.    


Soon, the call connected. She asked with a wronged and tearful voice, "Where are you?"    


Yes, where are you?    


You must be in the dining room, right?    


Answer me you're in the dining room!    


Tell me you're in the dining room!    


However, when the tender voice said, "Darling, I'm here." After it had faintly entered his ears, Zi Yan's face became even paler.    


When he opened WeChat, when he saw the location message that Zhang Han had sent him, he saw the symbol of the Ru Xin Hotel.    




At this moment, it was as though something had shattered!    


It was her heart.    


Fake, fake, it's fake!    


Zi Yan didn't want to believe it. She blankly switched off her phone, afraid that the phone would ring, afraid that she would receive such a message.    


Zi Yan, who had received a call from Qiao Luoluo a few days ago, was still able to retaliate.    


It had collapsed.    


Tears dripped like money, and it felt like they had no soul.    


The pain in her heart nearly suffocated her.    


She staggered to the door and opened it a crack.    


With her crying voice, she said loudly:    


"I'm not bidding anymore."    


"I'm not bidding anymore!"    


"Return to Xiangjiang, I want to go back."    


"Hurry up and book the plane ticket, I want to go back!"    




The door was just closed and locked, and the faint sound of heartbreaking wails could be heard from within the room.    




Everyone in the hall turned pale with fright!    


Zhou Fei was stunned, she had never seen Elder Sister Yan cry like a child.    


Zhao Feng, Leng Yue and the rest all stood up quickly.    


"What's wrong? What happened? " Zhao Feng took three steps forward and ran to Zhou Fei's side.    


"I don't know either!" Zhou Fei's face was extremely anxious, he knocked on the door: Elder Sister Yan, Elder Sister Yan, open the door, what happened to you, Elder Sister Yan?    


However, the room fell into silence. Zhou Fei pressed his head against the door and heard the stifled crying sound, as if he was covering his mouth with a pillow. He even heard the sound of his own phone in his room repeatedly.    


"What's going on?" At this time, Leng Yue also became anxious, and said: "It was just fine a moment ago, but I was still in a good mood during dinner."    


"I, I, I don't know either. Right, Beautician, she just went in." Zhou Fei hurriedly said.    




Zhao Feng immediately jumped out and found Teacher Mei Gong. He anxiously asked: "What happened just now that you went in?"    


"Ah?" Elder Sister Ziyan wants me to see if the three pictures are P's or not ? "    


"What photo?" "What exactly is it?"    


Zhao Feng hurriedly asked.    


Listening to the details of the lesson, Zhao Feng's heart also sank.    


Could that man be his master?    


This made Zhao Feng feel powerless, it was a feeling of helplessness.    


At the same time, what happened inside also stunned Teacher Ma and the other members of the filming team. They didn't know what exactly happened, but they felt like something bad happened.    


Just then, Zhao Feng received a call from Zhang Han.    


After finishing the call, Zhao Feng rushed to the bedroom door and knocked:    


"Mistress, Master has called. He said those are all fake. Mistress, can you open the door first?"    


After knocking on the door for a while, there was no reply.    




The photos were real, the videos were real, the voices were real, the calls were real and the location was real.    


How could he still believe it now!    


Zi Yan really wanted her to believe that all of this was fake and she really wanted to believe in Zhang Han.    


The depth of his love was painful to the core, and that was the case.    


"Oaths, vows are all lies ?"    


Zi Yan seemed to have lost all of his motivation. He only wanted to return to the Xiangjiang, and carry the Mengmeng away from this sorrowful person!    


"? ?"    


When Zhang Han heard this news from Zhao Feng's mouth, his pupils constricted and his gaze turned cold.    




Previous ones? Or had he just been photographed in that place?    


It didn't seem like any of the pictures were that serious.    


What was going on? Was there something else?    


Zhang Han was caught a little unprepared, and did not know about the actual situation. He only asked Zhao Feng to arrange for the fastest plane to be returned.    


He would make it clear when he sees Zi Yan face to face.    


Zhang Han got off the car and returned to the dining hall. He was in a bad mood.    


Entering the dining hall, Liang Hao and the rest realised that the owner's face was not good.    


The truth was the same.    


He looked at the people in the dining hall, then looked at Xu Yong and waved his hand: "It's not open for business tonight."    


"Oh, okay." Xu Yong nodded, then walked to the door and wrote the news on the bulletin board.    


Liang Hao and Liang Mengqi looked at each other, feeling that something had happened.    


"Brother, what's the situation? You don't look too good, did you get bullied? " Zhang Li said with his eyes wide open.    


"No, it's your sister-in-law who ?" It seems like I've misunderstood something. " Zhang Han shook his head.    


He walked over to take a look at the Mengmeng and saw that the little fellow was enjoying watching the cartoon.    


He rubbed Mengmeng's little head and said softly, "Mengmeng, watch the TV for a while. Daddy will go upstairs to rest for a while."    


"Oh, okay." Mengmeng answered.    


Zhang Han walked toward the second floor.    


Liang Hao and Liang Mengqi took their leave after sitting for a few minutes. It was obvious that they would not be able to eat here tonight.    


During this time, Zhang Li went up the stairs and chatted a few times, but he did not manage to get any news.    


However, he would call Zhao Feng from time to time.    


He also knew about the news over there.    


He had already booked a plane ticket at ten in the morning. He would arrive at Xiangjiang at around two in the afternoon and would arrive at the dining hall at three in the afternoon.    


That night, Zhang Han only made dinner for a few people. After eating, Zhang Li and Luo Qing sat down until ten o'clock and left.    



As for Zhang Han, who had received the news from that side, he was also a little anxious in his heart.    


Zi Yan shut himself in the house all by himself, crying until his eyes were red and swollen. He didn't even think about eating, nor did he drink water.    


"I don't drink! I'm not thirsty! "    


Zi Yan looked at Zhao Feng, Leng Yue and the rest who were in the room, and cried out: "You guys get out, get out, get out, I want to be alone ?"    




Everyone quickly left, Zhou Fei thought for a while and remained in the room.    


He sat on the side of the bed and looked at Zi Yan with a pained expression. His eyes reddened slightly as he said, "Elder Sister Yan, what's wrong? Don't be sad anymore.    


Zi Yan pursed his lips and looked at Zhou Fei, then cried out: "I shouldn't have believed in him, I shouldn't have believed in love..."    


A day of torture passed.    


The next day, Zhang Han found out that Zi Yan's mood had improved a little and stopped crying. She was extremely haggard, just that her entire body had turned cold, like an iceberg.    


Zhang Han still could not get through to her phone, and even asked Zhao Feng to give her his number.    


At two in the afternoon, Zhang Li and Luo Qing sat on the sofa to watch TV with the Mengmeng.    


Zhang Han sat at the table beside the window and looked outside, as if he was waiting for Zi Yan's return.    


Liang Hao and Liang Mengqi, who were sitting at the back of the member's table, were also silent. From Zhao Feng, Liang Mengqi knew a little news and knew that the boss and the boss seemed to have met with a problem.    


"I'll go talk to him."    


Liang Hao thought for a while, then walked to the fridge, took out two cans of beer, and walked over.    


"Zi Yan and I knew each other since we were young. Actually, we were considered childhood friends. If it wasn't for me, I would have chased after her." Liang Hao said as he opened up the two cans of beer.    


Zhang Han drank his beer and looked at him, but did not say anything.    


Liang Hao was also stunned, he felt that it was not right to use words, and said: "It's not that I have problems, it's that... "Hmm."    


Liang Hao snorted, and said softly at the end: "Do you know about warriors?"    


"Yes." Zhang Han gently nodded his head.    


"You too?" Liang Hao asked again. Last time, he had felt a trace of someone similar to him, but his aura was erratic and he was not sure if that was true or not.    




Having received confirmation, Liang Hao laughed and said: "It's because I'm cultivating and can't break through before the force, so I missed it, but I don't regret it at all, because I just now felt that there was a difference even if I liked her."    


While speaking, he glanced at Zhang Li from the corner of his eyes, and felt that he liked girls like her more.    


"Zi Yan was also very outstanding when she was young. Oh right, when she was in primary school, she had her short hair all the time, making her look like a fake boy." Liang Hao said.    


"Is that so?" Zhang Han was finally a little interested, as if he had imagined this, and the corners of his mouth curled into a rare smile.    


"Yeah, I find it interesting just thinking about it..."    


He didn't know much about the interesting things that Liang Hao had told him when he was young, but hearing it all made Zhang Han's mood much better.    


"I really admire you, but I don't know much anyway, and emotions will inevitably change in life, and everything will pass. We martial artists are actually very open-minded, oh right, have you heard of the Master Zhang of New Moon Bay? He wholeheartedly sought for martial arts and used his profound rank to instantly kill a Heaven Ranked Ranker. A martial arts genius like him is highly respected. Actually, I feel that your life is more peaceful, and your martial arts ? The more powerful you are, the more problems and problems you will face. It's just a matter of a sentence. "    


As he spoke, Liang Hao gave Zhang Han an example.    


However, he did not know that he was boasting in front of Guan Gong.    


"Makes sense."    


Zhang Han replied perfunctorily, his gaze suddenly fixed on the outside of the dining hall.    


Zhou Fei got off from the driver seat and Zi Yan sat down from the back seat. Without waiting for Zhao Feng and the others, they directly walked towards the dining area.    


"I'm finally back!"    


Zhang Han stood up and walked over.    


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