Urban Magic Eye

C936 Fluid Production

C936 Fluid Production

0"134?" Lee Hao was very satisfied. This speed had exceeded his expectations.    


Setting up the formation for the warships was a complicated matter. Lee Hao estimated that it was already not bad to be able to complete 100 ships in a month. He did not expect Wei Qing to be more than a third of what he had expected. This ability was not simple.    


"Thank you for your hard work!" Lee Hao encouraged him.    




Wei Qing smiled honestly and said, "It's not hard to return to the city. I wonder when the city lord will use the warship. The remaining warships will be completed in a few days."    


"Eh? What's going on?" Lee Hao was curious. There were still 60 ships left. Even with the current efficiency, it would still take half a month, but Wei Qing said it would only take a few days.    


Wei Qing was not a person who spoke without thinking. Since he dared to say such words, it proved that he was confident.    


Wei Qing started to talk endlessly about how he set up the formation for the warship. When Lee Hao heard this, a strange expression appeared on his face.    


"City Lord, is there a problem with this?" Wei Qing asked nervously. He had acted on his own accord, thinking that this would be more efficient. If this affected the performance of the warship, he would die a hundred times over.    


"No problem!" Lee Hao asked, "Wei Qing, have you been to Desolation Land?"    


"Desolation Land? I have never been there before." Wei Qing was stunned for a moment and said, "This subordinate does not know where the Desolation Land is. If I have the chance, I would like to see it for myself."    


Two months ago, Wei Qing was still a mortal. He didn't know much about the Xianlin Mountain, let alone the Desolation Land.    


In the past two months, Wei Qing's cultivation base had improved at an incredible speed. Currently, he was already at the intermediate Qi Refining stage, but his knowledge was still stuck at the same place.    


The knowledge and experience mentioned here didn't refer to his cultivation base, but his understanding of the Spirit Realm. Wei Qing really did not have the time to dabble in this kind of knowledge. Right now, he wished that one second could be used as two seconds. Only in this way would he have enough time to complete the task given by Lee Hao.    


"If I haven't been to Desolation Land before, then it will be even more amazing!" Lee Hao had a whole new level of respect for Wei Qing. This kid was really smart.    


There was a reason why Lee Hao admired him. Wei Qing had just talked about the arrangement of the formation of the battleship. It was basically the assembly line work on Earth.    


The same person could only set up one formation at the same place. Not only was it more efficient, but the quality was also better. That was why he was able to complete the mission more efficiently.    


In the past, there was no such thing as running water in Spirit Realm. Basically, it was done by one person. Unless it was something special, no cultivator would be willing to cooperate with others.    


The mentality of a cultivator was very high, especially when they were fully focused on refining some kind of treasure. At this time, cultivators were exceptionally fragile. What if they were ambushed by their companions?    


Don't think that this kind of thing was rare. There were countless cases of people being attacked and robbed by their companions in the Spirit Realm.    


Even for some of the major powers with strict rules, it was common for their fellow disciples to be crippled.    


The Spirit Realm was different from the Desolation Land. Although there were all kinds of mysterious magic here, it was very difficult to find out the truth. After all, the enemy was also a cultivator. They knew how to deal with these things.    


Lee Hao had contributed a lot to Wei Qing's success. After all, the people he used were Lee Hao's lackeys. These people had no selfish motives and would only complete Lee Hao's mission.    


"How did you think of this method?" Lee Hao was still curious. The production method of the assembly line seemed simple, but it was the beginning of modern standards. There were many things involved.    


Although Spirit Realm did not involve the standardization of parts, it was rare for Wei Qing to think of such a method.    




Wei Qing laughed dryly, "This subordinate did not think of it!"    


"Not you? Then who is it?" Lee Hao was confused. Not many people knew about the secret of the battleship production. Could it be Wu Zimei?    


That was possible. After all, Wu Zimei had been to Immortal Lake Village. Although she had not been there for long, she might have gotten some information about it.    


"This subordinate thought of it based on the City Lord's method of producing the Spirit Stone Cannon." Wei Qing told the truth.    


The production of the warship and the Spirit Stone Cannon production were separate.    


In order to produce the Spirit Stone Cannon faster, Lee Hao made his henchmen use a method to complete one task per person. That was why he was able to produce a few hundred Spirit Stone Cannons in a few dozen days. Wei Qing had absorbed this experience. That was why he chose to use liquid form to produce warships.    


"So that's how it is!" Lee Hao suddenly understood. This was something he had overlooked. Lee Hao was in a hurry to return home from the production of this batch of warships, so he did not make detailed arrangements. He just made the model and handed it over to Wei Qing to complete the follow-up work.    


Reality proved that Lee Hao wasn't wrong. Wei Qing was a qualified person in charge. He was also a person in charge who was not rigid and knew how to be flexible.    


"That's right!" Lee Hao still praised him. Although Wei Qing had learned this from him, it was still very rare for Wei Qing to grasp this important point.    


Lee Hao said, "The liquid production model is the best production model. Not only can it increase efficiency, but the quality of this warship is also guaranteed. This method needs to be used for a long time."    


Currently, 200 warships were almost finished, but this did not mean that Lee Hao's henchmen would be idle. Not only could they not be free, but they also had a more serious mission.    


Refining at least 100,000 sets of armor and weapons!    


In the Spirit Realm, the cultivator army did not configure armor and weapons. They used magic treasures to fight enemies.    


However, Lee Hao had to prepare armor and weapons for the cultivators of the Ever Triumphant Army.    


In fact, it was not right to say that it was armor and weapons. The correct way to describe it was armor and combat weapons, which were the standard of the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.    


Battle armors and combat weapons were different from magic treasures. They could not be stored in the dantian to be nourished. Their power depended on the time when they were forged. The longer they were used, the more serious the damage would be.    


When one put it this way, it seemed that warframe and combat weapons were not as good as magical equipment. In fact, they were not. Warframe and combat weapons had many advantages compared to magical equipment.    


First of all, the power of warframe Combat Weapons of the same level was more than twice as powerful as magical equipment. Comparisons of combat weapons might not be straightforward, but they were more about armor and defensive magical equipment.    


As a low-rank magic treasure, when a low-rank magic treasure was fully activated, it could defend against the attack of a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator. However, battle armor could defend against the attack of a late Golden Core cultivator.    


This was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that a magic treasure trainer needed to use magic power, and a battle armor didn't need magic power. It only needed a cultivator to wear it.    


Just this point alone, the advantage of the armor was not something magic treasures could compare with.    


The armor was so outstanding, why was there no cultivator in Spirit Realm willing to wear it? There was a reason for that.    


The armor's defensive power was outstanding, but its weight was also shocking. An ordinary magic treasure grade armor weighed at least ten thousand jin. If it wasn't a body refining cultivator, they wouldn't be able to wear it.    


Of course, cultivators could use their power to support it, but that would use up their magic power at all times. Normally, it was fine, but once there was a big battle, it would be fatal.    


But body refining cultivators were different. They could easily lift ten thousand Jin of armor and ten thousand Jin of combat weapons without any burden on themselves.    



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